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Even as Lunella prepared to finish quelling the last remnants of the Flittergnats' chaotic antics, her tranquility was shattered by the apparent owner of the strange shed. Startled by the sound of his jovial voice, the young Lunatic whirled around to find that its source was a silver-haired man in the garb of a Dreamweaver.

“Um, well, not entirely…” a still rather startled Lunella replied tentatively, when the man claimed that she had fixed his home. A moment later, his diminutive companion explained the full truth of the matter, causing his gleeful demeanor to dampen considerably. “Oh, um, tea would be splendid,” the bespectacled young woman told him with a tentative smile, still somewhat confused but genuinely wishing to cheer the despondent Dreamweaver up. “Thank you so very much for the offer.”

At about this time, one of the local elementalists approached them, noting the stubborn nature of the Abyssal Convergence’s influence in a commiserating tone.

“Yes, it is indeed quite tenacious,” Lunella agreed with a scholarly nod. “Yet, if I may be permitted, I believe I might be able to…” her words trailed off as the Dreamweaver abruptly returned the shed to its place within his dreamcatcher, the structure vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. “Oh, um… Very well, then…” she conceded in a quiet voice.

The young Lunatic observed in silence as the Dreamweaver went on to manifest a far smaller conjuration, namely an inviting fire, some teacups, and a… rubber duck…? This last whimsical addition brought a slight smile to Lunella’s gentle features, one which broadened when the Dreamweaver’s small companion addressed her and the two elementalists that had joined them.

“Please, there is no need to apologize,” Lunella insisted, raising her open palms. “With the Dreamer’s Moon gracing the firmament this evening, such occurrences are to be expected,” she added in a soft and kind voice. “It is my great pleasure to make your acquaintances,” the young Lunatic replied with a demure bow, once the pair had been introduced. “I am Lunella Celestia, astronomer, lunar mage, and seventh seat of the lunar council.”

When Quincy made his strange little toast shortly thereafter, it took Lunella a moment to realize that the Dreamweaver was expecting a response. “O-Oh, um, to harmony and tranquility,” she declared, taking a still-empty tea cup and raising it high.

As the meeting progressed, Pentius-04 certainly had her work cut out for her. Indeed, each new development seemed to make it increasingly more difficult to ensure her bubbly charge’s safety. Lily’s hyperactive darting from potential hostile to potential hostile was bad enough, but then she started shaking their hands and hugging them! Even with her own impressive speed, 04 still worried that she might not react quickly enough, and then what would Doctor Kannis say? This was her last opportunity to redeem herself in the eyes of her respected and admired creator, and she was determined not to screw it up.

Thus, when a new arrival appeared with a golem bodyguard, she was quick to shield Lily from this latest potential threat, not only reinforcing her own defenses, but placing an incredibly thin, yet incredibly strong, skin tight protective barrier around her fellow greenette. This would also help to absorb any attacks from the girl’s so-called ‘friends’ (who, for all she knew, had been mind controlled, or replaced by duplicitous duplicates). 04 watched with stoic alertness as the new girl, Nefer, activated a jamming field, ostensibly to keep Wonderland’s prying eyes from observing the rest of the meeting. Although the field appeared to be exactly what Nefer claimed, 04 wasn’t about to take any chances, and remained ready for anything, like Chloe, seemingly in an effort to be as annoying as possible (really, MDP was nothing compared to this bitch, at least as far as 04 was concerned), deciding to summon yet another bone construct.

“I did address it,” 04 corrected when Chloe made her little quip about feeling frustrated. “But I saw no need to provide a verbal warning as neither it, nor its companion, have taken any threatening action, unlike you, she added pointedly, even as additional barriers and shield extensions were deployed between herself and the new construct. “And we shall not be going on any dates,” she declared, fixing Chloe with a withering glare.

However, this was less due to anger, and far more to her attempt to fully scan the briefly revealed mark on the junior coin broker’s neck. Even with Nefer’s jamming field up, 04 still had full access to Doctor Nykannis’s omnidimensional database via her mental link. After all, as the Monarch of Mad Science’s eyes and ears at the meeting, she needed to remain in full contact with the good doctor at all times. Consequently, it did not take long to discover exactly what the insignia denoted…

As MDP continued to cheerfully chat with her friends, the rest of the meeting’s tense discussions went completely over the whimsical girl’s head. And that was fine by her. She had enough stress in her daily life, and she was confident, as only her childishly naive and idealistic transformed self could be, that Penny would take care of everything just fine. Plus, as any good magical girl knew, the Power of Friendship could defeat any threat, and with all the friends she had here, the bubbly Princess of Dreams was certain that their current problems were already as good as solved. And speaking of friends…

“Like, Magical Dream Princess never tried thatsie watsie beforesie woresie, but, like, if you thinky winky it’ll helpy welpy, then she’ll, like, totally wotally do her besty westiest~! (giggle!)” she told Ronin with a happy smile and a peace sign salute after the girl’s idea managed to break through her hyperactive mental fog. “And, like, don’t worry Miko Wiko~!” she added with a playful wink. “Magical Dream Princess will, like, totally wotally put them to sleepy weepy firsty wirsty~! (giggle!)”

Ronin and Miko then went on to discuss the contents of the mysterious note Lily had handed them, and while MDP had never seen the show, what they were discussing sounded quite fascinating, and also somewhat familiar…

“Oh~! Like, Magical Dream Princess might know somebodywody who can, like, totally wotally do thatsie watsie~! (giggle!)” she chirped, gleefully waving her hand in the air while jumping up and down. “And, like, if we asked her super duper nicely wicely, then, like, maybe waybe she could helpy welpy us~!”

“Goodness gracious!” the Angel of Hope exclaimed, placing her hands over her mouth even as tears began to glisten in her gentle eyes. “This humble servant is so very, very sorry! Never would I have imagined that my mere presence would cause such terrible distress!” she cried, her anguish palpable in her heavenly voice. “Oh, please, kind champion!” the angelic maiden pleaded, her hands clasped over the bountiful chest Aurora found so offensive. “I beg you, please find it in your heart to forgive this humble servant’s horrific mistake!”

Well of fucking course it’d be the dumbass with boob envy that hides inside the giant skeleton monster…

However, Aurora’s next words gave the heavenly maiden pause.

So, this loser got gender swapped, huh? Shit, they’re almost as pathetic as those idiots from the… wait…

“Oh! You poor thing! How so very tragic!” the Angel commiserated, tears still streaming down her radiant cheeks. “Indeed, I have encountered many who have been afflicted with similarly unfortunate circumstances,” she added. “They hold a support group once a week at the Taste of Heaven tea shop, in the Overcity,” she continued, producing a small info card and handing it to Aurora. “As fate would have it, I am on a quest on their behalf to locate a cure for their many aliments here in Penrose, where such miraculous cures are said to be almost commonplace, though I must sadly confess, I have yet to stumble upon any thus far…”

Because they’re all obviously bullshit. Wait, what the fuck are they doing now? ‘Boobie osmosis’?! Are you fucking shitting me?!

“U-Ummm, I do not believe that shall be particularly effective,” the Angel replied with a hesitant frown. “From what I have heard of these wondrous miracle cures, the ones that would perhaps be best for your particular… condition are either magical artifacts, such as the so-called ‘Red Coins’, or the wishes granted by a mysterious magical girl with the powers of a djinn. There is also an even more mysterious individual, known as The Keeper of the Keys, said to remove undesirable elements of one’s transformed self, but this humble servant regrets to say that she knows virtually nothing about her…”

And if she was actually real, I’d definitely be hitting her up…

What am I even doing here? Connie thought glumly.

Unlike many of the others present, the masked maiden wasn’t the leader or representative of a large and important faction, and since she hadn’t been a member of Penrose’s magical community for very long, she was only vaguely aware of most of the incidents being brought up. She knew that Justine once served a horror and was now seeking to atone for her past actions, for example, but she had never really interacted with her in any meaningful way, and so hadn’t really developed any strong opinions of the girl, positive or negative. The same could be said of the others as well. Even Chloe, a self-admitted representative of the Ebon Mint, failed to evoke the feelings of hatred one might initially suspect The Empress of Nightmares to possess, for while members of the Mint had recently been responsible for the deaths of two of her friends, Connie had always tried to judge people as individuals. Thus, she resolved to withhold her hatred of Chloe until such time as the promiscuous girl did something to deserve it.

Connie’s mask formed a small smile when Lily placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said that if everyone brought something unique, then it would surely help, but the timid girl was still left to wonder if she really had anything unique to offer. She was just an insignificant nobody who didn’t have even a single idea for how to solve the impending crisis. Plus, her powers were only good for hurting people, not saving them, and even they had proven utterly ineffective against the Wonderlanders. Yes, she reflected, nervously gulping and hugging herself as Chloe summoned another bone construct, it was probably for the best if she just faded into the background.

However, even as she thought this, someone else chose to relinquish their own obscurity and step into the metaphorical spotlight. Connie had never met this “Binky” before, but if the greenette’s words were to be believed, she was a bit like Connie herself. Yet, while meek this girl may have been, she had also clearly been responsible for developments of great significance, where all Connie had accomplished was failing to save her friends… Thus, when Binky finished facing off against Chloe and allowed everyone else to add their own stipulations to the proposed agreement, the still-nervous Empress of Nightmares slowly raised a trembling hand.

“U-Um…” she began in a soft voice. “I-I’d like the k-killing to s-stop…”

For her part, Gaia was more focused on what Kayli had revealed, the verdant maiden’s eyes widening slightly as her guardian mentally explained what she had managed to accomplish.

That… is indeed most fortuitous, Gaia replied after a moment. However, while such knowledge shall undoubtedly be of great assistance in our efforts to both study and defend it from the Queen of Hearts’ machinations, I believe we must also consider the potential benefits of perhaps removing such a massive fomenter of strife from the equation entirely, the botanical beauty added, even as her eyes scanned over the gathering’s various bickering parties. Thus, I would highly caution revealing this information to more than a trusted few. Or, rather, I would, if I was not convinced that you have already come to that conclusion, she noted with a smirk.


Help…? Nyxia wondered, still not fully comprehending what she was hearing. She wants to… help me…?

The Neon Tempest’s confusion only grew as Earthshaker, or rather, Roche, went on to speak of happiness, adventures, and friends… Friends. In her eighteen years, Norika had never made a single friend, outside of her brother, and as Nyxia, she didn’t see the point in changing that. Indeed, the very concept of having friends was completely alien to her, so when Roche seemed to suggest that the two of them be friends, her initial reaction was to harshly refuse. After all, this girl had gone so far as to steal her baby… Even if Roche hadn’t known the weapon’s significant to her, why would she ever want to be friends with someone who had done such a horrific thing? Why would she ever want to socialize with any of these girls? Roche said that friends were something that Kaito would want her to have, but was that really true? This was probably just a trick to get her to let her guard down in preparation for further torment, yet Roche’s mention of her father gave Nyxia pause.

Was Roche dealing with the loss of someone as dear to her as Kaito had been to Nyxia herself? Did… Did Roche actually understand the pain she felt? Despite her initial feelings of annoyance towards this girl, Nyxia found herself wanting to know more about what she had gone through, as well as to find out if her kindness was indeed genuine. Not only that, but Nyxia suspected that Kaito really would be happy to learn that she had finally made some friends and enjoyed happy experiences with them. Eating out, especially with strangers, was something she had never done before, but she would have been lying if she said she had never thought about what such an experience might be like.

“Okay, fine… The Neon Tempest muttered. “But this ‘free food’ better not be some cheap ass dog shit…”

As Lunella wandered through the heart of Nexustead, she marveled at the vibrant scene that unfolded before her. The elementalists’ dance, an exquisite display of elemental mastery, held her in rapt fascination. Her cerulean hair swayed in the light breeze and a soft smile curled her mouth as she strolled through the shadows cast by the late afternoon sun, which painted the cobblestone streets in warm hues.

Her attire was, as ever, simple and practical, a blue kimono bearing the symbols of stars, moons, constellations, and nebulae that gave evidence of her Lunatic heritage. However, although The Lunacy Moon, Luminara, (also known by the common nickname “Moonsight”) was merely a waxing crescent, Lunella’s presence still carried a faint aura of grace and poise, a subtle reminder of her regal duality. She watched the elementalists’ performance with a quiet appreciation, her heart stirred by their profound connection to the elements, which mirrored her own peoples’ indelible link to the moons and heavens.

A knowing glance passed between Lunella and a few of Nexustead’s residents, their shared curiosity, and unspoken understanding, palpable in the air. The whispers of ancient prophecies tugged at her thoughts, and the growing elemental imbalance weighed heavily on her mind. Lunella knew that beneath the festivities lay a deeper purpose, an unspoken quest that beckoned her to act. Indeed, she had traveled to Nexustead, here at the heart of the Elemental Enclave, in order to learn more about this rumored elemental imbalance, which seemed to coincide with celestial phenomena. The threads of fate had woven her path into the Elemental Enclave at a time of heightened energy and whispered secrets. Lunella believed that by immersing herself in the heart of these events, she might uncover hidden truths and perhaps even play a role in addressing the looming Abyssal threat.

As the silvery light of the Lunacy and Dreamer's Moons intensified, Lunella felt the elemental energy pulsating through the enclave. The subtle tremors from the nearby Abyssal Convergence served as a chilling reminder of the impending darkness that sought to engulf their world. She observed the horizon with an unyielding resolve, her gaze locked on the outlines of the approaching Abyssal creatures.

Not too many, or too large, Lunella thought to herself. The local guardians should be more than sufficient to repel them.

However, even as these thoughts formed in her mind, cries of panic reached Lunella’s ears. Apparently, other Abyssals had already infiltrated the town. Her now hurried steps taking the bespectacled young woman closer to the disturbance’s source, it wasn’t long before she was greeted with the sight of a small, Abyss-tainted shed sitting in the previously empty square. The cause for the townsfolk’s panic was what was occurring inside this recently arrived structure. A swarm of Flittergnats, small, relatively harmless Abyssal creatures, were buzzing about the inside of the shed and making all kinds of clamorous mischief. In fact, Lunella actually sensed a sort of playfulness in the tiny beings’ chaotic actions, almost like the whimsical twists of fate that she had encountered in her own lunar transformations.

What’s going on here? she wondered, her deep well of curiosity making her more intrigued than frightened. Yet, even so, that curiosity was swiftly replaced with concern when she fully realized the true extent of the crowd’s hysteria. Even if there isn’t much danger, this is still causing quite an ill-timed panic… It was at times like these that the quiet and introverted Lunatic wished she possessed the alluring and commanding presence of her transformed self. As Lady Celestia, glamorous Queen of the Full Moon, Lunella was certain that she would have little trouble calming this crowd’s fears. Yet, even in her current form of a humble astronomer and lunar mage, her skills were not entirely unsuited for the current crisis, and she refused to simply stand back and watch this alarming scene unfold before her without taking any action. Indeed, this was the eve of the Crescent Awakening, and there was no better time for a Lunatic to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.

I only hope the hour is late enough for this to work…

Clasping her hands over the Moonstone Amulet hanging from her neck, Lunella bowed her head, closed her eyes, and focused her lunar energies as she prepared to invoke Calm of the Night, a Lunar Magic spell that the usually reserved young woman had rarely attempted, especially in the presence of so many agitated people. Or Abyssals…

“In the calm of the night, when Luminara's light is bright,” she began, her soft voice carrying the soothing resonance of the moons, even as she slowly extended a hand towards the swarming Flittergnats.

“Let chaos yield to serenity, and darkness take its flight,” she continued. With each word she spoke, a soft luminescence emanated from her outstretched hand, casting a gentle, silvery glow that mingled with the chaotic energy of the Flittergnats. The tiny Abyssal beings seemed to pause in their antics, their frenetic buzzing slowing down as they hovered in mid-air.

“By the silver moons above, I invoke their guiding might,
To still the restless hearts, and bring forth gentle light.”

As Lunella continued to channel her lunar magic, her voice carried a mesmerizing quality that touched the essence of the Flittergnats. Slowly, but surely, the mischievous creatures began to calm, their movements becoming less erratic, and the disarray they had caused gradually subsiding. And that wasn’t all. Under the influence of Lunella's spell, a sense of tranquility spread through the entire area. The townsfolk, who had been in a state of panic, now found themselves inexplicably soothed by the enchanting aura that emanated from the young Lunatic's spell. The initial fear of the Abyssal Convergence's arrival gave way to a sense of wonder and calm.

Upon finishing her spell, Lunella calmly approached Quincy's shed, a serene smile gracing her visage as she reached a hand out to gently touch one of the now sleepily-fluttering Flittergnats.

“Easy, little ones,” she whispered to the tiny creatures, her tone soft and soothing. “Isn’t this more relaxing? Now then, let's find a way to restore this shed to its peaceful state, all right?”

The threads of fate had converged in this moment, weaving a story that held both anticipation and trepidation. With newfound determination, Lunella embraced the call of destiny beneath the silvery gaze of the moons, ready to embark on the untold and unexpected adventures that lay ahead.

Character Name: Lunella Celestia

Gender/Sex: Female

Age: 18

Race: Lunatic (Humanoid race with lunar magic abilities)

Birth Region: The Lunar Cities of The Harmonious Archipelago


In her Normal Phase (New Moon to Waxing Crescent), Lunella has a youthful and unassuming appearance. She stands at an average height with a lithe and graceful build. Her medium-length cerulean hair frames her face, and her eyes sparkle with an azure radiance. She typically dresses in simple attire, usually modest, loose-fitting robes or kimono-like outfits.

However, when the Full Moon graces the night sky, Lunella’s physical appearance undergoes a stunning transformation. In this Transformed Phase, she becomes voluptuous and queenly, possessing an ethereal beauty, enhanced by her celestial aura. Her hair grows much longer, cascading down her back like a shimmering waterfall of cerulean silk, and her attire becomes regal and ornate. This usually consists of a sparkling royal blue leotard adorned with intricate patterns and gemstone embellishments. The leotard is complemented by an elaborate showgirl skirt in the style of an opulent ball gown that trails behind her as she moves. Her outfit is designed to capture attention and dazzle onlookers.

Background: Lunella was born amidst the shimmering towers, crystal pathways, and opalescent domes of the Lunar Cities, found at the heart of the serene and harmonious floating islands of The Harmonious Archipelago. She grew up surrounded by peaceful inhabitants who taught her the ways of balance and harmony. As a Lunatic, she always had a connection to the lunar magic that flowed through their world. Lunella's upbringing was marked by her fascination with the night sky, the moons, and the myriad celestial phenomena.

Personality: In her untransformed state, Lunella is known for her serene and compassionate personality. As her true self, she is humble and wise, possessing an unassuming demeanor. Rather introverted and generally reserved, she is more comfortable observing others from the shadows rather than seeking the spotlight.

Lunella also possesses a youthful and curious spirit. She often finds solace in exploring the intricacies of her lunar world, observing the celestial phenomena, and seeking answers to its mysteries. Lunella is also known for her kindness and empathy. She cares deeply for the well-being of others and is quick to offer assistance to those in need. Her nurturing nature makes her a trustworthy friend to those who get to know her.

Lunella has a sharp intellect and enjoys engaging in intellectual pursuits. She often immerses herself in books, astronomy, and various academic disciplines. Her analytical mind allows her to approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset.

During her transformation into Celestia, the queenly persona of the Full Moon, Lunella becomes a personification of elegance and vanity. She is confident, alluring, and radiates an air of royalty. Her arrogance knows no bounds, as she believes herself to be the epitome of beauty and grace. Lunella’s confidence is unmatched during this phase. She enjoys basking in the admiration of others and takes great pleasure in her own beauty. Her regal attitude can come across as both captivating and intimidating to those who encounter her.

In her queenly persona, Lunella expects to be treated with the utmost respect and adoration. She often seeks the company of others during the Full Moon, reveling in the opportunity to command attention and admiration. However, her arrogance and vanity can make her interactions with others unpredictable. Some may find her irresistible and willingly submit to her charms, while others may be put off by her conceited demeanor. She also tends to be less focused on practical matters during her transformed phase and often indulges in luxury and lavish experiences.


Lunar Magic: Lunella can harness the power of the moons to manipulate celestial energies. Her magic can manifest in various forms, including moonlight manipulation, lunar healing, and moonbeam attacks.

Celestial Transformation: During a Full Moon, Lunella transforms into Celestia, embodying the queen of the Full Moon's power, gaining enhanced charisma and control over lunar magic.

Crescent Blade: Lunella carries a crescent-shaped blade that transforms into an ornate Royal Scepter during her Celestia transformation. In both forms, it provides a focus for her magic.


Crescent Blade (transforms into Royal Scepter)

Lunar Amulet (an enchanted amulet that enhances her connection to lunar magic)

Moonlit Robes (attire suitable for both Lunella and Celestia)

Telescope (used to observe celestial events)

Lunar Grimoire (a magical tome with lunar spells and incantations)

Goals/Objectives: Lunella's primary goal is to protect and preserve the lunar magic that flows through The World with No Name. She seeks to maintain balance and harmony within her realm and among her fellow Lunatics. Additionally, she aspires to explore the mysteries of the moons and celestial phenomena. Her interests and aspirations, as well as how they my be altered by her intriguing transformation, are described in more detail below.

Backstory: Lunella's early life was filled with the peaceful teachings of The Harmonious Archipelago. She discovered her affinity for lunar magic at a young age, often observing the night sky and connecting with the moons. As she grew older, Lunella honed her magical abilities under the guidance of other Lunatics and her mentor, Solonar, who shares her role as a guardian of lunar magic.

Her unique ability to transform into Celestia during Full Moons has made her a revered figure among her people. Lunella's adventures have taken her across the ever-changing regions of The World with No Name, where she's forged alliances, encountered mysteries, and deepened her connection to the moons and their magic. Her inner journey mirrors the shifting nature of her world, where humility and grandeur coexist in harmony.

Lunella views the Abyssal Convergence as a dire threat to the world's harmony and beauty. She believes that its relentless advance, consuming regions like the Ebonwaste, is a great tragedy. Lunella sees the Abyssal Convergence as an embodiment of chaos and darkness that needs to be stopped to protect the world's natural wonders, the balance of elements, and the lives of its inhabitants.

While Lunella's demeanor changes to a more imperious nature when she transforms into Celestia, her overarching goals and concerns remain the same. She remains committed to combating the Abyssal Convergence and ensuring the world's continued beauty and harmony. In essence, her identity as Celestia serves as a manifestation of her deeper commitment to preserving the world's wonder and celestial grace in the face of darkness.


The Lunatics

Appearance: The Lunatics appear to be human-like beings with a unique and striking appearance. They have luminous, ever-changing eyes that reflect the phases of the three moons. Their skin often has a faint, ethereal glow, and their hair ranges from silvery-white to deep indigo, resembling the colors of the moons.

Culture and Society: Lunatics are known for their enigmatic culture and close connection to celestial phenomena. They live in sprawling lunar cities that seem to defy gravity, floating among the clouds in the night sky. Each city is an intricate labyrinth of shimmering towers, crystal pathways, and opalescent domes. They are skilled astronomers, astrologers, and practitioners of lunar magic, using the power of the moons to shape their society.

Moons' Influence: Lunatics are deeply influenced by the phases and positions of the three moons. Their traditions, festivals, and even their moods change with the lunar cycle. During "Fullmoon Celebrations," the Lunatics are known for their exuberance and creativity, while during "Darkmoon Contemplations," they turn inward for reflection and meditation.

Lunar Magic: Lunatics harness the unique magic of the moons to perform feats of incredible power. They have developed lunar spells that can manipulate light, gravity, and emotions. These spells are channeled through moonstones, magical gems infused with lunar energy. Moonstones are highly prized and often sought after by outsiders for their unique properties.

Society's Secrets: The Lunatics hold many secrets regarding the world's connection to the moons and the Abyssal Convergence. They are selective about sharing their knowledge with outsiders, and access to their lunar cities is often restricted. Those who manage to gain their trust may be granted insight into the mysteries of the cosmos.

Ambassadors of Change: The Lunatics are believed to be the most attuned to the shifts and changes in the world. As ambassadors of change, they play a pivotal role in helping other regions adapt to the unpredictable nature of The World with No Name. Some Lunatics choose to venture beyond their cities as emissaries, spreading their lunar wisdom to other inhabitants of the world.

Lunar Phases and their Effects on Lunatic Personalities

New Moon (The Darkmoon Contemplations): During the New Moon phase, the Lunatics become introspective and contemplative. They withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life and focus on inner reflection. Creativity and innovation often blossom during this phase, as Lunatics channel their introspection into art, literature, and philosophical pursuits. The New Moon is a time for seeking inner wisdom and exploring mysteries within themselves.

Waxing Crescent (The Crescent Awakening): As the moon begins to wax, the Lunatics' energy and curiosity rise. They become more sociable and open to new experiences and friendships. During this phase, Lunatics are known for their enthusiasm, adaptability, and willingness to embrace change. The Waxing Crescent represents new beginnings, and Lunatics often initiate projects and adventures during this time.

First Quarter (The Luminary Challenge): The First Quarter phase is marked by a competitive spirit among Lunatics. They set ambitious goals, seek challenges, and exhibit determination and drive. Lunatics may engage in friendly competitions, intellectual debates, or feats of strength during this phase. The First Quarter encourages growth and achievement.

Waxing Gibbous (The Pinnacle of Ingenuity): As the moon approaches its fullness, the Lunatics' intellect and creativity reach their peak. They excel in problem-solving, inventiveness, and magical prowess. The Waxing Gibbous phase inspires Lunatics to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new horizons. It's a time when they share their discoveries and inventions with others. 

Full Moon (The Fullmoon Celebrations): The Full Moon is a time of celebration, joy, and communal unity for Lunatics. They come together to revel in their creativity, share stories, and engage in grand festivities. During this phase, Lunatics are at their most charismatic and outgoing, often captivating those around them. The Fullmoon Celebrations inspire art, music, and revelry that resonate throughout the world.

Waning Gibbous (The Reflective Pause): As the moon wanes from fullness, Lunatics begin to reflect on their experiences. They become more philosophical, seeking deeper meaning in life's events. Lunatics are known to embark on spiritual journeys, meditate, and engage in discussions about the world's mysteries. The Waning Gibbous phase encourages insight and spiritual growth.

Last Quarter (The Shadowed Challenges): The Last Quarter phase challenges Lunatics to confront their fears and limitations. They may encounter obstacles or trials that test their resolve and adaptability. Lunatics approach these challenges with resilience, knowing that personal growth often emerges from adversity. The Last Quarter prepares them for the upcoming renewal of the lunar cycle.

Waning Crescent (The Preparing Dreamers): As the moon's light wanes to a sliver, Lunatics prepare for a period of rest and reflection. They take time to gather wisdom from their experiences during the lunar month. Lunatics set intentions and aspirations for the upcoming cycle, seeking guidance in their dreams and visions. The Waning Crescent phase fosters introspection and preparation for the new moon.

These distinct lunar phases and their corresponding personality traits make the Lunatics a complex and ever-evolving society. The cycle of the moons profoundly influences their culture, creativity, and relationships, adding a dynamic element to their way of life in The World with No Name.

The Night Sky

Notable Heavenly Bodies:

In the ever-changing world of The World with No Name, the celestial arrangements extend beyond the moons and stars. While the sun is the primary celestial body that provides light and warmth to the world, there are other planets and celestial bodies within the solar system. These celestial bodies are characterized by their unique and unpredictable orbits, much like everything else in this fantastical realm.

Here are some additional celestial bodies that orbit the sun in The World with No Name's solar system:

The Comet Wanderer: A wandering comet that follows an erratic and unpredictable path around the sun. When the Comet Wanderer passes by The World with No Name, it is considered an omen, and its appearance is often associated with significant events or changes in the world.

The Arcane Moons: A group of smaller moons with mystical properties, these moons have highly elliptical orbits that bring them close to The World with No Name at irregular intervals. When they draw near, they can influence magic, lunar cycles, and the powers of spellcasters.

The Wandering Star: A planet that follows an eccentric and erratic orbit, sometimes appearing as a brilliant wandering star in the night sky. Its presence is said to influence fate, bringing both fortune and misfortune to those who observe it.

The Celestial Archipelago: A group of small celestial islands that float between the worlds. These islands are known to occasionally align in patterns that are said to grant unique and mysterious powers to those who venture to them.

The Nebulous Veil: A nebula-like cluster of gas and cosmic dust that drifts through the solar system. This nebulous veil sometimes shrouds the sun, creating stunning celestial phenomena and influencing the world's magical forces.

These celestial bodies add an extra layer of unpredictability to the world, affecting everything from magic to omens, and often inspire myths, legends, and beliefs among the inhabitants of The World with No Name. The ever-changing nature of these celestial bodies contributes to the world's sense of wonder and mystery.

Major Constellations:

In the celestial canvas of The World with No Name's ever-changing sky, there are several notable constellations that captivate the imagination of its inhabitants. These constellations are both a source of guidance and inspiration and hold significant cultural and mystical meanings. Here are a few examples of notable constellations:

The Wyrmstar: This constellation resembles a coiled dragon, its body adorned with brilliant, ever-shifting colors. The Wyrmstar is associated with change, transformation, and the unpredictability of the world. It is often invoked in rites and ceremonies seeking guidance during times of upheaval.

The Dreamer's Lyre: Shaped like a musical lyre with strings that stretch across the sky, this constellation symbolizes artistic inspiration, creativity, and the power of dreams. Artists, bards, and dreamers often gaze at the Dreamer's Lyre for inspiration in their pursuits.

The Wayfarer's Compass: A constellation that resembles a celestial compass rose, it is believed to guide travelers through the ever-shifting landscapes of The World with No Name. Sailors and explorers look to the Wayfarer's Compass to navigate the mysterious seas and shifting territories.

The Astral Sentinel: This constellation takes the form of a guardian figure, holding a radiant shield. It is seen as a protector of the world against the encroachment of the Abyssal Convergence. Warriors and guardians invoke the Astral Sentinel for strength and protection.

The Weaver's Spindle: Resembling a spinning wheel, this constellation represents fate, destiny, and the intricate threads that weave the tapestry of existence. Seers and diviners often seek guidance from the Weaver's Spindle in matters of prophecy and foresight.

The Dancing Serpent: A constellation that appears as a serpentine figure coiled around other stars, it signifies duality and balance. Scholars and philosophers contemplate the meaning of balance in the ever-changing world, inspired by the Dancing Serpent.

The Veiled Eye: Shaped like a half-closed eye with a veil, this constellation embodies mystery, secrets, and hidden knowledge. Those seeking to uncover hidden truths or ancient lore often find themselves gazing at the Veiled Eye for guidance.

These constellations not only serve as a source of wonder but also play a significant role in the cultures, beliefs, and practices of the inhabitants of The World with No Name. They provide a sense of direction, inspiration, and connection to the celestial forces that shape their unpredictable world.

Character Name: Lunella Celestia

Gender/Sex: Female

Age: 18

Race: Lunatic (Humanoid race with lunar magic abilities)

Birth Region: The Lunar Cities of The Harmonious Archipelago


In her Normal Phase (New Moon to Waxing Crescent), Lunella has a youthful and unassuming appearance. She stands at an average height with a lithe and graceful build. Her medium-length cerulean hair frames her face, and her eyes sparkle with an azure radiance. She typically dresses in simple attire, usually modest, loose-fitting robes or kimono-like outfits.

However, when the Full Moon graces the night sky, Lunella’s physical appearance undergoes a stunning transformation. In this Transformed Phase, she becomes voluptuous and queenly, possessing an ethereal beauty, enhanced by her celestial aura. Her hair grows much longer, cascading down her back like a shimmering waterfall of cerulean silk, and her attire becomes regal and ornate. This usually consists of a sparkling royal blue leotard adorned with intricate patterns and gemstone embellishments. The leotard is complemented by an elaborate showgirl skirt in the style of an opulent ball gown that trails behind her as she moves. Her outfit is designed to capture attention and dazzle onlookers.

Background: Lunella was born amidst the shimmering towers, crystal pathways, and opalescent domes of the Lunar Cities, found at the heart of the serene and harmonious floating islands of The Harmonious Archipelago. She grew up surrounded by peaceful inhabitants who taught her the ways of balance and harmony. As a Lunatic, she always had a connection to the lunar magic that flowed through their world. Lunella's upbringing was marked by her fascination with the night sky, the moons, and the myriad celestial phenomena.

Personality: In her untransformed state, Lunella is known for her serene and compassionate personality. As her true self, she is humble and wise, possessing an unassuming demeanor. Rather introverted and generally reserved, she is more comfortable observing others from the shadows rather than seeking the spotlight.

Lunella also possesses a youthful and curious spirit. She often finds solace in exploring the intricacies of her lunar world, observing the celestial phenomena, and seeking answers to its mysteries. Lunella is also known for her kindness and empathy. She cares deeply for the well-being of others and is quick to offer assistance to those in need. Her nurturing nature makes her a trustworthy friend to those who get to know her.

Lunella has a sharp intellect and enjoys engaging in intellectual pursuits. She often immerses herself in books, astronomy, and various academic disciplines. Her analytical mind allows her to approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset.

During her transformation into Celestia, the queenly persona of the Full Moon, Lunella becomes a personification of elegance and vanity. She is confident, alluring, and radiates an air of royalty. Her arrogance knows no bounds, as she believes herself to be the epitome of beauty and grace. Lunella’s confidence is unmatched during this phase. She enjoys basking in the admiration of others and takes great pleasure in her own beauty. Her regal attitude can come across as both captivating and intimidating to those who encounter her.

In her queenly persona, Lunella expects to be treated with the utmost respect and adoration. She often seeks the company of others during the Full Moon, reveling in the opportunity to command attention and admiration. However, her arrogance and vanity can make her interactions with others unpredictable. Some may find her irresistible and willingly submit to her charms, while others may be put off by her conceited demeanor. She also tends to be less focused on practical matters during her transformed phase and often indulges in luxury and lavish experiences.


Lunar Magic: Lunella can harness the power of the moons to manipulate celestial energies. Her magic can manifest in various forms, including moonlight manipulation, lunar healing, and moonbeam attacks.

Celestial Transformation: During a Full Moon, Lunella transforms into Celestia, embodying the queen of the Full Moon's power, gaining enhanced charisma and control over lunar magic.

Crescent Blade: Lunella carries a crescent-shaped blade that transforms into an ornate Royal Scepter during her Celestia transformation. In both forms, it provides a focus for her magic.


Crescent Blade (transforms into Royal Scepter)

Lunar Amulet (an enchanted amulet that enhances her connection to lunar magic)

Moonlit Robes (attire suitable for both Lunella and Celestia)

Telescope (used to observe celestial events)

Lunar Grimoire (a magical tome with lunar spells and incantations)

Goals/Objectives: Lunella's primary goal is to protect and preserve the lunar magic that flows through The World with No Name. She seeks to maintain balance and harmony within her realm and among her fellow Lunatics. Additionally, she aspires to explore the mysteries of the moons and celestial phenomena. Her interests and aspirations, as well as how they my be altered by her intriguing transformation, are described in more detail below.

Backstory: Lunella's early life was filled with the peaceful teachings of The Harmonious Archipelago. She discovered her affinity for lunar magic at a young age, often observing the night sky and connecting with the moons. As she grew older, Lunella honed her magical abilities under the guidance of other Lunatics and her mentor, Solonar, who shares her role as a guardian of lunar magic.

Her unique ability to transform into Celestia during Full Moons has made her a revered figure among her people. Lunella's adventures have taken her across the ever-changing regions of The World with No Name, where she's forged alliances, encountered mysteries, and deepened her connection to the moons and their magic. Her inner journey mirrors the shifting nature of her world, where humility and grandeur coexist in harmony.

Lunella views the Abyssal Convergence as a dire threat to the world's harmony and beauty. She believes that its relentless advance, consuming regions like the Ebonwaste, is a great tragedy. Lunella sees the Abyssal Convergence as an embodiment of chaos and darkness that needs to be stopped to protect the world's natural wonders, the balance of elements, and the lives of its inhabitants.

While Lunella's demeanor changes to a more imperious nature when she transforms into Celestia, her overarching goals and concerns remain the same. She remains committed to combating the Abyssal Convergence and ensuring the world's continued beauty and harmony. In essence, her identity as Celestia serves as a manifestation of her deeper commitment to preserving the world's wonder and celestial grace in the face of darkness.


The Lunatics

Appearance: The Lunatics appear to be human-like beings with a unique and striking appearance. They have luminous, ever-changing eyes that reflect the phases of the three moons. Their skin often has a faint, ethereal glow, and their hair ranges from silvery-white to deep indigo, resembling the colors of the moons.

Culture and Society: Lunatics are known for their enigmatic culture and close connection to celestial phenomena. They live in sprawling lunar cities that seem to defy gravity, floating among the clouds in the night sky. Each city is an intricate labyrinth of shimmering towers, crystal pathways, and opalescent domes. They are skilled astronomers, astrologers, and practitioners of lunar magic, using the power of the moons to shape their society.

Moons' Influence: Lunatics are deeply influenced by the phases and positions of the three moons. Their traditions, festivals, and even their moods change with the lunar cycle. During "Fullmoon Celebrations," the Lunatics are known for their exuberance and creativity, while during "Darkmoon Contemplations," they turn inward for reflection and meditation.

Lunar Magic: Lunatics harness the unique magic of the moons to perform feats of incredible power. They have developed lunar spells that can manipulate light, gravity, and emotions. These spells are channeled through moonstones, magical gems infused with lunar energy. Moonstones are highly prized and often sought after by outsiders for their unique properties.

Society's Secrets: The Lunatics hold many secrets regarding the world's connection to the moons and the Abyssal Convergence. They are selective about sharing their knowledge with outsiders, and access to their lunar cities is often restricted. Those who manage to gain their trust may be granted insight into the mysteries of the cosmos.

Ambassadors of Change: The Lunatics are believed to be the most attuned to the shifts and changes in the world. As ambassadors of change, they play a pivotal role in helping other regions adapt to the unpredictable nature of The World with No Name. Some Lunatics choose to venture beyond their cities as emissaries, spreading their lunar wisdom to other inhabitants of the world.

Lunar Phases and their Effects on Lunatic Personalities

New Moon (The Darkmoon Contemplations): During the New Moon phase, the Lunatics become introspective and contemplative. They withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life and focus on inner reflection. Creativity and innovation often blossom during this phase, as Lunatics channel their introspection into art, literature, and philosophical pursuits. The New Moon is a time for seeking inner wisdom and exploring mysteries within themselves.

Waxing Crescent (The Crescent Awakening): As the moon begins to wax, the Lunatics' energy and curiosity rise. They become more sociable and open to new experiences and friendships. During this phase, Lunatics are known for their enthusiasm, adaptability, and willingness to embrace change. The Waxing Crescent represents new beginnings, and Lunatics often initiate projects and adventures during this time.

First Quarter (The Luminary Challenge): The First Quarter phase is marked by a competitive spirit among Lunatics. They set ambitious goals, seek challenges, and exhibit determination and drive. Lunatics may engage in friendly competitions, intellectual debates, or feats of strength during this phase. The First Quarter encourages growth and achievement.

Waxing Gibbous (The Pinnacle of Ingenuity): As the moon approaches its fullness, the Lunatics' intellect and creativity reach their peak. They excel in problem-solving, inventiveness, and magical prowess. The Waxing Gibbous phase inspires Lunatics to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new horizons. It's a time when they share their discoveries and inventions with others. 

Full Moon (The Fullmoon Celebrations): The Full Moon is a time of celebration, joy, and communal unity for Lunatics. They come together to revel in their creativity, share stories, and engage in grand festivities. During this phase, Lunatics are at their most charismatic and outgoing, often captivating those around them. The Fullmoon Celebrations inspire art, music, and revelry that resonate throughout the world.

Waning Gibbous (The Reflective Pause): As the moon wanes from fullness, Lunatics begin to reflect on their experiences. They become more philosophical, seeking deeper meaning in life's events. Lunatics are known to embark on spiritual journeys, meditate, and engage in discussions about the world's mysteries. The Waning Gibbous phase encourages insight and spiritual growth.

Last Quarter (The Shadowed Challenges): The Last Quarter phase challenges Lunatics to confront their fears and limitations. They may encounter obstacles or trials that test their resolve and adaptability. Lunatics approach these challenges with resilience, knowing that personal growth often emerges from adversity. The Last Quarter prepares them for the upcoming renewal of the lunar cycle.

Waning Crescent (The Preparing Dreamers): As the moon's light wanes to a sliver, Lunatics prepare for a period of rest and reflection. They take time to gather wisdom from their experiences during the lunar month. Lunatics set intentions and aspirations for the upcoming cycle, seeking guidance in their dreams and visions. The Waning Crescent phase fosters introspection and preparation for the new moon.

These distinct lunar phases and their corresponding personality traits make the Lunatics a complex and ever-evolving society. The cycle of the moons profoundly influences their culture, creativity, and relationships, adding a dynamic element to their way of life in The World with No Name.

The Night Sky

Notable Heavenly Bodies:

In the ever-changing world of The World with No Name, the celestial arrangements extend beyond the moons and stars. While the sun is the primary celestial body that provides light and warmth to the world, there are other planets and celestial bodies within the solar system. These celestial bodies are characterized by their unique and unpredictable orbits, much like everything else in this fantastical realm.

Here are some additional celestial bodies that orbit the sun in The World with No Name's solar system:

The Comet Wanderer: A wandering comet that follows an erratic and unpredictable path around the sun. When the Comet Wanderer passes by The World with No Name, it is considered an omen, and its appearance is often associated with significant events or changes in the world.

The Arcane Moons: A group of smaller moons with mystical properties, these moons have highly elliptical orbits that bring them close to The World with No Name at irregular intervals. When they draw near, they can influence magic, lunar cycles, and the powers of spellcasters.

The Wandering Star: A planet that follows an eccentric and erratic orbit, sometimes appearing as a brilliant wandering star in the night sky. Its presence is said to influence fate, bringing both fortune and misfortune to those who observe it.

The Celestial Archipelago: A group of small celestial islands that float between the worlds. These islands are known to occasionally align in patterns that are said to grant unique and mysterious powers to those who venture to them.

The Nebulous Veil: A nebula-like cluster of gas and cosmic dust that drifts through the solar system. This nebulous veil sometimes shrouds the sun, creating stunning celestial phenomena and influencing the world's magical forces.

These celestial bodies add an extra layer of unpredictability to the world, affecting everything from magic to omens, and often inspire myths, legends, and beliefs among the inhabitants of The World with No Name. The ever-changing nature of these celestial bodies contributes to the world's sense of wonder and mystery.

Major Constellations:

In the celestial canvas of The World with No Name's ever-changing sky, there are several notable constellations that captivate the imagination of its inhabitants. These constellations are both a source of guidance and inspiration and hold significant cultural and mystical meanings. Here are a few examples of notable constellations:

The Wyrmstar: This constellation resembles a coiled dragon, its body adorned with brilliant, ever-shifting colors. The Wyrmstar is associated with change, transformation, and the unpredictability of the world. It is often invoked in rites and ceremonies seeking guidance during times of upheaval.

The Dreamer's Lyre: Shaped like a musical lyre with strings that stretch across the sky, this constellation symbolizes artistic inspiration, creativity, and the power of dreams. Artists, bards, and dreamers often gaze at the Dreamer's Lyre for inspiration in their pursuits.

The Wayfarer's Compass: A constellation that resembles a celestial compass rose, it is believed to guide travelers through the ever-shifting landscapes of The World with No Name. Sailors and explorers look to the Wayfarer's Compass to navigate the mysterious seas and shifting territories.

The Astral Sentinel: This constellation takes the form of a guardian figure, holding a radiant shield. It is seen as a protector of the world against the encroachment of the Abyssal Convergence. Warriors and guardians invoke the Astral Sentinel for strength and protection.

The Weaver's Spindle: Resembling a spinning wheel, this constellation represents fate, destiny, and the intricate threads that weave the tapestry of existence. Seers and diviners often seek guidance from the Weaver's Spindle in matters of prophecy and foresight.

The Dancing Serpent: A constellation that appears as a serpentine figure coiled around other stars, it signifies duality and balance. Scholars and philosophers contemplate the meaning of balance in the ever-changing world, inspired by the Dancing Serpent.

The Veiled Eye: Shaped like a half-closed eye with a veil, this constellation embodies mystery, secrets, and hidden knowledge. Those seeking to uncover hidden truths or ancient lore often find themselves gazing at the Veiled Eye for guidance.

These constellations not only serve as a source of wonder but also play a significant role in the cultures, beliefs, and practices of the inhabitants of The World with No Name. They provide a sense of direction, inspiration, and connection to the celestial forces that shape their unpredictable world.


Nyxia’s eyes widened as, to her utter astonishment, Earthshaker knelt down and did something that no one other than Kaito had ever done. She hugged her.

W-What…?! Nyxia’s mind raced as she felt the comfortingly warm bulk of her beloved Omega Obliterator being pressed against her trembling body. S-She’s actually giving him back to me…?!

The Neon Tempest had been certain that Earthshaker’s inquiries were merely a prelude to further abuse, yet, instead, the tribal girl was showing her… kindness…? It was almost too much for Nyxia to comprehend, too unbelievable for her mind to process. Indeed, it was such a shock that she almost didn’t hear the Code Keeper’s following words, almost didn’t notice when the girl reverted back to her mundane self. W-Why is she doing this…? Nyxia couldn’t help but wonder. She was such an obnoxious bully before, just like everyone else, but now…

“T-Thank you,” Nyxia whispered, finally finding her voice again, even as she tentatively took the untransformed Earthshaker’s offered hand. “But I am thinking bigger,” The Neon Tempest added in a stronger tone, her other arm wrapped tightly around The Omega Obliterator. “I used to just kill those disgusting things for revenge, for how good it felt to wipe them from existence,” she conceded, her voice filled with contempt. “But then I realized that I can use the power their deaths provide to make my precious baby strong enough to punch a hole trough time itself and save Kaito from the fucking abomination that dared to kill him! That’s why I only care about killing Miseria,” she concluded. “Because making my baby strong enough to bring Kaito back is the only thing that matters.”

Chapter Two-
Dealing with Unexpected Difficulties

See? Everything's smaller. You guys happy now?

With its small, antiquated buildings and admittedly rather charming brick roads, the sleepy town of Dalhart, Texas, was a far cry from the bustling city of Seayoto. While Kate had never been to the town previously (in any universe), she suspected it didn’t have more than a pair of magical girls (or boys) at most. Still, she appreciated the place’s cozy, nostalgic vibe, especially since it made seeking out Mariette’s parents all the more easier. Or rather, Lina Herring’s parents, since “Mariette Pedersen” was nothing more than an alias, one meant to deter the average seeker of advantageous information. But Kate, despite what she might claim, was far from average, in any respect. Thus, it hadn’t taken long at all to acquire snapshots of her two blissfuly unaware subjects. Taking a photo of the historic, if currently rather dilapidated, apartment building Rosemary Herring lived in, just as she was heading to work, was simplicity itself. Taking a photo of the incarcerated Jonathan Herring was slightly more challenging, but nothing that blackmailing the prison’s warden couldn’t solve.

Unfortunately, the information provided by the photos wasn’t much more than what she’d already gleaned from Mariette’s own photograph. The Herrings truly were Mariette’s parents, and, from all outwards appearances, the three had seemed like a nice enough family. However, the mysterious disappearance of little Lina Herring had prompted an investigation that revealed Jonathan's years of abuse and a laundry list of other crimes, all of which had led to his current incarceration. Rosemary Herring, now living alone, was struggling to get by and had developed a persistent fear of people in general. Yet, aside from Lina’s rescue/abduction by Asengav, there was no indication that either Jonathan or Rosemary had any interaction, first hand, second hand, or anything else, with magical entities of any kind. They were just normal people, just as Lina had been, before becoming a magical girl.

With that being the case, the next stop in Kate’s investigation was obviously Wonderland, but since the photographer had no great desire to embark on the rollercoaster of capital “F” fun going there promised to be, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to stay in Dalhart for a bit longer. Being able to do a little sightseeing was one of the perks of her profession, after all, and even if Dalhart was on the small side, it still had a few interesting features to explore. In particular, the XIT Museum.

Unsurprisingly, the quaint little museum’s main subject of interest was the namesake XIT Ranch. Once one of the largest cattle ranches in the world, XIT (which supposedly stood for “Ten in Texas”, using the roman numeral “X” for ten) spanned over three million acres and played a pivotal role in the development of the region. Other exhibits included dioramas of local wildlife and even a display detailing the local dairy industry. But the most interesting exhibit, as far as Kate was concerned, was the one dedicated to the Dust Bowl. The town had been near the heart of that blighted region during the period when the phenomena had been at its highest level of severity, and things had gotten so bad that the desperate city fathers had agreed to pay a traveling entrepreneur nearly a million dollars after he told them that he could generate rainfall. The means by which Tex Thornton, the entrepreneur in question, attempted to create this increased precipitation were quite novel, to say the least.

At first, he had fired volleys of rocket-propelled canisters, filled with a mixture of dynamite and nitroglycerin, into cloud formations, with the idea that the resultant explosions would create an instant downburst. Surprisingly, the first test actually managed to produce a fair amount of rainfall, although it soon turned out to be a simple coincidence when the results couldn’t be repeated. Undeterred, Thornton had moved on to even stranger strategies, culminating with a supposed “weather machine”, which exploded on its inaugural activation. Its broken remains were now proudly displayed by the museum, and Kate couldn’t help but crack a grin at the sight. Too bad Nykannis wasn’t around, the photographer thought with a chuckle as she snapped a picture of the mangled device. She could have built an actual weather machine in her sleep.

“It really was quite ambitious,” a formal voice noted. “And the most fascinating aspect of the machine was undeniably its power source, although I regret to say you will not find a single mention of it on any of these informational displays.”

Turning towards the source of the voice, Kate saw that she had been joined by one of the museum’s curators, a tall, dark-haired woman with a very refined and professional bearing.

“Well, don’t leave me in suspense,” the photographer replied with a grin.

Giving the slightest hint of a smile of her own, the curator continued. “It is said that Mister Thornton built this machine around a gemstone possessing a number of particularly intriguing properties. In fact,” she added, adjusting her glasses. “It was claimed that the stone allowed one to harness the energies of ancient weather spirits, and it was these spirits’ indignation at the stone’s ‘imprisonment’ which brought about the machine’s explosive demise.”

“Wow, that’s pretty crazy,” Kate noted with a chuckle.

“Yes, it is rather ludicrous,” the curator concurred with a nod. “But then, so is the idea of a camera acquiring the secrets of anything it photographs, is it not, Miss Carson?”

“Have… we met before…?” Kate inquired with a frown, sounding more puzzled than anything else. “You don’t look familiar, and I’m usually really good with remembering faces.”

“Oh, I have no doubt,” the curator replied, her impassive visage changing into something far more predatory as her mouth curled into a smirk. “But, no, this is the first time I have had the pleasure of meeting you face to face, although I must admit, your reputation does precede you.”

“And what reputation might that be?” Kate asked innocently. “I’m nothin’ special, just a humble, freelance photographer.”

Really now, Miss Carson,” the curator replied with a throaty chuckle. “We both know that you are far more than a simple photographer, just as I am far more than a simple museum curator!”

With a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning, a swirling vortex enveloped the woman, and when it dispersed a moment later, the highly professional curator had been completely transformed…

“Ah’m Tornado Tina!” the curator-turned-cowgirl announced in a loud and boisterous voice as she whipped out a gleaming six-shooter and aimed it at Kate's head. “Fastest draw an’ baddest bounty hun’er this side o’ tha Rio Grande! Now, git them hands o’ yer’s reachin’ fer tha sky, an’ don’t bother tryin’ ta blow on that lil’ ol’ whistle,” she added with a fierce grin. “Cause ah’ll shoot it outta yer fingers ‘fore ya can even blink!”

“Wow… Gotta say, I didn’t see that coming…” Kate noted in a dazed monotone as she slowly raised her hands in the air.

“Ah’d say not ta bother with transformin’ neither,” Tina went on. “But ah reckon ya already figgered ah’ll put one ‘tween yer eyeballs if’n ya tried it, an’ ah’ve already heard tell o’ how much ya hate what ya turn inta. Gotta say, ah ain’t too keen on becomin’ a rough an ready cowgirl, m’self, but, tarnation, it sure does git the job done!”

“So, who’d I tick off so much that they decided to put a price on my head?” Kate asked.

“Tha price ain’t on yer head,” Tina corrected. “Some big shot collector in tha Overcity heard tell o’ that there fancy camera o’ yers, an’ he’s offerin’ one helluva jackpot ta anyone who’ll take it offa yer hands. 'Magine mah surprise when ah saw ya just waltz on inta mah lil' ol' museum,” she continued with a chuckle. “Guess this really is mah lucky day!”

“Guess so,” Kate conceded with a shrug and a resigned smile. “Like I said before, I really am just a humble photographer,” she added. “There’s no way I’d ever win a fight against a top notch gunslinger like you. I’m just sorry I couldn’t give ya more of a challenge. I mean, things seem like they can get awfully boring around here.”

“Don’t ya worry none ‘bout that,” Tina replied. “Ah’ve had mah share ‘o feisty bounty heads since ah started supplementin’ mah pay after diggin’ that spirit stone outta that there contraption, so ah reckon this’ll be a mighty welcome change.”

“Welp, don’t suppose there’s any reason to keep hangin’ onto this thing any longer, huh?” Kate asked with a sigh, while pointing a finger to where her camera hung from its strap.

“Ah don’t reckon there is,” Tina replied with a hungry grin. “Just slide it on over, real careful like,” she instructed.

“Sure thing,” Kate agreed, slowly removing the camera and sliding it across the floor to the waiting cowgirl. “Here ya go.”

“Now, don’t ya go tryin’ anythin’ funny,” Tina added as she knelt down to pick up the camera, her enchanted six-shooter still trained on Kate. “Or ah’ll blow a hole clean through yer—”

The cowgirl’s words abruptly stopped, only to be replaced an instant later by a bloodcurdling scream of anguish as her convulsing body crumpled to the floor the moment her hand touched Kate’s camera.

“Oh, crap… I probably should’ve warned ya about the security features, huh?” Kate observed with a frown as she calmly walked over to where the still-screaming cowgirl was violently writhing in pain, her dropped six-shooter lying a short distance away. “Thanks for makin’ sure we were the only ones here, by the way,” she added as she looked down at her would-be-captor’s spasming body. “It would’ve been crazy awkward tryin’ to explain this to people.”

Soon enough, Tina’s screams and convulsions ceased as the woman finally passed out, reverting back to her mundane appearance in the process. Retrieving her camera, Kate snapped a picture of Tina’s unconscious body.

“Huh…” the photographer murmured as she scrolled through the information on her camera’s display. “Looks like you’ve actually got a price on your head. What are the odds?” she noted with a chuckle. “Guess this really isn’t your lucky day after all…”

As Aiko watched, all the other teachers volunteered, one after another, even Amber, who didn’t appear to be fully cognizant of what was going on, if her mention of taking Yui’s “hours” was anything to go by. And speaking of Yui, the greenette had seemed to insinuate that she had actually been a magical girl in the past, a potentiality that made Aiko’s head spin even faster then it already was. The sight of Andrew holding an ax didn’t help matters, especially when he began telling Lux that they would be having a chat about “benefits” and “payment plans” once the current crisis had been resolved. Indeed, the almost laughable absurdity and incongruity of the entire situation was getting to be almost too much for the poor music teacher to handle. For the past several years, she had always strived to maintain a harmonious balance in her life, but now that balance was swiftly being shattered apart. Yet, despite all that, there was still the fact that a student was almost certainly in peril, and that piece of knowledge was like a clear and persistent tone, which pierced the ambient cacophony and filled Aiko with renewed determination. Thus, when Lux fluttered up to her and asked if she was okay with becoming a magical girl, the music teacher gave a firm nod.

“Yes,” she declared, holding up a (slightly trembling) clenched fist. “If it will help a student in need, then I’ll gladly do all I can.”

And it seemed that declaration wasn’t made a moment too soon, as an instant later, a panicked Lux announced that “it” was stirring and that they needed to take action immediately if they were to save the imperiled student. Fluttering to the center of the room, the tiny fairy spread her arms wide, sending glowing orbs of light shooting into each of the gathered teachers, with the notable exception of Andrew. Aiko gave voice to a startled gasp as the light entered her body, but to her surprise, she didn’t feel any pain, only a strangely reassuring sensation of tingling warmth. Even more surprising was the fact that, for all practical purposes, she didn’t seem to look or feel any different. Am… Am I really a magical girl now? she wondered, placing a hand over the spot where the glowing orb had entered her chest. Whatever the case, there were clearly more pressing matters to deal with, and when Lux instructed them to follow her, Aiko found herself falling in behind the other teachers.

The moment she stepped foot into the hallway, Aiko’s body tensed up, her skin breaking out in goosebumps as a shiver ran up her spine. Something was here. Something… wrong… “Y-Yes,” Aiko confirmed in a hushed voice when Kohaku asked if anyone else felt the strange, disquieting sensation. The feeling of mounting unease only increased as they proceeded along, even as the temperature seemed to rapidly decrease. Despite this, Kohaku still managed to make a wry quip, one which brought a small smile to Aiko’s face, if only for a moment. Indeed, any sense of amusement or levity vanished completely when the group rounded the next corner and were confronted with a scene straight out of a horror movie.

Swirling wisps of otherworldly smoke had created a small vortex in the middle of the corridor, one which, to Aiko’s astonishment, none of the students passing by seemed to notice. Are we the only ones who know this is here? she wondered. Indeed, the thought of this otherworldly menace being completely invisible to everyone but them only increased the music teacher’s sense of dread. They have no idea of the danger they’re in… Perhaps unsurprisingly, Lux announced that they would need to go inside this unsettling hole in reality, causing Aiko gulp in trepidation. Even so, she wasn’t about to back out now, and, steeling herself, the music teacher stepped up to the swirling portal along with the others.

Kohaku was the first to pass through, and Aiko followed close behind. After all, Lux had strongly advised them to stick together. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” she whispered, before squeezing her eyes shut and entering the churning abyss.

For a moment, Aiko felt a sensation akin to falling, before her unsteady feet settled into something relatively soft. Opening her eyes, she was greeted with a sight seemingly pulled straight out of the delirious depths of a fever dream. Or nightmare… In fact, it reminded her a bit of what her first (and last) time getting high with Kuroko and her bandmates had been like. Still, now was not the time to reminisce about a past best left forgotten. Nor was it the time for fear or confusion, despite how strongly those feelings threatened to overwhelm her. A student was trapped in this deranged place, and the compassionate music teacher refused to let anything prevent her from aiding in their rescue. Thus, when Lux instructed the gathered teachers to imagine themselves taking on their magical forms, Aiko didn’t hesitate.

I need to be stronger, she told herself, closing her eyes and doing her best to will the transformation to take place. I need to bring harmony to all this chaos… Or perhaps… she added, as a sudden realization dawned. Perhaps I can use this chaos to give me the strength I need! Someone’s in danger, and I can’t let anything stand in my way!

A whirlwind of dark energy and crackling lighting enveloped the mousy music teacher, and when it violently burst apart a moment later…

“HELL YEAH!!! WHAT A RUSH!!!” the completely transformed woman shouted exultantly. “Now this is what I’m talkin’ about!” she added with a wild grin, while taking a look at her drastically altered appearance. “Never thought I’d be lookin’ like this again, but holy shit does it feel good!

Looking over her fellow teachers, she saw that most of them had also transformed. They made for a pretty incongruous band, but that was an advantage as far as the transformed Aiko was concerned. If this place was supposed to be the embodiment of chaos and discord, then they would just have to beat it at its own game!

“Hey! This ain’t no time to be takin’ a nap!” She called down to one of her now far smaller companions who was laying on the grass next to a giant backpack, with another youthful girl keeling beside her. “There are some monsters whose asses need kickin’ and a kid who needs savin’,” she added, even as she conjured a jagged crimson guitar and struck a pose. “So let’s get this show on the road!”


To say that Nyxia was furious would have been a massive understatement. Yet, as she continued to rage against Earthshaker, The Neon Tempest started to feel her strength and power drain away with ever-increasing rapidity. A rising panic began to fill Nyxia, especially when the Code Keeper brought forth her shield to completely negate The Neon Tempest’s increasingly weaker attacks. What started out as a blinding laser light show was soon little more than the dim pulses of a flickering flashlight with a dying battery. An instant later, however, and the previous pyrotechnics returned with redoubled intensity as a stored up blast of energy surged forth from Earthshaker’s shield to send Nyxia flying down the ally to splatter the few pitiful remaining Miseria against the far wall.

Nyxia groaned in a mixture of frustration, exhaustion, and pain as her battered body crumpled to the ground in a panting heap. Her heavy, weakened limbs hung limply at her side, her aching lungs burned, and her vision blurred as she struggled to stay conscious. Dimly, she could hear the accursed voice of her tormentor warning her that another attack would result in the destruction of her precious baby. As it was, Nyxia didn’t know if she even had enough strength left to stand, let alone continue the fight, no matter how much she might have wanted to. Gritting her teeth as she watched Earthshaker place her filthy, glowing hand over her beloved death ray’s barrel, The Neon Tempest bitterly conceded defeat. The other girl might have been bluffing, but she could never take that chance, not when it meant potentially losing her most precious possession in the entire world.

Stealing herself as best she could to endure the inevitable flood humiliation and verbal abuse that she was certain would start bombarding her at any second, Nyxia was taken aback when, instead of mocking her, Earthshaker simply asked two questions. “K-Kaito,” The Neon Tempest found herself saying, her pained voice far softer and meeker than it had previously been. “H-He’s my brother,” she added, even as tears streamed down her cheeks. “H-He’s the only person to ever treat me with kindness. I love him more than anything else in the world. AND THOSE FU…” she suddenly stopped herself with a sharp gasp upon remembering what might happen if she used strong language. She took a deep breath. This would certainly be difficult… “Those filthy Miseria killed him,” she snarled, her anguished visage contorting into a scowl of pure hatred. “That weapon you’re holding is my baby. Kaito gave him to me, told me he’d protect me. And he has. He made me strong, helped me slaughter the disgusting abomination that killed my brother. He means everything to me, so please, she begged, clenching one hand over her chest, while the other was raised plaintively towards where the impassive Earthshaker stood. “P-Please give him back to me…”
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