Ugh. Blech. Ick! Pfthyeh! Notes for you in the back: being a puppet is awful. Awful! Kittens in a downpour, never ever let this happen to you! It's worse than being hypnotized, by a lot lot lot lot. At least then you get to drift through the fuzzy warm feeling that whatever it is you're doing is a thing you'd actually like to; this was more like being a hostage inside your own body. Your own body that's already been squished into a shape you know in your heart isn't right, by the way. Mittens could feel every sensation of her arms moving through the air and her legs dancing across the train car. She felt her hair bounce and her ears flatten expressively and her tail curl around her leg.
For a moment, she knew exactly what it felt like to be Princess Marina... if Marina were an Askaian princess. She was briefly the stuff of legends! And a toy at the same time, dancing around to make Azora Howl laugh her hea-- no, that's rude. Laugh herself silly. And then? And then the worst part of all! She had to kiss the old Adila! Fffbleurgh! Like sticking your lips on a phoenix-vulture's beak. Dry! Bleh! Rough! Urgh!! And now everything tastes like sandy ash!
Mittens is still quietly spitting and desperately slurping tea (politely) when she notices Eupheria watching her expectantly. Her? Say something good? About this? Mittens draws herself up and glares her most defiant glare, taking a deep breath to finally give the Evil Queen the lecture she deserves. But then...
But then she surprises herself by smiling softly, instead.
"My favorite?" she says softly, "Well that's... you."
She closes her eyes, still smiling her strange smile. The picture of the train car, the beautiful glass table and all its guests still shines clearly inside her mind, but when she turns her thought to Eupheria, it's Freesia she sees looking back at her. And yes, that's right. That's exactly right, isn't it? That's why she feels so full of hope right now.
"My... back home I have, well, maybe you already know this with your snakes stick and everything, but my little sister? Freesia? She makes glassworks. She did the casing on that silver flame you took from me. Wherever you've got it now. But, um, anyway. Every time she finishes making something, she gets that same look on her face that you do. She shows it to everyone she can find. 'Do you like this? Do you like that? What's your favorite part?'"
The smile on her face is as warm as Ourania's good friend the sun, even though nothing's really changed. She's still facing down a dangerous enemy, and even in this happy tea time she's one dumb word away from being burst into confetti or snap changed just like that into a three-headed kitten or whatever else Eupheria could think up on the spot. Nobody give her any ideas, Azora. She's got rivals on either side of her to boot, and probably? None of them care that Freesia lives for the praise that comes from a work of art. Mittens flashes her sharp princess teeth and sets her cup down.
"I thought of her just now, looking at you. But that's not what it is! It's, just now, just here, I really saw it. You're an artist. And, now that I'm looking for it, I can see that in everything that you've built. Even in stuff like your army and this labyrinth, there's all these... details! All these," she waves her hand in the air, "These flourishes and extra touches that I know are there because..."
Her eyes settle on Adila I. The smile falls off her face, and her hands fall back into her lap like they've been slapped. Mittens sighs.
"We're still enemies, ok? You're the Wicked Queen and I'm a Princess-Promised, whatever name you try to put on my collar. As long as you're hurting people, I have to try and stop you. But I... but even still I... to me, you're..."
With a flourish, Mittens pops back out of her chair. She turns and faces the Wicked Queen Eupheria, and then curtsies with the very specific smile she only uses with her family.
"If you've got a solo story or three to tell for an encore, I'd be happy to volunteer as your actress. What do you say?" she gestures around the table, "Let's not keep your adoring fans waiting!"
For a moment, she knew exactly what it felt like to be Princess Marina... if Marina were an Askaian princess. She was briefly the stuff of legends! And a toy at the same time, dancing around to make Azora Howl laugh her hea-- no, that's rude. Laugh herself silly. And then? And then the worst part of all! She had to kiss the old Adila! Fffbleurgh! Like sticking your lips on a phoenix-vulture's beak. Dry! Bleh! Rough! Urgh!! And now everything tastes like sandy ash!
Mittens is still quietly spitting and desperately slurping tea (politely) when she notices Eupheria watching her expectantly. Her? Say something good? About this? Mittens draws herself up and glares her most defiant glare, taking a deep breath to finally give the Evil Queen the lecture she deserves. But then...
But then she surprises herself by smiling softly, instead.
"My favorite?" she says softly, "Well that's... you."
She closes her eyes, still smiling her strange smile. The picture of the train car, the beautiful glass table and all its guests still shines clearly inside her mind, but when she turns her thought to Eupheria, it's Freesia she sees looking back at her. And yes, that's right. That's exactly right, isn't it? That's why she feels so full of hope right now.
"My... back home I have, well, maybe you already know this with your snakes stick and everything, but my little sister? Freesia? She makes glassworks. She did the casing on that silver flame you took from me. Wherever you've got it now. But, um, anyway. Every time she finishes making something, she gets that same look on her face that you do. She shows it to everyone she can find. 'Do you like this? Do you like that? What's your favorite part?'"
The smile on her face is as warm as Ourania's good friend the sun, even though nothing's really changed. She's still facing down a dangerous enemy, and even in this happy tea time she's one dumb word away from being burst into confetti or snap changed just like that into a three-headed kitten or whatever else Eupheria could think up on the spot. Nobody give her any ideas, Azora. She's got rivals on either side of her to boot, and probably? None of them care that Freesia lives for the praise that comes from a work of art. Mittens flashes her sharp princess teeth and sets her cup down.
"I thought of her just now, looking at you. But that's not what it is! It's, just now, just here, I really saw it. You're an artist. And, now that I'm looking for it, I can see that in everything that you've built. Even in stuff like your army and this labyrinth, there's all these... details! All these," she waves her hand in the air, "These flourishes and extra touches that I know are there because..."
Her eyes settle on Adila I. The smile falls off her face, and her hands fall back into her lap like they've been slapped. Mittens sighs.
"We're still enemies, ok? You're the Wicked Queen and I'm a Princess-Promised, whatever name you try to put on my collar. As long as you're hurting people, I have to try and stop you. But I... but even still I... to me, you're..."
With a flourish, Mittens pops back out of her chair. She turns and faces the Wicked Queen Eupheria, and then curtsies with the very specific smile she only uses with her family.
"If you've got a solo story or three to tell for an encore, I'd be happy to volunteer as your actress. What do you say?" she gestures around the table, "Let's not keep your adoring fans waiting!"