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The Sand Tomb missed, and Paradise dropped off Skylar and Owlfred before getting back into the conflict. She unleashed a storm of Razor Leaves, the sharp leaves surging through the mass of sentient sandcastles, doing damage to every single one of them! And… Two of them were critically hit! Those two Sandygasts fainted, the little sand-dunes flopping over!

That, apparently, was enough.

‘Sandyyyyyyyy-!’ the Sandygasts cried out as they turned sand-tail and fled, shuffling away from Paradise and Skylar’s team. With that, the man who was being forced to pile sand on a Sandygast suddenly stumbled over from nothing, before grabbing his cello-case, dusted himself off, and then stood up to look towards Skylar.

‘It would seem that I have been rescued. Thank you,’ said the man, gently bowing towards Skylar. ‘Now may I suggest we-’

‘PALOOOOOOOOOOOO-!’ the giant sandcastle behind him screamed out, turning towards them, apparently agitated by the fleeing little Sandygasts coming to take cover behind the evolved Pokémon, the very sand around the Pokémon starting to vibrate with power.

‘- escape in all due haste?’ the man ended his sentence.

What does Skylar do?

@Joshua Tamashii

The Digletts gave happy little cries, and the Geodudes mumbled something (probably their name) while being a bit too proud-to-be-rough Pokémon to show outward happiness but nonetheless gave a little wave and good-bye sounds as she threw out the Escape Rope. It stuck to something unseen, and before she knew it Amelia was pulled along with it and found herself arriving outside the cave, a Teleport move or something attached to the rope allowing her to be transported outside. She was now at the top of a little hill with a view over Lakewatch Town below as she sent the message. It was indeed not a Geodude, Graveler or otherwise that she sat on.


Meanwhile, Basil had his stunned reaction to the Gothita he’d “captured” and the following group of people of around six people that had come looking for some “her” around here. Quickly figuring he’d need to get out of here, he did just that after sending a message to Amelia.

He’d make his way out of town and up the hill, finding Amelia sitting on a rock outside the cave.

So, they’re currently not in Wet Caverns, and they’re not in Lakewatch Town. So, they’re somewhere in between.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that you could go into.
Lakewatch Town. The town sitting on the waters of the lake.
Route 5. Grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains to the east of here.
Route 14. The lake itself to the north.
@Joshua Tamashii

‘Diglett!’ the Digletts happily announced, looking like proud little tiny moles sticking out of the ground for having helped Amelia with her request. They then proceeded to watch as she turned to the Sableye…

Sableye was gnawing and nibbling on the Rock Gem as Amelia sat down to talk to it. It’s eyes focused on her for the duration of the speech, the two gems for eyes unmoving as she spoke. That said, as she concluded what she said, she might see the Sableye turning its eyes towards Amelia’s bag, where she’d put the gems in.

Amelia turned her attention to her Pokédex, seeing Basil’s response and then typed a reply. When she looked back up.

‘Sable,’ the Sableye was all of a sudden right next to her, staring up at her intently while holding up pointing at the bag. As in, can I have some more?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.



Gothita didn’t actually step off his shadow. She just stared at him, expecting another song. Though perhaps if he suggested that she’d get a better view from in front of him, it’d work better. Regardless, he picked up his mandolin and played for the little Pokémon.

Basil played for the excited Gothita. And with that, he got the Psychic type’s eyes to stay fully widened and her little mouth to hang as she wiggled a tiny little dance to the song. Definitely appreciating the song-choice, somehow upping and style just from the language alone. He definitely got more attention than just the Pokémon, but as far as opinions that mattered, that Pokémon absolutely loved it.

‘Thia!’ the little Pokémon clapped happily with its tiny little arms as Basil finished, and his attention went to the Pokédex and then sent that message. He then addressed the little Pokémon, who looked up at him curiously as if she didn’t seem to understand what he was talking about. But, then he offered her the Pokéball.

Gothita took a moment. She then looked over towards the right, somewhere…

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


Didn't seem like the Gothita obviously belonged to anyone nearby. Some were noticing it and raising an eyebrow or two, but otherwise moving along. So there was just this wide-eyed little humanoid known for becoming obsessed with things staring straight at him.

At the question if she'd like a song to be played just for her... the little Pokémon's eyes widened even further and she nodded her head very excitedly while keeping her eyes fixed on Basil.

That would appear to be a "yes".

So what's Basil to do?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


‘Aw, don’t say that! I don’t think luck’s something that can be “used up”! I bet you still got plenty!’ Kalmia encouraged him happily, eventually placing down her Slowpoke again. She was happy enough that he’d taken the time to call her.

‘Oh! Huh. I’ll make sure to stock up…!’ Kalmia looked a little startled with Basil’s cautioning words about the Deino he’d just obtained. With that, Basil prepared to take his leave. ‘Alright. Do keep me posted. I wish you continued luck!’ Kalmia waved from the other side of the call until Basil ended the call.

Basil sent the text-message to Amelia, and then just sat down on a bench doing nothing. Well, almost nothing. He started playing some music on the streets. Probably a common enough occurrence.

So yes, he played some nice little tunes, and the occasional passerby threw in some money. Some even stopped to listen to him play. Numerous of those who stopped to listen to him were Woopers. Money wasn’t the only thing they threw in, however. In fact, they threw in a variety of stuff. One particularly rich-looking guy threw in what appeared to be a stone.

Basil obtained 475P!
Basil obtained Repel!
Basil obtained Ability Capsule!
Basil obtained Moon Stone!

… And that would do for now.

Eventually, Basil would probably attempt standing up…

… and found that he couldn’t move. Well, not too far, at any rate. He could still look around to try to figure out why, and that’s when he saw it. A tiny little Pokémon, standing squarely on his shadow, staring up at him with tiny but very wide little eyes.

How would Basil respond?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.



Skylar stopped by the man currently bent over picking up more sand, asking if he needed help. The man seemed unable to turn to look at him, but he sure had multiple Sandygasts turning in his direction without changing their expressions. Skylar had time to say his second part as well. After that, it took a couple seconds… then the man spoke.

‘It would seem I am not in control of my actions,’ said the man, pouring another helping of sand over a ghostly sand-pile. ‘I might require help.’

That claim might have triggered the ghosts around him.

‘SANDYGAST!’ called the living sand-beings, and they together summoned their powers, and the powerful swirl of sand known as Sand Tomb manifested to attempt to trap Skylar and his Pokémon…!

That is, it would. If Paradise wasn’t able to just fly above it. Because Ground-type move against flying-types.

The Palossand hadn’t reacted yet.

What would Skylar do now?


@Joshua Tamashii

The Onix continued resting, peaceful enough where it remained partly inside the wall.

When Litwick apologized, the Geodudes gave the Pokémon equivalent of a thumbs up. They had redeemed their race. Their purpose is now complete.

They arrived at the wall, as the Digletts dug forth the gems a question arose. Were these the kind of gems that could be sold for a lot of money or the kind that can be used once to boost a Pokémon move?

Well, duh. It’s the Pokémon World. Of course it’s the Pokémon kind.

Amelia obtained 3 Fire Gems!
Amelia obtained 3 Dragon Gems!
Amelia obtained 2 Dark Gems!
Amelia obtained 2 Water Gems!
Amelia obtained 2 Rock Gems!
Amelia obtained Ice Gem!
Amelia obtained Ground Gem!
Amelia obtained Grass Gem!
Amelia obtained Ghost Gem!

Pick one to feed to the Sableye.

The pair of eyes in the dark held still in the dark… until the creature started speedily crawling over towards her, the short little ghost grabbing the gem offered out of her hands.

‘Sable,’ it stated, taking a couple steps back and started to nibble on the gem. It would appear Amelia has managed to bargain herself a moment of its time.

She also got a text-message from Basil, through her Pokédex if they didn’t provide any other means.

What will Amelia do now?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.


Being out on the streets when his egg hatched, Basil had a number of people look his way when the hatching took place, looking happy enough to watch the miracle of life… but then none of them had any idea what this weirdo creature that just hatched from it was. They couldn’t even tell it wasn’t its regular coloration. So they wandered on, none the wiser…

Basil, however, had a handy tool that could tell him something was off! In fact, there was even a tiny marker on the spot in the Pokédex keeping track of his team that told him so! Not that it said what it meant. It was just a couple stars!

Still. He called Kalmia, opting for the option that allowed a video-feed. It took a couple rings, then the screen opened up.

‘Hello! Professor Kalmia speaking! Oh, hey, Basil!’ Kalmia waved, she was clearly in her laboratory. ‘I just got the notification you sent something new into the box! So, guess you caught something new, eh? What is it?’ she excitedly asked. So, Basil showed off what he’d gained, and…

‘Ohmigosh,’ Kalmia made a noise as she saw the newly born little fella. Basil kept talking, and the professor’s eyes sparkled, kinda like the effect this new Pokémon was going to give when it emerged from a Pokéball from now on. ‘Basil, this is…’ Kalmia spent a little time smiling widely and excitedly bouncing a little on the other side.

‘He’s shiny!’ she eventually said, happy awe in her voice. ‘Caused by an especially rare mutation in the Pokémon, it’s born with a different coloration than regular. This phenomenon is very rare and just seeing one is considered extremely lucky, nevermind hatching one! Congratulations!’ She clapped a little for him.

‘He’s a cute little thing, isn’t he? Does the color match my Slowpoke?’ she asked, and picked up her Slowpoke to hold it in front of the camera. It stared blankly and non-responsively into the screen at Basil and the Toxel. And to answer her question, kinda.

‘To perhaps ease your possible worries, there’s nothing different between him and a regular Toxel otherwise, it’s just the color!’ she continued, and that’s about it, really.

How would Basil respond?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


@Joshua Tamashii

Amelia asked her question… and the various Digletts looked at one another.

‘Digidig!’ One said.
‘Diglett?’ Another asked in reply.
‘Diglett!’ A third confirmed.

With that, they turned away and wanted to head down into the cave, but turned to call for Amelia.

‘Dig?’ It seemed they wanted her to follow them.

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.


Skylar went down to the shore and-

and nothing. There was not a single thing here at the shore. He might have heard rumors about Route 16, not living too far from it. It was called “Isson’s most dangerous route” and that you’re absolutely not allowed to play around there. There were actually fences if you went down the cliff at Freecape City and then tried going south via the shore. As he’s not actually on top of Route 16, you’re not getting the image. That said, there sure were some shores here, and then out over the ocean there was some distant light from the Eerie Lighthouse. The shore itself was just a stretch of sand that there didn’t appear to be anything on…

Or, wait, what was that. There was someone running over this way! It’s a swimmer?


It was a positively panicked swimmer that was going to run straight past Skylar in terror. So, that wasn’t something you saw every day. So, what was that going on further down the beach? It did seem like…

Oh, there he is.



‘Alright, then,’ Lesley simply responded in response to the nothing Basil had to say.

Then, one eventful hospital-scene later. He got his bracer and Lesley nodded to his thanks for everything.

‘I’m counting on that you’ll be back. I need to see how well you’ve raised your dragon. You might just find that I’ve come to check up on you before you’ve come to visit me,’ Lesley said, giving a chuckle as she took a couple steps back. She then took a deep breath and whistled in front of the hospital, and people around who knew what that meant moved out of the way as Lesley stepped out into the open. ‘I’ll see you later!’

With that, she leapt up into the air, and just as the Salamence once again blew through the streets she landed on top of it and was carried off into the distance.

Then Basil was once again on his own. He walked a bit, and then sat down to take a look at the egg…

Hey, how about you take 3 + 4 steps more?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.

@Joshua Tamashii

The race continued over there. Slowpoke was not winning. The Onix did win once, though.

‘Dig!’ ‘Dig, dig!’ ‘Diglett!’ The Digletts happily replied to being asked what they were up to. For Amelia’s Pokémon, it translated to that they were curious and investigating the new presence in their cave.

Psyduck shook its head. ‘Psy-ay-ay-ay…’ It told, basically that it just saw a gathering of Pokémon and hoped for some kind of food.

‘Geo…!’ one Geodude looked upset at being shouted at, but the other Geodude looked more appreciative. ‘Geodude,’ the other Geodude said, and then looked towards the Digletts. ‘Geo, dude!’

‘Diglett!’ one Diglett called, and suddenly all the Digletts went into the ground and the Geodudes floated away. Of course, Amelia’s Pokémon had understood what they were saying, but…

A couple seconds later, the Pokémon returned. The Geodudes were holding out something for Amelia. An Oran Berry and a Super Potion. The Digletts had recovered some random stuff they’d found in the ground, looking way happy. ‘Geodude,’ Sorry, basically. Of course, it didn’t know if these things worked on humans, too.

Amelia obtained two Oran Berries!
Amelia obtained Super Potion!
Amelia obtained HP Up!
Amelia obtained Antidote!
Amelia obtained Amulet Coin!

So, that happened.

What now?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.


Lesley threw a look at his now bloodied jacket and gave a little shrug.

‘Well, if you ever felt like going for the dangerous ruffian look, there ya go,’ Lesley said with the tiniest bit of mirth in her voice while still patching him together.

When he then used her own words back at her, she made a bit of a grimace.

‘You’re right, and it probably was the right move to get closer to the Hydreigon… but you do realize how close you just came to being torn in half? If you keep making those bets, one of these days it will not go your way. Darn it, did you HAVE to pick that one? Most others don’t just randomly attack humans. Like, if that one was the only mother on the island, I wouldn’t have let you go off like that,’ Lesley grumbled.

When Basil shouted off towards the Hydreigon, she was still locked in combat with Salamence. But, with Basil’s shout of her name, the dragon flapped her wings and came to a stop, hovering in mid-air. Salamence also stopped the assault, a momentary ceasefire. Hydreigon listened to his words, notably with her back turned… then gave out a loud roar. The roar of a dragon that had heard his promise. Then, she flapped her wings, and soared out through the cave’s entrance and out into the open sky.

‘Ooo, it’s been a while since she left the cave…’ Lesley said, looking momentarily back towards the eggs and the Deinos, then nodded. ‘Alright. Salamence! Come back! We’ve got a delivery to make!’ Lesley called her dragon, who came flying back. Lesley applied a Hyper Potion to heal the damage from the battle with Hydreigon, then helped Basil back up, much gentler than last time.

Then, they were off. This time with Lesley keeping a more steady hold of Basil, just in case he’d suddenly faint, and not flying quite as dangerously. That is, since last time she was somewhat intentionally trying to scare him.

During the flight, Basil asked how much Lesley had heard. She gave him a peculiar look.

‘If you’re talking about what you said to Hydreigon, none. When I came running, the Hydreigon was already in your face. I stayed at a distance, because approaching would just have made it worse. Then it charged the Dragon Pulse, and I could wait no longer, so I sent Salamence. At that distance, I didn’t hear anything,’ Lesley said, because realism. ‘Do you have something you wish to tell me?’ she ended on an open-ended question.

Up to Basil if he wants to answer.


While Hydreigon and Salamence were still battling it out in the background, Basil got his arm chewed by Deino. Deino looked, as far as one can look without eyes, towards him as he spoke, or at the very least towards the source of his voice. Then, it let go of his arm just enough to loudly call in his face.



@Joshua Tamashii

Amelia sat down to watch the races. It looked like a new competitor had stepped onto the line! It was another Slowpoke, preparing itself to race the Sableye, Diglett and Onix! Everyone faced forward professionally, preparing for the signal…


The Slowpoke at the finish called, and the race was on again! The Onix was, in fact, quite fast… but the Diglett dug its way forward at an unmatched speed, leaving a trial of dug-up ground after it! Poor Sableye didn't stand a chance against that speed, and the Diglett once again won and received another gem. Not that the Diglett had much use of the gem, it was just happy to win.

And the Slowpoke that entered the race… it looked like it was going to lose the next two races too before it reached the finish-line once.

Looking at the races, Amelia might have failed to realize that there was a collection of not-ghost Pokémon that had gathered around her!

‘Diglett?’ ‘Dig, dig?’ ‘Diglett?’ … asked the collection of tiny mole-Pokémon that had poked out of the ground to look at her curiously. There was also a couple floating rocks floating near.

Pokédex Entry #50 – Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. They live underground and spend most of their time submerged. It’s weak to light, and will only pop up where shielded or in caves. They often exist a mere yard underground eating roots. They’re often raised on farms, because soil dug through by Digletts is left perfectly tilled for growing healthy crops.

‘Dude!’ ‘Geo, dude!’ The Geodudes asked whatever ghosts they could see while trying to float closer. In Pokémon, they asked what the ghosts are for something. As Geodudes born here, they'd never seen these species before!

Pokédex Entry #74 – Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Found in fields as well as mountains. They commonly rest, half-buried in the ground and indistinguishable from normal rocks. There are always way more Geodude around than a traveler will notice. Stepping on one by accident may trigger their rage.

A Psyduck was coming walking from over there, possibly attracted by the various noises made by Digletts and Geodudes.

Pokédex Entry #53 – Psyduck, the Duck Pokémon. It is plagued by headaches from the moment it is born until it evolves. Its vacant look is there to lull its enemies, and by intensifying its headaches it can unleash psychic powers. However, any time it uses these powers will create a lapse in its memory and it won’t remember having done so.

Then… maybe the most startling might be the realization that what looked like a rock-formation in the wall was actually a sleeping Onix, who now opened its eyes to gaze curiously at the little girl that had sat not too far from it.

Pokédex Entry #95 – Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon. It lives deep underground, and it burrows through earth at a staggering 80 km/h in search of food, and it grows harder as it collects material while digging. A magnet in its brain keeps track of which direction it is traveling. The tunnels it creates behind it as it burrows are often used as homes for other Pokémon.

Well. Amelia and co had a bunch of curious wild Pokémon around them, now. They didn't appear to be aggressive.

What would she do now?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.



Eryn headed down, deeper into the Frozen Cave, away from the harsh wind and blowing snow. Fortunately, she seemed to be dressed for the occasion, and could avoid accidentally slipping, mostly. She might be vaguely aware of some Sneasels stalking her on a distance, not able to quite use their stealth due to it not being night, yet. So, she headed down towards the shouts…


… And came across a curious sight. She was looking down into a round room from a somewhat higher ledge. She could slide down if she wish, but then she'd likely be unable to get up. In the centre of the small room was a large, cold-looking rock, and on top of it stood a creature like a picture of grace itself, a quadruped mammal-creature with a tail, two ears, locks and a very obvious heritage…

Pokédex Entry #471 – Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokémon. An Eevee that evolved for a colder climate. It is capable of controlling its body-temperature at will. If endangered, it can freeze its fur into sharp needles that it can fire upon their foe. The chill that follows a Glaceon is capable of freezing the atmosphere into powdery snow, making it a popular Pokémon for ski resorts.

… that was currently in the process of shooting Ice Shard needles at a young man that was frantically trying to dodge. On his side stood a confused, strong-looking Golduck, who wasn't interfering. It looked a bit concerned, but had clearly been told not to do anything.

Pokédex Entry #54 – Golduck, the Duck Pokémon. Said to be the fastest swimmer of all Pokémon, it effortlessly uses its webbed flippers to navigate even stormy seas. It is typically found along the banks of lakes or in gently flowing rivers, catching fish. It is known to use its telekinetic powers to Disable its prey. When it does, its forehead glows.

While dodging, the young man in dark clothes yelled out at the Pokémon.

‘I'm telling you! We'll go see the world! Have wonderful adventures making lifelong memories and becoming the best of buds! We'll face awesome foes and come out on top! Doesn't that sound exciting!?’

The Glaceon, clearly unimpressed, said nothing and simply shot another set of frozen needles that the guy dodged with a panicked but deft combat-roll.

‘YAAAH!’ he cried as he ran, the same kind of shout that had led Eryn here in the first place.

‘What, are you saying you prefer just lying around here for the rest of your life!?’ the guy asked, turning to look towards the Glaceon while panting.

Glaceon curtly nodded and then shot another set of Ice Shards at him, which he ‘WOA’ matrix bent over backwards and precisely managed to dodge.

So, what Eryn heard was, in fact, an extrovert trying to convince an introvert to come with him to see the world… if the introvert was capable and willing to shoot said extrovert with ice needles.

What would Eryn d-

Hold on. What was that sound?

That's when Eryn might look behind her and realize there were two angry-looking horned floating ice-heads that ALSO had been attracted by the shouts of the guy!

Pokédex Entry #362 – Glalie, the Face Pokémon. It is a living floating rock coated with an armor of ice. It can instantly freeze moisture in the air into any shape it desires, which it then adds to its armor. Its mouth can open to fire air cold enough to freeze its target solid. After their prey is frozen, Glalie leisurely eats them piece by piece.

They were coming from the direction Eryn just came from. Her other choices of directions she could potentially go are either down to where the guy and the Glaceon are right now, or take her chances running to her right, which leads down to another tunnel, not knowing what lay in that direction. Or she could fight, or any other potentially clever option. All up to her.

What would she do now?



Skylar shook the pirate’s hand, paid 2,000 P, and then…

‘Yeah, no,’ Elma said in reply. ‘We’re not going to send our bird on some quest to try to find you where you only might be. What’s your phone number? I’ll notify you and tell you where to wait,’ the more serious pirate girl said as she pulled a phone out of her pocket…

‘Ack! A phone!?’ Zachery suddenly complained, shielding his eyes with his one hand. ‘What about our pirate theme, Elma…!?’

‘Yeah, stuff it,’ Elma muttered. ‘I like keeping up with the news, thanks,’ she continued.

‘But, but… our image…’ Zachery looked so taken aback.

‘Fufu. There, there, captain,’ Mila started patting his back as she comforted him. ‘Let’s go raid some ships on Route 28. Would that make you feel better?’

Zachery mumbled a “yes” somewhere in there as a reply.

With that, Skylar was then free to leave this place.

So he flew over to the place indicated by the message, flying past Route 6 in the process, but that aside…

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