Euna watches the scene play out with a curious expression on her face. Ugh. What an idiot she's being. Here she is, getting all mad at Victor, when he's just... ugh. She's got less social graces than Locker. This is embarrassing.
A-anyway. Any idiot can see she's not needed here right now. Maybe she should go? She really should, uh, oh right. Wow. Yeah ok she hasn't eaten anything since... Jesus, what? Yesterday afternoon? Ok yeah let's just leave deprogramming to the experts here.
She turns to leave, and that's when she notices Sara. Staring at her. Not in one of those alpha posturing streamer ways, just... staring. She stares back. They have a moment like this. Maybe it's even nice, she's not sure. God she's hungry. Out of nowhere, Euna leans forward and pulls Sara into a tight embrace, buries her face in her shoulder and then... leaves. Out the door without a word.
Ok so. Yeah if she just. Alright. Hm. It's been a while since she's visited the Gears Foundation. Professor Gears always came to AEGIS whenever she wanted to mess around with Errant, but still. She's pretty sure the break room is, uh. That way? Yeah. That window looks familiar. Urgh, she's still thinking about idols. Idols wear hats sometimes, right? No, stop it! Stop it! You hated that stupid program Mom signed you up for way back then and you haven't changed your mind since! Just! Go eat, you idiot girl.
If you're feeling charitable, you can agree that Euna's got a lot on her mind when she manages to find the break room and stumbles blindly to the coffee machine. The Gears Foundation, for whatever reason, used one of those old-timey vending machine designs that made you push a physical button before it shot a cup out at you and squirted the black death liquid into it, plus whatever cream and sugar you requested (your options were: too much, or not even close to enough. Euna always went with too much). She punches in the buttons and stands there like an idiot, waiting.
Ok so if she remembers right they've got a sandwich machine in here too somewhere. Right over by, uh. Oh! That's... Angel-IKA, right? And that one is definitely Dominus. They're awfully close to each other, aren't they? And they're... oh. Oh! Um. Ok yeah. No. Sandwiches later. She'll just... just, you know, go now and...
BZZZZT! Coffee's ready!
A-anyway. Any idiot can see she's not needed here right now. Maybe she should go? She really should, uh, oh right. Wow. Yeah ok she hasn't eaten anything since... Jesus, what? Yesterday afternoon? Ok yeah let's just leave deprogramming to the experts here.
She turns to leave, and that's when she notices Sara. Staring at her. Not in one of those alpha posturing streamer ways, just... staring. She stares back. They have a moment like this. Maybe it's even nice, she's not sure. God she's hungry. Out of nowhere, Euna leans forward and pulls Sara into a tight embrace, buries her face in her shoulder and then... leaves. Out the door without a word.
Ok so. Yeah if she just. Alright. Hm. It's been a while since she's visited the Gears Foundation. Professor Gears always came to AEGIS whenever she wanted to mess around with Errant, but still. She's pretty sure the break room is, uh. That way? Yeah. That window looks familiar. Urgh, she's still thinking about idols. Idols wear hats sometimes, right? No, stop it! Stop it! You hated that stupid program Mom signed you up for way back then and you haven't changed your mind since! Just! Go eat, you idiot girl.
If you're feeling charitable, you can agree that Euna's got a lot on her mind when she manages to find the break room and stumbles blindly to the coffee machine. The Gears Foundation, for whatever reason, used one of those old-timey vending machine designs that made you push a physical button before it shot a cup out at you and squirted the black death liquid into it, plus whatever cream and sugar you requested (your options were: too much, or not even close to enough. Euna always went with too much). She punches in the buttons and stands there like an idiot, waiting.
Ok so if she remembers right they've got a sandwich machine in here too somewhere. Right over by, uh. Oh! That's... Angel-IKA, right? And that one is definitely Dominus. They're awfully close to each other, aren't they? And they're... oh. Oh! Um. Ok yeah. No. Sandwiches later. She'll just... just, you know, go now and...
BZZZZT! Coffee's ready!