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Valfredo stared a couple seconds towards Dawkin, before shrugging.

‘Sure. Suppose I can throw in a couple-’ the noble then suddenly shut up, because something had walked in on them. Staring down between them sat a pink fox-like feline or something that stared up at them with two deep eyes and a red gem on its forehead. It had a forked tail that was currently directed at them.

Pokédex Entry #196 – Espeon, the Sun Pokémon. Born from an Eevee who felt immense loyalty to its trainer, it developed Psychic powers to protect its trainer. Its skin has a texture like velvet, and it is so sensitive it can use it to predict the weather and the opponent’s next move.. As its gem is bathed in sunlight, it charges its Psychic power which it uses to sense the future and the thoughts of others.

‘Geh,’ the noble made an annoyed noise before turning and marching away. The Espeon watched him leave, and then turned around and skipped back… to the more serious of the two pirate girls that had come with Zachery, who bent down to pat the happy-looking Espeon. She then proceeded to just shoot a warning glare towards Dawkin. Just a warning. She didn’t actually know what they had been talking about, but she sure could send a Pokémon to just prevent whatever it might have been.

‘So what will it be for you?’ Zachery asked Dawkin when it was his turn.

The guy with a bunch of Skarmories and a new Corviknight was still standing over there, admiring his new metal bird.

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains beckon.
Route 16. Their haunted waters also beckon.



‘Good to know you like her!’ Zachery chuckled to Claire. ‘So what will it be for you?’ he then turned to ask Dawkin as Claire ran off.

So, with that Claire went off back to Route 6, and came across an immediate problem.

Connected areas:
More Route 6. West is a vast plain that seem to stretch on endlessly, locked between the mountains of Mt. Chill and the cliffs of the southern sea. Eventually leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 8. In the north lies a comparatively pleasant cliffside walkway with hilly terrain and wondrous view, leading to Freecape Town.
Stalford’s Ferry. North-east, to take a ferry across Route 16 towards Witchpeak City. The only pleasant way across Route 16 is onboard a ferry, but even then…
Raremine Town. A town of miners and researchers that study what the miners find. Also a stop for those who want to travel the desert!

Nothing on Route 6 is around level 5. In addition, the weakest creatures on Route 6 are Litleo, Ponyta, Starly, Doduo, Fletchling and Bunnelby… all but the bunny being good against grass-types, and not even that one is Ground-type yet. Not only that, but there’s a spree of stronger Pokémon on this route, the Tauros and bigger all being higher level. It would be very hard to train Jade here without assistance… so let’s go with the assumption she did not do so without assistance.

With Zeal to resist Litleo and Ponyta flames and Laurel + Tez to resist various birds, they could assist Jade with getting stronger. With that, plus that she’d eventually be able to take down Bunnelby’s by herself, eventually her Pokémon could get some nice training in.

Jade grew to level 13! Jade learned Bite! Jade learned Hone Claws! Jade learned Magical Leaf!
Laurel grew to level 17!
Zeal grew to level 19! Zeal learned Flame Wheel!
Tez grew to level 18!

With that, that was probably enough training for now!

So now she could do that thing she intended on doing a while ago and head for Freecape Town!

To do so, she could head north through Route 8…

But this wasn’t her destination. She was heading for the town sitting here between Worldedge City and Raremine Town.

What she came across was a city that looked like it was built into the air.

After they had opened the way to Connie's Interdimensional Home, Mariette followed into the dimension with her usual elegant step. Her eyes melancholically inspected the various walls and the feeling of being inside an Interdimensional Home again with a feeling that compared to that of her own, and so she continued to gaze around, and...




Without warning, Mariette suddenly collapsed forward. The direction she collapsed was right towards the army of stuffed animals, that she impacted towards and promptly sank into. She then started to waddle forward, which probably looked a bit odd in that elegant dress of hers, gripping onto more and more plushies on the way, until she'd created her own mountain of plushies that she buried herself underneath. Portals opened in various places of the room, and gentle Mariette hands reached through them to pick specific plushies she liked, and the mountain of plushies grew so that no sign of Mariette could be seen beneath its soft triangular mountain range.

Eventually, everything came to a standstill, as the mountain of plushies sat there undisturbed... until Mariette's head poked out the top. It only poked out far enough that the tip of her white hair, her headwear and her eyes peeked out, and a gentle round blush of contentness could be seen on her cheeks. The rest of her was still buried beneath the horde of stuffed animals that she'd amassed. She would continue attending this meeting like this, unless Connie objected. These were her plushies, after all.

Mariette was looking very comfortable.

Both Ronin and Miko had to keep themselves from reacting to Mariette, after all, they ostensibly had no relation to this lady. Obviously.

Ronin had some doubts about what MDP was saying, buuuut... ‘Well, far be it from me to not allow people second chances!’ Ronin said with a grin. She had her doubts, but.

Then the mad doctor herself holographizes into the scene, and... well, to say she had changed was an overstatement. That said, if she was genuine in her statement that she was going to help, maybe she'd had some form of a change of heart on the inside, even if she refused to change how she acted on the outside? She was just being a little tsun? Actually, Ronin might just put that into words.

‘So, is the actual reason she wants to help that you managed to touch her heart and she's being a little tsun?’ Ronin asked MDP. She had her doubts, but.

‘Um. You're sure we can rely on her?’ Miko asked, remembering Ronin's story and was a little afraid she might backstab them for some reason or another.

Mariette couldn't be bothered, she was bathing in stuffed animals right now. That is to say, she was in paradise, looking very much content.

I do remember the thing you said about wanting to know the gender of the Pokémon you encounter. But, for the Pokémon you're training against, there's a whole bunch of them. You're bound to find both genders.

As for the Delibird, eh. If I have to, let's say it's male. Anyway. Nicely posted.

Oh, and for the Smokescreen thing. Absolutely, you can have Dei practice doing that. It's going to be a bit like how I write to Gardevoiran's Mac right now. Something that absolutely can be learned, but it's going to take some doing to learn something that isn't learned naturally.

Oh, and how do you enjoy frozen mines, may I ask?


I'm leaving it to you if you want to head for Bigfjord or Worldedge. So, you want a bit of a pressing goal? Would you elaborate on that? I could absolutely produce something like that. I'll just relax a bit for now, though. You just got off a major fight, hah. Also, I'd rather you not travel with a group this big, but you can keep at least a couple. Hey, Claire's heading for Bigfjord City after this, ain't she? Hahaha.

I do like the touch of the -1 you put on the Potion you used, hehe.

@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii

Lesley's the only NPC here, she'll hear what Basil have to say and listen for what Amelia is saying. I'm going to assume that Amelia's problems are in-character and not something the player is also feeling, haha. Character development. I do like when you players interact, so I did want to give an additional reason for it. If you'd like something else, I am all for that, too. Anyway! Do keep going.


I like that little plan. I'm going to give it some backing, if you're okay with learning it over time. And also making breakthroughs where it's as dramatic as possible, hehehehehe.

Anyway. How's it going?

‘Alright!’ Lesley says, waving a bit as Eryn takes off. ‘Take care of my girl’s girl, will you?’

With that, Eryn could get her Pokémon healed and ready, she went off towards Route 5. She’d been on Route 5 before, so it wasn’t a sight that was that foreign to her.

Connected areas:
Lakewatch Town. Right behind you.
Stillwood Village. In the north lies the forest which hides the village, Mt. Strength lying behind it..
Route 6. Vast plains start in the south-east, this route leads towards Raremine Town.
Frozen Cavern. After an incline up to the ridge of Mt. Chill, a cavern of ice could guide the way to Route 9 and Cooldome City.
Endless Forest. To the south, a dark forest looms. There are no indications as to why you’d ever want to go there.

Here she could train against Caterpie, Deerling and Scatterbug, sometimes even seeing the somewhat rarer Pikachu, Bonsly and Emolga. This is assuming she kept her distance from the high-level Sawsbucks that were just walking around here and there on the route.

As long as she kept wary of Scatterbug’s Stun Spore, she did have some Pokémon well suited for training on this route. If she aimed specifically for the electric-types, she could train Peri pretty well, and the load of grass and bug-types made training Atha a breeze. The Pokémon here weren’t quite up to par with her higher-level Pokémon, but they got some experience in, too.

Dei grew to level 16! Dei learned Dragon Rage!
Kyllene grew to level 17! Kyllene learned Vice Grip!
Tula grew to level 16!
Erebi grew to level 16!
Peri grew to level 15! Peri learned Rage!
Atha grew to level 13! Atha learned Bite! Atha learned Dragon Breath!

Dei felt something inside him. Now, he can contain it if he wishes, to be released at a more appropriate moment. doing so mid-battle will immediately heal to full and give an increased likelihood of a moment of awesomeness

That, or he could release it right now.

But training here wasn’t her goal. She was aiming for a different, far colder place. As she headed closer to the mountain-range, Mt. Chill towered above her. There was a hill to climb before she could reach her destination, and the temperature quickly decreased with each step. As she stood before the maw, it was as if the cave itself was spewing out cold at her. Yet, she advanced. The cavern never really got dark, because there was light from the other side of the entrance, inviting her. At first, it was a bit of a normal cave, with some ice here and there showing purpose for the cave’s name. And then… the cave opened up.



Back there, Julian gathered his troops and called out his Kadabra. He looked back at Erika celebrating with her new Froslass… and then shook his head. ‘I guess… I’ll ask you if you want an adventure later… or something,’ Julian told the Pokéball containing Pitri. ‘I’m leaving. Take us home, Kadabra,’ he said, and then his whole team was teleported away. Ellyn took a moment to simply gaze at him as he disappeared… then just ‘hmpf’ed and looked back to the current conversation.

‘What? We can totally go to Bigfjord City. You think that city’s more than we can handle?’ Maple asked, frowning a bit at what the rest of them were talking about.

‘That’s beside the point… I don’t want to go there,’ Ellyn muttered.

‘Ah! Such a brilliant pure maiden to see the good in everywhere, and not listen to foul rumors!’ Joshua held a fist up in triumph, crying a small stream of tears of delight, or something. ‘I’m fine with anywhere! If you wish to prove the streets of Bigfjord City aren’t that bad, I’ll happily come along!’ he continued.

‘… That said, the point about Worldedge City being at the center is accurate. Any which works,’ Ewan said, looking ready to go.

Erika promised Machamp a future battle with Chic, and he just grinned happily and gave a thumbs up with one of his four hands. And they were ready to go.

‘Alright. One exit, this way,’ Elana said, pointing the way and the group started moving. She knew the way by heart, and as such simply walked ahead and they could walk on.

‘Hey, how come you guys are traveling together!? Also, me and Ellyn definitely need to head south to get to Freecape and Raremine, we haven’t gotten the badges from those!’ Maple was happy to speak on the way.

‘Oh, yes! In the height of everything, I forgot to say so, but thank you so much for your timely aid! Had you not been there, the villain would certainly have put his hands on the price! Thank you, my sweet bubbly maiden and cool noble lady!’ Joshua called back to Maple.

‘Aw, gee! It’s no problem! He’d chased off all the Fighting-types I was gonna fight!’ Maple promptly forgot what she’d asked about. She then came to a sudden stop. ‘Wait, I was supposed to fight Fighting-types! I totally forgot!’

Ellyn then walked into Maple from behind and gently pushed her walking forward. ‘You got to fight a giant metal death machine. How many can say that? Keep walking, you can fry Fighting-types some other time,’ she said. Then she also glanced partly towards Joshua… ‘… and… if you would forget you heard that part, I’d appreciate it.’

‘Ah, the class of a lady undercover! It would be my honor to protect your secret!’ Joshua said, and Ellyn just sighed.

‘Right, but as to why we’re traveling together… we ran into each other and decided to, I suppose,’ Ewan reply.

Random chatter aside, they walked through the rocky tunnels and eventually reached an opening. Light shone through, and as they stepped through, once again sunlight shone down on them. They’d arrived on a massive, green plain.

I do like the touch of the -1 you put on the Potion you used, hehe.


@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii

Lesley was a bit surprised to have Basil ask to talk to her more, but she was quick to smile to him again.

‘Oh, you got something else? Sure! I was sort of intending on flying, but we could talk on the way, sure!’ Lesley said. Still, it appeared that Basil was a little delayed by talking to Amelia, but it seemed to be a decently important conversation so Lesley was more than happy to wait for a bit. They could walk when they were done talking.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.



There wasn’t exactly anything particularly rare around here. As a rule, rare things don’t really live in towns. Otherwise there wouldn’t be much reason to leave towns. That said, Skylar insistently searched for something rare, and he found…

Pokédex Entry #347 – Anorith, the Old Shrimp Pokémon. It once swan in warm seas, it lives today only through reanimation from fossils. It hides behind rocks and then springs out with speed and clutches onto prey with its two large claws. While it once was a great swimmer with its eight wings, something in the water has changed and today’s water is inhospitable to it.

… an ancient Pokémon, crawling out of the grass over here, staring up at Skylar with a questioning gaze. Turns out, they have reanimated so many ancient Pokémon, there’s now some of them in the wild. How’s that for invasive species? Across time and space.

So, about finding a spunky Nincada. As long as he was spending around here, it was just a matter of time. Forge was training, when he suddenly faced a stubborn Nincada that started out by bursting out a Sand Attack while hidden within a tuft of grass. It then proceeded to continue throwing sand that got into Forge’s helmet and was really annoying, like the Nincada had found a weakness or something. Now, it was only level 12, so it’d obviously lose to Forge eventually… but it did pretty well and stood bravely against him, if that counts as being spunky enough.

Pokédex Entry #290 – Nincada, the Trainee Pokémon. It is usually found underground, using its antennae to sense its surroundings. It gains nourishment by tapping into the roots of trees with its claws as it await evolution. They are nearly blind, and avoid sunlight due to inability to withstand it.

Was that enough for Skylar to want one?

That aside, he had no problem training his remaining Pokémon on the other creatures that lived here. So, Paradise was too high a level, but for the rest…

Pretzlcoatl grew to level 20!
Forge grew to level 20! Forge learned Aerial Ace!
Bejeebs grew to level 20!

Skylar gets the feeling his team cannot grow any stronger here.

That is, unless they come up with more creative ways to become stronger, like what Mac was trying! Flame Charge is a move that cloaks the user in fire and propels them, albeit it is usually assumed they are also propelling themselves. So it definitely wasn’t as easy as just jumping into the air and then triggering Flame Charge to change direction or providing an extra jump.

That said, it wasn’t nothing. Albeit Mac was unable to burst up into the air to touch Seabreeze, he was able to jump higher than normal by bursting it just as he jumped, and he could somewhat change his direction, especially if he also helped out with his would-be wings that definitely look more like arms. What they were attempting wouldn’t be achieved with a single day’s training, but there was something there. There was the basis for something that could be amazing in the future. Learning a new move that doesn’t come with the basic level-ups takes longer than a day of training.

There was something there. If they kept at it, they could make it into something.

For now, though, they’d probably gotten as far as they could for one session.

So, what would Skylar and co do now?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

‘I’m fine with relocating to Connie’s Interdimensional Home. Since the one who I know is capable of breaking into it is invited, anyway,’ Mariette said, referring to Sonia. Though, the whole thing about “the one who opens a gate first” was silly, the only one who could open the way to Connie’s home from here was Connie. So with that in mind, Mariette turned and nodded to Connie. I’ll refrain from writing Mariette’s reaction to the place until she’s described it.

Meanwhile, there was MDP announcing that there was a person named Nykannis that could help them. Hearing that name, Ronin froze up a bit, while Miko continues.

‘How could she help us? Would she help us?’ Miko asked.

‘Wait, hold on. I know who that is.’ Ronin said, eyebrows raised at MDP. ‘She’s a self-proclaimed “queen of mad scientists” who once tried to turn me and Sakura into bloody paste with an army of killer robots because she wanted to run tests on a magic rock our friend had. Definitely not someone I would trust my back to, and I have a hard time imagining her helping us out in any capacity… But, er, how do you know her, MDP?’ Ronin asked, because it definitely didn’t sound like they were describing the same person.

Miko’s eyes widened a bit in realization, because Ronin definitely told Miko about that specific event in the past.

Later, when they arrived there was some more talk and Penny sent them a treasure trove of information. Mariette frowned as she gazed upon it, and then spoke.

‘If you’d like to do a precise strike, I can help. I’ve been in Wonderland before, I know the places on this map and can break the boundaries between worlds. If we’re going to strike at the various egg-locations, I can bring us there as well. Or if we want me to somehow try to negotiate with the Queen, serve as a distraction… I can do that, too. I am her daughter, according to her, after all.’ May as well try to use that to our advantage.

‘I prefer offense to defense. We could strike before they’re ready. But, before we talk about evacuation…’ Now Mariette probably breaks Pentius-04’s heart by turning to MDP. ‘You said this “Nykannis” could help secure the safety of the townspeople if it ends up being an attack. Can you confirm this and go ask this individual of this immediately? Will they require anything in turn?’ she really just wanted to put that part behind her as soon as possible.

‘Anyway. Let’s attack them first, strike their weak points and cripple their forces instead of fighting them on their terms. That’s what I say,’ Mariette said, no-nonsense.

‘I’ll see you when you come to pick up that challenge again!’ Kristy called happily, Sylvia gave him a nod, and then the two Gym Leaders were off to discuss things.

Since he stayed close, he found a bunch of the usual around here. Since he stayed close to town, the deep-sand and the far-plains Pokémon stayed away, but he did find some Pokémon around the trees. Unsurprising, perhaps, were the ground-type Pokémon, but there was also a surprising number of bugs. Oh, and a bunch of rabbits. Or hares. One of them.

Pokédex Entry #529 – Drilbur, the Mole Pokémon. They and Excadrills dig out mazelike nests underground in which they live. Drilbur is known for being able to travel very fast through soil, able to reach 30 mph by putting its claws together and spinning rapidly, drilling through earth. They’re known to be rather friendly around people.

Pokédex Entry #290 – Nincada, the Trainee Pokémon. It is usually found underground, using its antennae to sense its surroundings. It gains nourishment my tapping into the roots of trees with its claws as it await evolution. Nincadas are nearly blind, and avoid sunlight due to inability to withstand it.

Pokédex Entry #664 – Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokémon. Using a dust which covers its body and regulates its body-temperature, it can live in any region or climate. If attacked, it can release a poisonous black powder which paralyzes upon contact.

Pokédex Entry #27 – Sandshrew, the Mouse Pokémon. It lives in arid regions burrowing deep underground. It emerges only to hunt for food, which it catches by lounging out of their burrows. If threatened, it curls into a protective ball and bounces off from enemy attacks. If it gets cold at night, its body will coat itself with a fine dew.

Pokédex Entry #659 – Bunnelby, the Digging Pokémon. Its ears are solid and serve as shovels which it uses to dig large burrows in which it lives. It is mainly nocturnal, and will dig throughout the night. Over the years the ears become stronger, and it becomes able to sever thick roots easily.

Training against the ground- and bug-types was, unsurprisingly, not very problematic for Skylar’s bird-team. Minus maybe Sandshrew’s Rollout. However, he did find most of his team a little overleveled for the Pokémon he had to contend with. So much so that quite a few of his Pokémon weren’t able to gain any levels.

That said, there were some here that could get levels. Especially Forge, who while maybe they needed to go back to the Pokémon Center to heal after repeated Mud-Slaps from Bunnelbys and Drilburs, plus perhaps some paralyzation from the Scatterbug Stun Spores, managed to level up a respectable amount.

Pretzlcoatl grew to level 19!
Forge grew to level 17! Forge learned Imprison!
Bejeebs grew to level 19!

So, what would Skylar do now?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.



The rest stood and watched as Erika took her price. From Joshua’s bright smile, Ewan’s gentle gaze, Julian’s defeated expression, Ellyn’s little pleased look and Elana’s satisfied exhaustion to Maple still not satisfied that the giant metal machine wasn’t a puddle of hot metal yet so she was still raining fire-attacks on it. Machamp smirked happily as Erika got what she wanted, and before her eyes the Dawn Stone touched Sno’s head.


Light shone out, and the stone evaporated. Sno grew in size, gained the ability to float and became significantly more feminine.

Sno evolved into Froslass!

Pokédex Entry #478 – Froslass, the Snow Land Pokémon. An old legend claims a woman lost on an icy mountain was reborn as a Froslass. It freezes foes and prey solid, and brings them home to its chilly den to display as decorations. Their favorite food is frozen souls, which it consumes much like a carnivore. Handsome men are especially likely to be targeted.

‘Hear that? Better watch out, Ewan!’

Sno learned Astonish!

Sno got a new Ability! Ice Body was replaced with Snow Cloak! Boosts evasion when in hail or snow!

New Pokémon evolved! Erika earned 2000 P!

‘WOOOO! You did it!’ Joshua called, pulling off an impromptu victory spin and posing bent over with both hands pointing towards Erika.

‘Well done,’ Ewan simply nodded towards her. ‘And it was no problem. We benefited from the experience.’

‘Whew. Good to know I did my job,’ Elana commented with a light chuckle over there.

‘Congratulations. You deserve it,’ Ellyn said over there, smirking.

‘... I guess I’m done here. I’ll just… pick up my men and escape. I still have Kadabra with his Teleport…’ Julian said, wandering over to his small army of nerdy servants currently cowering with their fainted Psychic-types because they were surrounded by happy-looking burly Fighting-types.

Machamp was just standing looking proud.

‘Wow, all the Fighting-types came back! Cool! So, what’s going on here? Oh, wow! A Froslass! That’s cool,’ Maple came over all wide-eyed, and apparently hadn’t really been following what was going on.

‘Erika used a Dawn Stone to evolve her Snorunt into a Froslass,’ Ellyn gently explained.

‘Aaah. That is cool. Good job!’ Maple beamed happily.

Then Erika suggested eating… in Bigfjord City.

‘Oh, food! Yeah, I’m in!’ Maple called. Though, the others looked kinda…

‘In Bigfjord City? You got guts, I’ll give you that,’ Elana chuckled a little.
‘Nooooot sure that’s the best place,’ Joshua said.
‘I… don’t really want to go there,’ Ellyn mumbled.
‘That city’s going to eat you alive,’ Julian muttered audibly over there as he took out his Kadabra, preparing to Teleport.
‘Worldedge City is right next to it?’ Joshua followed up his previous statement with a suggestion, visibly trying to keep his smile up.
‘Bigfjord City is pretty famous as a place to avoid,’ Ewan told. ‘That said, I’m not opposed. Certainly safer than going alone.’

Now, as a citizen of Isson, Erika probably should have heard about the various stories of Bigfjord City, and the reputation it has due to gangs hanging around in there. Basically, there’s a reason why it is massively associated with the Dark-type.

That said, they totally could still go that way. What does Erika think?



‘Hmpf, fine, turn down free money,’ the noble muttered to Claire’s reply. Still, he turned to Dawkin, to see if he was more receptive. ‘How about you? Get me a Galarian Corsola, I get you 10,000P. It’s way more than the 2,000 you’d have to pay for it,’ he tried again.

Eugene didn’t notice Claire. He was too busy happily staring at Corviknight. One of the Skarmories did, however, notice her. It stepped a little uneasily.

‘Oh, wait, Kalmia?’ Zachery raised his eyebrows when the professor’s name was dropped, and walked over and picked up a notebook. He looked it through briefly, to a page with a couple photos that he’d apparently been sent. ‘Oh, yeah! You’re one of Kalmia’s trainers! Got it, then one free donation, coming right up!’ Zachery chuckled, before coming over again and listening to Claire’s request.

‘Stylish and speedy… but tricky and cute?’ Zachery’s one-eyed gaze steeled itself, as he gained a level of seriousness. Then, he smirked. ‘I know just the one.’

‘ELMA! MILA!’ Zachery turned and shouted to his two companions who were walking in and out of the ship to get Pokémon. ‘WE’RE HUNTING THE GREEN ONE!’

‘Ah, geesh,’ the more serious-one said, looking bothered. ‘At least we only need to do it one more time.’
‘Aw, I kinda liked having her around,’ the more playful-looking one said. ‘Oh, well. At least she should get a fun adventure!’

The three of them ran off into the ship. For a bit, there was no noise other than them running around below deck… until…

‘THERE SHE IS!’ there was suddenly a shout under deck, and then chaos ensued. There were noise of people throwing themselves and their Pokémon left and right, numerous cries of sudden pain, and a couple shouts of ‘SHE’S GOING THAT WAY!’

This went under several minutes, until finally Zachery was heard.

‘RIGHT, THAT’S IT’ … Quickly followed by the enormous roar of what definitely sounded like a dragon of some sort and then a quick smash.

A couple seconds later the three of them came out again. The serious girl looked bothered, the more playful one looked like she was in a giggling fit. Both of them looked a bit exhausted and had a couple of scratch-marks here and there. In the lead Zachery stepped forward towards Claire, his expression content, his clothes had tears from tiny claws here and there.

‘How about this one?’ he asked, and lifted up a living creature with his non-hook hand. In his hand he was holding a green cat around its torso, which stared with the most innocent expression imaginable towards Claire, despite the havoc it just caused.


After Claire, it was Dawkin’s turn!

‘Now then! What will it be for the next young man?’ Zachery asked, turning to Dawkin, who was just behind Claire in the queue.

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains beckon.
Route 16. Their haunted waters also beckon.
I roll a random.org for every Pokémon to see if they’re shiny with very unlikely odds. If I roll a 1, they’re shiny. This one rolled a 2. Hah.


@Typical@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii

Glory grew to level 17!

‘And that’s match! Good job, the both of you!’ Lesley called happily.

Basil was victorious! Basil gained 3194P for winning!

Eryn didn’t lose anything.

‘Well, I think it’ll be a while before you’re ready to challenge me, Major League Gym Leader and all, but maybe try your luck in Stillwood Village? Maybe Highhill Town? Raremine Town? Redcoast City? Freecape Town? Haha, that should be all the Minor League Gyms of the Southern Landmass,’ Lesley chuckled a bit. ‘Anyway, I actually do have other things I need to worry about. This has been fun, but unless you got any further questions for me, I should be off!’ Lesley said, and did wait a bit to see if they did have anything else to say to her.

With that done, they would be ready to move again.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


Kristy brightened up substantially as Skylar accepted their help.

‘Great! You saved my bacon from being arrested by my best friend, so I’m more than happy to help!’ the gym-leader was quite eager. Then, for that last question… ‘Don’t you worry about that! Let me just make a few calls…’ Kristy said, retrieving a phone and starting to talk.

‘… Hm. I’ll be right back,’ Sylvia said before suddenly darting off, leaving Kristy a little stunned but she was on the phone so she wasn’t able to question it too much. Sylvia’s Seviper slithered after her. The snake was pretty fast.

‘No, I don’t need another doll, not right now, anyway, I want a white cane, roughly… how long?’ Kristy asked, looking to Skylar. Assumingly he could answer, so Kristy turned back and said it. Eventually she got some reply and brightened up. ‘Excellent. We’ll come pick it up right away!’

With that, Kristy was quick to end the call, say ‘This way!’ and lead Skylar along the town, assumingly helped along by his Pokémon. Kristy escorted him to a warehouse, where after discussing something with a couple dudes, they’d retrieved something from their storages somewhere and Kristy eventually came back to him.

‘How about this one?’ Kristy offered him a cane. For the sake of convenience, let’s say it’s perfect.

Then Sylvia came walking, Seviper still sliding along behind her. She offered something to Skylar. ‘Here you go. Glasses your size,’ Sylvia said, offering a couple.

‘Hehehe, of course the cool girl knows where to get cool glasses. Nicely done Sylvia!’ Kristy chuckled.

‘I, um, need them for disguises, sometimes,’ replies the slightly embarrassed Sylvia.

Anyways, that was that. What would Skylar do now?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

@Typical@Joshua Tamashii@hatakekuro

Lesley looked from kid to kid as they weren’t exactly talking to her all the time, but Eryn sure was, and she smiled at Eryn’s reaction.

‘What, you know the guy? Heh, small world, I guess,’ Lesley said with a little chuckle. And then about not minding being interrogated. ‘Good, you’re an understanding one. Good girl,’ she nodded with satisfaction at them.

Then there was Basil taking a call. Kalmia on the other side spoke her part, and when Basil replied…

‘I’m so happy you’ll help! I was a bit worried about sending just Amelia. If you ever have a favor or so to ask me, I’ll definitely see if I can do something in turn… Wait, she’s there?’ Kalmia looked a bit stunned. ‘Oh, hi, Amelia! I wanted to give some backup, in case you’d want it! And hi, Eryn!’ That was probably enough, before Basil turned the dex back. ‘Tell me how it goes! I’ll see you later!’ Kalmia reported before the call ended.

Lesley stood there looking amused until Basil made his request…

‘You want me to ref your battle?’ Lesley asked, then smirked. ‘Sure. Then let’s head to the back! Pokémon Centers have places in the back where one can fight if one absolutely has to!’ I am just going to insert that the battle arenas for link cables are canon for convenience.
@Gardevoiran I did have a little scene I wanted to write. I have now written it. Now you can do what you like. And I can now also add Sylvia to the character list, hahahaha.

@Pirouette I do think that battle was already cleared. Anyway, yeah. Remember that we're using ORAS learnsets in the future. No worries about that, otherwise. I feel this scene has been cleared. So. There you go.

@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii I did detect some awkwardness in trying to make these awkward individuals interact. So I thought I'd throw some insentive into the mix. Of course, if either of you don't want to, then there's absolutely no need for Basil to help Amelia out. But I thought it could make the scene more amusing, hehehe. Oh, and @Typical is there, too, of course.

@Eklispe@Rune_Alchemist There you go. I've moved you to Stalford's Ferry. There's a couple scenes here, just because. You'll need to point out to Zachery that you're one of Kalmia's trainers to get your free Pokémon. And that's about that.

‘Thank you, once again,’ Leila said, before turning and following Dunstan.

Skylar didn’t have that much to say to the people gathered, but before he leaves, there’s a little scene.

With everything else solved, Sylvia walked up to Kristy, who smiled as she approached.

‘So, uh. I’m sorry, restraining you wasn’t part of my list of things I wanted to do. It’s just, I was under orders to-’ Sylvia started, somewhat awkwardly talking to Kristy. Kristy replied by interrupting her with a hug.

‘Aww, I know you didn’t~! There’s no way you’d betray me~!’ Kristy called, very clingy and happy.

‘Y-yes, yes…’ Sylvia didn’t seemed a bit uncomfortable with the tight hug, but nonetheless embraced back. ‘I didn’t think you’d hold it against me, but on principle I wanted to apologize…’

‘Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Pay for dinner and we’ll call it even and make you feel better, okay~’ Kristy said, smiling. ‘Oh, hey, kid!’ Kristy suddenly called, turning towards Skylar. ‘If you’re hunting badges, maybe you can catch another one here? Besides being “special investigator” whatever, Sylvia here’s also the Poison-type Gym Leader of Goldshore Town! She might just be here to visit me, but it might be your golden chance!’

‘Oh, no,’ Sylvia shook her head. ‘If he wants that badge he’s going to need to find me in the Gym in Goldshore Town,’ Sylvia said. ‘And… I wasn’t really here for you, I was here because to investigate as investigator…’

‘But you were happy to come here to see me at the same time, right~?’ Kristy asked with a big smile.

Sylvia was silent for a small second. ‘… Yes.’

‘Haha, there you go,’ Kristy laughed a little.

‘Right. That aside. Do you need a new cane and glasses? Do you want help?’ Sylvia asked, clearly concerned about the poor blind kid.

‘Oh, yeah. If you want a guide, I know my own town!’ Kristy offered.

Otherwise, Skylar could walk off with Forge. To say he’d get a bunch of looks from astounded Raremine Town citizens would be an understatement. Sure, it happened sometimes that strangers came walking with impressive Pokémon, but nobody here’s ever seen or heard of a Type: Null before!

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.



Erika turned around with Chic, intending to join further fighting, but…

‘Don’t worry about that. It’s been handled.’

Erika spun around to see Elana arriving at the scene, looking kind of dirty from all the battle she’d gone through. She was carrying her tired Slurpuff on her back, and arriving along with her was a whole horde of satisfied-looking Fighting-types, a lot of them looking scuffled from some form of battle.

And since it was a while ago, here’s pictures of everyone.

Besides that, her battle wasn’t the only battle that had been concluded.

‘Woooo! Good job, Pikachu!’ Joshua cheered as his Pikachu had just shocked Allan’s Growlithe to faint.

‘There we go. You don’t stand a chance against us, Team Amethyst!’ Ewan told as Theresa the Treecko knocked out Mia’s Minccino.

‘Th-they got us! And there’s more of them coming!’ Mia called out in alarm, returning her last Pokémon.

‘Drat,’ Allan said, doing the same while frowning. ‘This’ll look bad on our records, but… Escape Ropes!’

‘On it!’ With that, the two Team Amethyst members threw out their ropes, they attached to something and pulled both of them straight up into the ceiling and teleported them out of the scene.

Besides that, the small army of Psychics lay stunned and overwhelmed. Standing above their horde of fainted Psychic-Pokémon stood the king Machamp, flexing and grinning.

‘Ma-champ!’ he gave Erika a single thumb’s up while all the other arms were flexing.

Pokédex Entry #68 – Machamp, the Superpower Pokémon. It is known as the Pokémon that can supposedly throw 1000 punches in two seconds. Machamps are masters of many martial arts, and with four arms it can strike at many unexpected angles. They’re very quick to action, don’t think before they leap, and are absolutely terrible at any form of delicate task.

‘YOU ARE SO COOKED!’ Maple shouted out at the giant drilling machine, which after a continued barrage by her now tired-looking Fire Pokémon the metal drill had just melted and its crew evacuated as the metal was somehow on fire.

As for the parts that Erika told Julian…

‘... Bah,’ was the only reply Julian gave, looking deflated.

‘I hope you learned your lesson,’ Ellyn said, still standing blocking the way to the throne and the stone for Julian. Julian frowned and turned to glare at her.

‘... Why… why are you standing over there? Why are you helping them? You’re a noble… like me…’ Julian asked Ellyn… who tightened her fists a little.

‘In case you couldn’t tell by what I’m wearing, I’m not exactly trying to broadcast where I came from… but fine. True, originally I didn’t see much reason to put much effort into anything, but…’ she then looked over towards Maple, who was still making sure that the metal machine would never drive again. ‘… This journey has started to teach me that there’s some things worth fighting for. That aside, I think it’s time to present the victor her reward.’

As she spoke, the king Machamp came walking. He stepped right by Erika, Julian hurriedly got out of his way and Ellyn freely stepped aside. Then, one of his mighty arms gripped the stone embedded in the throne, pulled it out with one mighty stroke, then turned back to look at Erika. He grinned at her.

‘The mountain king is thankful for your warning, and has seen fit to reward your efforts,’ Elana translated/interpreted.

Following Elana’s words, Machamp held forth the one of his many hands that held the stone, presenting it to Erika to do as she willed with…

Erika obtained Dawn Stone!



Basil’s Pokédex suddenly made a sound, as he’d gotten a voice message. Or, in case he answers immediately, it can be a call.

‘Heeey, Basil! How’s your Pokémon journey coming along?’ Kalmia’s voice would come from the Pokédex if he chose to play it. ‘Just in case you were wondering, I got your Pokémon over here! Whenever you put a Pokémon in the PC, I can take them out here! You don’t mind if I take them on a couple walks, right?’ Pretty much simultaneously he got a message that was just a picture of Kalmia smiling at him with Sabbah, Aria, Pamina and Titus in whatever fashion you feel fits them.

‘Right, I actually had a different thing I wanted to talk to you about,’ Kalmia said, suddenly looking a bit more serious. ‘There’s another little trainer of mine. Her name is Amelia. She’s a young little ghost-specialist, who I have high hopes for. Thing is, she came to me with a request; she wants to be able to bring all her Pokémon with her at the same time. Unfortunately, they’re more than six, and the laws of the Pokémon box-system forbids bringing more than six Pokémon at once. … But do they really need to?’ Kalmia gave a smile.

‘I see no reason for stopping this little darling from bringing all her friends with her. But, unfortunately, that’s one of the oldest rules of the Pokémon world that we’re trying to break, here. And, well. We’re not doing that without the permission of the one who owns the Pokémon Storage System in Isson… You know the one,’ Kalmia said. And just in case Basil didn’t know… ‘We need the permission of David, master of the Private Palace, owner of both the Pokéball Factory and the Power Station… yeah.’ Just pretty much the most famous noble in Isson. Because, for regular people, they go to the PC where they deposit Pokémon and see “David’s PC”. You guys see “Kalmia’s PC”, though, because she has a little off-shoot PC-system only used by her trainers.

‘I’m not entirely sure what’ll take to make him agree to this, but I did send Amelia to go on a quest to go to his house and ask. You know, because a little girl asking tugs on the heartstrings better than if I show up and do it. I wanted to ask if you perhaps could head with her? You may be better suited to telling Amelia what to expect. I am, of course, not forcing you to do this. But, if you want to help, I could give Amelia a call and find out where she is right now…’

Of course, by sheer coincidence, Amelia’s right there beside Basil. Oh, and Eryn, too.



Dunstan simply waved to them then sat back, studying the sample again.

‘… Later, then,’ Cathia said with a small wave.

So, the two of them, Claire faster than Dawkin on account of having a Mach Bike, headed out of the lab and also out of town towards Route 6.

However, that was not their destination. Instead, they headed east. Once again, one a bit faster than the other. Still, they came upon something that looked like a dock. They reached their destination. A powerful ship awaited them.

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