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@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

‘Hm,’ Heather made a light noise as she placed a hand on her chin and watched the very much flourishing garden after having heard what Basil had to say about the matter. ‘I’ll be right back, I need to give my staff a touch of guidance,’ Heather said, and then started to gently jog away, her Cherubi stumbling after her. She started to gather the other workers over there to share a couple words with them, and point at the tree that had grown over there. Meanwhile.

Anise had become a bit wide-eyed at the entire event. She met Basil’s eyes, and was a bit surprised by the eagerness that came from him.

‘Please elaborate,’ she asked, not entirely getting it yet but very much interested in what Basil had to say.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Heather smiled happily at him for making that decision, and then gestured to follow her.

‘Let’s find you a plot~’ she said. After a short bit of walking, along the way her Cherubi was dancing among their feet, she presented a plot. The plots of this garden were small squares of limited space, each allotted to one tree, and there were rows upon rows of these plots. Heather had intentionally wandered to an area where there weren’t a lot of other used plots, and gestured for an empty plot in the middle of it.

‘Let me show you. Here, take these,’ she said, handing him a bag and a small shovel. The bag was a brown bag with a fancy label on the front, introducing it as the Amaze Mulch. ‘Do you want to try, too?’ she asked Amelia, holding out a piece of Growth Mulch and an Oran Berry, just happy to potentially share the glory of planting.

But, in case they were willing to try it out, Heather picked a plot to show how it is done.

‘First, make sure the soil is not completely dry. It should be just a bit moist. If it isn’t, use the Swanna Pail to make it a bit wetter,’ Heather said, and put her finger into the soil, past the surface, and upon an evaluation grabbed her own can and spilled some water into it.

‘Secondly, if you are using mulch, apply a layer of it above the soil. It protects the soil from having its water evaporate, plus whatever other effects particular mulches have. A spade should suffice at a small scale like this,’ she said, pouring out the mulch on the plot and then using a small spade to spread it evenly.

‘Then, plant the berry! Now, if you’re growing anything else, you probably want to make sure the plant is growing before applying the mulch, but Berries are strong little things that actually grow better if it’s done first. So, here we go,’ she said, using her spade to create an opening to put the Rawst Berry she was using as an example into the soil, before then covering it again.

‘Then simply make sure it is watered! Regularly, you’ll want your berries watered around every 24 hours, but then you should have your berries ready to be picked in around four days! They grow that fast! With a Growth Mulch, they’ll be done in just two!’ she happily hummed as she watered it again.

‘And that should do it. Of course, you used an Amaze Mulch, meaning you don’t need to water it, the resulting berries will not fall off, and more.’

So, did Basil go ahead and follow the procedure to plant the berry?

Since he did...

Eventually, the berry was planted, and the procedure was done. With that, Heather gently clapped for his progress.

‘Of course, we won’t see the result of the berry you’ve planted until in a couple of days. However, I would be happy to look after it until the time comes. After we’ve obtained a few more of the berries, we can start conducting tests to see how they affect Pokémon that eat them! It is truly exciting. May I ask how you obtained these berries? It is awfully rare that new ones appear like this…’ Heather kept talking, but… Where Heather wasn’t looking, the plant in the soil Basil had just planted was already poking out the soil. In fact, it was still growing. It was slowly growing in height, yet compared to the usual speed plants grew with it was tremendously fast.

It was, in fact, growing into a splendid tree in a very short amount of time. Two branches emerged to the left and right, before they crossed in front of it. They suddenly resembled a pair of crossed arms. Then, the green leaves emerged, and… it perfectly recreated Landorus’ “hair” and mustache in green, making the plant into a standing living statue of the legendary Pokémon.

‘What…’ Heather looked over with a stunned expression, when a pulse emitted from the tree. It coursed through the ground past where they were standing, across the garden. For a second, there was nothing. Then… other plants started growing, at pretty much the same speed that the tree before them had grown. Incomplete Berry Trees grew to full bloom. Withered plants regained their vigor. Berries sprouted. On those that already had berries, the amount of berries increased. And, some of the berries that grew were becoming absolutely massive.

‘Oh, my,’ Heather gently expressed, as around them was now an utterly complete garden with many, many types of berries around this tree that stood like a monument to the one they’d received the berry from. Across the garden there were confused visitors and staff alike, because all the plants suddenly sprouting at once like this was definitely unnatural. However, notably, the tree itself did not appear to carry any berries of its own.

If Amelia planted that plant she’d been offered, that included that one, of course.

‘It would seem we have some harvesting to do,’ Heather noted, turning towards the plant that had grown from where Basil planted it. ‘That… resembles Landorus, the Guardian of the Fields and god of harvest. What exactly did you plant?’ she asked, a hand placed on her chin.

‘Er…’ Anise, meanwhile, was looking towards Basil looking like she was wondering if he was going to explain this, or whatever the plan was supposed to be.

Oh, and the feast was attracting some Pokémon. Like a big all-eater, numerous sloths dragging themselves towards the trees, numerous green and numerous pink monkeys, in addition to a couple small eggs bouncing in from somewhere. There seemed to be a couple trees that were there specifically for these wild Pokémon.

What would they do now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

‘It could give us a clue as to what they’re made for,’ Anise replied to Basil, keeping her arms crossed and looking thoughtful for the moment. ‘Worst case scenario, we have another one,’ she said, referring to the one she received.

‘Of course you should do it~!’ Heather looked like it was obvious. ‘Planting berries is how you make more of them. If you have a rare berry that we’ve never seen before, of course we must ensure we have more of them! Don’t you agree?’ she said, clearly stating her opinion on the matter.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise looked surprised at Amelia telling her that she wasn’t being inflexible only wanting to raise one type, and then gave numerous examples of such individuals. Over time as Amelia spoke, Anise started smiling.

‘Yeah. Yeah!’ she said, looking determined all of a sudden. ‘That’s it. I can raise the kind of Pokémon I want to raise! It’s fine to have weaknesses! I’ll just figure out how to overcome my weaknesses, WITHOUT going against my beliefs!’ Anise raised her clenched fists, gritting her teeth from sheer determination. ‘Watch me, Landorus! I’m gonna take you down, all with a team that I built, for myself, with MY ideals!’ she called, and her Pokémon called out with her, looking quite happy with this decision.

Amelia pointed out she had a non-fighting-type right there. ‘Ah, yeah. He’s…’ Anise smiled a bit as Zigzagoon made a happy noise and pressed himself against Amelia’s hand. ‘He’s a special exception. I’m not really bringing him for fighting…’ she said, tilting her head a little to look at her little buddy. ‘But maybe you could do something, too?’

‘Zag!’ Zigzagoon happily called out back to her. Anise smiled to him, then turned to Amelia again.

‘Thank you, Amelia. I think that’s what I needed to hear.’

With that said, they then headed to the Berry Garden. Basil spoke to the receptionist…

‘Oh, I’ve never seen such a berry… Let me call one of our experts!’ she said, and then dashed off. Eventually she returned, accompanied by an Aroma Lady, with a living berry walking on two leg-things with a green stem extending from its head and another, smaller berry growing on that one.

‘Hello~! I’m Heather. I’ve been told you have an odd-looking berry?’ the lady asked, and assuming the berry was presented to her… ‘Oh, that is…’ she said, walking forward and inspecting it, and the Cherubi underneath also skipped to stare from below. ‘… That… is not a berry I know. And believe me, I know a lot of berries. In fact, I would have claimed I knew all of them… until this moment. Interesting,’ she said, with a gentle smile on her lips.

‘So, are you going to plant it?’ Heather asked. ‘No berry is truly fulfilled until it has been planted in soil. I’m excited to see what kind of a tree will grow from this. I’m willing to donate a plot and a Mulch of your choice, given the circumstances,’ she said, definitely looking like she was containing her excitement under her ladylike grace.

Amelia went and inspected a nearby berry plant… when a happy head suddenly stuck out towards her from the little tree. There was a monkey in the tree.

Said monkey dropped down onto the ground, grabbed a Pecha Berry with the hand on its tail, and then ran off using the other berry plants as cover.

Pokédex Entry #190 – Aipom, the Long Tail Pokémon. It lives atop tall trees. Their long tail is very strong and strong enough to throw its own body-mass. They jump from tree to tree, hang from branches using their tail and pick berries with it. Because of overreliance on their tail, its actual arms are weak and very clumsy.

Anyway. What does the two of them do now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise recoiled a little when Amelia brought up that Landorus was a flying-type. She grimaced a bit as she detailed the things to keep in mind.

‘Yeah, that’s…’ Anise muttered, glancing over at Basil who clearly had a similar reaction to Amelia’s outlining. ‘That’s what I was grumbling about,’ she admitted, then frowned as she crossed her arms. ‘Becoming stronger is already part of my plan. Perhaps if I can prove my strength to Landorus he’ll be more willing to listen. Now, I know my Fighting-types aren’t the best suited to handle a Flying-type… or three of them if all of them become involved…’ but then, her eyes opened and it was like a fire lit in them. ‘But seriously, look at me!’

She then spun and faced sideways from Amelia and Basil, bending her knees and raising her fists in a stance. Responding to her energy, Mienfoo, Froakie and Meditite jumped to stand next to her both assuming the exact same stance. Riolu was a newer addition to Anise’s party and as such wasn’t in on the procedure yet, and Zigzagoon was busy running circles around them.

‘Fighting’s in my blood!’ Anise punched forward twice, and Mienfoo, Meditite and Froakie did the same in perfect sync. ‘I’m a disciple of the Fighting-type Gym!’ she said as she and her Pokémon kicked up into the air in sync. ‘I’ll do a way better job training Fighting-type Pokémon…’ Anise jumped into the air and made a spinning kick into the air in front of her, and the Meditite, Mienfoo and Froakie all did the same. ‘… than any other kind of Pokémon!’ she declared, as she landed on both her legs, and then put her fists to the sides as she breathed out, while her Pokémon did the same. Including the frog, which looked a little silly trying to mimic the human motions, and also definitely looked like he was worried she’d realize he wasn’t a Fighting-type.

‘… So, anyway…’ Anise said. ‘I’m currently pondering if I’m being too inflexible not to try to adapt to the problem, and it would be a failure as a Pokémon Trainer not to get a more flexible team…’ she relaxed her stance and sighed. ‘… or if doing so would be the easy way out, that doing so would mean lacking the determination and discipline to solve things the way I’ve been taught, and that I’d have failed as Hector’s disciple.’

That part aside. Anise otherwise stayed silent as they talked about what to do with the powerful Pokémon Basil had with him.

‘Yeah, I’m ready to head out,’ Anise simply said about that. Ready to potentially head to the Berry Garden and see what happens.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise looked a little surprised at Basil’s talking about her as a bodyguard. Anise took a deep breath, looking like she was focusing away some exasperation, raising a hand to rub between her eyes a little before looking towards him once again. ‘… That was a joke. The bodyguard thing… was a joke. I was poking fun at you,’ she explained, very simply. Note that Anise had delivered said joke with the exact same cadence as anything else she says. Then he explained the rest, and…

‘Right. Yeah, sounds like you’ve got an unusual Pokémon on your hands. I definitely would ask your professor about it, or so. Still, with Stillwood Village being the most peaceful place on the continent, more or less, I think we might be pretty safe here, at least,’ Anise said. Meanwhile, her Pokémon had gotten bored and were now playing around chasing each other around her, like Mienfoo jumping for the Meditite that then just floated up in the air above it, and then Riolu tried to do a sneaky jump at it from behind.

Basil suggested she stay and catch Amelia up while Basil look for clues. He got another confused look from her.

‘But, I was going to head there, too? Besides, I can explain on the way. Or right now. It’s not that much. Or maybe it is. I guess I better get started. I could explain as we walk,’ Anise took a deep breath, and then looked to Amelia.

‘Do you have any questions? Do you want to head with us to the Berry Garden?’ Anise asked.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Remram@Joshua Tamashii

Anise looked a bit stunned at the whole “having to sacrifice your arm to get a dragon” bit, but she seemed to come around to it decently quickly. ‘Alright, then,’ she simply said about it. She then listened to the rest which Basil told her. She took a deep breath, placed her hands together, then looked straight at him.

‘You forgot your hypothetical question, Basil,’ she just blankly stated. ‘If that is what happened, then I suggest you don’t keep it to yourself. The Gym Leaders and the various police…’ Yes, police exist in this world. ‘… can and will help out if asked. We could ask if there’s someone missing their Pokémon, too. Wild Pokémon usually don’t reach that high a level… Perhaps your Professor might be able to analyze the Pokémon to find out more about it, or something?’ she said, then narrowed her eyes at Basil.

‘What did you manage to get yourself into? Do you need a bodyguard?’ she asked, looking a bit astounded.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Joshua Tamashii@Remram

‘Phew! That went better than I thought!’ the nurse said, looking honestly impressed with how well it had worked. ‘Do come back if there’s any, um, unexpected side-effects,’ she said, looking just the slightest concerned towards Amelia before seeing them off.

They then found and attracted the attention of Anise, who blinked a little at being called by Basil first. She was quickly onto her feet with a respectful nod, her earlier concerned expression going away.

‘Basil. I’m glad you-’ she started, then immediately halted when she realized how he looked. ‘What in the world happened to you?’ she instead asked with a concerned frown. ‘But yeah, everything’s fine.’

Basil explained the bit about Amelia, and Anise now turned to look at the young girl, looking a little curiously at her. ‘Hello, Amelia. I’m Anise, and as mentioned, I am Hector’s disciple. Nice to meet you, too. You’re a long way from Witchpeak, huh,’ she said with a nod. Of her Pokémon, Froakie looked up at her in concern, Meditite gave a gentle smile and a wave, Mienfoo gave a happy little cry, Riolu copied his trained and gave a polite nod, while Zigzagoon stared up blankly at her before skipping forward to smell at her shoes. Probably looking for something to steal.

‘… Tell me if he’s bothering you,’ Anise said about the very curious Zigzagoon.

‘Right. I told my family and Hector that I would depart on this trip. My goal is to find Landorus again, prove myself to him, and bring him to the others,’ she said, then glanced down at her team, who also gave concerned looks back. ‘... Though, in case it becomes a fight, either against him or the others, I’ve become conscious of the fact that perhaps I’m specializing in the wrong type,’ she mumbled a little quieter, seeing how those were all flying Pokémon. Probably.

‘That aside. We came here to see if we could find out more about these berries. That was the case, right?’ Anise asked Basil but also glanced down at Amelia. ‘Have you told her what happened?’

What would they say / do?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.



‘I see. Very well,’ the man said, nodding to Skylar. ‘An admirable goal. It is quite possible that we’ll see each other in Witchpeak City, yes. We have an office there. If you wish to find us, you can find us at this address…’ Skylar was given the address to a location in Witchpeak City. ‘We’re not always there, as we’re often out on the field. So maybe I should give you this, too.’ … along with general contact information. ‘I wish you luck on your journey.’ he finished with, before the two parted ways.

So, Skylar headed back to Raremine Town…

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

… And then on to back to the “Gym”, which really was just the exit out to Route 7. He crossed the desert to get back to where he was previously… only to find something he might not have been expecting. It was probably hidden before, but not far from where he’d previously been, there was a very, VERY localized sandstorm. It was taking place on an encircled flat area of sand, and within it, two people were facing each other. Of course, Skylar couldn’t actually see what was going on in there. However, just as he came close…

‘Hahahaha! Well, what do you know? You did it!’ Kristy chuckled as she returned her last Pokémon, and also moved her goggles as she did. The sandstorm slowly cleared, revealing who it was that had been fighting the Gym Leader. A dark-haired girl in a white outfit and wearing glasses, looking absolutely stunned at the scene before her.

‘I… I did it…?’ she asked, and promptly collapsed onto her knees, panting a bit. ‘… Oh, my goodness… Goomy, you’re the absolute- You did it! We won…!’ she fell forward and embraced a damaged-looking slimeball dragon that still gave out a victorious cry. ‘Gooooooooooom…!’

‘Hehehe… Didn’t I see the two of you together earlier? Wanna share your victory?’ Kristy asked, her gaze trailing to the approaching Skylar.

‘Huh?’ Vivia made a confused little noise, looking over towards him. ‘Oh! Skylar! I! I won!’ she said, sounding absolutely amazed that she did. ‘It came down to my last Pokémon… but Goomy pulled it off…!’

‘Yeah, haha. You’re on your way to getting pretty strong, I think. That was some trick you just pulled…’ Kristy chuckled, before turning her attention to Skylar. ‘Well. I assume you’re here to make this a double feature? Your friend here kind of solved the Gym Puzzle for you, but, heh,’ Kristy gave a smirk to him. ‘Do you want to fight me, too?’ she asked, putting one hand on her hip, smirking, and holding out a Pokéball towards him.

What does Skylar say?
@Joshua Tamashii@Remram

Of all the places in Isson, Stillwood Village was perhaps the place where you were the least likely to get accosted for being carried by a Drifloon. Everyone here’s so calm and relaxed, even if there was a situation they’d be so sure it’d resolve itself peacefully. It was probably fiiiiine. There was surely just something they didn’t know… and they were right.

Basil did his little demonstration with the Deino that he’d caught, so for Amelia…

Pokédex Entry #633 – Deino, the Irate Pokémon. Usually found nesting deep in a cave. Deinos cannot see, and their first instinct upon encountering anything is biting and eating it. Approaching them carelessly is dangerous. It is said a trainer will be covered in wounds before a Deino has warmed up to them enough to not automatically bite.

Eventually, they headed into the Pokémon Center.

‘Hello, and welcome to the Pokémon Center. Would you like to rest your Pokémon?’

‘Wait, you want me to treat a human!!?? I, uh, I don’t know if I’m qualified for this!’ the nurse suddenly panicked. This had never happened before! Probably!

‘I’ll, uh, I’ll do my best!’

The nurse would indeed do her best to patch Amelia up. Fortunately, it wasn’t something super bad, so after using some strangely effective items she could probably get up and walk again. On the way in, though, they might have seen someone else.

On the right side of the Pokémon Center, a young red-haired that most probably would figure as being a Battle Girl was sitting on the floor, staring at her group of five Pokémon. In front of her sat a little blue frog, an onion-headed yoga-creature, a martial-arts inclined mustelid, a small blue bipedal canine and a fuzzy raccoon dog. She looked them over, especially her three Fighting-types… and then sighed.

‘I know I’m a disciple of a Fighting-type Gym Leader… but maybe I should try to make a slightly more balanced team if I’m to actually make my journey? But you’re all my friends…’ she said, hanging her head a little, pondering the little conundrum while her Pokémon were tilting their heads and making small worried cries more worried about their trainer being in a mildly distressed state than anything about wondering about their places in the team.

She’d probably eventually figure out Basil had entered the Pokémon Center. Otherwise, you may greet her as you wish and perhaps introduce the other person, for instance. But here she is.

What would you do now?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

@Joshua Tamashii@Remram

So they made their way over towards Route 5. Keeping off the beaten path also let them avoid anyone who might get disturbed by Amelia being held aloft by a Pokémon literally known for kidnapping kids. Still, it didn’t take that much effort to get around Lakewatch Town and then onto Route 5.

Connected areas:
Lakewatch Town. Right behind you.
Stillwood Village. In the north lies the forest which hides the village, Mt. Strength lying behind it..
Route 6. Vast plains start in the south-east, this route leads towards Raremine Town.
Frozen Cavern. After an incline up to the ridge of Mt. Chill, a cavern of ice could guide the way to Route 9 and Cooldome City.
Endless Forest. To the south, a dark forest looms. There are no indications as to why you’d ever want to go there.

Still, even here they could stay off the road if they wished for it, just a bunch of Oddishes and Caterpies looking up at the girl flying with her balloon curiously while Deerlings stayed out of their way. With that, they could move on, because so far, so good, nothing that seemed to get in their way. Where to now?

In case they headed north to Stillwood Village…



Skylar decided it was a good idea to flee from the giant man-eating sandcastle that was visibly angry at him. Probably a good idea. The Pallosand cramped up and sent an enormous amount of power straight down into the sand beneath is, sending a massive Bulldoze sending a spray of sand off all around it…!

But at that point Skylar was already hightailing out of the range of the attack, and Paradise lifted the surprised man straight over the sand-wave that carried off beneath them. With that, the sand-ghosts chose not to follow, and they were home free.

‘That was a good escape. Well done. Perhaps you’d have it in you to join the…’ the man said, before looking at Skylar and perhaps noticing something about him. ‘… Well, maybe I’ll return in a couple years,’ he concluded. Then Skylar had his realization, and…

‘Oh. Darcie’s my daughter,’ he then said. ‘I’m Dad… to her, anyway. It seems she has tried to contact me. I was waiting for her to return from Witchpeak City, but I was distracted by a report that someone had stolen ghosts from the pirates. I managed to catch one of them…’ he said, holding up and opening a Pokéball, and a little sand-ghost manifested at their feet.

‘Sandy?’ the little ghost asked.

‘… but all of them became a bit too much. I will report it to Darcie, after I get her. I suppose that means I am crossing with the ferry. Will you be coming?’ the man asked Skylar.

So, what will Skylar be doing?

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