‘I won’t say what happens, but it’s really cool!’ Ronin replied, not about to end Lily’s hopes and dreams.
Lily, predictably, announced that she wouldn’t let Mariette die. ‘I won’t, either. Thank you,’ Mariette replied. She had kind of figured, but Lily’s words didn’t exactly instill confidence.
Binky appeared, and spoke a bunch.
MDP said she knew someone who could potentially do that thing Ronin and Miko suggested. One of them.
‘Oh? Who’d that be?’ Miko asked with interest, albeit maybe they should do that relocating first, or something.
People listed their requirements for accepting the Mint on this, but Mariette didn’t have anything to say. Honestly, she was just happy nobody was putting requirements on her. No reason to bring attention to herself on that point. Lily asked her to open a portal to the Sanctuary.
‘If there are no kinds of blocks that prevent my portals from reaching in,’ Mariette said, because there sure were such on Beacon HQ, but… well. Chloe said her part and momentarily teleported out. Meaning Mariette probably couldn’t portal them anywhere yet.
‘I could simply place us in the deepest ends of the Overcity. Or on a beach in an alternate dimension nobody here has ever heard of. Would be a problem for latecomers, but I could seek out and bring everybody relevant if you give their names,’ Mariette said. Regardless, if people ever agreed on a place to go she could probably take them there.
Dunstan nodded to Dawkin’s statement of keeping in touch, and then to his next question…
‘Route 16, huh,’ Dunstan remarked. ‘It’s pretty much the most dangerous Route in Isson, crossing those haunted waters is no joke for someone who doesn't have strong enough Pokémon to back them up. No worries, Stalford’s Ferry exists to let young trainers cross the waters safely… though I believe he only lets you cross if you have Kristy’s Gym Badge, thereby proving you’re strong enough to defend the ship should something happen,’ Dunstan commented, possibly changing Dawkin’s plan of what to do next.
‘Ep-!’ Cathia flinched at being poked by Claire, startled out of her gloomy thoughts just a bit. Still, she was more than happy to exchange information, and with Claire heading to Bigfjord… ‘I wish you luck. I’ll also head in that direction, after some training. If something happens, or if you’re planning to make your move… let me know. Unfortunately, Team Amethyst knows my face, so I don’t know if I can invade them freely now, but if you find me some coordinates… I can strike,’ Cathia said with determination.
That’s though, when Dunstan thought of something else to tell Dawkin.
‘Though, now that I think about it. I believe Zachery’s ship is currently docked right next to the coast there right now, so if you go right now you might catch him there,’ Dunstan then said, loud enough that Claire probably heard it, too. The both of them might remember Zachery’s name from Kalmia’s message from not that long ago, and could also thereby know what heading to him might result in.
‘Toxicroak, help carry the Pokémon,’ Sylvia commanded, and the blue frog excitedly jumped over, keeping its red claws away as it used its Fighting-type strength instead to heave up Type: Null on its shoulders. Sylvia picked up a phone and made a call. ‘The true culprits are captured. They’re Team Amethyst. The Pokémon is safe, but damaged. I’m bringing it to the Pokémon Center,’ she said, before looking to Skylar. ‘C’mon, let’s go.’
With the two criminals handled by the actual police-officers, Sylvia could instead handle helping Skylar and Type: Null back to the Pokémon Center of Raremine Town. With the criminals properly cuffed, her Seviper was instead slithering behind them as they headed through the streets, keeping an eye out in case someone else wanted to get a piece of them.
The nurse was quick to come retrieve the Pokémon, and probably Skylar’s too. With that, they were left to wait. While they were waiting, the door opened and numerous individuals came through. It was Dunstan, Leila and Kristy, the latter currently in cuffs and with two police officers with her.
‘You saved the Pokémon!?’ Dunstan asked, all agitated. Sylvia smiled back to him.
‘Yes. All thanks to this young Pokémon Trainer here, without whom I wouldn’t have known where to go,’ Sylvia said, presenting Skylar here beside her. Seviper also made a gesture towards him with its tail.
‘Skylar… I’m in your debt,’ Dunstan said, bowing to him again.
‘Yea, thanks for that! Because that means I’m not guilty, right?’ Kristy asked with a grin, and Sylvia nodded towards the two police officers, who then brought out the keys and uncuffed Kristy, who immediately started stretching in delight.
‘It’s your own fault, you know. Your little “rescue missions” made you a prime suspect,’ Leila frowned at Kristy, but Kristy just shrugged.
‘Love, I really don’t want to argue about that right now. Thank the boy instead,’ Kristy said, just smiling. Leila frowned at being called “love”, but otherwise shook her head then looked to Skylar.
‘As Dunstan said, we’re in your debt. Thank you,’ Leila also said, nodding to him.
Here I could probably end the post and let Skylar reply, but I do know what will happen right after.
Type: Null eventually came back, fully healed, and got onto its feet in front of Dunstan.
‘Finally,’ Dunstan sighed. ‘I’m sorry about this, Type: Null, but I need your help. You’re a powerful Pokémon, and this land has some criminals I wish to defeat. If you’d be willing…’ Dunstan spoke… when Type: Null promptly growled and turned away from him. ‘I… huh,’ Dunstan said, a little dejected.
‘What, you got it shipped over here just to use it as a weapon?’ Kristy asked in incredulity. ‘Yeah, no, it’s never gonna like you like that. You gotta make friends with it before you ask things like that.’
‘Hm. According to this, it’s also only level 10 right now,’ Leila said, looking over a paper that was probably a report on the Pokémon being delivered.
‘I… gah,’ Dunstan ran a troubled hand through his hair. ‘I don’t have time to either train this Pokémon or become friends with it… What do you suggest we-’ he said, before the whole room got stunned as Type: Null walked up to Skylar, trying to rub its head at the trainer. Kristy laughed out loud.
‘I’d say you got your best course of action served to you,’ the Gym Leader said, smirking.
‘I… I don’t know…’ Dunstan said. ‘Team Amethyst has already been after the Pokémon once, we’d be painting a target on Skylar’s back…’
‘C’mon~’ Kristy said with a warm smile. ‘This Pokémon, like any Pokémon, deserves to journey with a friend and grow a close companionship, wouldn’t you say? Besides, as this boy just proved, he can handle himself~’
‘I… I guess you’re right,’ Dunstan sighed. ‘So, Skylar. Would you take Type: Null with you on your trip?’ Dunstan officially asked.
What will Skylar reply?
Skylar obtained Type: Null!
Gender: Genderless Type: Normal Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 10 Moves: Tackle, Rage, Pursuit Ability: Battle Armor. Blocks Critical Hits. Held Item: None.
New Pokémon caught! Skylar earned 0 P! (because it’s not native to Isson)
Would you like to give a nickname to Type: Null?
‘Right,’ Dunstan said, and held up something. A disc of some kind? ‘I have these, which belong to this Pokémon, but they’re useless to you right now. Come back to me if something changes,’ Dunstan said, and then turned around to leave.
Glory came in, and with Detect he perfectly avoided Marill’s Rollout! And for whatever reason, that completely stopped all of Rollout’s momentum! After that, it was just a matter of Wing Attack, which did more damage than Marill could withstand. It tried to Rollout again, which hit once before Glory Detected again, making it never get any speed, and so Glory secured the win with another Wing Attack.
Glory grew to level 16! Glory learned Aerial Ace!
‘I must find more Pokémon that can learn Rollout,’ Boey sagely nodded, for that must have been the reason he lost. Not enough Rollout.
Basil was victorious! Basil gained 211P for winning!
So, Atha shared her little story, and the armored woman went from the serious look she had to first a slightly surprised one, and then to a smiling amused one.
‘Uh-huh. Ooo. Wow!’ she said, at varying points that sounded appropriate while nodding her head. Of course, she couldn’t actually talk Pokémon, but regardless she picked up on the most important thing. ‘Sounds good! Well, it seems I have nothing to worry about!’ she said, and then…
A Hawlucha burst into the scene, followed by an apologetic Basil. The woman took a moment to look between Amelia+Phantump and Basil+Glory…
‘Wow, deja-vu. You two wouldn’t happen to know each other?’ she chuckled. ‘It’s fine, let Pokémon be Pokémon, I’d say! So, did you want a duel? I totally can give you a duel!’ she responded to Glory, raising her fists excitedly and chuckling. ‘Or should I leave this one to you, Bagon?’ she asked Atha.
That’s when a random trainer walked into the Pokémon Center, saw the woman, and immediately spoke up with a big smile.
‘Ey, Lesley! Funny to see you playing with Pokémon here. Don’t you have a Gym to look after?’ asked the random Pokémon Trainer. The armored woman chuckled, relaxed the stance, then answered him.
‘I would have, but I just had a REALLY tough challenger, took all I had to win this once. He’s probably gonna win next time, because unlike me, he can adjust and adapt his team, haha. Anyway, I took a moment to take a break by wandering the Wet Caverns, and…’ her eyes wandered to Eryn, smirking.
‘Alright, it’s a little late, but hi! I’m Lesley, Major League Dragon-type Gym Leader of Lakewatch Town and also the leader of the Lakewatchers, the guys looking out for the dragons around here. How do you do?’ she said, smiling. ‘Sorry for not saying anything, it was a little funny with you not knowing who I was. I also wanted to make sure Bagon’s fine with you. But, after hearing what Bagon had to say and with you being one of Kalmia’s trainers and all, I figure you’re fine! Hahaha!’
After saying so, she reached and happily patted Eryn’s shoulder with an armored hand.
‘Right, did you want a duel!?’ she asked, spinning back around to Glory, fists raised!
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
1. Find Pokémon. There’s plenty of water here. Could be any number of Water Pokémon in the different rivers through town. 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Buildings. Visit any of the facilities of the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Lesley’s Major League Dragon-type Gym. “The Dragon Watcher!” 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Lakewatcher Base. From where Lakewatchers embark to patrol Dragon Lake. 6.6. Lakewatch Docks. For getting tours of Dragon Lake, just taking a ferry or fishing! 6.7. Explorer’s Guide Service. With all these strange places around, Lakewatch offers guides to the surrounding areas! 6.8. Descent Tower. A tower in the middle of town, with stairs down to Flooded Lakewatch. Come prepared for the underwater. 6.9. Back Alleys. … What? Lakewatch has a darker section? What are you talking about? 7: Lakewatch Town Trades: Dragon-type 7.1. ‘I got Drampa because he looked goofy, but he’s just too large. I’d trade him for a Musharna.' 7.2. ‘I got Duraludon as bait for trainers. What I truly want… is a Smeargle! A Smeargle for my Duraludon!’ 7.3. ‘I got Cyclizar to ride over Route 6… but I realized I’m still scared. Trade me a Sableye for my Cyclizar? Because… pretty gem eyes.’ 8: Familiar Faces: You all.
Connected areas: Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance. Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains. Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
So Paradise did take that Ember from Vulpix and Mac took a Karate Chop of Mankey, taking some damage but they’d still be alright. However…
Skylar returned Mac, saving him from Excadrill’s charge. Mankey and Vulpix wasn’t as lucky, Excadrill knocking the both of them to the sides, the two Pokémons crying out as they flew aside!
However, Excadrill charged forward, and the two remaining combatants on Skylar’s side did their thing. Paradise blasted out a Sweet Scent, making Excadrill less evasive, that plus all the other bonuses to accuracy… but honestly, Excadrill wasn’t even dodging in the first place, and Seabreeze successfully Supersoniced the giant metal mole! … But Excadrill seemed unbothered, charging all the way forward towards Type: Null!
Meanwhile, in the background, Vulpix was slowly coming around, struggling to stand up, looking a bit confused and trying to figure out what just happened… And then Pretzl bounced into the scene and knocked it in the head with a rock. Vulpix promptly fell over and fainted!
Pretzlcoatl grew to level 16!
‘EXCADRIIIIIIIII-!’ The big mole Pokémon, however, was still charging. It was Confused, yet undeterred! It charged in at full speed, and Type: Null wasn’t moving, merely awaiting the incoming giant mole. Excadrill quickly came close enough to attack, raising one metal arm-spike to stab down at the masked Pokémon…!
When Skylar jumped in, trying to push Type: Null out of the way!
Type: Null looked startled, and was indeed pushed out of the way. That’s when, the still confused Excadrill proceeded to stab downwards with the blade, not even knowing what he was aiming for! For a moment, it looked like it had been a very bad idea, like Skylar was about to be struck by the giant mole…
When Type: Null actually leapt, straight into the way that Skylar had just pushed him out of. Specifically, he struck his own helmet straight into Excadrill’s blade…
… and the helmet proved impervious to harm. The blow was stopped short, and a gust of wind blew off the impact right in all directions. All motion had come to a stop, helmet against blade. So much so that maybe nobody noticed when the door opened just a little to Skylar's right. Nothing moved for a second or two…
‘EXCA-!’ the Excadrill shouted, weaving around to strike with its other arm at Type: Null…!
A blue blur suddenly smashed into the Excadrill from the side, sending the whole mole flying with a cry into the wall on the side, saving Skylar and the quadreped from being struck once again!
The Pokémon before them was blue, frog-like, with a red sac under its face and holding out a fist with a red claw that it had just struck Excadrill with.
Pokédex Entry #454 – Toxicroak, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon. The red sac on its throat contains toxins, which it sends along tubes in its arms into its crimson claws. When it croaks, it churns the poison in the sac for greater potency. It is known to sway and dodge enemy attacks to finally lunge in to scratch with its claws. A single scratch is said to be enough to knock out any opponent.
The Toxicroak had leapt from the open door, where the pink-haired girl from the incident before now stood, with numerous police-officers around her.
‘Special Investigator Sylvia, reporting. Team Amethyst Grunts, you are hereby under arrest,’ the girl said with resolution.
‘Crap, it’s Sylvia!’ called the female Amethyst grunt, suddenly scrambling to get onto her feet.
‘Nu-uh! No way! I am NOT getting captured in this- AH!’ ‘GAH!’
The two grunts all of a sudden didn’t have much of a chance when the girl’s Seviper descended on them with a snap, swirling around them and acted as rope as it knocked them together with the sheer force of the noose tightening around them and successfully tied them together, knocking both of them out because their heads knocked together as it tied them to one another. Seviper hissed triumphantly.
All of that may have happened, but to Skylar, what happened was that Type: Null still stood motionless in front of him. Slowly, the creature turned around to look at him… and there was something new in its gaze. Something respectful, thankful.
That is, before Type: Null suddenly collapsed towards Skylar, because it still took a Level 50 Excadrill Metal Claw to the head.
Toxicroak stood eyeing Excadrill intently, just in case it was about to get up. It wasn’t. The battle was won.
Seabreeze grew to level 22! Seabreeze learned Air Cutter! Paradise grew to level 21! Paradise learned Whirlwind! Mac grew to level 20! Mac learned Flame Charge! Pretzlcoatl grew to level 18! Pretzlcoatl learned Ancient Power!
With the criminals tied up and the police officers going around picking the Amethyst grunts and their Pokémon, the girl that had just invaded walked up to Skylar and the fallen Type: Null.
‘I must thank you. I was only able to find this place and find the true perpetrators because you led the way. I’m Sylvia. I’m a special investigator from the Pokémon League, it’s my job to look into it when things happen. Are you two okay?’ she asked, looking towards Skylar and then to Type: Null with concern.
Crocus attempted to Sleep Powder again! … For whatever reason, it failed to afflict the rolling Marill, who simply thundered through it! It smashed once again into Crocus once again…!
And the gods of fortune were extra fickle today. Critical Hit! Crocus fainted!
Marill was still rolling about the battlefield, gaining even more power, and the crowd was now calling Boey’s name as he stood there with arms crossed, looking smugly towards Basil.
What was Basil’s next move?
<then we can say you went to the Pokémon Center after that>
‘Oh, I don’t think you’re gonna need that much to train a dragon-type. They’re known to cause a ruckus, but, anyway. Bagons in specific have a strange need to fly built into their minds, so maybe not let it be next to a cliff, or you’re going to need to find a way down to pick it up. Don’t worry about them hurting themselves, though. They’re tough enough to shatter boulders, and often do just that for stress-relief. They love headbutting everything and anything. Do be careful or they just may do so with the walls of a building, haha,’ the woman laughed, when Eryn asked for tips how to raise a dragon.
So, after some wading and getting their legs a bit wet in the Wet Caverns, they eventually arrived back to:
And, for Amelia, following them also eventually led her back to:
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
Now, before the woman and Eryn momentarily parted, both of them were startled by the cry of Phantump.
‘WHAC-!?’ the armored woman flinched and spun around, staggering away with wide eyes, apparently not having expected the shock. A couple random Pokémon Center goers laughed around them at their reactions to being startled. ‘W-wha. Ghosts. In the middle of the city. Not safe anywhere, huh? I thought I could let my guard down here, hahaha,’ she laughed, though, smiling as she held a hand to her chest, trying to get her heart to calm down through the armor.
Anyway! Eryn called Atha back out! Atha looked, and found this woman…
Notably. To Atha, this woman is basically her second mother. Or aunt, maybe. She was there when their eggs hatched. She comes by often and plays with the various dragons of Dragon Lake and Wet Caverns. She gives them food and headbutts with them. Takes care of them when they’re hurt. Protects them if they’re in trouble. All of those things one could imagine someone doing.
‘Heeeey, Bagon! How are you doing? Want to headbutt?’ the woman grins and asks Atha, putting on her helmet again while crouching and grinning to Atha. Atha’s free to interact as she likes, and the woman would comply. But the woman was definitely intending on playing with Atha a bit, after having handed over the other two Bagons to the nurse.
But, in the midst of it, the woman looked more serious.
‘Hey, I heard this girl caught you,’ she said, and then looked… very serious. ‘Did you actually want to go with her? Or did she catch you without you wanting her to? Just give me the word, and I’ll handle her. Just give me the word, and I’ll make her-’ and what followed were a couple words in a row that together painted a picture of a scene that Quentin Tarantino would have been forced to censor. ‘… So, do you actually want to go with her or not?’
How does Atha reply?
Of course, Basil over there will have seen the whole thing.
In the meantime, Eryn and Amelia can keep talking, if they wish.
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
1. Find Pokémon. There’s plenty of water here. Could be any number of Water Pokémon in the different rivers through town. 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Buildings. Visit any of the facilities of the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. ??? 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Lakewatcher Base. From where Lakewatchers embark to patrol Dragon Lake. 6.6. Lakewatch Docks. For getting tours of Dragon Lake, just taking a ferry or fishing! 6.7. Explorer’s Guide Service. With all these strange places around, Lakewatch offers guides to the surrounding areas! 6.8. Descent Tower. A tower in the middle of town, with stairs down to Flooded Lakewatch. Come prepared for the underwater. 6.9. Back Alleys. … What? Lakewatch has a darker section? What are you talking about? 7: Lakewatch Town Trades: Dragon-type 7.1. ‘I got Drampa because he looked goofy, but he’s just too large. I’d trade him for a Musharna.' 7.2. ‘I got Duraludon as bait for trainers. What I truly want… is a Smeargle! A Smeargle for my Duraludon!’ 7.3. ‘I got Cyclizar to ride over Route 6… but I realized I’m still scared. Trade me a Sableye for my Cyclizar? Because… pretty gem eyes.’ 8: Familiar Faces: You all met in a Pokémon Center.
Connected areas: Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance. Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains. Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
‘Er, I don’t, I don’t know that much…’ Cathia replied to Claire’s question. ‘I just know, uh, exactly what noble family she’s from and what they do. That family runs a big company that makes props for Pokémon Contests, as well as other toys for Pokémon, and they fund the Dreamer Studios. The Cute Queen, Valerie, is her big sister… but Isabella has been disowned by her family. She wasn’t willing to take over the business, so she went on a Pokémon journey. So far nothing out of the ordinary, but after that we don’t know what exactly happened, but she evidently fell in with the wrong crowd.’
‘She was identified leading Team Amethyst grunts in bigger raids, and with her fearsome battle prowess she was able to let them slip away time and time again. When she’d been identified by name, she was disowned by her family, but as far as we can tell, she doesn’t care. While the Team Wars ended with Amethyst’s defeat and they sunk back into the shadows, Isabella was never captured. Nor was the boss of Team Amethyst, whom… whom we still don’t know who they are,’ Cathia explained.
‘Team Amethyst works in layers. In the bottom layers are the grunts. They do minor tasks and usually don’t even know why they’re doing things. Over them are the Elites, who lead grunts on more important missions. There’s been many elites over the years, and they seem to come and go. Over them, are at least two Admins, one of whom is Isabella,’ Cathia apparently had more to say.
‘From the outside, the Team Amethyst business model is simply to allow people to purchase Pokémon from them. Someone gives them money and a specific request for a Pokémon, and they obtain it for them. If that was all it was, it’d technically be legal, but unfortunately they have nothing against hunting rare Pokémon to the edge of extinction or even steal them from trainers if they can. They had these terrible auctions, too… But surely, they have even more sinister intentions, seeing how they’re now apparently gathering aspects of legendary Pokémon,’ Cathia said… and now all of a sudden she realized she might have been rambling a bit.
‘… I would like nothing else than to see Team Amethyst destroyed. Raised to the ground. Utterly annihilated. That… that would be good,’ Cathia said, getting kind of quiet towards the end, there.
Raremine Town
no cat-eared girls here, sorry
Raremine Town is a moderately large, bright town on the edge of the only desert in Isson. By some twist, the largest mineral deposits in the land is located right under the desert, making it an attractive place to build mines. From that, Raremine Town naturally sprung into being as a merchant town on the edge of habitability from where the mineral could then be delivered to the rest of Isson. The temperature is hot, sun blazing down on this land where plains slowly become desert, the atmosphere dry and unfriendly… yet, life and trees blossoms among the buildings of Raremine Town.
The ground is still the grass from the Vast Plains, with buildings on top of them. The modern houses stand tall with plenty of architectural skill put into them, tools for building and living sold inside the houses. Everywhere, one can see workers walking about, but they’re happy workers, with their families living close at hand in the town and with the finest equipment available. Oh, and of course, plenty of Pokémon that assist with the finding of ores and such! The trees, which appear to have been planted and grown all over town by the residents themselves, gives plenty of homes for local Pokémon to live.
Overall, it’s busy, with people walking and talking all over, an active town indeed.
1. Find Pokémon. Can still search for Pokémon in cities~ 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Places. Visit any of the places in the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Minor League Gym. 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Desert Miner’s Hangout. The workers of the Desert Mine live around here. They can give tips about the desert! 6.6. Research Lab. For archaeologists, those who want to talk to Dunstan and those who want to resurrect fossils. 6.7. Stone Store. Where all the stones of the Desert Mines or Frozen Cave eventually end up! Lots of evolutionary and other kinds of stones! 6.8. Bug Garden. A garden within which bugs thrive. Vivillons can be hired here for tracking down the Mythic Oasis! 6.9. Warehouses. Because the things they mine here needs somewhere to be stored. This includes Ancient Pokémon, apparently, as some of the warehouses are pens. 6.10. Team Amethyst Base. Claire had been there once, she could find it again. 7. Familiar Faces: Vivia, Skylar. Vivia, one of Jacques’ trainers, is walking around window-shopping rare rocks and such. Skylar is… well, read the first section of this post. Oh, and Dawkin/Claire/Cathia is right here in this room. 8: Raremine Town Trades: Ground-type 8.1. ‘Hey, do you have a Burmy? Would you like to trade it for my Mudbray?’ 8.2. ‘Hi, I really like snakes, so I got two of these Silicobras. I could trade you one for an Ekans!’ 8.3. ‘This is a Toedscool. I thought it looked funny, so I bought it, but… I’d much rather have an Abra.’
Connected areas: Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town. Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.
Under its mask, Type: Null’s eyes twitched a little at Skylar’s statement, but still just gazed at him.
Seabreeze easily blasted off another Water Pulse at the opponent’s Archen before it got off another Rock Throw, and it fainted, collapsing to the ground. The female Amethyst grunt grunted (heh) as she recalled both her Pokémon, and she was all of a sudden left with no Pokémon at all. She glared around for something she could do anyway…
Mac blocked Mankey’s Karate Chop with one of Double Kick’s two kicks! That… still hurt! Karate Chop is a stronger move than a single Double Kick is, and this isn’t a badly trained Mankey, either! So damage was taken to Mac’s leg… but he was still able to kick Mankey with the other leg for a clean hit, sending Mankey staggering away a bit. Far enough for Paradise to hit it with a Gust! Powerful winds decked the Mankey, sending it rolling over for Super Effective damage… but the angry monkey refused to give in! It leapt back onto its feet, its eyes shaking in anger! Highly damaged, though.
‘Okay! Vulpix, Ember the Tropius! Mankey, take advantage of the confusion and Karate Chop that Combusken’s head!’ the male grunt pointed forward, and his Pokémon did so, Mankey leaping forward at Mac to Karate Chop, while Vulpix sent a blast of fire (not a fire blast) at Paradise, clearly with hope to take them out…
But Vulpix then took a rock from the side, yelping a bit in damage from Pretzl’s Rock Throw that did some Super Effective damage, and then there was Seabreeze who was likely circling around to end the fight…
‘We’re not winning,’ the female grunt observed, and her eyes quickly scanned for something that could help them… and they locked onto Excadrill. Now, sure, it was true that the big metal mole wouldn’t do anything for this dofus over here, but wasn’t there something else that had motivated him, earlier?
‘Hey, Excadrill!’ the girl shouted at the mole, who didn’t even bother reacting to being addressed. ‘If you help us claim that quadruped Pokémon in the big mask, Isabella will LOVE you!’
‘Ex-CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’ the Excadrill suddenly screamed out, smashing down its feet into the ground with enough force to crack the floor, getting onto its feet and taking a fighting stance, the fire of passion burning brightly in his eyes.
‘Alright!’ the female grunt grinned victoriously while the male grunt once again stared at Excadrill with just a “seriously?” kind of look, but the girl was just too excited to mind him. ‘Use-’
‘EXCA-!’ … And the Pokémon dashed forward, unceremoniously knocked the female grunt aside for no other reason than that she was slightly in his way, sending her ‘ACK-!’ flying aside, not that hurt but very surprised.
Also in his way were Mankey, Mac and Vulpix, who unless they moved also would be knocked aside as the Excadrill rampaged forward like an unstoppable force through the warehouse, dashing towards a singular target.
Type: Null turned its head as it realized it had a giant high-level rampaging metal mole dashing directly at it, metal blade imbued in its arm raised to strike. For whatever reason, the masked wasn’t moving.
Roxanne VS Venipede! Venipede and Nosepass has the exact same HP and Attack stats. That is somewhat amusing.
Albeit, Defense is then way in Roxanne’s favour, not to mention the typing. Venipede Defense Curled, but was then swiftly paralyzed by Roxanne’s Thunder Wave. Then, with the Venipede being too unlucky to get a move in from paralyzation, Roxanne Rock Throwed until her opponent fainted.
Roxanne grew to level 14!
Crocus VS Geodude! Interestingly enough, Geodude’s defense is high enough that it survives a single Vine Whip, but because it used Defense Curl on the first turn instead of trying to strike back, the point is moot.
Crocus grew to level 14!
In the Crocus VS Marill fight, Marill started with Defense Curl! That’s when Crocus sent out Sleep Powder… which failed to take effect! Perhaps being curled up like that protected Marill from the effect of the powder? … How does a Marill “curl up”?
Regardless, it meant that Marill could start rolling next turn! Rollout was powered up, rushing towards the Bulbasaur! Crocus hit it with Vine Whip as it approached, doing Super Effective damage… but not enough to 2-hit-KO, not with Defense Curl increasing defense! That said, Marill’s hit to Crocus did substantial damage due to Defense Curl and Huge Power combined, and he could faint with the next one, since it’d have double the firepower! And then… then Rollout would be really scary.
Would Basil like to reconsider his strategy?
Next battle!
Crocus VS Pikachu. Unfortunately, Pikachu used Quick Attack and managed to dodge the Sleep Powder pretty cleanly. It struck Crocus with its body, doing slight damage. Crocus Vine Whip back actually didn’t do that much damage either, but it did MORE damage. After numerous exchanges, where neither side managed to do critical hits or anything of the following, Crocus eventually ended up on top.
Lancer and Paras were sent out, and proceeded to have a super-slow charge towards one another as a base speed 20 and a base speed 25 dashed for one another… albeit when they arrived the battle was swift and one-sided. Paras managed to hit with two Fury Cutters, doing miniscule damage both times despite the second being more powerful, but one Peck from Lancer left Paras almost fainted, and the second finished the job.
Lancer grew to level 13! Lancer learned Twineedle!
Then there was Lupin the Sneasel VS Kadabra. In a moment, it looked completely hopeless for the Kadabra. That’s when Victor the Schoolkid focused his mind, and…
‘Hey, you’re Psychic, right!? Use your powers to send rocks from the earlier fights at him!’ Victor commanded, and since Confusion is described as “a telekinetic force”…
‘Kadabra!’ the Pokémon charged its psychic powers, picking up small pieces of debris that had been torn from the stage from earlier fights (especially Rollouts from Boey) at Lupin!
Fortunately for Basil, Sneasels are agile creatures and the small pieces of debris didn’t really do a lot of damage, so while it might have been a tougher battle than he’d initially expected because of his opponent going for unconventional strategies, his level 11 Sneasel still beat the level 16 Kadabra. That’s a bunch of exp.
Lupin grew to level 14! Lupin learned Icy Wind!
‘Aw,’ Victor just gave a disappointed little noise.
Basil was victorious! Basil gained 526P for winning!
Next battle!
Roxanne VS Ponyta. Ponyta doesn’t have any effective moves and instead kept ramming into Roxanne with Flame Wheel, which didn’t do a whole lot of damage. Roxanne handedly won the battle with several Rock Throws.
Roxanne grew to level 15!
Rhyhorn, with that Pokédex entry, is basically one of the most abusable Pokémon ever and Crocus easily outmaneuvered it to Vine Whip the thing to fainting with impunity. Rhyhorn eventually fainted.
Crocus grew to level 15! Crocus learned Take Down!
Lancer VS Cacnea. Lancer got himself Leech Seeded! Which caused him to take some damage twice before having Pecked the Cacnea twice, fainting the little cactus, taking an insignificant Absorb on the way.
Lancer grew to level 14!
‘Ouch. Well, I think you’re going to be just fine if you head that way!’ Ella said, smiling cheerfully.
Basil was victorious! Basil gained 381P for winning!
Right, one battle more that needs to be dealt with, but what would Basil want to do afterwards?
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
1. Find Pokémon. There’s plenty of water here. Could be any number of Water Pokémon in the different rivers through town. 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Buildings. Visit any of the facilities of the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. ??? 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Lakewatcher Base. From where Lakewatchers embark to patrol Dragon Lake. 6.6. Lakewatch Docks. For getting tours of Dragon Lake, just taking a ferry or fishing! 6.7. Explorer’s Guide Service. With all these strange places around, Lakewatch offers guides to the surrounding areas! 6.8. Descent Tower. A tower in the middle of town, with stairs down to Flooded Lakewatch. Come prepared for the underwater. 6.9. Back Alleys. … What? Lakewatch has a darker section? What are you talking about? 7: Lakewatch Town Trades: Dragon-type 7.1. ‘I got Drampa because he looked goofy, but he’s just too large. I’d trade him for a Musharna.' 7.2. ‘I got Duraludon as bait for trainers. What I truly want… is a Smeargle! A Smeargle for my Duraludon!’ 7.3. ‘I got Cyclizar to ride over Route 6… but I realized I’m still scared. Trade me a Sableye for my Cyclizar? Because… pretty gem eyes.’ 8: Familiar Faces: Eryn will be arriving back in town heading for the Pokémon Center, walking with an armored woman.
Connected areas: Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance. Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains. Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
As they walked, the woman in armor smiled happily as they kept walking, also taking Eryn’s Trainer Card as she offered it, looking at it closely before handing it back.
‘I see, I see. A trainer that got a Pokédex from Professor Kalmia, huh? Well, that makes you easy to find,’ she commented as they kept walking. ‘School, haha. I never needed school, and I did pretty well for myself, I think!’ she said, chuckling a bit.
@Joshua Tamashii If you two would like, Eryn and her current armored companion is going to pass by the entrance of the Wet Caverns.
Amelia could hang onto them to head to Lakewatch Town, if she so wishes, or just talk to Eryn.
That all aside, what happens should there not be such an encounter.
‘Oh, me? I’m just some dragon breeder. The dragons of Dragon Lake were very few due to poaching some time ago, but I’m helping with growing the population again! It’s nothing special, but it does make me happy,’ the woman replied, specifically ignoring the question of what her name was.
After wading a certain amount of water and going through the caves strangely unbothered by Pokémon, they’d eventually be back to Lakewatch Town.
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
There were numerous inhabitants of Lakewatch Town that randomly waved the woman walking with Eryn, and she happily waved back. Regardless, Eryn found herself led to the Pokémon Center.
‘Now, heal up the dragon, and let me talk to her!’ the woman requested. Eryn could decide to do so, or perhaps not. Will she?
‘I’m willing,’ Cathia replied to Dunstan. ‘I already despise Team Amethyst, I want nothing more than to help you end whoever these villains are,’ Cathia said, looking more focused than she did before.
Then, though, Claire told her little thing, and Cathia looked towards her with a bit of alarm. She let Claire speak until she was done, and…
‘That… does explain something. I thought that was a strangely strong grunt. I was wondering if I’d have encountered one of the elites without knowing it…’ she commented. ‘But you were not winning. Had we not been interrupted, I would have won,’ she so simply claimed.
‘You got what-’ Dunstan, instead, reacted to the later part of what Claire was saying. He took a moment to think about that. ‘Okay. If you decide to make use of that, do keep me informed. I’m not sure I trust all the backup I could give you, but I could buy you some items. If nothing else, I could be your backup. I’m at least moderately strong,’ Dunstan said.
‘I could help. Though, if it’s Isabella… Isabella is one of the Admins of Team Amethyst. A cruel lady, she’s not afraid of commanding her Pokémon to attack the opposing trainer in battle. The fact her Golbat is not a Crobat says something about how she treats her Pokémon, too. If she’s going to be there, it’s probably a good idea to get somewhat stronger, first…’ Cathia said, and in the background of that Dunstan grabbed a pen, started writing down some notes, then looked at Cathia like “how do you know that”, but didn’t actually ask it. Right now, anyway.
Then with what Dawkin said…
‘I deeply appreciate that. Give me a call whenever you decide to go, and I’ll see how I can help,’ Dunstan said. With that, they could share communication info if they didn’t last time.
‘With that, I guess that’s all I got for now. Do you have any questions?’ Dunstan asked. If not, they could be on their way.
Raremine Town
no cat-eared girls here, sorry
Raremine Town is a moderately large, bright town on the edge of the only desert in Isson. By some twist, the largest mineral deposits in the land is located right under the desert, making it an attractive place to build mines. From that, Raremine Town naturally sprung into being as a merchant town on the edge of habitability from where the mineral could then be delivered to the rest of Isson. The temperature is hot, sun blazing down on this land where plains slowly become desert, the atmosphere dry and unfriendly… yet, life and trees blossoms among the buildings of Raremine Town.
The ground is still the grass from the Vast Plains, with buildings on top of them. The modern houses stand tall with plenty of architectural skill put into them, tools for building and living sold inside the houses. Everywhere, one can see workers walking about, but they’re happy workers, with their families living close at hand in the town and with the finest equipment available. Oh, and of course, plenty of Pokémon that assist with the finding of ores and such! The trees, which appear to have been planted and grown all over town by the residents themselves, gives plenty of homes for local Pokémon to live.
Overall, it’s busy, with people walking and talking all over, an active town indeed.
1. Find Pokémon. Can still search for Pokémon in cities~ 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Places. Visit any of the places in the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Minor League Gym. 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Desert Miner’s Hangout. The workers of the Desert Mine live around here. They can give tips about the desert! 6.6. Research Lab. For archaeologists, those who want to talk to Dunstan and those who want to resurrect fossils. 6.7. Stone Store. Where all the stones of the Desert Mines or Frozen Cave eventually end up! Lots of evolutionary and other kinds of stones! 6.8. Bug Garden. A garden within which bugs thrive. Vivillons can be hired here for tracking down the Mythic Oasis! 6.9. Warehouses. Because the things they mine here needs somewhere to be stored. This includes Ancient Pokémon, apparently, as some of the warehouses are pens. 6.10. Team Amethyst Base. Claire had been there once, she could find it again. 7. Familiar Faces: Vivia, Skylar. Vivia, one of Jacques’ trainers, is walking around window-shopping rare rocks and such. Skylar is… well, read the first section of this post. Oh, and Dawkin/Claire/Cathia is right here in this room. 8: Raremine Town Trades: Ground-type 8.1. ‘Hey, do you have a Burmy? Would you like to trade it for my Mudbray?’ 8.2. ‘Hi, I really like snakes, so I got two of these Silicobras. I could trade you one for an Ekans!’ 8.3. ‘This is a Toedscool. I thought it looked funny, so I bought it, but… I’d much rather have an Abra.’
Connected areas: Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town. Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.
@Gardevoiran Well. Would you like to repeat your stunt? Or perhaps this is a little bit more extreme? Hahahahahaha
@hatakekuro I did roll dice to find out of Sleep Powder was effective or not. You didn't roll that well. Anyway, you have one battle that needs your input. But, you can as well type what you'll do after that, if you wish.
@Typical I was going to write even more, but I didn't want to control your character so here's a mid-stop. Do say if you stop anywhere on the way. Or, if you just do as the woman wants, then I can continue writing with an edit. Though, also.
@Typical@Joshua Tamashii The two of you were briefly at the same location. If you want to, we can pause there in Eryn's post and let the two of you interact. Would you like that? Otherwise, Eryn can keep going.
@Eklispe@Rune_Alchemist And with that, you two should be free to potentially head off again. You can ask more questions of anyone present if you like, or you can head on. That works too. What would you like to do?
‘Hahahaha! Nonsense! Any little dragon I know is always ready for-’ the woman in armor laughed at Eryn’s statement that the Bagon was out of it, thereby coincidentally not looking at Eri during Eri’s little confused moment. Then she looked back down at Eri just in time to see the Bagon-shape stumble over into a pile. The woman’s expression dropped to a bit of startled realization.
‘- oh, I guess she was pretty out of it,’ she said. She then shrugged and smiled at Eryn once again. ‘Eh, that’s fine with me,’ she said, and immediately fished up the two fainted Bagons, one in each arm. This is with the consideration that the Bagons weigh 93 pounds / 42 kg each.
‘I’m gonna take these to the Lakewatch Town Pokémon Center, heal them up, and then let them back out into the wild again. Let’s walk together! I insist.’ … For some reason, there was something in the tone she said that with which signaled that “no” wasn’t an applicable answer.
Should Eryn not pull any particular tricks to try to get away, the woman would have another set of questions.
‘Hey, can you tell me about yourself? Why’d you decide to become a Pokémon trainer? Oh, and can I see your trainer card?’ the woman said with a wide smile, jolly tone, and for some reason Eryn probably felt like she was in a courtroom.
Would she comply?
Wet Caverns
The Wet Caverns, known so for the sheer amount of water drenching the contents. It’s a large series of tunnels with no real large open rooms, dividing itself up into a fairly simple maze going from one side to the other. The water inside the tunnels thankfully lit up the contents due to some shining mineral in the liquid, giving rise to a mildly lit set of tunnels. Many people prefer not to travel through the Wet Caverns due to them being long and easy to get lost in, in addition to the large amounts of hostile Pokémon which might attack at any time. Yet, here you are…
Still. There are those who travel through it on a regular basis. Those who have learned the trick finds it a fairly easy shortcut between Lakewatch Town and Pureplain City. For enthusiasts there are always the options of delving deeper into the caverns, fishing or surfing to find out what kind of Pokémon might inhabit the depths and the shallow rivers that flow along the underground corridors. It is known to be fairly diverse when it comes to the Pokémon inhabiting it, giving trainers both water- and cave Pokémon to pick from when they want to catch something.
1. Find Pokémon. ‘Head back to Lakewatch Town with me!’ 2. Train Pokémon. ‘Head back to Lakewatch Town with me.’ 3. Move back. ‘We’re heading back to Lakewatch Town!’ 4. Delve Deeper. ‘No detours! Gotta get these dragons healed up!’ 5. Specify. ‘To the Lakewatch Pokémon Center!’ 6. Trigger random event. ‘Oh, and tell me about yourself on the way!’ 7. Fast-Travel. ‘Specifically to Lakewatch!’
@Gardevoiran The battle continues. Did not expect you to take that blow straight on. You're gonna be down a bit.
@Typical Felt like giving you a little situation, just because. Hehe.
@hatakekuro Alright, so, remainder how Pokémon battles work against random trainers. I list all the Pokémon they have and their general strategy with each below. Then you write in your post how you intend to handle them. Feel free to ask me questions when you feel like. That's that.
Firstly, Skylar barely dodged the Type: Null’s attack, shattering his cane in the process…
‘Wait, hold on, he’s BLIND!?’ the male grunt suddenly called.
‘Seems so!’ the female one replied.
‘Wait, I don’t know if I like this. Picking on the blind kid is such a bad guy thing to do,’ the guy said.
‘Oh, grow up, we’re criminals! We’re already bad guys, darn it!’ the lady called, exasperated.
Then, when Skylar moved in the way of the Ancient Power…
Right, that whole part about Pokémon protagonists being durable? That does not extend to enduring actual Pokémon moves. There is a reason why humans use Pokémon for battle.
So, those are actual rocks slamming into Skylar from the front, definitely knocking him over. That took a good 78% of his HP, and unlike Pokémon, human performance decreases with health. Skylar’s not going to be able to get up for a little while. The grunts, meanwhile…
‘WHAT THE-!’ the guy staggered.
‘I… didn’t mean to do that…’ the girl commanding the ancient Pokémon to use Ancient Power said.
There was someone else who was surprised. Type: Null stood staggered, glaring at Skylar with a stunned look under the metal mask. It didn’t expect that.
Regardless, the battle continued! And I will say, because of the thing with Type: Null, the enemy got a little bit of a time-advantage.
Skylar was only able to block one Ancient Power, the other struck Paradise for damage! It wasn’t enough to take her down, but it was substantial!
Paradise sent a Magical Leaf at Tirtouga, and the opponent TA grunt grit her teeth. ‘Tirtouga, Aqua Jet the Archen!’
With that command, suddenly launched itself into the air with a blast of water heading after it, flying straight past the Magical Leaf and striking Pretzl before he got off the Rock Throw! It was just Seabreeze that headed for Archen! ‘Archen, strike back! Rock Throw!’
The Archen spun to throw a rock at Seabreeze… who struck first with Water Pulse, easily doing more than half of Archen’s health in damage. There was something defeated appearing in its eyes… yet it still managed to Rock Throw and hit Seabreeze, which still did substantial Super Effective damage…!
However, that Tirtouga who had just pinned Pretzl that thought itself so strong, about to fire a Water Gun into the newly reawoken ancient Pokémon… was then suddenly struck by a flutter of Magical Leaves that had spun around and struck from behind! Nobody dodges Magical Leaf! Times 4 Super Effective! The stunned-looking turtle fainted!
‘My Pokémon…!’ the grunt staggered.
Meanwhile, Mac successfully blocked the Ember heading for Paradise, and then headed for Vulpix… but something came in the way!
‘Mankey, AT THEM!’ the guy commanded, and a very angry monkey suddenly leapt at Mac, preparing a Karate Chop! Mac wouldn’t be able to get to Vulpix with this thing here! He could Double Kick the Mankey, thereby trading with a Karate Chop if we wanted to, but…
‘Vulpix, Confuse Ray!’
Too fast to actually dodge while Mankey was there (though after the Double Kick if he wanted to kick the monkey), the Vulpix shot out an orb of ghastly power that hit Mac from the side after circling Mankey ominously. There was very little that could be done to dodge that one! Two-on-one is definitely harder!
What would Skylar’s Pokémon do now?
No, not Skylar, he’s going to need some more time to recover from those rocks. He might, though, find Type: Null staring at him.
Eryn decided to attempt to trick whoever was coming into view by having Eri change into Atha. Eri did so, and just in time, too. Someone approached… and that someone was accompanied by the sound of armor?
A blonde woman, wearing red armor, walked out into view, holding her own little lantern. She looked curiously at Eryn, as Eryn immediately started making her case.
‘Oh, hey, I know these three! Always fighting one another for things they find, always trying to one-up one another…’ the trainer said, smiling decently widely. She crouched down, looking towards Eri. ‘So, you decided to head with this trainer? It’s what you truly want?’ the woman asked Eri, seemingly not having realized this wasn’t, in fact, not actually a Bagon.
‘Well, if it’s what you want, then I don’t mind! I wish you luck on your journey! One last headbutt for the ride?’ the woman asked Eri with a smirk, reaching into her bag and retrieving a helmet to complete the armor…
Yes, this woman is 100% wanting to have a friendly headbutt with Eri. What will Eryn/Eri do?
Wet Caverns
The Wet Caverns, known so for the sheer amount of water drenching the contents. It’s a large series of tunnels with no real large open rooms, dividing itself up into a fairly simple maze going from one side to the other. The water inside the tunnels thankfully lit up the contents due to some shining mineral in the liquid, giving rise to a mildly lit set of tunnels. Many people prefer not to travel through the Wet Caverns due to them being long and easy to get lost in, in addition to the large amounts of hostile Pokémon which might attack at any time. Yet, here you are…
Still. There are those who travel through it on a regular basis. Those who have learned the trick finds it a fairly easy shortcut between Lakewatch Town and Pureplain City. For enthusiasts there are always the options of delving deeper into the caverns, fishing or surfing to find out what kind of Pokémon might inhabit the depths and the shallow rivers that flow along the underground corridors. It is known to be fairly diverse when it comes to the Pokémon inhabiting it, giving trainers both water- and cave Pokémon to pick from when they want to catch something.
1. Find Pokémon. Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search. 2. Train Pokémon. With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding. 3. Move back Retreat back to the previous crossroad. Specify further if you know where you’re going. 4. Delve Deeper. Attempt getting deeper inside the caverns. Specify further if you know where you’re going. 5. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 6. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 7. Fast-Travel. You know the way, you can get to the other side without issue if you like.
Basil did get a couple locals happily walking over to tell him all the tricks to how to do that gondola trick when he fell over, probably just adding to his embarrassment, but still.
Anyways, yes, this is a town of Pokémon Trainers… which probably means there’s some places where you could fight… for instance. While he had to walk up a stair and get to the roof of a building to get there, he found an arena for Pokémon battling on the roof of a building. Here a bunch of younglings and low-strength trainers were testing their mettle against one another, probably the level of strength that was actually safe to do battle on top of a building.
Basil approached, and he was allowed to do battle freely! They gladly invited him to it! His Pokémon would be healed between each battle.
‘Hello. I’m Boey. I like shorts and Rollout.’
Youngster Boey would like to battle!
Pokédex Entry #543 – Venipede, the Centipede Pokémon. It senses its surroundings using feelers on its head and tail through vibrations in the air. It is extremely aggressive, and its bite contains a powerful poison that can paralyze even large birds.
Venipede is going to Defence Curl, and then Rollout! Swarm is going to boost its firepower when it is heavily damaged!
Pokédex Entry #74 – Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Found in fields as well as mountains. They commonly rest, half-buried in the ground and indistinguishable from normal rocks. There are always way more Geodude around than a traveler will notice. Stepping on one by accident may trigger their rage.
Geodude is going to Defence Curl, and then Rollout!
Pokédex Entry #183 – Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokémon. The tail contains oils lighter than water, ensuring it drifts to the surface even after having dived for food, and the tail can stretch to become very long. It fishes for food at the edge of fast-moving streams. Its body is water-repellent and it’s dry even when playing in water.
Marill is going to first Defence Curl, then Rollout! Huge Power doubles its attack!
‘Hey, my Abra just evolved! I’d like to give it a try!’
Schoolkid Victor would like to battle!
Pokédex Entry #25 – Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. It stores electricity in sacks inside its cheeks, which it unleashes if threatened. They live in forests, and use their electricity to roast berries. It monitors its surroundings by raising it tail and sensing electricity. If multiple Pikachu gather up, their power increases.
Electro Ball! That, or Quick Attack if it’s ineffective! Static will maybe paralyze those who come into contact with it!
Pokédex Entry #46 – Paras, the Mushroom Pokémon. It lives in caves and damp forests. It is doused with mushroom spores when born. The Pokémon burrows underground to suck nutrients from tree roots, and then the tochukaso mushrooms absorb them. These mushrooms are highly valued for their life-extending medical properties.
Fury Cutter, one after one another, aiming to get a high combo!
Pokédex Entry #64 – Kadabra, the Psi Pokémon. It emits special alpha waves from its body that can cause headaches from just being close to one. Machines around it are occasionally caused to malfunction in odd ways, like clocks going backwards. The spoon it holds amplifies its power, without it Kadabra can only use around half its power.
CONFUSION! Other than Teleport, it’s his only move!
‘I went over Route 6 and back, and caught some Pokémon! I want to show them off to you!’
Picnicker Ella would like to battle!
Pokédex Entry #77 – Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokémon. After birth it can barely stand, but chasing after its parent day after day makes it stronger and stronger. Their hooves are allegedly harder than diamond, and they’re known to jump unfathomable heights. Its fiery mane grows shortly after birth, giving it an impressive appearance.
Flame Wheel if it’s effective, otherwise Tackle.
Pokédex Entry #111 – Rhyhorn, the Spikes Pokémon. It is very strong, capable of sending trailers flying and shattering rock. However, it has a small brain, only able to keep one thing in mind at a time. When it charges, it forgets why it charged and will keep running until it falls asleep. Its legs are not very agile, so it can’t turn while running.
Pokédex Entry #331 – Cacnea, the Cactus Pokémon. It lives in arid environments such as deserts. It can survive for 30 days without additional intake of water. It lures prey in with a strong aroma, before shooting its prey full of thorns or slamming them down with its thorny arms. Once a year, a yellow flower blooms on it, the more beautiful the more arid the conditions.
Leech Seed, then Absorb/Poison Sting!
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
1. Find Pokémon. There’s plenty of water here. Could be any number of Water Pokémon in the different rivers through town. 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Buildings. Visit any of the facilities of the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. ??? 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Lakewatcher Base. From where Lakewatchers embark to patrol Dragon Lake. 6.6. Lakewatch Docks. For getting tours of Dragon Lake, just taking a ferry or fishing! 6.7. Explorer’s Guide Service. With all these strange places around, Lakewatch offers guides to the surrounding areas! 6.8. Descent Tower. A tower in the middle of town, with stairs down to Flooded Lakewatch. Come prepared for the underwater. 6.9. Back Alleys. … What? Lakewatch has a darker section? What are you talking about? 7: Lakewatch Town Trades: Dragon-type 7.1. ‘I got Drampa because he looked goofy, but he’s just too large. I’d trade him for a Musharna.' 7.2. ‘I got Duraludon as bait for trainers. What I truly want… is a Smeargle! A Smeargle for my Duraludon!’ 7.3. ‘I got Cyclizar to ride over Route 6… but I realized I’m still scared. Trade me a Sableye for my Cyclizar? Because… pretty gem eyes.’
Connected areas: Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance. Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains. Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
‘Team Amethyst…’ Dunstan sighed at what Dawkin said, but nodded. ‘It does, albeit I don’t know what exactly to do about it. Thank you, for bringing this to my attention…’
And then Claire had come at some point. During the journey here, she’d found that Cathia isn’t actually very talkative unless she has something to say, and during the trip she didn’t have a lot to say, so she mostly just looked curiously at Claire and responded to what she was told. She was pretty amazed at the Uxie Pokémon dex entry, however.
When they arrived. To Dawkin, Claire just arrived with Cathia, the same trainer of Jacques that had previously barred the way out of Wet Caverns some time back, that he and Martin had fought together.
‘I’m-’ Cathia suddenly stopped short when Dunstan looked over towards Claire and Cathia as they came in.
‘I’m honored to meet you. Okay, so. I invaded the Team Amethyst base here, and found their research,’ she said, holding forth the papers she’d procured. Dunstan snapped up the papers and started reading intently. ‘They were stealing ancient Pokémon, in order to find the cells of the immortal Pokémon among those that may have been blessed by it in the past… and they succeeded. They found the cells of the lifegiving Pokémon, and they’re sending multiple packages to Bigfjord City as we speak. Unfortunately, it doesn’t say what they’ll be used for…’ Cathia responded.
‘I…’ Dunstan looked a bit stunned, and slumped down in one of his chairs. ‘I see. That… that makes sense. However, how the blazes did they know to look for the cells in ancient Pokémon!?’ Dunstan asked, looking quite upset at this. He picked up the vial of blue cells. ‘Well, thanks to Dawkin, we have one of the deliveries right here. But apparently, there was more than one…’
‘Right. Usually, we’d send the Pokémon League’s trainers to root out our foes and stop whatever plan they have… but unfortunately, whenever we do that it’s like Amethyst knows we’re coming. Even when we’re trying to send our best trainers undercover, even when we do it in secrecy, it’s like they know. Our only other option is…’ Dunstan took a moment, then looked towards Dawkin, Claire, and Cathia. He had an odd look in his eyes.
‘Well. I could say… Welcome to the unofficial HQ of people trying to stop what’s going wrong in Isson. If you ever learn something that you want to share with those who fight for a better world, this should be a safe place to do so.’ As in, the GM says this is a safe place.
‘It’s clear these people have interest in doing stuff with Legendary Pokémon, since they shattered Zygarde. We already put you on that,’ he nodded to Dawkin, but now looked at Claire and Cathia. ‘Zygarde is the Legendary Pokémon that normally responds whenever someone tries to mess with nature. He usually resides in the Desert Mines, but not anymore. Seeing how someone had the foresight shatter Zygarde into small clumps of cells, we know they’re likely doing something Zygarde would respond to. We do have the ability to put him back together, but if we do so without foresight of our own they might just come back and do it again,’ Dunstan slumped his shoulders a bit.
‘I… actually already know where a lot of the Legendary Pokémon are. I have trainers I trust guarding their locations… Now, excuse me while I don’t disclose their locations to you immediately… but know that, in the case someone does strike, I am as prepared as I can be. Albeit they seem to always be a step ahead. Can I randomly call you in case one of these places is suddenly under attack? It’d possibly help,’ Dunstan asked something that could potentially be very important later.
‘As for the current situation… I really can’t ask this of you, but… Would you go to Bigfjord City and see if you can find what’s going on? I, and any of the strong trainers I know, would probably be recognized immediately. You are new, and might stand a better chance slipping in unnoticed…’ He looked up at the ceiling. ‘… Though, maybe you want to grow a bit stronger first. Just, you know, a little bit. I get this strange feeling they won’t be ready for a while.’
as in, the plot will wait for you ‘I… I just wish she was here… where could she have gone…?’ ‘Of course, you don’t have to do this.’ After muttering something under his breath, Dunstan immediately turned to you three again. ‘You don’t owe us anything. Frankly, it’s kind of dumb that I, an adult, is asking this of kids. That said, I am out of options… What do you say?’
So, that was that. Now, Cathia will answer, but maybe you guys want to do so first. Feels more appropriate that way.
And, of course, you could leave after that, or maybe you have more questions.
Raremine Town
no cat-eared girls here, sorry
Raremine Town is a moderately large, bright town on the edge of the only desert in Isson. By some twist, the largest mineral deposits in the land is located right under the desert, making it an attractive place to build mines. From that, Raremine Town naturally sprung into being as a merchant town on the edge of habitability from where the mineral could then be delivered to the rest of Isson. The temperature is hot, sun blazing down on this land where plains slowly become desert, the atmosphere dry and unfriendly… yet, life and trees blossoms among the buildings of Raremine Town.
The ground is still the grass from the Vast Plains, with buildings on top of them. The modern houses stand tall with plenty of architectural skill put into them, tools for building and living sold inside the houses. Everywhere, one can see workers walking about, but they’re happy workers, with their families living close at hand in the town and with the finest equipment available. Oh, and of course, plenty of Pokémon that assist with the finding of ores and such! The trees, which appear to have been planted and grown all over town by the residents themselves, gives plenty of homes for local Pokémon to live.
Overall, it’s busy, with people walking and talking all over, an active town indeed.
1. Find Pokémon. Can still search for Pokémon in cities~ 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Places. Visit any of the places in the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Minor League Gym. 6.4. Freecape Ferrymen Office. Fly you to any settlement you’ve already been for 500P! 6.5. Desert Miner’s Hangout. The workers of the Desert Mine live around here. They can give tips about the desert! 6.6. Research Lab. For archaeologists, those who want to talk to Dunstan and those who want to resurrect fossils. 6.7. Stone Store. Where all the stones of the Desert Mines or Frozen Cave eventually end up! Lots of evolutionary and other kinds of stones! 6.8. Bug Garden. A garden within which bugs thrive. Vivillons can be hired here for tracking down the Mythic Oasis! 6.9. Warehouses. Because the things they mine here needs somewhere to be stored. This includes Ancient Pokémon, apparently, as some of the warehouses are pens. 6.10. Team Amethyst Base. Claire had been there once, she could find it again. 7. Familiar Faces: Vivia, Skylar. Vivia, one of Jacques’ trainers, is walking around window-shopping rare rocks and such. Skylar is… well, read the first section of this post. 8: Raremine Town Trades: Ground-type 8.1. ‘Hey, do you have a Burmy? Would you like to trade it for my Mudbray?’ 8.2. ‘Hi, I really like snakes, so I got two of these Silicobras. I could trade you one for an Ekans!’ 8.3. ‘This is a Toedscool. I thought it looked funny, so I bought it, but… I’d much rather have an Abra.’
Connected areas: Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town. Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.