Avatar of Phase


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3 mos ago
Current Last night, I dreamed about a hedge maze from roleplayerguild.com/topics/…. At the center, there was a lost city.
1 like
3 mos ago
And, just as suddenly, my post:day ratio is now 2.
3 mos ago
And before I knew it, my post to day ratio had become larger than 1.
4 mos ago
Last night in my dream, I tried to summon a cupcake, but only the bottom part appeared. In the same dream, I caused two gods to fight making a house blow up.
4 mos ago
Tried to use AI to create an image of my character wearing my profile image as a mask. It didn’t go well.


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<Snipped quote by Phase>

Where are you trying to go, on a high, personal level? What’s your end destination?

*as we both hover in the sky, looks down at the river below.*
So, I don’t really know who or what I am, why the world is so weird with me. And if I meet more people like me, maybe I can answer some of the questions I’ve had.
And, other people with dimensional traveling ability? The journey along the way would be one heck of an adventure.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Sure, but most people you meet aren’t going to be interdimensional lunatics. But point taken.

Have you ever had an opportunity, that despite the dangers, you know you have to take. This is that for me. Just knowing more about myself makes it worth it.
Banned because you keep changing your profile picture every 13 hours.
In 3 Word Story 3 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Fruit salad platter
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Aren’t you worried the next person you meet might not be so amicable?

Isn’t that just any person’s life, really? I mean, when we met the first thing you did was point a gun at me. But here we are now. I don’t think I can just not try.
Banned for that random Fleur-de-lis
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Oh, friends? Finding a way to turn your ability off is going to be the best way to accomplish that. There are others like us but, well, have you ever heard the phrase “whatever’s out there probably just wants to eat you”?

I think I’ve got to give it my best shot anyways. How could I not, now that I’ve met you?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

I can tell you what I know. I can’t promise it’ll be satisfying. What do you want me to explain?

Where I could fit into it all, I guess. To be honest, I love the way my warped life is, but multiple times I’ve been shunted away from the people I made friends with. I was kinda hoping to find people who I won’t leave behind.
*I begin to slowly fly towards a idyllic river in the distance*

<Snipped quote by Phase>

I learned most of this as a young girl, but I haven’t done any of it in years. Maybe you’ll find something you didn’t know before.
*Holds out both of my hands, and bubbles that appear to contain entire landscapes in my palms ripple open one after another, creating stripes in the in front of us that each pass through a different dimension, first a desert, then a cityscape bustling with people, then an abandoned moon, followed by an arctic tundra, so on and so forth until reaching the horizon*

You seem to know a lot about people like us and this whole multiverse thing. Can you tell me more?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Is that something you want to do?

Traveling to another dimension through someone else’s ability is new for me. I was wondering if anything would be different.
Also, it looks pretty.
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