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‘Hey, I’m becoming a bit of a celebrity here! I can’t be going around deceiving people, word would spread! Now, yes, I’m a pirate, but I’m also trying to run a business here…’ Zachery argued when Skylar was doubtful about leaving the vase with that pirate. He then looked a bit concerned with the potential plan that Skylar was bringing up… when his eyes suddenly opened wide.

‘Wait, you literally want your egg delivered to you by-’ Zachery then dropped his head back and laughed. ‘Hahahaha! I love it!’

‘I wouldn’t recommend it,’ Elma said with a slight frown. ‘It is true, there is a bird Pokémon known for carrying items with its feathers… however, it is also pretty well known for dropping them for fun.’

‘Eh, we can persuade it! Sure, that sounds like a good deal. The price is 2,000 P for an unevolved Pokémon, though the price doubles per purchase. To make sure nobody rich buys up everything. Still, with your Relic Vase on the line and this not even being a Pokémon from outside Isson, we can skip the doubling this time!’ Zachery said.

‘So, deal?’

With that, he could probably go.

Connected areas:
Route 6. If you can climb the cliffs up north.
Raremine Town. Directly east.



The Dragon Pulse charged up straight in front of his face, and yet Basil decided that he was going to face it straight-on, risking losing his face in the process. Hydreigon held her pose for a bit, staring silently at him even as the sound of the energy of her attack hummed. There was something in her gaze…

Then she arched her neck up and unleashed a powerful, purple blast off straight above Basil… and straight into the Salamence that had been charging in at such a speed that Basil didn’t realize it was incoming until it had been struck by the Dragon Pulse.

That didn’t stop the other giant dragon, as the Salamence dove down through the beam, despite the damage. Hydreigon gave a content grunt as she jumped into the air and crashed into the other dragon, both of them sent backwards, notably avoiding the Deinos and the eggs. This was when Basil heard someone running behind him.

‘Basil!’ Lesley came running, in full armor, looking alarmed. ‘Why, out of ALL the ones you could have gone to, did you go to HER!?’

Clearly less than impressed by his choice, Lesley was here to attempt getting him to run while her Salamence kept Hydreigon occupied. Before him… the two dragons circled in the air. Dragon Pulse and Dragon Breaths blasted against the other, and the two winged creatures quickly dodged one another. Salamence charged at the Hygreigon with a wicked Dragon Claw, and Hydreigon replied in full delight with a Dragon Rush. The impact sent a blast wave that shook a number of the eggs below, Basil probably could feel it off where he was at that moment, and a couple of the Deinos were trying to retreat into the corners. By her expressions, it was clear Hydreigon was enjoying fighting what was probably one of few creatures around here that was her match…

‘C’mon, not even I try to bother that particular one-!’ Lesley said, trying to grab Basil to pull him out of the tunnel, when… ‘WATCH OUT!’

She grabbed at Basil to try to pull him to the floor, because Hydreigon had suddenly nosedived and then flown across the floor straight past the two humans, Salamence flying after as fast as she could. It had all gone so fast, that…

Then something else fell down on the two of them. The thing that dropped down on them was big, black and weighed a not inconsequential amount. The thing had been grabbed by Hydreigon mid-dive with one of her side-mouths and then just casually dropped on top of them as she passed by.

It was one of her kids, currently looking down at Basil in confusion (with the assumption he was no longer standing after having a mini-dragon dropped on him).

Pokédex Entry #633 – Deino, the Irate Pokémon. Usually found nesting deep in a cave. Deinos cannot see, and their first instinct upon encountering anything is biting and eating it. Approaching them carelessly is dangerous. It is said a trainer will be covered in wounds before a Deino has warmed up to them enough to not automatically bite.

If he looked off towards the flying dragon, he’d get a brief moment of Hydreigon looking back at him, full of intention… before it turned back to the intense fight with Salamence that it delighted.

‘… Huh,’ Lesley made a somewhat surprised noise, looking away at the encounter.

The Deino looked at him curiously…

And, true to the Pokédex word, the first thing it then did was bend down its neck and try to bite him.

Despite this action, didn’t seem like the Deino had decided to come with him quite yet. Did he intend on trying to convince this one somehow?

Connected areas:
Route 14. The lake surrounding Dragon Lake is also known as Route 14.

@Joshua Tamashii

Amelia stepped down into the darkness, alert in case of ambushes. She found a network of tunnels in the darkness… that weren’t very quiet. In fact, there were the sounds of rolling rocks just about everywhere down here. Here comes one now!

Pokédex Entry #74 – Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Found in fields as well as mountains. They commonly rest, half-buried in the ground and indistinguishable from normal rocks. There are always way more Geodude around than a traveler will notice. Stepping on one by accident may trigger their rage.

Pokédex Entry #75 – Graveler, the Rock Pokémon. A Graveler’s life consists of travelling up mountains feeding on their rocks to grow big, and then rolling down to the bottom to climb again. Due to their free and uncaring nature, they make some mountain trails very dangerous.

Gravelers and Geodudes rolled through the caves, using the fact the caves weren’t entirely flat for their favorite pastime of rolling as fast as they could all the way from whatever top they found down to the bottom. As the Gravelers rolled, they sent more Geodudes flying than Amelia could possibly have realized were there as they came through. Fortunately, they were very loud, so she had plenty of time to get out of the way before the living rocks came rolling.

Still, Amelia had a goal, and she pushed on towards that goal. Because indeed, she felt the presence of ghosts in this cave. She had already deduced which one it had to be, and she was not wrong.

A bit more searching, and there it was. Sableye. Kneeling on a relatively flat piece of cave… by what appeared to be a line?

Next to it, was a tiny mole sticking out of the ground…

… as well as a positively humongous rock-snake. All standing ready.

Pokédex Entry #302 – Sableye, the Darkness Pokémon. They live quiet lives in dark caves where they dig for their favorite food, raw gems. These gems surface on their eyes as glittering jewels. They tend to be feared, for it is said that those who meet with these glittering eyes in a dark cave have their spirits stolen away.

Pokédex Entry #50 – Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. They live underground and spend most of their time submerged. It’s weak to light, and will only pop up where shielded or in caves. They often exist a mere yard underground eating roots. They’re often raised on farms, because soil dug through by Digletts is left perfectly tilled for growing healthy crops.

Pokédex Entry #95 – Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon. It lives deep underground, and it burrows through earth at a staggering 80 km/h in search of food, and it grows harder as it collects material while digging. A magnet in its brain keeps track of which direction it is traveling. The tunnels it creates behind it as it burrows are often used as homes for other Pokémon.

On the other side of this particular cavern… sat a pink, mindless-looking… whatever Slowpoke is.

Pokédex Entry #79 – Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokémon. Extremely slow and sluggish, it doesn’t feel pain until 5 seconds after the blow. It fishes by dipping its tail in water and then doing nothing all day waiting for something to bite. To assist, a Slowpoke’s tail is flavorful, and can break off with no pain and grows back after a while.

The three Pokémon seemed to be waiting for something. That’s when, eventually…








With the sudden call the three Pokémon shot forward! The massive Onix blasted forward with great (literally) enthusiasm, the Diglett surged forward as a tiny spot of speed, and Sableye… Sableye did his absolute best to run after them, waving its arms as it tried to head after. But unlike Onix and definitely unlike Diglett, Sableye just wasn’t built for speed.

Diglett poked Slowpoke first, and for his effort, Slowpoke spent the next twenty seconds picking a glowing gem from a small pile behind him to hand over to Diglett. Diglett made a little cheering noise, and then carried (somehow) the little gem over to a small pile that was apparently its winnings from previous rounds. Because now the three Pokémon, Diglett, Onix and Sableye, was gathering once again by the starting-line. Seems they were repeatedly having a race for who gets Sableye’s favorite things, the gems…

And Sableye didn’t seem to be winning.

What would Amelia do?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.



‘Oh, gunning for Lowell’s position? Yeah, that’s cool. Especially if you’re blind, hehehe. Good on you. Alright, Elma! Get one of those!’ Zachery told one of his girls, and she simply nodded before hurrying back towards the ship. Apparently, he didn’t need to clarify which one.

‘Yeah, and I’m Zachery! These girls are Elma and Mila! Say hi!’ Zachery said with a grin.

‘Hi~’ Mila gave a playful little wave towards him as Zachery commanded. Elma was already back towards the ship at that point, though.

Then Skylar came with his second suggestion.

‘Oh, a Piplup. Nah, sorry,’ Zachery said, grinning as he said. ‘I don’t stock up on Pokémon that do exist in Iss- OH, GAH, RELIC VASE-!?’ Zachery suddenly flailed with all his limbs when Skylar revealed what he had to trade with, the notebook suddenly flying. Mila took a moment to catch said notebook, all while whistling as she heard the offer.

‘Kid’s got some treasure,’ Mila commented.

‘Er, let’s see,’ Zachery suddenly started thinking about something, his expression looking focused. ‘If we just… Piplups should live at… if we sail to… then to…’

Mila, however, looked confused.

‘Okay, so!’ Zachery turned to Skylar, holding out his hand. ‘If you’re ready to hand over that Relic Vase, then next time you find us, we might… we might have come up with something! Sounds good?’

What does Skylar think?

Regardless of what he thought, eventually Elma would come back. On her shoulder sat a little owl-thing, and Zachery smiled as Elma walked over to Skylar.

‘Hey, this is your new friend,’ Elma said, letting the little owl hop onto her hand before she held it forward for Skylar to inspect as the little owl looked up at him. ‘Would you like to say “hello”?’

Pokédex Entry #722 – Rowlet, the Grass Quill Pokémon. It uses photosynthesis to gather energy during the day, then becomes active during the night. It hunts for prey, known to fly silently and then pelt their target with vicious kicks. At a distance, it’s able to launch sharp feathers. It feels relaxed in tight, dark places, and has been known to like nestling in its trainer’s bag.

And if he wants it…

Connected areas:
Route 6. If you can climb the cliffs up north.
Raremine Town. Directly east.



‘Ah! Team name!’ Simon overheard her talking about team names. With not a single second of hesitation, he came with his announcement. ‘Of course, we over here are Team Simon! Let’s go!’

With that, the match was on!

‘Simon! Get the ball! Simon, I want you on defense and Simon, coordinate with your team and be ready to Teleport!’ Simon called… and somehow his team knew exactly which one he was referring to at all times. Barboach Simon launched himself, swimming forward to intercept the ball first. Cubone Simon prepared her club, dashing to stand ready to close the gap. While Ralts Simon stood in the way of the goal, ready to attempt coordinating or something.

Laurel unleashed a Sandstorm! It blew from their side of the battle towards Simons, obscuring the vision… albeit notably, two out of three of her opponents were ground-type, virtually unaffected by the blowing dust. It did bother Ralts Simon over there, however.

Now, as fast as Barboach Simon was, he wasn’t faster than a Teleport. Zeal was teleported to the ball, and was able to go at it first! With a Mach Punch, he was double first! The ball was struck, and went straight past the Barboach… when a bone club hit it in mid-air and launched it back in the other direction! Cubone Simon maybe wasn’t the fastest contestant, but she had range with thrown bones!

‘A fast clash immediately! But who will adapt the fastest!?’ the announcer called, very excited.

‘Nice hit, Simon!’ Simon called to his Cubone. ‘Alright, Simon! After the ball!’ Simon called, and his Barboach went into pursuit after the ball that had been repelled by the Cubone! Ralts Simon kept ready to try to help, albeit didn’t see that much.

What was Claire’s strategy?



The large three-headed one-brained dragon kept a steady look at him as Basil started his speech. Other than heavy dragon breathing, there was no reaction to the first part of his speech. There was the mildest of a scoff when he said he didn’t want to insult her intelligence, then… when he said he wanted to ask one of her kids to come with him. Now that got her attention. If her eyes previously were narrowed in focus, they now opened wide as she glared down at him. Her presence towered over him.

There was a growl when he mentioned Team Amethyst. She stayed relatively quiet as he finished his tale, his affirmation and determination laid bare before the Brutal Pokémon. She waited a couple seconds, raising her middle head higher as she seemed to be thinking something over, the Deinos behind her watching curiously. She lowered her heads down to him, almost looking like her head was going to sniff him or something…

When her mouth swung open, and in the dark depths of her mouth a purple gathering of massive power brew while the two other heads snickered menacingly.

That would be Dragon Pulse, about to be shot a couple inches from his face, directed into his face.

What would Basil do?

Connected areas:
Route 14. The lake surrounding Dragon Lake is also known as Route 14.


The Axew stared up at him like he was out of his mind when patted and told that Basil would not be turning back. Well, guess there wasn’t much the little dragon could do to stop him, so the little dragon dashed away. Seemed like the priority here was to not be caught in the crossfire.

With that, Basil advanced on his own into the possibly soon to be literally dead end. The dragon, which according to the Pokédex is only basically 6 feet tall or 1.8 meters, was definitely much much larger because the Pokédex is silly. As Basil walked, little grunts escaped the monstrous beast as she roused from her rest, pulling herself off the ground and raising her heads up high. She stretched her necks, extended her wings as she gave a small yawn from each of her three mouths… and then her eyes opened, and her heads lowered to glare imposingly at Basil. She had notably not opened her eyes until Basil had come to a stop.

With that, the dragon advanced on him in turn. Her middle head glared at him from in front and the two other heads snaked around to glare at him from the left and right respectively, the dragon lazily waving her wings somehow hovering above him. She hadn’t attacked yet. The numerous Deinos around were looking at the scene curiously. Basil had an opportunity to speak.

What would he say?

Connected areas:
Route 14. The lake surrounding Dragon Lake is also known as Route 14.



‘What!? Pirates!? Where!?’ Zachery called out in feign shock as Skylar called out to them, looking around rapidly with an alarmed-looking gaze.

‘Wait, we!? Arrgh, you’re sharp! What gave us away!?’ he then asked, glaring towards Skylar while the pirate-flag fluttered in the wind back on his ship.

Though, a moment later he broke down into laughter.

‘Hahaha! I’m just messing with you. One of Kalmia’s trainers, are ya? Mila! Get me my notebook!’ he said, and a few moments later one of his girls came over and handed him a notebook. The pirate put down the Shuckle he’d been holding, grabbed the notebook with the same hand and then started leafing through it with his hook-hand.

‘So, what’s your name, and what do you want? We’ve got every Pokémon that isn’t native to Isson on this ship! … Almost every!’ Zachery added, because there were a couple ones they didn’t have. Like, legendary Pokémon, special Pokémon, etc.

Connected areas:
Route 6. If you can climb the cliffs up north.
Raremine Town. Directly east.



‘Wow, what a fantastic little place! A cozy corner in the heart of the bustling Entertainment District. A lovely find, Erika!’ Joshua complimented her before the start of their meal, because the Makuno-Uchi was indeed a very nice place for their meal.

In the middle of the conversation, Erika brought up her mother. Maple’s face brightened up in amazement.

‘You’re from there!? Oh, that’s amazing! Please, tell me the name and street of your mother and I’ll be sure to check in with her! Also, give me your number so we can talk more!’ Maple excitedly bounced to Erika as she discussed all the things.

With the thing with Ewan and Joshua, she got a nod and an agreement.

‘Will do. Suppose there’s a number of things in this city I’d like to check,’ Ewan said.
‘Hm. Let’s see. There’s a contest arena down here, isn’t there…?’ Joshua considered, looking deep in thought all of a sudden.

After that, Erika thanked Elana… Elana took a moment to take the straw out of her mouth and give Erika a gentle smile.

‘No worries. Just drop in at Lakewatch Town when you’d like my help. Now, underwater is not my area of expertise, and we actually do have an underwater expert…’ Elana shrugged a little. ‘… but if you want me, that can be arranged.’

With people having said their goodbyes for now, Erika and Sno headed off into the Entertainment District, the air abuzz with chatter and happy tones as people searched for the places to spend their Ps. Erika herself found the place that she wanted go to next… PokéMania.

She quickly found that PokéMania had two entrances, one for the audience and one for contestants. There was apparently a function where audience-members were able to bet on which of the contestants they thought would win, and they were able to win money doing that. Anyway, since assumingly she wanted to win those prices, here’s where we assume she enters as a competitor.

So, what will Erika do?

The city is comprised of six different districts. Three districts on each side of Mt. Edge, stapled on top of one another by the way of leaning on the cliff sides and mountain as well as giant pillars, taking advantage of the strange physics around Mt. Edge. Exits out of the city are on the middle districts of each side. Each district has their own Pokémon Center and Pokémart, but otherwise have their own unique features.

The following applies regardless of where in Worldedge City you are.

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Entertainment District.

To reach the Southern Districts, you’ll need an Abra to teleport you or walk through the tunnels of Mt. Edge. Costs 350P.



There were a couple other miners that had to take a look that Eryn hadn’t managed to unleash an unspeakable monstrosity that she needed help with when Peri roared, but they could soon confirm it was just a Pokémon making her opinion heard and be about their way.

With that, they decided to head on, into Frozen Cave proper. They found the trek to lead upwards, most of the trail was upwards, leading to risks of slipping and sliding all the way back where she’d come from. But, journeying forward, Eryn made her way through increasingly tight frozen tunnels, until eventually it opened up at least a little. A cold wind hit her in the face.

It appeared to be snowing.

Phew. That's a post. Tell me if there's any issues or thoughts you might have.


Well, here we go! Imagine a typical soccer field, but there's Pokémon on it. Simon doesn't have much of a strategy yet, so his Pokémon are mostly standing/floating side-by-side. We can do this in a collab/battle channel if you wish. Either way, this should turn out amusing.

Also, someone is trying to call. Hah.


I forgot to change the username at first, so you probably didn't get a notification, hah. Anyway!

I made sure you found at least one mother, albeit, you know, maybe not the mother you wanted to find. If it is, nice, I suppose. Otherwise, you'll just have to tell me what exactly you're looking for!


I wrote a bunch of conversation. I need to continue considering your adventure, but let's see what Erika thinks about what they're saying etc.


Pirates will always be possible to find by the seaside, hehehe. I'll note, this simply means that where Skylar is right now takes place a while after where Dawkin is seeing Zachery right now. No continuity errors as far as I am concerned. On that point,

@Eklispe How are you doing?


There wasn't actually that much for me to write.

I'll note the odds were against you to manage to catch this full-health Voltorb with a normal Pokéball, heh.

@Joshua Tamashii

And you're off to explore the Wet Caverns. This post is mostly to set you up for that. Do write something nice about how you get there and then how you head down seeking what you're after in a nice way or so, I figure. That works, right?

I apologize to everyone for it taking a bit, I blame Christmas, but now we're back on track. Let's go~

‘Oh, and I forgot to say. Albeit the teams are 3-on-3, you can switch out your Pokémon after any goal, or during a single time-out that you can call at any time!’ the announcer continued. So you’re not locked to the team you have currently the whole time if you want to switch it up.

‘Oooh! Yeah, I remember you!’ Simon suddenly spun and pointed towards her with a confident pose. ‘And I am Simon! I am the one that one day will be the best, like no one ever was! It- it’s not been going that well so far, but that’s about to change! I accept your challenge!’ he said… but Claire had already moved on. ‘Hey, wait!’

Simon dashed after, to his side of the field. A referee was standing with the ball at the ready. Simon got into position, grabbing three Pokéballs. ‘Alright! I chose you, Simon, Simon and Simon!’ With that, Simon called out his Pokémon… all named Simon.

They were an oblong fish manifesting in the little floating bubble that Water-Pokémon get on land if they can’t walk, a little mammal wielding a bone-club and a skull on her head… and a Ralts.

Pokédex Entry #339 – Barboach, the Whiskers Pokémon. It buries itself in mud with only its whiskers visible, awaiting prey. The whiskers are very sensitive and serve as a superb radar-system, giving it awareness of its surroundings. It is covered by a slimy film which prevents intrusion of germs and is very slippery if a foe tries to grab it.

Pokédex Entry #280 – Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon. The horn on its head can sense emotions, and its own mood will be affected in turn. It will approach positive emotion and its body will warm, while it will shy away from and avoid negativity and hostility. Quite rare to see in nature.

Pokédex Entry #104 – Cubone, the Lonely Pokémon. Each Cubone is under the impression its mother is dead and it wears her skull over its head, despite the ridiculous ramifications had this been true. As it never removes the skull (and is apparently born with it), it is said nobody has seen its face. When alone, it cries loudly and makes the skull rattle.

As soon as Claire had sent out her team and probably explained the rules to them, too, Simon probably has to tell his Pokémon what they’re doing as well, the announcer would start speaking. With that, Simon had his formation. Simon (Barboach) and Simon (Cubone) was standing forward and ready, with Simon (Ralts) standing a bit further behind by the goal.

‘Alright! So we have Pokémon Trainer Claire facing Pokémon Trainer Simon! The winner will move on to face the Gym Leader in the same sport! This is Pokémon Soccer! First to three goals or most goals within 15 minutes wins! This show starts NOW!’ he called, and the ball was hit into the air by the referee. No, nothing about who starts with the ball here, this is more fun. With that, the whistle is blown, and the game is on.

Now, Simon is immediately going to start barking orders, maybe most relevant that Barboach is going to do a quick swim directly at the ball to strike at it, but perhaps Claire wants to take the initiative? Or does she want to hear what Simon is ordering first?

… Oh, and it would seem someone’s calling her. Assuming she registered her as a contact, it’s Maple, who she once shared contact information with. Maybe not the best time, but she sure is calling.



Basil ventured into the caves… and was immediately greeted by the sounds of conflict. Two large dragons were currently striking at one another, battling it out while a crowd of smaller dragons looked on in awe. Seems like there may be a territorial dispute going on in here.

The two Pokémon in conflict were a pair of dragons…

Pokédex Entry #444 – Gabite, the Cave Pokémon. It’s known to endlessly dig into caverns after jewels and other shining objects, which it loves. It is known to amass shiny objects into hoards it in its nest. It’s known to sometimes shed its scales, and rumors say the scales of Gabites have powers to cure incurable illnesses, and they’re therefore sought for.

Pokédex Entry #611 – Fraxure, the Axe Jaw Pokémon. Their tusks are hard and powerful enough to shatter rocks, but if it breaks it no longer grows back. Fraxures therefore carefully maintain their tusks, sharpening them on river-rocks after battles. If they meet another Fraxure, they’ll commonly battle intensely for territory.

Watching them were a bunch of their pre-evolved forms.

Pokédex Entry #610 – Axew, the Tusk Pokémon. They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. They tend to mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees or cavern-walls, though the tusks often break. They grow back swiftly, and with repeated regrowth the tusks of an Axew grow strong and sharp.

There’s definitely a bunch of marks all over the cavern walls where Axews have been trying to mark their territory. Kind of hard to determine which mark is left by what Pokémon, though.

Pokédex Entry #443 – Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon. It lives in holes in caves warmed by geothermal heat. It awaits prey to stray too close to said holes, and then pounce out to bite them. While usually found underground for heat, they’ve been known to venture into colder climates while huddling together with others of its kind for warmth.

Besides that, there are more Deinos here, and some Druddigons flying past.

Pokédex Entry #633 – Deino, the Irate Pokémon. Usually found nesting deep in a cave. Deinos cannot see, and their first instinct upon encountering anything is biting and eating it. Approaching them carelessly is dangerous. It is said a trainer will be covered in wounds before a Deino has warmed up to them enough to not automatically bite.

Pokédex Entry #621 – Druddigon, the Cave Pokémon. It keeps its body warm by absorbing the light of the sun, without which it grows cold and cannot move. It relies on speed and sharp claws to hunt down its prey in narrow caves, before it returns outside to be heated by the sun. The red on its face is harder than rock.

There were more tunnels that Basil could walk through, but there was a single tunnel that it seemed like all other dragons were keeping a distance from. In fact, if Basil tried to go there, an Axew was going to step in his way, fear in the little dragon’s eyes. Even so, he could potentially get a peek inside…

So, what now?

Connected areas:
Route 14. The lake surrounding Dragon Lake is also known as Route 14.



Erika trained her Pokémon for a bit. With Gibs and Eep there were plenty of Electric-types to battle, and for Gibs that meant resisting electricity but taking their Tackle and Quick Attacks from Electrike while Shinx came with the occasional Bite in addition to Tackle. For Eep, he could resist both their electricity and their normal strikes, no problem.

For Tara against Normal or Flying types it was more equal. All the Meowths here have Fake Out, guaranteeing some damage against each one of them, Hoothoot has Hypnosis, Murkrow is pretty strong and Bunnelby… yeah, Bunnelby is a good mark. As she trained, she could find another cat on this route, a slightly rarer one but absolutely one that still exists.

Pokédex Entry #431 – Glameow, the Catty Pokémon. It claws when displeased and purrs when affectionate. It can switch between the two very swiftly, this fickleness is very popular among some. When happy its tail makes beautiful movements, like a dancing ribbon. Its glare can put foes into a hypnotic state.

Glameow knows Hypnosis and sometimes Faint Attack, might be a good idea to stay clear.

Erika trained her Pokémon, and so did her companions because what else were they going to do (minus Elana)… when she heard something unexpected. In various patches of grass around here, there were small Pokémon cheering the wild Pokémon on. They weren’t joining the battle themselves, but the small yellow creatures seemed just compelled to cheer on their fellow wild Pokémon and cry when they lost…

Pokédex Entry #311 – Plusle, the Cheering Pokémon. It very eagerly cheers on friends and partners. It can short out its arms and body to create cackling noises of sparks to show joy or to create fuzzy pom-poms on its hands. It lives off of electricity found in telephone poles. Having a Plusle and Minun at the same time boosts their power and their cheers.

Pokédex Entry #312 – Minun, the Cheering Pokémon. It cheers for friends and partners, even at the cost of its own safety. If its friends are losing, they will increase the amount of sparks they give off. Exposure to its electricity is known to promote blood circulation and relax muscles. Having a Plusle and Minun at the same time boosts their power and their cheers.

So that’s something. In any case, some training got done eventually.

Gibs grew to level 20! Gibs learned Sand Tomb!

Eep grew to level 18! Eep learned Ancient Power!

Tara grew to level 17! Tara learned Round!

With that, they moved on!

They arrived at Worldedge City, a magnificent sight, maybe hampered a little by the fact every single one of the people aside from maybe Erika has been there before. Still, many smiles could be seen looking around at the bewildering cityscape.

They transported themselves to the Entertainment District, where they could find themselves a nice place to eat that where they then could talk and such. It was a cozy little place, albeit with a lot of shining lights and happy happenstances. Psychic-type servers delivered their food in a timely fashion and then moved about their day.

So they could talk about what they wanted to do after this.

‘For our journey, we started by… spending a significant amount of time at the Pokémon Contests in Pureplain City! We then headed east, and we had a bunch of fun adventures in Wet Caverns, Frozen Cave, and more! We headed north and collected the Treetop Badge from Stillwood Village! Come to think of it, most of our journey has been shared with lovely Erika here!’ Joshua summarized.

‘Me and Maple…’ Ellyn started talking, as Maple was still chewing down a bunch of food. ‘… That is, Maple basically dragged me all the way to Magmagulf because she wanted to catch fire-types. So we did, straight across the ocean of Route 27, too. We collected the badge there while we could. The Gym Leader was surprised it was our first badge, the Magmagulf Town badge is usually among the latter Minor League badges a trainer takes. Pretty sure he went very easy on us…’ Ellyn lamented a little…

‘But then we headed straight south again!’ Maple shone up with shining excited eyes. She then pulled out her Trainer Card, showing off the fact it was displaying four badges. ‘We got the badge of Magmagulf Town, then went south and took Redcoast City badge, then all the way down to Highhill Town, finally east to Stillwood Village! We trained in Mt. Strength in there a bit before, too, that’s when we ran into Claire…’ Her eyes suddenly shone up.

‘Ah! That’s right! I got Claire’s number! I want to go call her right now!’

Maple’s just gonna go over and call. Claire might be preoccupied with a soccer match, though.

‘It seems we might be a bit behind with only a single badge,’ Ewan said, not necessarily looking like he had any trouble with it. ‘But I think, if we were to match strength, we’d come out roughly equal. We’ve been training our Pokémon, after all,’ he said.

‘Ah! That’s right!’ Maple came back from having tried calling Claire a little later. ‘We still must go get the Freecape Town and Raremine Town badges! Let’s see… what types do they use…’ Maple considered.

‘Flying and Ground-type,’ Ellyn said, not missing a beat.

‘Ah! And for that…’ Maple looked like she deflated a little. ‘… my team of Fire and Electric might not be the best against Ground, hehe,’ she chuckled a bit… then her eyes trailed to Sno, and her eyes shone wide again.

‘… Ellyn. Ice is strong against both Flying and Ground,’ Maple remarked.

‘Uh… yeah…?’ Ellyn asked, looking a bit uneasy. That’s when Maple gripped Ellyn’s both shoulders and pulled her over to stare so wide-eyed at her from way too close a range.

‘If we go to Mt. Chill and get a team of Ice-types, both Freecape Town and Raremine Town will fall before us! Come, we must go!’ Maple was half-way standing up to leave her half-eaten meal to go directly running to the mountain by Erika’s hometown, but Ellyn firmly pushed her back into her seat.

‘Yeah, not now. Let’s not be unpleasant to our host and actually finish the conversation, first,’ Ellyn commented.

‘Such speed! I am in awe of this dazzling energy extruding constantly from lady Maple!’ Joshua chuckled a bit while feeding his new Eevee some treats from the dinner he ordered. Eevee looked pretty happy.

‘It does seem we, too, are missing some badges in comparison,’ Ewan said. ‘We are missing a couple on the Southern Landmass. Redcoast, Highhill, Freecape and Raremine…’ he surmised.

‘Ah, but we cannot let this only be about the badges we want to collect! This journey of ours must be adventurous, not methodical! We are not heading from badge to badge, we’re journeying for experiences and sights! With that in mind, I’d also like to look around Worldedge City some more! Also, the nearby Power Station interests me, and Erika has made me curious about Bigfjord City as well!’ Joshua said.

‘But you wanted to become a Coordinator as well, right? If so, you need to head to Redcoast City to the Pokémon Contest Hall there to take the first step, don’t you? Might as well, seeing how we have a badge to collect there…’ Ewan said, giving a little smile to his companion.

‘All in due time, my friend!’ Joshua smiled happily. ‘It’s true I wish nothing less than to get there one day, but the road there need not be straight! I value Erika’s opinion as well and wouldn’t mind heading with her some more!’ And that’s about that.

‘…’ Unless spoken to, Elana didn’t say much. She just looked at the rest while drinking some drink through a straw. She’d quite noticeably gone for the cheapest options at the restaurant, as well.

The meal came down to 2,400 P, roughly 400 per person. 6 people. Erika, Joshua, Ewan, Maple, Ellyn and Elana.

So? What are Erika’s thoughts?

The city is comprised of six different districts. Three districts on each side of Mt. Edge, stapled on top of one another by the way of leaning on the cliff sides and mountain as well as giant pillars, taking advantage of the strange physics around Mt. Edge. Exits out of the city are on the middle districts of each side. Each district has their own Pokémon Center and Pokémart, but otherwise have their own unique features.

The following applies regardless of where in Worldedge City you are.

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Entertainment District.

To reach the Southern Districts, you’ll need an Abra to teleport you or walk through the tunnels of Mt. Edge. Costs 350P.



They decided to look for rare Pokémon and pirates!

Looking among the rocks of this beach resulted in finding a lot more crabs. Skylar might want to be careful, because quite a few of the crabs are quite pinchy and seek to attack, and the Claunchers commonly seek to take pot-shots at travelers and their Pokémon using the water-pistols in their claws!

Regardless, a while of picking up rocks and seeking Pokémon did eventually turn up results, as a rare yellow creature in a red shell looked back at Skylar in confusion.

Pokédex Entry #213 – Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. It stores berries inside its shell. It is naturally shy and typically hide under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its exceedingly hard shell while eating stored berries. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a delicious juice that it secretes through various holes.

There was something else, though, spotted only because of Seabreeze and his Keen Eye, there was a shelled creature swimming underwater inspecting them from a distance. And there, it poked its small blue head up from the water, looking at them probably wondering what’s up.

Pokédex Entry #7 – Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. The shell is soft when it is born, then hardens over time. If threatened, it retracts into its shell and then blasts out water at any opportunity. The shell has curious properties; it has bouncy properties so attacks bounce off it and water also slides off it, minimizing resistance and granting a fast swim-speed.

Further down the beach, they suddenly came across an odd sight. A giant ship anchored to the beach, looking very old-fashioned in its design, and flying a crossbone flag… hold on. It’s the pirates!

Out on the beach stood a couple individuals, clearly having left the ship behind. At the front stood the captain, holding up a Shuckle with his one hand.

‘To treasure, or not to treasure, that is the question…’

And then he slammed his foot down on the rock in front of him and grinned forward with eagerness.

‘The answer is OF COURSE and we’re gonna find every treasure swept ashore by the seas! Get to it, men!’

‘Yes, captain!’
‘Yes, captain!’

With that, his crew members kept pulling rocks and seeking underneath them, combing the beach starting close to their ship.

So that’s going on over there, if Skylar wanted to approach them.

Then there was that mail…

Connected areas:
Route 6. If you can climb the cliffs up north.
Raremine Town. Directly east.



Eryn decided to throw a Pokéball after just precisely thawing the Pokémon out of the ice. Good thing, too, because the Voltorb was about to charge a Thunder Shock from its sudden revival into a new world. The ball was hit by the similarly-sized ball and absorbed into it, and the Pokéball then fell down to the floor of the mine.

It rolled once.

Connected areas:
Route 5. Exit the mines and you’ll be right there.
Frozen Cave. The Frozen Cave proper awaits beyond the mine.


@Joshua Tamashii

It would absolutely be possible to purchase such things in order to prepare for some spelunking. A flashlight and/or lantern would absolutely be available, along with some cute little waterproof clothes suitable to delving into Wet Caverns with if she wanted them. They’re right next to the cave, after all. The Escape Rope is 550P, which turned out to be more expensive than the rest of Amelia’s preparations that came out to 400P in total. So that’s 950P total.

With that done, there was nothing else to it but to head back to the Wet Caverns, was there?

A short trip back west would reveal to her a hole in the mountain leading to…

The first thing that would meet her was going to be a pool of water she’d have to wade through, with a couple Goldeens in the water there with her. Besides that, she’d have to be prepared for that the air would soon be filled with a substantial amount of Zubats that wanted nothing less than to pester her. Maybe get some blood. Maybe.

Pokédex Entry #41 – Zubat, the Bat Pokémon. It lives in colonies in dark places. It has no eyes, but when flying it is constantly emitting ultrasonic sounds which it uses to navigate through echolocation. As sunlight burns it, it’s usually only found in caves or at night.

Pokédex Entry #118 – Goldeen, the Goldfish Pokémon. With its fins flowing elegantly in the water like an underwater dress, it has been called the Water Queen. However, take heed, as it’s known to ram its powerful horn into things in its way. It swims up rivers in schools when the weather grows warm.

But that aside, she would know the way back to the dark area. The question is, would she go about her search in any specific way?

Connected areas:
Route 2. Feel free to fast-travel.
Lakewatch Town. Behind you.


So he was. Lesley had failed to scare him off.

The Gym Leader sighed.

‘Very well. Come with me,’ Lesley said, and walked. She led her to outside the Pokémon Center, where random people were walking by and a few of them waving at her. Clearly, she was a pretty beloved individual here. The Gym Leader took a sharp breath… and then took a hand in her mouth and whistled. A sharp and loud whistle, which sounded like it carried across the town and past it, meant for a single pair of ears. Lesley breathed in again and smiled back at Basil.

‘You might want to brace yourself,’ she said, and numerous citizens nearby were keeping stepping away, ducking away from where the Gym Leader was standing, definitely knowing what would happen next.

There. A flash in the sky, red and blue in color. Rapidly growing in size, as it was approaching at a violent speed. That’s when Lesley just grabbed around Basil with a single really strong arm and leapt into the air with him, and a dragon swept in underneath them. Lesley caught onto the dragon and placed Basil down behind her just as they accelerated up into the air, and Basil was clearly expected to hold on.

He was now on top of a Salamence.

Pokédex Entry #373 – Salamence, the Dragon Pokémon. Bagon’s dream of flying finally comes true, and it celebrates by flying all over and sometimes spouting flames at random. While associated with the joy of flying, if enraged Salamence is known to go uncontrollably berserk, rampaging and scorching all in its way.

‘Are ya hanging on?’ Lesley asked with a smirk as they soared up above water, heading straight over the lake. From here, they could see the various routes on the west and east of the lake, the mighty Mt. Strength in the north and the gigantic frozen spire that was Mt. Chill in the east, the forest that contained Stillwood Village in the north-east and the massive rain-clouds over Route 3 and Northern Silent Forest to the north-west… but their destination was a couple islands in the north-west of the lake. They didn’t go very high over the waters, but there just wasn’t a lot to block the view as they soared across Route 14 at tremendous speed.

Then, finally, they were approaching a couple very pointy islands…


The Nincada was successfully paralyzed by Jeebs, and then Skylar threw the Great Ball.

The ball absorbed the bug within it. The ball then rolled once. It rolled twice…

After that, Skylar decided to head off. Did he see a sign? Did he overhear someone talking about it? Either way, he suddenly found himself heading directly west. From Raremine Town there was a desire path leading off from the main road, leading towards the southern ocean. A stone stair led down the cliff, and from there there was a view of a vast ocean and a sandy beach with a bunch of rocks sticking out of it…

Training his Pokémon a bit, against the various crabs that are here. During training he’d find his Pokémon to be suddenly randomly shot at from various corners. There are Claunchers hiding among the rocks!

Pokédex Entry #692 – Clauncher, the Water Gun Pokémon. Its massive claw is a water-pistol firing compressed water using controlled expulsions of internal gasses. The shots it fires can shatter rock at close distances, it uses this to shoot down flying prey. It is known to use this expulsion to travel fast, jetting water out behind it to accelerate.

So, training here, most the things he’s facing are Water Gun, Bubble and Vice Grip. Do beware the fact the Binacles know Shell Smash on level 1, combined with Slash and Water Gun.

With other words, Mac and Pretzl might find it difficult to train here, and the Claunchers sure did like trying to shoot Jeebs out of the sky, but that did mean it was a location for some alertness training if nothing else. That said, the Pokémon here aren’t that much stronger than where he was just previously. Paradise had a great time here.

Seabreeze grew to level 24!
Paradise grew to level 24!
Mac grew to level 21!
Pretzlcoatl grew to level 21! Pretzlcoatl learned Agility!
Forge grew to level 22!
Bejeebs grew to level 22! Bejeebs learned Supersonic!

So, what now?



‘Sounds like you’ve had fun! Good!’ Maple seemed satisfied hearing everyone had a good time traveling.

So, they came out to Route 12, and Erika turned around to address Elana. Elana stood and merely stared as Erika fumbled with her words, the guide putting her hands in her pockets and grabbed a sweet from her pocket to unwrap and stuff in her mouth.

‘My Pokémon all fainted in that battle before. I’m not getting anywhere until we get to a Pokémon Center, so I may as well come with you for now,’ she said, shrugging somewhat. ‘Food doesn’t sound half-bad, either. But after that I must be heading back, I have a job in Lakewatch Town, after all. Unless you hire me again, I suppose,’ she continued, ready to then start wandering on.

With that, they wandered on through Route 12, with all its tall cliffs and friendly plains of grass.

They were walking along Route 12… when Joshua suddenly froze.

‘What’s wrong?’ Ewan asked, frowning a little as he stopped by his suddenly unmoving companion.

‘I detect…’ Joshua said, his eyes suddenly gleaming, raising his neck to sniff at the air. ‘Friend?’ he asked… then his head turned with blazing speed to stare directly left. ‘Friend!’

If you were to follow his gaze, you’d find there was a tiny fox-like creature that was just idly wandering by in the nearby grass.

Pokédex Entry #133 – Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. It’s a very rare Pokémon known to have a very unstable genetic makeup. Depending on where it lives, it is known to use evolution into different forms as means to survive harsher climates. It has eight currently known evolutions.

… And then Joshua took off, flailing his arms wildly and exaggeratedly as he dashed directly for the little creature. The Eevee, seemingly detecting something was wrong, turned to look towards them and then screamed in abject terror at the rapidly approaching unidentified large person. As Eevee screamed, Joshua jumped into the air in a diving motion and the most excited expression imaginable.


As Joshua fell down on the screaming Eevee a smoke-cloud of conflict arose, along with the sounds of numerous hard hits. At times Eevee almost jumped out but Joshua’s arms came out of the smoke-cloud to drag the little creature back into the smoke.

Eventually, the smoke settled…

Revealing a moderately beat-up looking Joshua smiling happily with at least one tooth missing as he was gently patting the suddenly very happy Eevee who was at present eating some Pokémon candy out of his hand.

‘Friend!’ Joshua called happily with satisfied finality, and Ewan couldn’t help but just sigh a little at the scene that had just presented itself.

They wandered on, eventually arriving to a new route.



‘If you don’t know what to do with what you mine out, you can sell them to us. Oh, and sometimes you might come across Pokémon. These Pokémon are very old, from an age long past, but if freed from the ice they still come alive. Be aware, they’re usually aggressive when they come out of the ice. Anyway, I figure you can go over here,’ he pointed at a place on the map on the wall. ‘And you should be able to mine decently safely and without being disturbed. That wall is relatively untapped. Go for it,’ said the
head miner. Note that the map was only a map of the mines, there was nothing about how the tunnels that led past the mines looked.

So, with that, Eryn was eventually off and heading for the place she was pointed to (or maybe she felt like a rulebreaker and went somewhere else, do tell me so). This led her past a couple more miners who here and there had little Pokémon helping them, like Machop, Ponyta, Litleo or Geodude. She headed on, and found the particular wall that the miner had indicted for her. Then, it was time to mine!

The ice was much nicer to mine than rock. It broke up with just a few swings, piece for piece, and with Dei and Atha helping her out it was going pretty fast. In fact, couldn’t she see something in the ice already? Past the ice, and with her getting deeper into it, a form became more and more visible as she approached…

Eventually, she found herself face to face with a frozen Pokémon.

Pokédex Entry #322 – Numel, the Numb Pokémon. Numel is a cauldron of magma, which powers its fire-moves and enormous power that can move up to around 100kg. It is extremely dull-witted and won’t even notice being hit. If it gets wet the magma cools and it loses its energy.

… Well, it sure looked like it had lost all its energy. It was up to Eryn if she wanted to free the Pokémon or not.

There was something else. An odd rock that somewhat felt like it just fell out of the ice on its own? It has an odd carving on the front of it. Very odd.

Oh, and there was something else in here! It’s a Pokéball! Wait, no. An ancient Pokéball? … Hold on…

Pokédex Entry #100 – Voltorb, the Ball Pokémon. They were first found almost simultaneously as the first Pokéball was invented, they have a long history of being mistaken for such. They are unstable, the smallest jolt or bump can cause them to explode. They’re typically found near power plants and can drain electrical power from machines.

The above was what the Pokédex showed. Yet, what was in front of her, right here inside the ice was…

What would Eryn do?

Connected areas:
Route 5. Exit the mines and you’ll be right there.
Frozen Cave. The Frozen Cave proper awaits beyond the mine.



Claire immediately went climbing up various stairs to get up the Pokémon Gym that, of course, was on the very top of the towering structure that was the town. It was perhaps like the whole place was a single giant building. While the total population of Freecape Town wasn’t enough to properly describe the place as a “city”, it was still quite impressive, and from on high there was a great view over the cliffs and seas of the waters east of Freecape and also of Worldedge City practically floating around Mt. Edge further north.

That all aside, Pokémon Gym!

The Pokémon was a huge, modern structure with silver windows and giant letters spelling out “G”, “Y” and “M” on it. It was a dome-structure, indicating the probable presence of a battle stadium on the inside.

In front of it stood a simple sign.

Freecape Pokémon Gym - Minor League
Gym Leader: Lowell
“The Prince of the Skies!”

‘Welcome to Freecape Town! I see our newest champ-to-be is quick to find the gym of the new town!’ said a person Claire might recognize, stepping out from next to said sign to speak to her. Or maybe she completely forgot. Either way, it’s the same dude who stood in front of the other two Gyms she’d entered.

Regardless of if Claire listened to him this time or not, she eventually entered. What awaited her was an honest stadium. Surrounding the field were the stands where people could sit and watch, and there were in fact those who were doing just that. On the field itself, comprised of that kind of floor where people are expecting to run a lot, Pokémon were contending with each other… but not in battle.

A Pikachu Quick Attacked across the stadium, smashing its head into a ball to send flying towards a goal-net. A Pidgeotto flew in with its own Quick Attack to slam it off-course. A Dodrio caught the ball with its side, and it started kicking the ball in front of it heading towards the other side at a massive speed. That’s when a Diglett suddenly struck out from the ground beneath the ball and knocked it straight into the air, and a Hitmonlee jumped into the air, seemingly intending to kicking the ball with massive power straight across the field at the goal on the other side…! … When a massive Whirlwind blew both the alarmed Hitmonlee and the ball straight into the goal on the other side! The Sigilyph that unleashed the Whirlwind however down to beside its trainer, just as the voice of an announcer called and the challenger on the other side bawled in despair.

‘0-3! And that's a match! That’s another challenger down to the Gym Leader! Is the world out of worthy challengers!? Or is he just that good!? Either way, give it up for the Prince of the Sky, Gym Leader of Freecape Town, Lowell!’ the announcer called, and those chosen few who were in the audience erupted in cheer. They were clearly just there to see their favorite Gym Leader. The man himself gave a charming smile and held a hand up in greeting, which just made them go even more crazy…

Now, Claire wasn’t the only challenger here that wanted to challenge Lowell. Right in front of her…

‘I will be the best… Like nobody ever was…!’

Stood a small boy with blue hair. He was looking like he was pumping himself up. The boy was someone that Claire might recognize. Did she recognize Simon from, you know, back on day 1?

‘Hey, new challengers!’ the announcer walked back down to them. It was a big guy in a suit looking mighty jolly smiling at them. ‘Welcome to Freecape Town Pokémon Gym! The Gym Challenge is to win against the Gym Leader in a game of Pokémon Soccer! The teams are 3-on-3! Either the first one to 3 goals or the one with the most goals after 15 minutes wins! In case of a tie, the house wins! No Pokémon may grab the ball, even with telekinesis, but they may use any other move on the ball! It’s hardy, it can take it. But, targeting the Pokémon on the opposing team is a foul. Hitting the ball out-of-bounds gives the ball to the opposing team. Pretty simple, eh? Any questions? Would anyone like to take on the Gym Leader at once, or would you like to practice first?’ He gained a little smirk. ‘Perhaps against each other? And the one who wins gets to challenge the Gym Leader first?’

‘Practice! I have practiced so much already! I won’t lose to- Huh, wait…’ Simon suddenly blinked, turning his head to realize Claire was there, and he peered at her a bit as if trying to remember if he’s ever seen her before.

What will Claire do?

Connected areas:
Route 8. A hilly landside descending quickly down towards Route 6, populated by many birds.
Route 10. A calm farm-land leading up to the massive Worldedge City.
Route 17. Water-route crossing to the northern landmass. Going down through the Maintenance Levels is required.


@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii

Lesley held her arms crossed as Basil came to terms with what he wanted to say. It did appear like she was getting an idea before he managed to say anything, on account of that her smile was waning. Especially after his statement about understanding the weight of his next statement. She did not reply, but her expression had gone to that of complete seriousness. Then, finally, he asked the question. With that, Lesley momentarily closed her eyes, tightened her crossed arms and grunted the slightest.

‘Do you, now?’ Lesley asked, the usual excitement in her voice having disappeared. She didn’t sound particularly pleased. ‘Darn it. Have I been making too many exceptions, lately? I mean, I guess this is better than that they try to steal them for themselves, but…’ Lesley muttered to herself. ‘I just let her get away with one, today’s “let kids run off with dragons”-quota has been met already,’ she grunted. Then, her eyes opened again and she glared at Basil.

‘… I can tell you’re honest. So I will allow it, on one condition,’ Lesley said, holding out a single finger. ‘I’ll drop you off in the middle of Dragon Lake. Don’t worry, there’s an island there. An island of dragons. On that island, convince one of the young dragons to come with you… and also convince that dragon’s mother to let you have the little tyke. I warn you, they’re typically not as forgiving of weakness as humans,’ she said, looking not entirely pleased but still saying it this.

‘Of course, I will be watching, and if you do anything I don’t like, like unjustly attacking the dragons or throwing Pokéballs like an idiot or something, I will challenge you to a Pokémon battle on the spot,’ she said, matter-of-factly. She also probably didn’t need to mention how that battle would end.

‘Are you willing to give it a try?’ she asked, glaring at him.

If not, they could get going.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


‘Do I now? Well, that's nice,’ Lesley chuckled a bit. ‘Don't worry about it. Talks need to happen, and that sounded pretty important. Anyway, you wanted to "walk and talk", or otherwise just talk to me. So, what's up?’

Walking and talking is optional. Lesley needs to fly where she needs to go.

Ronin smiled at being patted by Lily and the others assuring her that Nykannis might actually be a good person or whatever, but then Pentius-04 came and delivered a message directly to her. Oh, really, now.

‘A tsundere, which I affectionately shortened to “tsun”, is a character that initially comes off as harsh and/or unpleasant but ultimately has good intentions and mellows out and becomes sweeter with time and character development,’ Ronin replied, without looking up anything. ‘I was thinking maybe you’re like that, Nykannis, but of course, I must be mistaken. You clearly take great pride in being a miserable twat with a detestable personality with no redeemable qualities and zero room to grow or chance to become a better person. My apologies~’ Ronin said, with a happy smile and with a wink at the end.

‘D-dear sister, perhaps don’t antagonize the one who just agreed to help us and is clearly much stronger than us,’ Miko said.

‘She calls our home a shithole, calls us worthless and/or pathetic and talks down to us at every turn,’ Ronin replied. ‘She needs to know she can’t do that without being told she’s a fucking cunt,’ Ronin continued, still smiling happily.

Mariette can’t be bothered atm. Plushie tower.

Eryn headed up to the large building placed high in the large frozen mine, where a bunch of happy-looking miners came to greet her before she’d ever gotten into the building.

‘Oh, you look positively frozen! Do borrow some warm clothes, we have a bunch of spares!’ One of them said, looking super bubbly as he held out a couple thick jackets for her. The Pokémon world is sometimes a very friendly place. She then went ahead and asked about the frozen Pokémon and the Pokémon deeper into the cave…

‘Oh, the Lord has been there for as long as we can remember, and many thousands of years before that! Was the sea-level higher at that time? We don’t know! But it must have been really cold to have frozen such a creature there! It’s not the only thing frozen in here, this whole operation is to unearth what else has been encased in ice!’ one miner chuckled.

‘The mines are the safest area of the Frozen Cave. Heading deeper you will encounter more wild Pokémon… albeit the only creatures you must really watch out for are Glalies. They are higher level than other Pokémon you can find, and they’re aggressive. The rest are, as you might have guessed, just regular Ice-types,’ another suggested.

‘Do also watch your footing. Even careful travelers sometimes slip and find themselves sliding deeper into the Frozen Cave than they intended with no way back. I definitely suggest bringing an Escape Rope. Here,’ one cautious-looking miner said, and handed Eryn a rope.

Eryn obtained Escape Rope!

‘If you reach the other side of the Frozen Cave, you’ll reach Route 9! A frozen route surrounded by mountains. On said route, Cooldome City is built! It’s home to the Battle Dome, where experienced trainers can take on challenges over and over. I came from Sinnoh, and we have a Battle Frontier there. It’s basically that! You might not be strong enough to compete there just yet, maybe get a couple more badges first, but you sure could watch the battles at least!’ said one energetic miner.

‘So, do you want to mine?’ A large miner that looked in-charge asked her. ‘We’ve got all the equipment right here, pickaxes and drills and saws to get through the ice, feel free to borrow them. Some Pokémon, like Fighting or Fire-types, also help a lot. Ice is relatively easy to mine, but do it a little at a time, it’s resources we all share, after all. Lots of interesting things are frozen into the walls. We have maps with markers telling where people are already working, so you can tell me and I’ll send you somewhere we think might be productive with whatever equipment you want. Anything you find is yours to keep, or you can sell it to us and we’ll sell it in the Miner’s Shop in turn. What isn’t sold there is usually sent to Raremine Town. So how about it?’

Yep, she could pick up equipment to try her hand at mining here if she wanted.

What would Eryn do?

Connected areas:
Route 5. Exit the mines and you’ll be right there.
Frozen Cave. The Frozen Cave proper awaits beyond the mine.

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