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Ashley was all set to head down to the lower levels, when Estelle had the team gather together so that she could impart a beneficial melody upon them. “Good thinking, Witch Hunter,” the Knight of Tomorrow told the blue-haired agent with an appreciative smile as the melody’s comforting warmth washed over her. “And thank you.” Now that they were as fully prepared as they could be, the team entered the elevator, leaving Ellie to cover their exit.

To Ashley’s pleasant surprise, not only was the elevator ride uneventful (if a tad on the long side), but so was their passage through the subterranean corridors. If anything, she had been expecting even fiercer resistance here, and yet, there wasn’t a single guard to be found. What were in abundance, however, were the many victims of the weretigers’ human trafficking operation. Elise, their teller-turned-guide, had warned them to be prepared for this, but even though she had done her best to steel herself, Ashley still felt a spike of pain and fury pierce her heart at the tragic sight. Those fucking monsters… the high-tech heroine seethed. Awful doesn’t even begin to describe it… When Elise noted that the agents probably weren’t going to just leave the captives to their horrific fate, the Knight of Tomorrow’s response was immediate. “Right,” she confirmed, her tense voice filled with determination. Indeed, it was taking all her willpower to keep from breaking open each cell they passed. However, as much as she wanted to free the poor victims immediately, she knew their first priority had to be locating Binky. After she had been liberated, the rest would follow.

Soon enough, they reached the captured agent’s cell. “Binky!” Ashley called when she caught sight of the cabbage-haired esper. “Thank goodness you’re okay,” she added with a relieved exhale upon seeing that her mentor seemed to be unharmed. “These are Agents Witch Hunter and Cerberus,” the high-tech heroine told Binky, nodding to each agent in turn as she opened the cell door with a blast from her techno-wand. “And I agree,” she added when the freed agent mentioned holding more formal introductions later. “First we need to find your grimoire, and then free the rest of these prisoners. Can you sense your grimoire well enough to lead us to it?” she inquired, helping Binky to stand if necessary.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


Who would ever want to join an RP whose interest check has so many broken links?

Chapter Six-
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Part Two- Storm Cycle Savagery!

See, now that's a lot better. Not only is it shorter, its also got that sweet alliteration!

Just after leaving Ayame High and its little chronological crisis behind, Kate had received word of a newly discovered Oros iteration, one hailing from a fairly typical “dark fantasy” world, a land known as Albion (No, not that Albion, or that other Albion, either. This Albion). While one might initially assume a trip to such a cold, bleak, windswept and primitive land would be saved for her final stop, there were a few pieces of information that had quickly convinced Kate to head there without delay. For one thing, her subject, while human, seemed to have a fetish for elves, especially the ones who lived in the primeval Lylmesari Forest. For another, Albion was a sickly, twisted land, one that, perhaps unsurprisingly, given its name, drew a fair bit of inspiration from the myths of Earth’s own British Isles, the origin point for nearly all of the conceptual elements associated with druids

Kate didn’t doubt she’d run into her mysterious stalker no matter where among the myriad reality plenums she traveled, but there was a good chance that this world was the unnerving druid’s native universe. If that was the case, then it might be able to provide her with some much needed information about his abilities and true motivations (in the event she couldn’t get a snapshot of him herself, of course). Thus it was that the plucky photographer now found herself in a world cursed by a vengeful god, seeking quite possibly the most antisocial Oros on her list…

Though one thing that Kate wouldn’t need her camera to tell her was that Lylmesari Forest was a very misleading name. Lylmesari Jungle would have been far more accurate. The foliage was so thick it blotted out the sun. Only a few hazy rays made it past the overhead leaves. Gold and green silhouettes of plants expanded out as far as the eye could see. Occasionally there would be a vista. A clearing that revealed the marble remains of a once prosperous civilization, only to be taken back by the earth.

"The photographer, again." The druid’s appearance wasn’t nearly as sudden as last time. When she looked to the foliage, she could see a pair of black and yellow eyes looking back at her, right behind a gnarled nose. This was the druid. "I had an idea this would be your next stop."

“Oh? What makes you say that?” Kate inquired, even as she innocuously pressed a button on the camera she was holding. She had expected to encounter the druid sooner or later, so his appearance now was hardly surprising.

"Because our previous two encounters were home to an Oros. And it makes sense that your next few visits will be to similar locations. It also seems like tragedy follows you wherever you go. Robot takeovers, time magic gone wrong, I only needed to locate the most likely place for a tragedy, limited to where an Oros resides. I’m starting to think you’re not quite as nice as I initially suspected."

When Kate looked at her camera’s readout, it displayed information on the plants that surrounded the druid’s face. Her camera usually didn’t have difficulty determining what subject she was trying to photograph, with the rare exception being if her target was heavily obscured.

"So I have taken measures to protect myself."

“What, so you seriously think I’m the one responsible for all that crap?” Kate asked with a look of utter incredulity. “That’s some pretty insane troll logic you’ve got goin’ on,” she added with a mocking chuckle that was completely devoid of mirth. “I mean, for one thing, that whole ‘time stasis’ junk happened before I even got there, and you’ve coincidentally shown up every place I’ve traveled to, so maybe you’re the one responsible? Speaking of, a pet of mine mysteriously vanished after a bright flash of light back at Ayame High. I don’t suppose you’d happen to know anything about that, would you?” the photographer asked pointedly, while fixing the druid with an intense glare.

"I do believe I mentioned that my appearance is a bad omen. What I’m suggesting is that you, like me, may have the ability to warp the fortune of those around you. Only to a level far beyond mine. It’s something I’ve observed frequenters of Penrose to possess. Maybe you’ve just been unaware of it? Don’t good scoops just seem to happen around you? But as an aside, you are mistaken about my arrival time at the school. I approached you after I found you on the bench." The druid’s face sunk into the leaves. "In regards to your ‘pet,’ did it look something like this?" A small picture was pushed between the leaves for Kate to see. It looked like a card for some trading card game.

​​Kate’s eyes went wide when she saw the card.

“Yeah,” she confirmed, clenching her fists. “And that’s his name, too,” she added, her voice tinged with barely contained fury. “What the hell did you do to him?”

"If you had told me your pet’s name was Gary, I would have told you I had seen them." The eyes and nose resurfaced from the leaves. "I enjoy taking pictures of beasts, and that Gorelion wasn’t a chance I could pass up. My camera is unique in that its pictures turn into playing cards. Gary must have been extraordinary among Gorelion kind to come out as a named card." The Druid hummed. "He was wrestling with a Caustic Bovine Lord when I saw him. I do not think you have anything to worry about. If you miss him this much, he is sure to return to you. But I will keep an eye out." A finger pushed the card out of the leaves before quickly retreating. "In the meantime, why don’t you go look for the Oros that resides around here? There’s another Druid just up ahead. She’s headed towards your mark, so in helping her, you can help yourself."

“Caustic Bovine Lord, huh?” Kate asked with a raised eyebrow as she took the card and stuffed it into a jacket pocket. According to what little info Nykannis had provided her with, these “Caustic Bovines” were interdimensional guardians who acted almost like multiversal antibodies, expunging any non-native elements from the reality plenums they held watch over. Yet, in all her travels, Kate had never encountered any such thing, and even now, she couldn’t help but notice that continued to be the case. “Y’know, I was standin’ right behind Gary just before he disappeared, and I gotta say, it looked waaay more like some kinda teleportation than a monster attack,” the photographer added. “But if ya think he’s gonna be fine, then I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it,” she conceded with a shrug. The druid may have been telling the truth or he may have been lying out of his ass, but either way, Kate knew that this was neither the time nor the place to settle matters. That moment would come soon enough, of that she was certain, but for now, she had a job to do, and once again, her enigmatic stalker had “helpful guidance” to offer. “Thanks for the tip, by the way,” she told the druid as she began walking in the direction he’d indicated. “Guess I’ll be seein’ ya around.”

The druid’s only response was to slink deeper into the foliage. Hopefully, the other druid wouldn’t be so bashful.

The path before Kate continued. Sometimes there was a wild vine that needed moving, or bugs would fall from overhead, but her trip through the supposedly super dangerous forrest was uneventful thus far. But the path was becoming more overgrown, more claustrophobic. The branches almost seemed like they were trying to grab the photographer and pull her into the darkness. Then she heard a sound up ahead.

She stopped in her tracks.

Six red eyes were looking back at her. Before long, a large bore-like creature stepped out of the shadows. Its face had no less than twenty tusks, all twisted like a spiral nail. It was too big to fully reveal itself, but the rest of its body was covered in similar tusks. Strange as it was, Kate had taken pictures of far weirder animals. This wouldn’t shake her. It lowered its head to charge, prompting the photographer to ready her whistle in response, but something resembling a coconut fell between the two of them. The boar squealed before retreating from the scene. The next thing to fall out of the trees was Kate’s mark.

"Vicious thing, isn’t it?" She placed her hands on her hips. "They don’t like that fuzzy fruit very much. I imagine it reminds them of Yorn Criers. The young call for their parents when startled, and they are never far away." She eyed up Kate with a grin, which slowly soured. "Hey! You’re not an elf! What gives?"

“Uh, am I supposed to be?” Kate asked with a puzzled frown as she returned the whistle to her jacket pocket. Considering that she matched Nykannis’s description perfectly, this young lady was obviously this world’s Oros, but the photographer figured a little chat wouldn’t hurt. Especially when such a chat might prove helpful in regard to other matters of personal import. “Say, you seem to know a lot about the critters around here,” she noted with a grin. “You wouldn’t happen to have heard of Caustic Bovines by any chance, would ya?”

Annoyance immediately gave way to confusion. Her eyebrows rose high on her forehead. "Well that’s a mouthful." She placed a finger on her chin. "A bovine is a type of cow, and caustic, hmmm." She furrowed her brow in thought. "That’s when something burns, right? Or is sarcastic? Been a while since I’ve looked over a dictionary. Either way, I haven’t seen any burning cows. The bovines I do see usually don’t talk back either." She grinned. "Interesting clothes. I’ve never seen anything like them, yet you don’t have an accent that I can detect."

“Well, it was worth a shot,” Kate replied with a shrug. “As for the other stuff, let’s just say I’m not exactly from around here,” she added with a smirk. “But back to the elf thing, why were ya so annoyed I wasn’t one?”

"Because they have beautiful pointed ears? Because they have an interesting culture? Because their lineage makes them guardians of the betrayed god? Because each one can call upon their ancestry and fuse their family’s skills into themselves? They just seem like very interesting people, and I’d like to meet one." She swatted Kate’s shoulder. "If I was you, I’d be upset I wasn’t an elf! But I haven’t totally ruled it out yet. That might just be some elven glamor you’ve cast on yourself." Her smile made it hard to tell how serious she was being. "If you want to see one, I was told they have a hidden city around here. But I haven’t had much luck finding it."

Dang… This girl’s elf fetish is somethin’ else…

“Sorry to disappoint, but this is what I really look like,” Kate replied once the redhead had finished gushing. “I do have another form I can take, but that one doesn’t have pointed ears either,” she added with a chuckle. “As for this hidden city, even if ya do find it, what makes ya think the elves won’t just kill ya to keep it secret?”

The woman scoffed. "Pu-lease! If her craziness can have a casual conversation with elves, I’m sure they’d be fine talking with someone who actually respects elves and the forest." Her grin returned, and she extended her hand. "I haven’t spoken with someone for this long in a while. I’m Luana Roycroft: Druid, tracker, and elf admirer!"

Her craziness…? Kate wondered, before deciding it really wasn’t that important. And if it was, she’d probably learn all about it when she snapped “Luana’s” picture.

“Kate Carson,” she introduced herself with a smile as she took the offered hand. “Just an ordinary Freelance Photographer, although… ya probably don’t know what that is, huh?” she added with a chuckle.

”That is correct! Although…" Luana squinted her eyes. ”Photo sounds a little bit like the old world word for ‘light,’ and ‘graphy’ is a suffix that relates to writing or recording something. So if I had to guess, I would say you either keep records of the sun or use light to record history. Am I close?"

​​“More the second one than the first,” Kate replied. “Basically, I use this device here to record an image of whatever I point it at,” she explained, holding up her camera. “Let me show ya how it works,” the photographer added, snapping a quick picture of Luana. “See?” she asked, showing the young woman the display screen on the back of the device. “Where I come from, this kinda stuff is really simple, but I guess around here it seems like magic, huh?”

”Or alchemy." Luana leaned in closer. ”It’s awfully small, but the speed and detail it captures is quite stunning."

“You can enlarge it easy enough,” Kate replied, using her fingers to open up a larger, holographic display. “Ya can even print it out onto a piece of paper, so ya can frame it an’ stuff.”

”Sounds interesting!" after looking at the screen a tad longer, she slapped Kate’s shoulder and hopped away. ”I bet a picture of an elf would be quite the thing to hang over a fireplace. No! I could have my own picture of me, standing arm and arm with our dagger eared siblings! I suspect you must have come this way to get a picture of something truly spectacular, and that might just be it."

Actually, I’m pretty sure I already have it, but guess it might be fun to see what all the fuss is about with these elves…

“Yeah,” Kate agreed with a nod. “From how you describe ‘em, I’m kinda curious to see one of these elves myself. So, uh, got any clues where that city of theirs might be?” the photographer inquired. “‘Cause if not, I may have a few ways to help with that,” she added with a grin.

”The only clue I have is this spear." She pointed at it. ”I don’t tell just anyone this, but its name is Endless Eclipse, and it was given to me by an elf! And a long time ago the god of the stars would talk to me in dreams through my spear. But it’s been pretty quiet ever since." She held the blade’s massive head in front of Kate. ”You can divine things with it too, but it has difficulty revealing secrets that nobody knows. The elves do a good job of staying hidden."

“Endless Eclipse, huh?” Kate asked. “That’s a pretty badass name. Shame it can’t help with the whole ‘elf thing’, but like I said, I think I might be able to lend ya a hand,” she added, taking out a locket and inserting it into her camera.

Even if my maps can’t find this city on their own, they shouldn’t have any problem after soakin’ up all the info from my snapshot of that spear…

“Okay,” the photographer announced after a moment as she retrieved her locket and activated its holomap. “With any luck, this should give us a rough idea of where to start lookin’.”

Luana would not be privy to the information that her camera gathered, but the spear had been crafted by the fomorians, which was what many of the elves turned into after the betrayed god was slain. As such, they did not know the location of the last elf city. But that did not mean that the spear was without its uses. The fomorians made it specifically to help track anything, and while Luana had difficulty accessing its strongest powers, the holo map could react to Luana’s desires in its place. The map lit up with several dots, but there was a tight cluster of humanoids much deeper in the forest.

”Now that looks like magic." She patted Kate’s shoulder. ”Let’s go, but let’s be quiet. No point in attracting the prickle boars again!"

The forrest was not a bright one, but this deep in even less light made it through the canopy. It was so dim that one might think it was the moon that was illuminating the forest. But the light was too warm, too gold in hue to be from the moon.

Their travels would eventually lead them to a rock wall. It seemed to reach up towards the sky, taller than any tree. It was too smooth to climb, and felt cold to the touch.

”The trees are pretty dense this way, but why is there a clearing up to this rock? Luana lifted her spear. ”Alright, my turn!" She thrust her spear into the cliffside. Rather than chip away stone, it sunk into the surface and revealed a stone arch. It had been a powerful illusion to protect the deepest part of the forest. ”We can’t be far now!" Luana walked ahead. ”What do you think the elves are going to be like? Do you think they’re going to attack us, or congratulate us for finding them?"

​​“Well, it doesn’t look like they’re particularly keen on visitors,” Kate noted with a wry smirk as she cautiously followed after Luana. “At least if that enormous illusory wall back there is anything to go by. So, uh, maybe keep your guard up,” the photographer advised, her own hand keeping a tight grasp on her whistle.

”We aren’t just any visitors though, we’re worthy visitors!"

Yeaaah… You keep tellin’ yourself that…

Before long, the duo came across the elven village. Even behind an illusionary wall, the homes of the elves were carefully concealed. Living trees had been trained to wrap around the houses before shooting up to the canopy. The street lamps were filled with bioluminescent insects, and the access covers on the ground suggested they had a working sewer system. But the real star of the show were the elves which, really, didn’t look that different than anything else Kate had seen.

Huh, Kate mentally remarked as she gazed about the village. Somehow I was expecting somethin’ a little more… I don’t know… elaborate…?

”We did it!" Her pitch seemed to change as she ran up to what seemed to be a woman going about her business. ”You’re an elf!" Luana looked over her shoulder. ”And you’re an elf too!" She hugged them together. ”Oh wow, so what’s life like? Being yourselves I mean? What’s it feel like to tap into your family’s heritage? I bet it must be cool to have so many past experiences to call upon when the going gets tough!"

”It’s, um…”

“Uh, maaaybe we should be a little more respectful of the whole ‘personal space’ thing,” Kate suggested, holding up two curled fingers to provide air quotes at the appropriate point.

Shit… She’s almost as bad as Olivia… Or MDP the photographer noted with a shudder.

But there was something off about the atmosphere. Anyone would be weirded out if a random outsider just started gushing about them, but some of the elves seemed like they were on high alert. A few even drew weapons, but not to deal with Luana or Kate. They were looking past them where they had come from.

Something was rustling among the trees. Many somethings. Silhouettes of vaguely human beings closed in on the elven city. But the first one to reveal itself was a mage. Kate had seen enough priests across various reality plenums. She knew this one was tied to religion somehow, but couldn’t pinpoint if he was a regular priest or something more akin to a cultist.

“Such beauty, such grace.” The man’s eyes scanned his surroundings. “I thought I would never get the chance to see it with my own eyes, but here it is, and here you are.”

Luana slowly took her hands off of the elves she was hugging. ”That voice…” she pointed her spear at the man. ”You’re the elf that gave me this spear?”

He smirked. “I did give you that spear, but I’m no elf. Well, not anymore.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I’m Talus of the Stars, and what you’re holding in your hand is my master’s greatest creation. I wasn’t sure if you would guide us to the elves, but I’m glad I held on to my faith.”

Luana assumed a combat stance. ”You’re a fomorian!” She grinned. ”I’ve been waiting to fight one of you!”

“Unfortunate that you will end up fighting for me instead.” Talus snapped his fingers, and Luana fell to one knee. She clutched her chest with one hand as her skin turned a dark purple. “The spear wasn’t the only thing I gave you though. It would be unwise to leave such a powerful artifact in the hands of someone who could resist me. Plans that were made years ago are just now being set into motion...”

Luana growled as her body went through a metamorphosis. She got bigger, she changed shape. Even her spear changed along with her. The blade broke down into ooze, which was absorbed into her arm. Her clothes were unable to contain her expanding form, but when they ripped away from her body she was no longer human. She had transformed into some massive genderless creature with purple skin. No part of this new being looked like Luana the Druid.

Talus raised his hands above his head. “There you are, Oros the Savage!” He pointed at the city. “Raze it to the ground!”

Oros the Savage charged deep into the city as more fomorians joined it. What had started as a peaceful evening was going to turn into a battle.

“Well, fuck,” Kate noted in a dull deadpan as she snapped a picture of the twisted monstrosity Luana had become. An instant later, and she was darting inside the nearest structure that wasn’t in the path of “Oros the Savage’s” rampage.

The photographer’s heart raced along with her mind as she struggled to decide what to do. The sane and sensible course of action was obviously to leave as quickly as possible. She had what she’d come for, after all, and like she’d said many times, she was no hero.

And yet…

“Oh, fuck it!”

Taking a deep breath, she blew on her whistle, summoning a gargantuan armored gorelion, which loomed over the structure in which she had taken shelter.

“Take out those fomorians!” the photographer instructed, pointing at the hoard of invaders. “Starting with that Talus guy!”

Of course, that still left “Oros”, but Kate had something in mind for that problem, as much as she hated to admit it.

“Welp,” she sighed as she watched the monster’s rampage amidst the foliage-covered spires of the elven city. “If this isn’t picture perfect,” she added, clouds of golden smoke swirling around her before dispersing to reveal a drastically changed young woman. “I don’t know what is.” Remaining in the shadows of her shelter’s entryway, the ballgown-bedecked, golden, rapunzel-esque tressed photographer aimed her ornate camera at a spot just ahead of Oros the Savage and pressed the bejeweled trigger stud.

An instant later, the photographic negative of a towering ice titan flashed into being. Not wasting a moment, it raised its massive club and swung it at Oros with the intent to bat her (it?) clear out of the city.

“Damn… Really didn’t wanna use that guy so soon…” Kate grumbled. “And Twinkles better not mysteriously vanish, either…”

It would be difficult to gauge how powerful Oros the Savage was, but it was clear that any fear or reason Luana may have had was no longer with Oros the Savage.. The ice titan had no difficulty batting Oros, but it sunk its claws into the ice club and refused to let go. Thus, the ice titan chucked its weapon into the sky. The bat spun like a propeller as it vanished over the canopy, taking Oros with it. Some would call the affair anticlimactic, but Oros was fighting something well outside their weight class.

Huh. Well, that worked better than I expected…

Meanwhile, The fomorians were more interested in simply rushing past Twinkles so that they could take the city. Of course, Talus didn’t have that option as the gorelion’s primary target. Then again, someone who led their army from the front lines was sure to be tough.

He ran his hand down the front of his robe while avoiding Twinkle’s tongue. The tongue smashed the ground with enough force to not only kick up the mossy earth, but blow Talus’s half-parted robe open. His body was wrapped in bandages below the neck, and there was a cavity in his stomach. He reached inside and pulled out a petrified organ. It was starting to break into sand with his touch alone. Before Twinkle could attack again, the cultist lobbed the fleshy mass at the gorelion. On impact, it blew apart into a cloud of sand.

“Revere your new god, beast!”

Twinkle’s legs buckled. When Talus took a step closer to it, the gorelion slinked back and lowered its neck to the ground. Gorelions weren’t known for their intelligence, but they were aggressive creatures and showing any kind of fear was unheard of. But the display didn’t seem to impress Talus, who simply walked past it on his way towards Kate.

“What a beautiful outfit.” Talus took a knee in front of Kate. “Why don’t you come with me? You don’t need to share the same fate as these elves. I can see a place by Aigorost’s side for you.” He extended a hand towards her. “If you have any questions, I’d be willing to answer all of them once we get back to my campsite.”

Kate’s eyes widened as Talus seemed to charm her sole remaining gorelion, and then proceeded to address her, personally.

So much for going unnoticed…

“Y’know what? Fine. We can have a little Q&A session,” Kate replied. “Just as soon as ya call off your attack. Oh, and fyi? I happen to fucking hate this dress,” she added.

Talus smirked. “What an unusual response.” He stood back up. “Regardless, I have no intention of calling off this attack. We have spent far too much time plotting for this day, and I long to replace what the fey have taken from us.” He lifted his hand, and the steel halo floating behind his back turned molten. It broke apart into three molten spheres that glowed brighter than anything else in the forest. “But I know conviction when I see it. I will not attempt to change your mind. If you will not flee, we will have to fight.”

“Yeah, I’m not really much of a fighter,” Kate replied with a shrug. “But that big guy stompin’ all your little followers might wanna throw hands,” she suggested, pointing behind the mage. A moment later, the ice titan reached out and closed its gargantuan hand around Talus.

“What followers-”

Talus disappeared inside the ice giant’s fist. But when it lifted its hand, a thick fog rolled out of the bottom of its fist. Talus was still standing on the ground with his superheated spheres floating at his side. He grit his teeth and waved his hand towards the giant. The spheres of molten metal split over and over again. Before long, they looked like a swarm of golden insects. The giant reached for Talus again, but the custer of molten beads flew into its palm. The giant’s arm was sliced apart from the inside out. Steam shot out of every newly formed crack as the arm crumbled. The swarm didn’t stop until it reached his head, at which point the molten steel exited the giant’s neck, severing its head from its body.The titan’s head spun through the air before shattering against the ground, only moments before the ice giant’s body fell sideways into a housing complex.

Talus returned his gaze to Kate.

“What big guy?”

A knight covered head to toe in frozen armor thrust his frigid spear at Talus. "This one."

The attack was deflected by Talus’s staff. “I’m not impressed.” Before Talus’s molten steel could burn through the knight’s armor, an array of black swords flew out of the air and pinned the blobs to the ground.

“Neither am I.” Said a pint sized mage. “I haven’t seen such shoddy magic since, well, ever.”

Talus grinned. “Then wait until you see- Ack!” He stumbled forwards as a sword cut into his back. A tiny squire happened to be holding that sword. “My conviction armors me body, boy. You need to hit harder if you’re going to end me.”

“Where’s Luana!?” The boy demanded. “She might be kind of annoying, but she's still a nice person at heart.”

Talus only grinned, until the ice knight stabbed him in the shoulder. “Where the hell did you people come from?” He clutched his shoulder before retreating deeper into the elven city with the newly arrived. Trailing just behind them were a few other knights that looked to be just as strong as the others. The battle couldn’t last long now that the heroes were here.

Kate just stood in stunned silence as first her ice titan was annihilated by Talus’s molten spheres, and then what could only be called a group of heroes showed up and forced the villainous mage to retreat.

“Huh. Well, I guess I’ll let them handle things from here,” the photographer reflected as she detransformed and prepared to collect Twinkles.

But Kate wasn’t alone yet. Just as she reached her prone “pet”, she heard an all-too-familiar voice emanate from a nearby patch of foliage, a few branches parting to reveal a pair of yellow eyes. "Another catastrophe. One that couldn’t have happened without your interference.”

“Fuck you, pal!” she snapped at the druid. “Luana woulda found this place one way or another, so don’t go blamin’ this on me! Besides, I’ve been plenty of places that didn’t go straight to shit as soon as I showed up!” she added, giving the druid an indignant glare, while spreading her arms out and splaying her fingers wide. “Like that time I chatted with that one version of Olivia and her pal outside that pizza place! I know for a fact that, after I left, Olivia and her friends had a fun slumber party, so you can take your ‘herald of doom’ crap and shove it up yer ass!”

"Maybe. Maybe you’ve grown stronger. Maybe it only happens when you encounter an Oros. While I do not know of this ‘Olivia’ you speak of, it might be interesting to visit and see if everything's still fine with her.”

“Maybe I will,” Kate retorted. “And maybe Oroses are the problem, and not me? Ever think of that?

"There’s no doubt the underlings of a horror would cause some trouble. But they really aren’t that dangerous on their own. You might be what pushes them over the edge. Or is it that camera you have?” The druid hummed to itself. "As an experiment, why don’t you drop by the arcade near the Nova Lux Academy. The Oros there is an avid gamer. It’s not like you weren’t thinking of continuing your hunt there anyway.”

“Fine,” Kate muttered. “And I’ll try not to be creeped out that you just so happen to know all of my travel plans, too,” she snarked. “But before I do that, I’ve got one more thing to take care of first,” the photographer added as she hopped atop Twinkles. “See ya in Palmyra, pal!” she called over her shoulder as she raced off into the forest.

For the life of her, Kate couldn’t figure out exactly why she was trying to “save” Luana. After all, she had only just met the young woman, and she almost never got involved with local problems. Was the druid’s insane claim that she was somehow responsible for Luana’s current state guilting her into it? No, she refused to even consider such an idiotic notion. Talus would have found and transformed the elf lover whether Kate had been there or not. But, then, what was compelling her to track down the corrupted redhead? Still, one thing was for certain. Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter now, and so, forcefully casting such unimportant thoughts from her mind, Kate sped deeper into the foliage.

The forest was thick, but when you were Twinkles’s size, the trees just sort of parted when you pushed into them hard enough. But Kate wasn’t too far out before she heard something wrestling over head. When she looked up, one of the trees had snapped in half and was about to fall on her. Or at least it might have if the gorelion hadn’t blocked the incoming timber with its tongue. With the obstacle clear, Kate could see a shadow moving along the canopy back towards the elf village. With a grunt, it jumped back into the elf city, and with a grunt, Kate knew Luana had returned for round two. The beast charged into the city, where it would reunite with its old friends. Maybe.

Deftly avoiding the falling branches and tree trunks, Twinkles carried Kate back into the not-so-hidden city. Although she was encased in spiky armor, it did nothing to impede the gorelion’s impressive speed, and soon, Twinkles had brought Kate within shouting distance of Luana.

“Hey, Luana!” the photographer called. “It’s me, Kate! I don’t know if ya can hear me in there, but is this really what you wanna be doing?! I know we only just met,” she continued, relying on Twinkles’s preternatural agility to dodge any potential attacks Luana might be sending their way. “But during that short time, all ya ever talked about was how much ya loved the elves and wanted to see their city! If that was true, then why the heck are ya tryin’ to destroy it right now?! I know that jackass did some crazy shit to ya, but if ya love these elves as much as ya say ya do, then you’ll fight his stupid brainwashing and KICK ITS FUCKIN’ ASS!!!”

But once Kate stopped shouting, she could see that the creature had engaged the heroes in a fight. Even in the short time Kate was gone, they had managed to wound it. But they stayed their weapons when Kate finished shouting.

“L-Luana?!” The boy’s lower lip quivered. “I-Is that really her?” He lowered his sword. “What happened to you?”

"Careful!" The ice knight raised his spear. "This might be Luana, but it doesn’t seem to have any desire to stop fighting. We need to keep our guard up."

“Indeed.” The tiny mage agreed. “Just because someone says that’s Luana, that doesn’t mean it’s true, or that we can save them.” She tipped her head up. “But if there’s even the smallest chance it is, and if we can save her, we cannot allow it to slip through our fingers.”

But as the scene changed in front of Kate, the remaining druid shuffled behind her. "How much longer do you plan on dragging this out? She is a Feind now. The power of friendship isn’t going to save her. Why don’t you leave this to the heroes and go on your way? You didn’t care this much when the nomads were overrun by Oh-One.”

“Oh for… I thought you’d have left already!” Kate snarled. “And that was completely different!” she added. “Nomads can handle themselves in a fight, but Luana here got turned into a fuckin’ monster right after her lifelong dream came true! She spent her whole life tryin’ to find this place, and now that slimy fucker’s forcin’ her to destroy it! I might normally like to stay outta things,” the photographer continued. “But that kinda shit really pisses me off! Maybe the power of friendship won’t save her,” she conceded. “But if anything can, I’m the one who can find it!”

With that, Kate pulled up Oros the Savage’s profile on her camera’s display and searched through the weaknesses and vulnerabilities tab for a way to reverse the transformation, or at the very least, restore Luana’s mind.

Meanwhile, the fight continued. Every time Kate read a line of text, something happened. Luana threw a punch. One of her friends soared. The mage cast a spell.

"I see.” The druid nodded. "I suppose I misjudged you, Photographer.”

Kate was unable to get much data on a cure for Luana. Talus was the only person that might have known the cure, and it was unlikely he was still alive. However, it seemed that the source of Luana’s corruption was the fragments of Endless Eclipse that were embedded in her flesh. If those could be removed…

“Hey!” Kate called to the assembled heroes. “Her spear is what caused her to change into that thing! It broke apart and the pieces shot into her skin, so if any of ya can remove ‘em, that should change her back!”

I hope…

“And pray tell, how are we supposed to find those?” The mage attempted to box Luana inside a cage of dark swords, but she batted them aside.

"Hold on, Fio. Look at this beast's nails. Don’t they look like fragments of Luana’s spear? " The ice knight said while pointing.

The mage nodded. “Very well. I‘ll distract her and the rest of you try to break them off.”

The knights spread out around Luana as she continued to lash out at her surroundings. Fio stood in front of her once ally, arranging her black swords for an attack. But when Luana attacked, The swords flew in front of Fio and acted as a barrier. “Now!” Was all Fio could get out before the fist slammed into her weapon.

The other four fighters lept into action, each targeting a hand or foot. In a single strike, Luana’s fingers and toes had all been sliced through. Almost instantly, Luana’s form started to deflate like a balloon.

“Is it working? Are you alright Luana?”

She was out of it, and not wearing nearly as much as she was before her body quintupled in size. But she was surrounded by people that only wanted the best for her. Luana would get better.

“Thank goodness,” Kate whispered after exhaling in relief. Not wanting to answer any awkward questions, the photographer had Twinkles sprint back into the dense foliage before any of Luana’s friends returned their attention to her. There were plenty more Oroses to photograph, after all, and she’d already remained in this reality plenum a fair bit longer than she’d intended. “All right, next stop, Nova Lux!”

With the burly weretiger (whose name was apparently Lorenzo) now undeniably out of action, things seemed to have finally quieted down in the casino’s main hall. After taking a moment to collect herself, Ashley took the opportunity to leap over the teller counter and take a closer look at the elevator controls. Sure enough, there was a security keypad barring access, but no sooner had she reached it, then Ellie’s voice called over her earpiece with the code. “Got it,” the Knight of Tomorrow confirmed. “Six-one-three-seven,” she repeated, pressing the relevant digits on the keypad. The high-tech heroine was grateful for how swiftly the code had been obtained, and she only hoped Ellie and Mika’s return to the elevator would be equally swift. In her mind, she could hear the ticks of a clock as each second elapsed, and as she held the elevator door open with one hand and covered the room with the techno-wand she held clasped in the other, Agent Orion kept her eyes peeled for the sight of the two agents returning from around the corner they had disappeared behind moments before.

Soon enough, the two agents reappeared, first Ellie, followed by Mika a few moments later. However, to Ashley’s surprise, the feline agent wasn’t alone. The teller the beanie hat bouncer had used as a shield was with her.

“She knows where Binky’s being held?” Ashley echoed, not exactly expecting a humble teller to be so knowledgeable, or cooperative. Yet, those thoughts were pushed aside when she noticed the woman’s bloody wound. “That doesn’t look too pleasant,” she noted with a frown as she clipped her techno-wand to her belt and held out her gloved hand. “If you move your hand, I can patch you up,” she told the woman with a reassuring smile. Assuming the teller did so, Ashley’s hand would become enveloped by a soft green glow, and, placing it over the wound, she would bathe it in healing energies for several seconds.

One might question the logic of employing a melody on a mere civilian, and one who worked for a monster-run crime syndicate at that, but Ashley’s reasons for doing so were twofold. Firstly, she wasn’t about to let a non-combatant die of blood loss, especially not after being used as a human shield. Secondly, and of greater importance to the mission at hand, it would simply be foolish to allow such a valuable asset to potentially bleed out before guiding them to where Binky could be found.

As she worked, the Knight of Tomorrow thought over Mika’s request to stay topside and guard their escape route. On the one hand, she would rather not split up what was already a rather small team, nor was she particularly keen on having the youngest and most inexperienced member be the one to stay behind, especially when said member was limited to melee combat. That said, Agent Cerberus's suggestion was still a sound one, it was just that Agent Orion saw a far better alternative.

“That’s a good idea, Cerberus,” she commended the cat girl. “But I think Angel is more suited to defending an open location like this,” she added. “Conversely, her ability to fly will be severely limited in cramped corridors, while your speed and skill at close quarters combat will be far more valuable in such an environment. Therefore, unless anyone has a serious objection, I’d like Angel to remain here, while Witch Hunter, Cerberus, and I head down to rescue Binky. Oh, and you as well,” she added, looking up at the teller. “I’m so sorry, but I don’t believe I ever got your name.”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Touch][Powerful][Heal] = 90 mana


As it transpired, Ashley would not be able to take out the charging weretiger and jump over the teller booth’s counter. Much to the Knight of Tomorrow’s considerable shock, the burly bruiser was surprisingly nimble, and her eyes widened in disbelief as the weretiger dodged her initial energy beam in a burst of preternatural agility. Thankfully, she was able to adjust her aim enough for her second bolt to at least strike the furious feline’s shoulder, although the injury didn’t even seem to slow the brute down. Bracing herself, Ashley grunted with pain as the weretiger slammed into her energy shield and pressed her back against the teller booth.

Still, this was actually to Agent Orion’s advantage as, at such close quarters, her beastly foe was no longer able to dodge her attacks. Not only that, but Estelle had even managed to get behind him and deliver a powerful kick to the back of one of his legs, destabilizing the massive creature. Not about to let such an opportunity go to waste, Ashley’s energy shield glowed brighter for a moment as arcane energies built within it, before being expelled in a mighty blast of destructive power. With the burly brute hopefully reeling from this surprise attack, especially when coupled with Estelle’s own, the Knight of Tomorrow slightly lowered her shield to jab the pointed prongs of her techno-wand into the chest of the ferocious feline and fire off a potent energy bolt at point blank range.

Even as this battle was occurring, Ashley dimly heard Mika’s annoyed voice saying something about a security code, followed by an equally pissed off inquiry about whether or not Ashley had even bothered to check the elevator in the first place.

I’ve been kinda busy… the high-tech heroine grumbled to herself, although she knew this was neither the time nor the place to actually give voice to such a retort.

As it was, while the possibility that there would be some form of lock on the elevator had occurred to her, she’d figured they could simply brute force their way through it if such turned out to be the case. Either way, getting in and out as fast as possible was still the Knight of Tomorrow’s top priority. Maybe it was a mistake to not ensure every hostile in the casino’s main hall was neutralized, but every second they delayed gave their adversaries more time to ready their defenses below ground. Unlike with the disastrous assault on Justin’s mansion, they currently had the element of surprise, and Agent Orion wanted to ensure they made the most of it.

That said, Ashley couldn’t stop Mika from darting after the individual she suspected was in possession of the code, with Ellie loudly announcing she’d assist the feline agent in her pursuit.

“Roger,” Ashley acknowledged as she watched the angelic agent dart off.

I really hope she never gets assigned to a stealth op…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Touch][Damage] = 24 mana


Despite her best efforts, Dana couldn’t keep her face from turning a bright shade of red when Aiya inquired if there might be someone in particular she was looking forward to kissing, the Duodecim girl’s lips curling into a mischievous smirk as she did so. “W-Well, uh…” Dana stammered, her mouth forming a sheepish smile as she scratched the back of her head and giggled nervously. Yet, before the sunny sharpshooter could come up with a coherent response, Aiya went for the killing blow by nonchalantly mentioning that a spare cabin was available for those wishing to engage in more… intimate interactions.

At this, Dana was sure she could feel her heart abruptly stop beating, even as blasts of steam shot from her ears. A quick glance at Noah revealed that the big cadet was looking equally uncomfortable and, as with Dana herself, he seemed unable to articulate any sort of response to Aiya’s playful teasing. The irony of the fact that she was now getting a taste of her own mischievous medicine wasn’t lost on the young Ars Magi, although, thankfully, Aiya mercifully chose to end the torment and offer the pair a way out of the awkward situation. “O-Other games?” Dana echoed, the Norban desperate to latch onto anything that might provide a means to escape the humiliating spotlight that had been placed on her and Noah. “T-That sounds like it could be fun, right Noah?” she asked the big cadet in a hopeful tone.

As it happened, not only was Noah equally eager to move on to other things, but two other cadets were kind enough to join the pair in their game of cards. Soon enough, the awkward exchange with their host was but a distant memory and Dana was back to her boisterous and bubbly self. The rest of the night passed in a blur of fun and frivolity, until the Assurance finally returned to the dock in the early hours of the morning. Yet, before making her wobbly way off the yacht, a quite tipsy Dana had still managed to give Noah a quick kiss when no one was looking. Just thinking about that moment brought a contented smile to the cheerful Norban’s face that persisted even after she had returned to her dorm, collapsed onto her pillow, and drifted off to dreamland.

By the following morning, however, those dreams had turned into a nightmare, and that smile was long gone. In its place was a wince of painful discomfort as the sound of Penny’s groaning voice woke her with a sharp lance of pain to her aching head. “P-Penny…?” Dana mumbled, her own exhausted voice sounding just as anguished as her roommate’s. “H-Holy crap… You look terrible…” she added a moment later as she slowly opened her burning, groggy eyes and got her first glimpse of the bespectacled Siscian’s haggard visage.

Just then, a knock on the door sent another spike of pain shooting through her, forcing the Norban to squeeze her eyes shut and press her pillow against both sides of her head. “Owww…” she groaned. “N-Not so louuuud…” she whined in protest, carefully opening one eye to see that Penny had opened the door, revealing a surprisingly perky Priya. Wonder what she’s doing here… Dana idly pondered as she closed her eyes once more and pulled her covers back over her head. S’kinda early… However, before she could drift back into blessed unconsciousness, the suffering sharpshooter dimly made out Penny saying something about a hangover. Huh… So this is what a hangover feels like… Dana thought to herself, before giving voice to a small giggle. In hindsight, she probably should have expected as much. The party had been such great fun that she had quickly lost track of just how much alcohol she had consumed, and now she was paying the price for that not-so-slight slip-up. Thankfully, Priya had come bearing gifts, namely, various items to help get Dana and her roommate back on their feet. “Y-Yeah…” Dana confirmed when Penny asked if she needed any of Priya’s offerings. “I-I’ll have some in a… lil’… bit…” she mumbled before slipping off into slumber once more.

When she woke up again a few hours later, Dana found that Priya’s gifts did a world of good. While she hadn’t been feeling very hungry, and thus chosen to forgo the eggs, the water was gulped down with the speed of one dying of thirst. Yet, it was the aspirin that she was most thankful for. It might not have fully cured her headache, but a dull soreness was far more preferable than a shooting pain. Slowly but surely, Dana made her weary way to the dorm’s common room, where she wasted no time in sprawling her tired body across the room’s comfiest couch. “Yeaaah…” the Norban replied with a drawn-out sigh when Penny noted that drinking so much just might have been a mistake. “I’m kinda startin’ to think the same thing…” she added with a wry smirk as she turned her head to face the bespectacled brunette.

As was often the case, a news report was playing in the background, and the mention of the approaching Nox front caused Dana to perk up. “Hey, they were talkin’ about that the other day, right?” she spoke up. “Ya think it’s gonna turn into a full-blown storm?”

Such storms were blessedly rare occurrences for an inland city like Norba, but even Dana’s monolithic, man-made mountain of a home had felt their fury, and she dimly remembered how worried her parents and siblings had been when the entire city went into lockdown ten years prior. She and her family had ultimately weathered the storm just fine, but she later learned that Voids had still managed to breach the city’s outer defenses and wreak havoc in its otherwise impregnable residential core. If one were to strike a sprawling port city like Palmyra, the damage was likely to be far worse. Then again, while it might lack the extensive defenses of consolidated, fortress-like Norba, it did have one distinct advantage Dana’s home lacked- Nova Lux. With the world’s largest concentration of Ars Magi on hand to help defend it, Dana was confident Palmyra could withstand whatever tempest the Earth’s corrupted atmosphere cared to dish out.

However, the following days would put that confidence to the test, as Dana, her teammates, and the entire population of Palmyra watched the Nox front strengthen into a raging cyclone of cataclysmic proportions, one that would almost certainly strike the city head-on. Tensions mounted as the city prepared, the term “Storm of the Century” being used more and more often by increasingly anxious voices to describe the swiftly approaching tempest. A day before the storm was due to hit, Dana and her team were told how they would be aiding the city’s defense. Team Three, along with the rest of Nova Lux’s student body, would be held in reserve, placed at key locations around the city to respond to any potential incursions, while the veteran Ars Magi stood guard on the front line of Palmyra’s perimeter wall. Although Dana did her best to keep her team’s spirits up with encouraging words and discussions about where in the city they might be assigned, even the irrepressible Norban couldn’t help but feel that they would soon be facing the biggest challenge of their young lives…

When the tempest hit at 4 pm the following afternoon, Dana and the rest of her team found themselves stationed in Nova Lux’s own Grand Hall. In light of their various predictions on what far-flung point of the vast metropolitan area they’d be assigned, it was almost comical how close to their dorms they had actually ended up. Yet, this was clearly no time for levity. The last time the group had been in this hall, they had been attending a mandatory ball, but now the festive ambiance of music and light hearted conversation had been replaced with the far harsher sounds of clipped orders, roaring wind, and pounding rain, punctuated by sudden, jarring thunderclaps. As the apparent command center for the school’s defensive operations, the rest of the hall was occupied by several clusters of officers, gathered around their respective workstations. Not wishing to interrupt their obviously important tasks, Dana decided to content herself with watching their monitors from afar, alongside the other members of her team.

At first, the grinning gunslinger’s full attention was fixed on the various monitor screens, her auric eyes flitting from one display to another in an attempt to spot the first sign, the first hint, of a disturbance, but as the hours dragged on and afternoon turned to evening, the lack of activity gave rise to a sense of increasing boredom. Without anything else to occupy their racing minds, the members of Team Three turned to admittedly awkward attempts at small talk.

“Really startin' to think they should’ve made those indoor gardens, y’know?” Dana quipped with a smirk as she watched the stately trees beyond the rain-lashed window nearly bend over backwards in the howling, hurricane-force winds. “Still, this storm’s got nothin’ on Team Radiant Storm, right guys?”

“I wish…” the Norban replied with a sigh when Penny jokingly asked if any of her companions had brought some playing cards.

As it was, aside from the tracksuits they had on, none of the girls had been permitted to bring anything other than some water and light snacks. While Dana could sort of understand the logic behind such a decision, that still didn’t make it any less annoying. Yet, just as the tedium of waiting was about to become unbearable, something finally happened.

At first, Dana had thought the sound was simply another thunderclap, but that idea was swiftly rejected. Not only did the detonation sound slightly off, it was immediately followed by an array of warning lights flashing into existence on the officers’ myriad screens and consoles. Indeed, those same officers were even now in a state of urgent motion, and it wasn’t long before the senior officer present began snapping orders to Dana and her team. The school was under attack, and they were to head to the medical wing immediately. However, it was the officer’s next words that made Dana’s blood run cold.

The enemy they would be facing weren’t Voids.

They were Ars Magi.

At first, Dana wasn’t sure she was hearing correctly. Sure, she had seen Victoria Glass duel what looked like another Ars Magi on the Laurus’s rain-lashed deck during her initial trip to Palmyra, but she had simply assumed that it had been nothing more than a Void capable of mimicking such a form. Perhaps that was case here as well, she pondered. Then again, perhaps actual Ars Magi truly had sided with the Void for whatever inexplicable reason in a chilling real-life analogue to one of the most shocking episodes of Guardian Gunslinger Alexis, an episode in which a team of Alexis’s most elite allies revealed that they had been secretly working for the evil Doktor Xylannis all along! That said, the idea of Ars Magi, paragons of heroism that they were, voluntarily joining the inhuman enemies of their species was utterly incomprehensible to an idealistic girl like Dana, and she soon found herself wondering if the hypothetical traitorous Magi had actually been brainwashed instead. Yes, she realized, they could be victims of some new type of Void puppet master, forced by it to work against their former allies to ensure its own nefarious ends. Even so, whether mind-controlled puppets of the Void, or autonomous agents working towards some currently-indiscernible goal, Team Radiant Storm would almost certainly be going up against full-fledged Ars Magi, with all the abilities such a title entailed…

Clenching her hand into a fist, Dana called upon the power stored within her Armagus and, after the flash of a golden sunburst, the grinning gunslinger was once again bedecked in her Parma, her shining Gladius held at the ready.

“Okay, guys!” Dana called as she followed after Penny. “Let’s show these jerks what Team Radiant Storm can do!”

There was no doubt that this would be their greatest challenge yet, but Dana was confident they would be up to the task.

They would have to be.

Despite the force of Ashley’s arcane energy bolt striking the dangling weretiger square in the back, the creature seemed completely unaffected by the ugly wound and singed fur that resulted from the attack. Indeed, the force of the blast had actually propelled the fearless feline back onto the second floor, where it renewed its assault on Estelle. Even so, Ashley couldn’t afford to be distracted by this unwelcome turn of events, not with more immediate concerns to focus on. The most pressing of these was the muscle bound brute of a weretiger, who, having blocked the Knight of Tomorrow’s energy beam with the bulk of the slot machine he’d been preparing to throw, was now charging toward her with wild fury.

Whirling to face him, Agent Orion brought up her energy shield and pointed her techno-wand at the beast’s head. As she took aim on the rapidly approaching monster, the high-tech heroine saw that her initial shot had actually managed to inflict some damage, even through the creature’s improvised shield. Thus, she figured a similar attack would more than suffice, especially against the brute’s unprotected cranium. Holding her ground before the charging carnivore, the Knight of Tomorrow fired off another neon green energy beam, which she immediately followed up with an equally potent energy bolt for good measure.

Meanwhile, most of the other agents were still occupied with their various opponents, although Mika had just finished off her immediate targets and was now heading back to the elevator, as per Ashley’s instructions. While Ellie had acknowledged her order, a quick glance in the angelic agent’s direction informed the Knight of Tomorrow that she would be attempting to extricate Estelle first. Assuming her two-stage attack had taken the burly weretiger out of action, Ashley would hastily vault over the teller booth and take up position next to the elevator behind it to cover the other agents’ retreat.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Damage] = 36 mana


As each guard moved to draw their weapons, Ashley took them out in turn. Even it they were just ordinary humans, they were working for monstrous criminals who had abducted her ally and mentor. That made them enemies, and the Knight of Tomorrow would treat them as such. A panicked scream from behind her did nothing to break the high-tech heroine’s focus as she continued her work of methodical threat elimination. It clearly wasn’t Estelle or Mika’s voice, which meant it was nothing to worry about, at least as far as Ashley was concerned. Yet, perhaps she should have been, as the next thing she knew, the beanie-wearing bouncer was running past her, dragging a very wounded (and very hysterical) teller along with him as an obvious human shield. However, before Ashley could fully comprehend this unexpected development, she was forced to dive to the side in order to avoid the slot machine hurtling towards her. Impacting the booth behind her, the makeshift missile destroyed whatever obstruction might have prevented anyone from leaping over said booth and reaching the elevator beyond.

“Well, that’s convenient,” Ashley muttered as she aimed her techno-wand’s glowing tips at the projectile’s source, a muscle-bound weretiger on the far side of the hall. “Here’s a thank you card.”

No sooner had the burly beast turned to face her after picking up another slot machine, then a lance of neon green incandescence shot forth from the Knight of Tomorrow’s twin-pronged instrument to spear his chest. Not relying on her meager shield to protect her from the possibly-still-being-thrown slot machine, Agent Orion once more leapt out of the way of its path. As she did so, the high-tech heroine noticed that Estelle had moved up to the second floor and forced a second weretiger over the safety railing. Readying her techno-wand, Ashley took careful aim on the falling feline, before snapping off a luminescent energy bolt. Hopefully that would take it out of the equation as well. Regardless, a prolonged engagement like this was not something they could afford, not when time was very much of the essence.

“Agents! Fall back to the elevator!” Ashley snapped over her communicator. “We can’t get bogged down here!”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Damage] = 36 mana


After the meeting, Connie and Mia opted to return home ahead of everyone else. The events of the day had been stressful to say the least, and the pair were both ready to unwind, with Mia planning to play some video games, while Connie listened to some music and snuggled with her stuffed animals.

When they would finally get back to their room, Connie’s school bag would be sitting open on her bed. Not entirely out of place, maybe their mom put it there or she had just forgotten to move it. While picking it up off the bed, she would catch a glint of something inside. Taking a closer look, there was a dusty glass bottle with a golden top and crimson smoke slowly swirling inside.

“U-Umm… M-Mia…? W-What’s this?” Connie asked with a confused frown.

“No idea,” Mia replied, moving over to take a closer look. “Almost looks like a…” the tomboy’s voice trailed off as an idea occurred to her. “Wait a minute… Is this that djinn girl’s lamp?”

“Y-You mean the o-one from the C-Christmas party?” Connie inquired.

“Yeah, Ruby,” Mia confirmed. “She was at the meeting tonight, too, at least for a little while. Wonder how this got in your backpack, though…”

“Uh, d-do you t-think we s-should open it?” Connie asked hesitantly.

“We should probably wait for Miss Kayli to get back,” Mia advised. “Chances are, it was meant for her anyway.”

Despite not handling the object, the top shifted and twisted loose with a satisfying pop. As predicted, the smoke poured out and formed a human figure, though her lower half remained the red smoke. She was very clearly Ruby, but had matured into a young woman. The golden ring on the bottle clicked open and reached its way out of the bag, resizing and clasping gently around Connie’s wrist. ”Ah ha.” She looked around the room for a second. ”Oh thank goodness. I was worried I might end up buried in a desert or something.”

Her attention turned to the two girls, and specifically to the object now locked around Connie’s wrist. She smiled and seemed relieved. ”Well what are the odds. Congratulations, Master Connie. You have the great privilege of being my first official Master!” Floating down her legs would form and she would bow.

“M-M-Master…?!” Connie yelped in surprise as she struggled to process everything she was seeing and hearing. “B-B-But, w-why m-me?” the terribly confused girl asked as she looked at the bracelet that was now hanging from her wrist. “A-And, u-um, d-does t-this mean I-I get t-three w-wishes?”

Ruby would shrug just a bit. ”I can’t really answer that first question. My magic always pointed me where to go, so I guess this is just how it works now.” The uncertainty didn’t seem to bother her much as she moved on. ”Buuut, that does mean you have three wishes. Your standard fair as far as limitations.”

Connie swallowed. At face value, this seemed like an amazing stroke of good fortune. Depending on how powerful the wishes were, she could potentially make all sorts of things better. She could wish for Sammy and Nuncio to be brought back to life. She could wish for a nicer, less scary Patron. She could even wish for Wonderland to call off its impending attack. Yet, she also knew that, even if these things could be wished for, how the wishes actually played out might be very different from what she’d intended, so she would have to be very careful with how she chose to proceed…

“G-Gosh… U-Ummm… D-Do t-these wishes h-have any l-limitations?” Connie asked. “L-Like, I-I know I p-probably c-can’t wish for m-more wishes, b-but, um, w-would s-something like k-keeping Wonderland f-from a-attacking P-Penrose, or b-bringing someone b-back to l-life be t-too much?” she added. “A-And e-even if y-you c-could d-do it, w-would a w-wish like that b-backfire into s-something a-awful? O-Oh! A-And, a-also, i-if y-you, um, d-don’t really l-like being a d-djinn, w-would I b-be able to w-wish for y-your f-freedom?”

Given who she was talking to, Ruby expected there to be questions. Waiting for the nightmare girl to finish she considered each one. ”I can’t prevent Wonderland from attacking. That would be forcing their will, but you might be able to wish for something to help against them. Affecting unwilling magical girls and boys doesn’t usually work. Bringing someone back depends more on how long it's been, so probably not if it’s been longer than a day.” Some of these she wasn’t entirely sure on herself. They used to be things she couldn’t do so she wanted to air on the side of caution. ”Unfortunately there isn’t a way to undo what’s happened to me. I had a brush with too much magic and it’s stuck.” She frowned a bit, but it seemed more in jest than sadness. ”Don’t worry about me. I made my bed a long time ago.”

“O-Oh, I s-see…” Connie replied glumly. That really didn’t leave a lot of options… “U-Umm, i-in that c-case, can I t-think about it a bit, or i-is there a t-time limit?” she inquired, while nervously fidgeting with her hands.

The young woman would shake her head. ”There’s no time limit. You are my Master until your three wishes are used or you wish me away. I do look forward to what you have in mind though.” She would tap a finger to her lips and hum before leaning closer and touching the clasp around Connie’s wrist. ”Let me take care of this so it isn’t so awkward.” The chain and bottle would retract and shrink down as the whole thing would become a golden bracelet with a sizable ruby gem inset on it. It was still too small to remove, but wasn’t uncomfortable in any way.

“O-Oh! U-Uh, t-thank you…” Connie told the djinn girl softly. “A-And I-I’m glad there’s n-no rush,” she added, sounding considerably more relieved. “I-In that c-case, I-I g-guess I s-should t-take some t-time to t-think things o-over, m-maybe ask s-some f-friends f-for their a-advice…” she added thoughtfully. “D-Do you h-have any ideas, M-Mia?”

For her part, the tomboy had been listening to the conversation with a mixture of fascination and concern. After all, the last thing she wanted was for this “gift” to somehow leave her beloved best friend feeling even more miserable.

“I don’t know, little sis,” Mia replied with a frown as she scratched the back of her neck. “I mean, I guess wishin’ for all of our friends and everyone else in the city to be kept safe from Wonderland might be a start,” she offered. “Or is somethin’ like that too much to ask for?”

Rubbing her chin, Ruby would consider the prospect. ”I think it might be. Protecting everyone from an entire kingdom is a big ask. Though, someone wished for something similar in the past. They were able to protect the public from magical attacks, but not magical girls. That protection stopped when the one that wished for it left Penrose.” Those events felt like an eternity ago. Actually, that was a thing there had been talking about during the meeting wasn’t it? That took a lot out of her then, but as a full Djinn she wasn’t entirely sure of her limits.

“S-So, um, c-could we m-maybe try that?” Connie asked hesitantly. “I-I really d-don’t want to s-see anyone else g-get h-hurt… O-Or k-killed,” she added softly.

”You'll have to put it into a wish of some kind.” She would instruct.

“O-Okay,” Connie nodded, taking a deep breath. “U-Um, s-so, I-I wish for e-everyone in P-Penrose to be p-protected from b-being h-harmed or k-killed by Wonderland.”

Calling upon her magic, the Djinn felt out the wish. It was a tall order and as she reached out the line of magic broke out into more and more threads until she could no longer keep track of them all. Snapping back into the moment she would shake her head. ”I’m sorry Master. That wish encompass too many for my power to reach. Wonderland is a strange and powerful place.” She seemed disappointed that she wasn’t able to achieve what was asked of her.

“O-Oh… I s-see…” Connie replied with a sullen frown. “T-Thank you for trying, though…” She thought for a moment as she considered what other possible wishes she might ask for. “U-Um… I-I guess I’ll n-need to a-ask my f-friends to s-see if t-there’s a-anything a w-wish might be a-able to h-help them w-with…” she noted. “B-But, b-before that, i-is there a-anything y-you’d like me t-to wish f-for on y-your behalf?” she asked the Djinn with a hopeful smile.

She really shouldn’t be surprised that one of the girls that Kayli adopted was the giving sort. With as many wishes as she’d given out over the years, you would think that it would be easy to come up with one herself. She could, but it made her a lot more happy when it was from someone else. Put on the spot though she was finding it hard to find anything that would work. As a magical girl she was more a proxy and that made it easier to skirt the line. As a Djinn though, she almost couldn’t grant her own wishes. A couple times she opened her mouth to say something, but then stopped and had to rethink it as it just wouldn’t hash out in her head. ”I would like to seeee…” She struggled until she stopped trying to be as charitable. ”you… not be… less confident.” As odd as it sounded, it was the best way she could articulate it. Making Connie the focus was strangely easier than for anyone else. She was her Master currently so that likely was the cause.

“Y-You… W-Want me to b-be more c-confident…?” Connie asked, sounding more than a little puzzled. “I-Is t-that something y-you could h-help me w-with?”

Seeing that Connie picked up on what she was implying, Ruby nodded. ”If that is something you wish.” She would give a nervous smile. ”Sorry if that sounded a little rude, Master. I’m not quite myself.”

“T-That’s o-okay!” Connie was quick to reassure the Djinn girl, holding her trembling hands up in a placating gesture. “I-If you’re not f-feeling all right, i-is there s-something I can h-help you w-with?” she asked, her visage and voice filled with concern.

”It’s the nature of a Djinn. I am here to serve you. Master, not the other way around.” She would say calmly while holding her hands up as if to say she couldn’t help it.

“B-But, i-isn’t answering o-one of m-my questions s-still s-serving me?” Connie asked, tilting her head in slight confusion. “E-Even if t-that question was w-what y-you would w-wish for i-if you could m-make a w-wish of your o-own?”

”In a sense. I can answer questions, but even if I wanted something I probably couldn’t do it because I would know it’s not really your wish.” It was clear that Connie was intent on giving something back before anything else. It was a little more than frustrating to Ruby as she was fighting her instincts. Something came to her after a bit. ”Master, I don't think you understand. I’m not like you or Mia. I can't just do whatever I want.” Ruby would point to the bracelet. ”That is my prison. Granted, an extremely comfortable one, but still a prison. It limits me. So as long as it is bound to you I have to do as you wish, not as you say.” She put her hands together in front of her as she spoke in a slightly firmer tone.

“I-I see…” Connie murmured, her eyes downcast. “A-And I’m s-sorry for m-making things s-so d-difficult…” she added with a sniffle as she tried to fight back tears. “I-It’s just that, w-when I s-see people s-suffering, I w-want to do a-all I c-can to h-help them. A-As for h-helping me to b-become more c-confident, that’s s-something I’d like, too,” she explained with a small smile. “I-It’s just… w-well, I k-kind of w-wanted to b-build that c-confidence on my own… B-But, um, t-there is o-one t-thing you c-could maybe h-help me w-with…” the timid girl noted, while continuing to fidget with her hands. “I-I’d really l-like to s-stop b-being a-afraid of m-m-masks… Y-You s-see, I-I’ve been w-wanting to t-take a p-picture of M-Mia and I in our m-magical girl f-forms to go w-with this one h-here,” she continued, gesturing to a framed photo of the pair making a heart with their hands. “B-But, s-since I w-wear a m-m-mask w-when I t-transform, I-I’d n-never be a-able to l-look at it… S-So, um, i-if you c-could do that, t-then I would r-really appreciate it!” she finished with a hopeful smile.

Stepping over and reaching out, Ruby would pat Connie on the shoulder. ”Hey, it’s alright, Master. This whole thing with the bottle and rules, it’s new to me too. It’s not any of your fault.” She would put a finger under Connie’s chin and tilt her head up so she could look at her directly. ”If you want the mask off, then you’re going to have to start with ‘I wish…’ Okay?”

“O-Oh, um, I-I didn’t w-want to r-remove it,” Connie corrected. “J-Just my f-fear of it. S-So, um, i-if that w-works, then, I-I wish I c-could s-stop being a-afraid of m-m-masks,” she told the Djinn girl with as much determination as she could muster.

Blinking for a second, Ruby wondered if her mistake in intent was Connie’s roundabout way of explaining things, or her reaching for greater, more consequential wishes. The line of thought abruptly stopped when she heard the word “wish.” A simple ask. It was a start she supposed. ”As you wish, Master Connie.” Snapping her fingers, nothing obvious or remarkable would happen. ”Your request has been granted.” Waving her hand over her face she produced a frowning jester’s mask. The fear that Connie would expect never rose as if the mask wasn't even there.

“O-Oh gosh!” Connie gasped in happy surprise, while clasping her hands together. “I-It really worked! W-We can f-finally take that picture, now, Mia!” she added, turning to her friend with an excited smile.

“Sure can, little sis,” the tomboy confirmed with a grin of her own. “In fact, we could do it right now if ya want,” she added.

“Y-Yes, let’s!” Connie agreed with an enthusiastic nod. “U-Um, w-would you m-mind taking the picture?” she asked Ruby, while offering the Djinn girl her phone.

The mask would disappear. ”Sure.” Taking the phone, she would give them time to get ready before taking a few pictures. She would then hand it back for them to review.

“O-Oh wow!” the now transformed Connie gushed as she looked at one of the pictures. “I-It looks g-great!”

“It does indeed, little sister,” Gaia confirmed with a serene smile.

“T-Thank you so much!” Connie added, looking back up at Ruby, before rushing over to give the Djinn girl a big hug.

Ruby returned the hug, though maybe not as enthusiastically. It wasn't like she had a choice to not grant the wish. ”You're welcome, Master Connie.”

“S-So, um, s-since it’ll p-probably be a l-little while b-before I f-figure out w-what my other two w-wishes will be, I, uh, g-guess you c-can go back in y-your bottle n-now,” Connie told her. “B-But, o-only if you w-want to!” she hastened to add. Clearly it was quite difficult for such a kindhearted and timid girl to give others orders.

Ruby would nod. ”That might be for the best. It really isn’t that bad in there, so it’s not like I hate it. If you need me then all you have to do is rub the gem.“ Ruby would turn into a wisp of red smoke and would seep into the ruby on the bracelet.

The next morning, Kayli had not come back from wherever she’d gone. The girls would take the bus to school. Morning passed into afternoon and when they returned from school there was still no sign of her and no response from her phone. Eventually, as the sun was beginning to lower its way toward the horizon, a magical girl in all blue would arrive and enter the house. Before either Connie or Mia could check to see who it was, Kayli would appear next to her. The two would look at one another for a second. ”This isn’t the same as with Jenna.”

Shaking her head in agreement, Kayli would speak up. ”Definitely not. Girls, I’m home!” The two would make their way to the living room.

“W-Welcome home!” Connie would call out as she hurried down the stairs with Mia close behind. “W-We were s-starting to get w-worried…”

“Yeah,” Mia added. “And who’s this?” she inquired, turning to look her guardian’s companion over more carefully.

Kayli would give them both a hug. ”Sorry for worrying you. If I'd known it was going to take as long as it did I would have warned you. Directing their attention to the girl. ”This is Janet. You may remember her as a knight with her twin sister Jenna. This is a little more like how she looked when first becoming a magical girl.

Janet would wave lightly to the two girls. ”Hello. Nice to see you again.”

”The reason I was away was to find the Nexus. Well, I found it and it is alive in a sense. It's difficult to describe but after passing it's tests and speaking with one of the Grand Magistrates I accepted the responsibility of becoming the Guardian of the Nexus. That is where Janet comes in. I am technically her untransformed form, so I get to stay here with you, while she is the Guardian half meant to protect Penrose and the Nexus.” She would hold up a finger to clarify. ”There will be times that I will have to rejoin Janet. She is not as strong whenever we are apart. But keep in mind that we share most of the same consciousness, so anything you tell her I will know as well.” That was probably a lot to drop on them, so Kayli explained it calmly to hopefully keep things from being overwhelming.

“G-Gosh…” Connie whispered, her mind still trying to make sense of everything Kayli had told them. “U-Um, o-okay,” she added a moment later, before turning to face Janet. “I-it’s um, v-very nice to m-meet you,” she told the other young woman with a kind smile.

“Same here,” Mia added. “I’m not gonna even try to make sense of all this ‘Nexus’ stuff, but I trust you both to keep it safe. Oh, and if ya ever need any help, Connie and I would be only too happy to lend a hand, right little sis?”

“R-Right!” Connie agreed with an emphatic nod. “S-So p-please don’t h-hesitate to ask!” she added, clasping her trembling hands together.

”I will be needing both of your help. I may be the guardian, but if we want to put an end to this constant fight for power then we have to do it together. We will need the others as well. With enough of us we can seal the Nexus. We will also need the Queen of Hearts to be in the right place, so there is some planning to do. She would explain.

“G-Gosh… T-That s-sounds r-really c-complicated…” Connie noted with a frown. “B-But Mia and I will d-do our b-best!” she added, clenching her fists with determination.

“Damn straight, little sis!” Mia added with a grin, while putting an arm around her friend’s shoulder.

While this development was a little late as the meeting that had just ended the other day, Janet was sure they could get in contact with enough people to accomplish the goal. Kayli and Janet would both notice the object around Connie’s wrist, able to clearly see the magic infused in it.

”Connie, what is that you’re wearing?” While the magic seemed familiar, she wasn’t completely sure it was the same as what she suspected.

“O-Oh! U-Um, t-this is f-from R-Ruby, the D-Djinn girl,” Connie explained, holding up the bracelet and pointing to it with a trembling finger. “S-She s-stopped by a-after w-we got b-back from the m-meeting and t-told me I w-was her n-new m-master.”

”New master?” She would ask out loud. ”Can I speak with her?”

“O-Oh, uh, I-I guess so…” Connie replied, sliding her shaking fingers across the bracelet. “U-Um, R-Ruby? C-Could you p-please come o-out?”

The red smoke would swirl out of the gem and form Ruby. ”Yes, Master Connie?” She would turn her head and spot Kayli and Janet. ”Oh! You made it did you? Congratulations.”

Kayli would put her hands on her hips. ”What’s this about Connie being your master?”

”Well, by granting your wish I had a brush with the Nexus. Unlike you I didn’t have protection from its power. It could have killed me, but instead it did what Ilum always threatened me with and turned me into a Djinn.” She held up her arms to show the shackles. ”Bindings and all. Then I found myself here with Connie and she became my Master. At least until she finishes her three wishes, and then I’m not quite sure what comes next.”

Well, that all checked out. She would look over to Connie. ”Well, it looks like it’s you’re lucky day. Have you made any wishes yet?” She would ask out of curiosity.

“I-I have,” the timid girl confirmed with a nod. “I-I wished that I w-wasn’t afraid of m-masks anymore.”

”Mmm, a good choice.” She would step over and give Connie a hug.

“T-Thanks,” Connie replied with an appreciative smile as she returned the embrace. “N-Now I w-won’t have to w-worry about accidentally l-looking at my reflection w-while I’m t-transformed,” she explained. “P-Plus, Mia and I were f-finally able to have a p-picture taken of us in our m-magical girl forms!” she added happily. “W-Would you like to s-see it?”

”I would love to see it.”

Retrieving her phone, Connie showed Kayli and Janet the picture Ruby had taken of her and Mia.

Kayli and Janet would have a similar reaction as they both leaned closer and smiled practically in unison. It gave credence to the idea that they were linked in some way. ”Thats a lovely photo. I'm so glad that you're able to do these things now.”

Kayli would look over to Ruby. ”Thank you for helping my daughter.”

”Just doing my job for Master Connie.”

“I-I’m h-having some t-trouble deciding w-what my other two w-wishes should be,” Connie confessed. “S-So, um, d-do you k-know of a-anyone who has a p-problem that a w-wish might h-help with?” she asked Kayli and Janet.

Crossing her arms for a moment, Kayli would consider the question. ”Angel of Hope has some friends that needed some kind of help. I don't know all of the details, but I was going to find out soon.”

“W-Well, I’d l-love to h-help them i-if I can,” Connie replied. “S-So, um, c-could I come along w-when you m-meet with her?”

”Of course. Though you will be going with Janet since she is the one able to properly use our magic.” She would point out.

“O-Oh, um, o-okay,” Connie acknowledged. “A-And c-could Mia come, t-too?” she inquired, pretty sure she knew the answer, but wanting to make sure, just in case.

”I don’t see why not.”

“S-So, uh, w-when were you t-thinking of m-meeting with them?” Connie asked.

”I’m still working that out. I didn’t expect to be gone for a whole day. There are important things that I need to take care of first.” Updating Alicia being the first thing on her list.

“O-Oh, I s-see…” Connie replied. “W-Well, um, p-please let us k-know when y-you d-decide,” she added, clasping her shaking hands together. Not only was she eager to help others in need, but she wasn’t sure exactly how long she was allowed to hang onto Ruby’s lamp for without using another wish.

It would be a day or so before Janet was free to meet up with the Angel of Hope and her compatriots. After being led by the Angel to the back room of A Taste of Heaven Tea Shop, The Keeper, along with Connie and Gaia would find a motley assortment of magical girls seated around a table. Among the more notable were a blue-skinned young woman with four arms, an incredibly sickly-looking girl in some form of containment field, and a girl wearing a raincoat, who was being drenched by the storm cloud hovering over her head.

“Warmest greetings once again, Miss Angel,” a small fairy announced as she fluttered up to the new arrivals. “Might these be the friends you mentioned?”

“Yes,” the Angel confirmed with a radiant smile. “These are the kind and selfless souls who have agreed to alleviate the tragic burdens of all gathered here,” she added, gesturing to her companions.

And thank fuck for that…

“H-Hello, I-I’m C-Connie,” the masked maiden introduced herself with a small wave. “I-It’s v-very nice to m-meet you. T-This is m-my b-best friend,” she added gesturing to the verdant maiden beside her.

“Gaia, Daughter of Mother Earth,” the botanical beauty greeted with a demure curtsy. “A pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

”It’s nice to meet you all.”

“Thank you all so very much for coming,” the fairy told them with a curtsy. “I am Healing Fairy Isis, the humble organizer of this support group. Going clockwise around the table, we have Kali, Selene, Alice, her friend Margret, Akari, and her friend Miyuki. I take it the Angel has told you about our members’ various problems?” she inquired.

”To a degree. I should be able to get a much better idea now that I’m here in the flesh.” Using her Third Eye, Janet would take the opportunity to check on each one of the girls. Mainly, she was looking for the debilitating aspects of their magic.

With Kali’s she could tell right away she could assist without much fuss. Her magic had been tailored just for such a thing; Akari’s situation she could perhaps deal with, Oddball specs were harder to read directly so it would probably be best to ask a few questions; Alice’s gave have her a familiar feeling, being that Janet could see aspects of all other specs shifting in and out. It was almost like a less refined version of her own magic. It could perhaps be tamed; Selene was one that she might have to do some thinking for. That didn’t mean there were no options at their disposal.

Having taken stock of everyone, Janet would smile and hold her arms out. ”My, I see the kinds of trouble you have had to deal with. I’m sorry you’ve all had to go though this. I have good news though. I believe we should be able to help each of you in some way.” She wanted to be sure to utilize the right fix for each, so she would spend a little time and allow each of them to explain their ailments in more detail. With that done Janet would begin by turning to Kali. ”If you consent, I can remove the corrupting magic that has turned you into a monster girl. You will become a normal magical girl without the need feed off life force or deal with the other negative mutations.” She would hold out a hand. ”If that is something you would like then please take my hand.”

“O-Oh, wow…” Kali gasped as she slowly held out her hand. “I-I would love that!” she added, tears of joy filling her eyes.

Taking hold of the hand, a soft glow would build and pass from Janet to Kali. Purifying magic swirled around the two. Firstly, the gnawing hunger that had been gripping the girl faded away. She could think clearly again. Inch by inch, she began to shrink down from her towering height to a more typical size for an overdeveloped magical girl. The additional arms retracted and shrank away while her blue skin changed to a more natural dark tone. Janet steadied the girl as everything had changed. ”You have been purified. You are now free from the corrupting magics.”

“I-I don’t believe it…” Kali whispered in awe as she looked over her changed body. “I-I’m normal again!” she cried with joy as she embraced Janet. “Thank you so much!”

”You're welcome.” She returned the hug.

“H-Holy crap…” Alice whispered.

“OMG! That’s so amazing!” Margret cheered.

“I-I’m (cough!) S-So… happy… for y-you,” Akari told Kali with a tired smile.

“Same here!” Miyuki added, giving the purified girl a thumbs up.

“Oh, how wonderful!” the Angel declared, clasping her hands together as her eyes filled with joyful tears.

“Uh, can I go next?” Selene asked.

”Of course. Yours I see a few options. There are some out there that can absorb your excess magic, we would need to find such an individual and I would be more than happy to assist in that; You could use a Red coin that can alter your magic; Or Connie here could ask a friend of ours to assist you with your magic.” Since this one had a few different options she wanted to present them so that Selene could decide.

“Well, I’d like to get this shitty situation resolved sooner, rather than later, and I’ve never even heard of a Red coin before,” Selene explained. “So, uh, who’s this friend of yours?” she asked Connie.

“O-Oh! U-Um, h-her n-name is R-Ruby,” the timid girl replied, slightly startled at becoming the center of attention. “S-She’s a d-djinn, a-and can g-grant w-wishes.”

“No shit?” Selene asked, her eyes going wide. “That sounds awesome!”

“Yes, most extraordinary indeed!” the Angel concurred.

Holy fuck… That djinn girl bullshit is real, too?!

“O-Okay,” Connie said with a nod. “I-I’ll s-summon her t-then.” Sliding her shaking fingers over her bracelet, the masked maiden called, “R-Ruby? C-Can you c-come out p-please?”

Smoke would pour out from the ring and form into Ruby. She would glance around at the gathering and the space they were in. She wasn't really a fan of being in such a public place, but she didn't really have a say in the matter. ”Master Connie. How may I serve you?” She would bow to Connie.

“U-Um, w-well, t-this is S-Selene,” the masked maiden began, gesturing to the raincoat-wearing young woman. “S-She c-can’t c-control her m-magic, s-so u-um, I-I was w-wondering, w-would you b-be able to h-help with t-that?”

Glancing over to Selene, Ruby’s eyes would drift upward to the cloud. After a moment, she would turn back to Connie. ”Yes Master, I believe something could be done about that.” She would refrain from any suggestions.

“O-Okay,” Connie nodded. “T-Then, I w-wish for S-Selene to b-be able to c-control her m-magic.”

”As you wish.” The young woman would face Selene and reach a hand out. She first would take hold of the cloud and pull it away, bringing it in close and whispering something to it. Her other hand would be placed on Selene's head. Selene herself would feel a shift in her magic. Her aptitude to sense and direct her magic increased as she gained access to Mana Channel. Releasing the cloud, it dissolved and swirled around the water girl. As if possessing a slight control of the weather, the external expression of Selene's magic became linked to her mood. If she was sad or depressed then the raincloud would return, windy if anxious, sunshine when happy, stormy if angry, and so on. It might not be exactly what she wanted, but the girl wasn't doomed to live in perpetual rain.

Retracting her hands, Ruby would bow to Connie. ”Your wish has been granted.”

“D-Do you f-feel any b-better?” Connie asked Selene.

“Y-Yeah…Thanks,” the storm maiden replied to both Connie and Ruby. “My magic’s still insanely strong, but I feel like I’ve got more control over it now, so I guess that’s better than nothing.”

“It looks like you now have access to Mana Channeling,” Miyuki noted, an energy visor appearing over her eyes as she ran a diagnostic scan on Selene. “It’ll let you transfer some of your mana into a secondary vessel so that it isn’t so overwhelming,” the technopath explained. “Normally, that’s another person, but I think I should be able to create a device that can serve as a container. That way, you hopefully won’t have to deal with your magic bothering you while you’re not transformed.”

“Wow… Uh, thanks, Miyuki,” Selene told the gadgeteer, clearly taken aback by all the recent revelations.

“No problem!” Miyuki replied with a cheerful smile. “I love making new gear, especially if it helps my friends! And speaking of friends,” she added, her tone becoming substantially more sober. “Could you help Akari next?”

“P-Please… L-Let Alice g-go… (cough!) n-next…” Akari wheezed.

“But…” Miyuki began, before noticing the pleading look in her sickly friend’s tired eyes. “Okay…” she relented with a resigned sigh. “I guess you’re up next, Alice.”

Looking between the remaining two girls, Janet would reassure them. ”I should be able to help the both of you.” Stepping forward, she would wave a hand over Alice. Being connected to the Nexus, she could feel a similar link between it and the girl. ”Please hold still. This might be a little intense.” Giving Alice a moment, Janet would then place a hand on the girl’s head. Alice’s magic would shift and redirect to the Nexus through Janet herself. The magical surge hit like a truck, but it was obvious that the Guardian was acting as a buffer to protect Alice from being overwhelmed. While her magic didn’t change, the range of the Oddball magic compressed and narrowed. The highs dropped and the lows rose as the girl’s connection with the Nexus’ power stabilized.

As the magic turmoil began to settle, Janet would remove her hand and Alice’s magic would reconnect to its normal flow. Her magic was still random, but it would no longer be entirely useless or uncontrollably powerful. Internally the girl could feel that with the right practice or training she might even be able to influence the manner in which the magic manifested.

Taking a deep breath and getting herself in order again, Janet would clasp her hands together. ”You’re magic has been realigned with the Nexus. Your spells should now be more moderate when you use your magic.”

“T-Thank you,” Alice said after taking a moment to regain her bearings. “I-I’m not sure what the Nexus is, but I’ll take whatever help I can get. M-Maybe now my magic can actually be useful.”

“OMG! I’m so happy for you!” Margret squealed, rushing over to give Alice a hug, followed by Janet. “Thank you sooo much for helping my BFF!” she told the Keeper with a cheerful giggle.

”You are very welcome.” She would return the hug. Once released she would turn to Akari. ”And of course last, but certainly not least, let’s get you out of this chamber so you can be with your friends.” Magic building up around her, the surrounding air became cleansed.

Before anyone could object, she stepped over to the hatch, would crank the latch, and pull the door open. The deathly air that escaped hit Janet’s aura and became instantly clean. Forming a ball of magic in her hands, it drifted up and flew toward Akari. The girl was enveloped in light as the healing and purification magic took away each illness one by one. After about half a minute the glow began to die down and Akari stood with a clean bill of health as she did when first becoming a magical girl.

“A-Akari… You’re cured!” Miyuki cheered as she deactivated the containment field and embraced her friend. “Oh, I can’t thank you enough!” she told Janet. “And you, too, Angel!”

“Simply seeing this selfless champion healed of her afflictions is all the thanks this humble servant has need of,” the Angel replied, clasping her hands over her chest.

Fuck… Wish I had that kinda cheat code level power…

“You have my thanks as well,” Akari added with a demure bow. “I must confess, it does feel wonderful to be able to breathe freely again, and now I shall also be able to cure even more suffering people of their ailments.”

“Um, do you think it would be possible to infuse some of your healing power into a medical device?” Miyuki asked Janet, holding up one such ultratech apparatus. “That way, I’ll be able to heal Akari myself if she starts to absorb too many illnesses again.”

Janet would look down at the device. ”Perhaps, but not at this time. I must be ready for the upcoming conflict in Penrose, so I only have so much to use freely. If Akari seeks out a healer regularly then they should be able to keep her healthy without needing a significant intervention.” Though she would willingly assist again, she didn't want Akari having to rely on just her to stay well.

“Oh, I see,” Miyuki replied. “Well, if regular healing magic will work on her now, then I should be able to ensure she remains in good health,” the technomancer added with a confident grin.

Janet would take a step back and lean over to Angel slightly. She would whisper and respond to the inner monologue. ”It doesn't come without its responsibilities.” She would smile gently.

“Oh, yes indeed,” the Angel replied, sounding only slightly startled. “This humble servant would imagine so. After all, those blessed with great powers must always strive to use them for the good of others and with the utmost of care.”

H-Holy shit… C-Can she hear thoughts, too?!

”Not something I do regularly, but I sensed a conflict in your emotions. I presume Angel of Hope takes the reigns whenever you transform?” It seemed like Janet hadn't been ease dropping much until that point. The mental message had a friendly, understanding tone to it.

Uh, heh, y-yeah… “the Angel’s” mental voice conceded awkwardly. That fucking fuzzball forces me to act all stupid whenever I transform… the mental voice grumbled. It fucking sucks…

Seemed the two were both present and aware at the same time. She would address them both then. ”I see. Is this something you can control? Maybe there could be something of a compromise.”

If I could control it, do you think I’d still be acting like this?! the mental voice shot back. It’s like some kinda fuckin’ compulsion…

Well then. Suppose this wasn't the most unusual circumstance to find a magical girl in. Patrons and magic always seemed to have varying impacts on an individual whether intended or accidental. After a bit of probing it seemed like this was something that Angel's patron put in place. Given the disparity between the two, Janet wouldn't be surprised if a humble champion was the goal and the one ultimately chosen didn't fit the mold. ”You might already suspect this, but from what I can tell fostering some humility and restraint might allow you to bridge that gap and have more control when transformed.”

You mean just fuckin’ accept it?! How the hell is that supposed to help?! Can’t you do something with your cheat code magic? Y’know, something that actually works?

”Accept it? No. I’m not the biggest fan of Patrons forcing things on their charges. But I have dealt with my share of mental conflicts. I’d rather give you the best shot of keeping control since it’s likely that some time after I’m not around that your patron will try and put things back the way they want things and you’ll be right back here again. You don’t have to be a bleeding heart, just tone down the sass when the job calls for it and be yourself any other time.” She did her best to reason with Angela. Perhaps she should put her in contact with people she could properly vent to. She wouldn’t be the only one dropped into a position they didn’t ask to be in.

I already have to act like some self-effacing shit head while I’m transformed, so why the hell would I want to try being that way twenty-four fuckin’ seven?! No thanks! And if you’re so worried about my dumbass patron, then can’t ya just get me a new one? That seems like something that OP as fuck djinn girl could do, even if you can’t.

Janet would glance around in the room of happy faces. Things were up, and she didn’t want to sour the mood by bringing Angela out here and now. ”Very well. Once things are done here then I will free you from your mental bonds. We’ll see if there’s anything else we need to do after that.”

Great, then let’s get this over with…

“Oh my heavens! Seeing you freed from your various afflictions fills this humble servant with such abundant gladness, good champions!” the Angel declared with a dazzling smile, even as tears of joy glistened in her eyes.

“On behalf of the Inconvenient Magical Abilities Support Group, I wish to convey my deepest thanks,” Isis said as she fluttered up to the Angel and gave a respectful curtsy. “Both to you, and to your generous companions. I only wish there was some way I could repay the great kindness you’ve shown us.”

“Simply knowing that this humble servant was able to help in making this miracle possible is a more than sufficient reward,” the Angel replied with a demure curtsy of her own.

If things work out, the Keeper will be handling that part… Oh, and the most heavenly bliss that kind Master Chiichuu shall award me with for accomplishing this noble task should not be discounted either! As much as I hate to admit it…

“Y-Yes,” Connie spoke up. “I-I’m j-just glad R-Ruby and I w-were able to h-help,” she added, her mask forming a happy smile as she clasped her trembling hands together.

“You did a wonderful job today, little sister,” Gaia told her timid friend with a warm smile as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “I am so very proud of you.”

Giving Connie a hug, Janet would encourage the girl as well. ”Yes, great job Connie. You always have such a big heart.” Though Janet was the one speaking, the words clearly were coming from Kayli.

Janet would turn back to the others and put her hands together. Giving a humble bow she would address them. ”I'm glad that we were able to help you all. I hope to be a resource to your group in the future.”

Saying their final farewells to the support group’s various members, Janet, Connie, Gaia, and the Angel began to make their way back home.

“Many blessings be upon you all, most generous champions,” the Angel bid the others when the time came to part ways. “It would be this humble servant’s great pleasure and honor to be permitted to again assist such noble paragons in the service of those in need at some point in the hopefully not too distant future,” she added with a kind smile.

And more importantly, fix that fur ball’s fuckin’ brainwashing…

”I hope to have the opportunity again as well. Now let's take care of your issue.” She would stop and turn to Angel of Hope. Reaching up she would place two finger against the magical girl’s forehead. The compulsion that had a hold of Angela would begin to fade as her true personality was able to surface.

“H-Holy fuck… the “Angel” breathed, her eyes going wide. “I can curse!” she added with a giddy laugh. “I can say whatever the hell I wanna say! This is fuckin’ awesome!”

For their part, Connie and Gaia both gave voice to a startled gasp at their companion’s massively altered demeanor.

“Mother’s Mantel…” Gaia murmured.

“U-Ummm… M-M-Miss A-Angel….?” a very confused Connie asked hesitantly. “A-Are y-y-you… o-okay…?”

“I’m more than okay,” the angelic maiden replied with a grin. “I’m fuckin’ fantastic! My moronic patron forced me to act like some stupid ‘goody-two-shoes’ whenever I transformed,” she explained when she saw the look of utter bewilderment that was still being displayed by Connie’s mask. “But now I can be my real self in both forms! Still… You’re right about that stupid fuzzball tryin’ to change things back to how they were,” she added, glancing at Janet for a moment, before turning her attention back to Connie. “But you still have at least one more wish left with that djinn chick, right?!” she asked eagerly. “That means you can wish to get me a new patron!”

“W-W-Well, um, I-I g-guess I-I c-can t-try…” the masked maiden conceded, running her shaking fingers over her bracelet’s glowing jewel.

Ruby would once again appear before the group and turn her attention to Connie. ”You called for me, Master Connie?”

“Y-Yes,” Connie confirmed with a nod. “I-I’d like to g-give M-Miss A-Angel a n-new p-patron, a-and I was w-wondering if t-that was s-something y-you think you m-might be a-able to d-do.” she explained, while nervously fidgeting with her hands.

Ruby would look at Angel for a second. ”Perhaps. If that is also something she wants.”

“You bet your ass it is,” the Angel confirmed with an adamant nod.

”Then you must make your wish, Master.” She would look back to Connie.

“O-Okay, s-so, u-um, I w-wish for M-Miss Angel to h-have a b-better p-patron, o-one who r-respects her a-and allows h-her to b-be herself,” Connie stated. Although she was still deeply confused by the whole situation (and especially the Angel’s new, far less angelic, personality), she was also firmly opposed to anyone controlling the behavior of others without their consent. Thus, she wanted to do everything she could to help the Angel out with her current problem.

”As you wish, Master.” Turning over to Angel she would lean a bit closer. The request was fine on its own, but she knew nothing of Angela and her personality. ”What is it you desire?” She would ask for further detail. She had something in mind, but it might not fit the mold in this case.

“Well, I guess I just want a patron that’ll give me more freedom, and won’t force me to act like some wimpy ‘paragon of justice’ or any other fucked up thing they have in mind,” the Angel replied. “Basically, what I’m saying is, I want to still be able to act like myself while I’m transformed, without any weird restrictions or compulsions.”

After a moment of silence she would nod to herself. There was a parallel that she picked up on about Angel and her personality. Standing back up to her full height, Ruby would put her hands on her hips. ”I accept your terms.” Holding a hand out, the bracelet around Connie’s wrist would unlatch and fly to Ruby, returning to its bottle form. Uncorking the top, she pinched something at the opening and pulled out a document. ”It wasn't long ago that I dealt with such compulsions from my own patron. I did not escape the consequences put upon me, which is why you see me as you do now. However, I believe I can provide what it is you seek.” Reaching out, she would present and allow Angela to read the contract.

The doc stipulated that Ruby would become her new patron for the purposes of maintaining her as a magical girl. As a Patron, there would be requests to complete tasks without any compulsive components to force Angela into doing them. Angel of Hope will be given Closure to avoid retribution from her former patron and be reborn as a new magical girl based on her true self rather than anything Ruby might prefer.

“Wow… This is great,” the Angel said as she read over the contract. Indeed, it looked as though the djinn girl had really covered all the bases. “Thanks,” she added, turning to look up at Ruby once she’d finally finished reading.

Ruby would produce a pen and sign her name down at the bottom of the contract and then pass it back for Angela to sign. With the deal sealed, smoke bellowed out from the bottle and merged with Ruby as she turned to Connie. ”Your wish has been granted.” She would disappear into a cloud of smoke and retreat back into the bottle. A trail of smoke would split off and wrap around Angela, lifting her off the ground and rapidly pulling her in after her new patron. In the blink of an eye the bottle would vanish leaving the trio to go on their way. Reality rewrote itself so that after helping her friends, Angel of Hope had gone off on a new adventure.

“I must say, that was a most unexpected turn of events,” a visibly shocked Gaia remarked.

“Y-Yeah…” a similarly bewildered Connie agreed with a nod. “S-So, um, I g-guess we c-can go h-home now, r-right , M-Miss Janet?”

”Yes, it's been an eventful day. I think getting in a little time to relax would be good.” She would step over and give Connie a warm hug. ”You did a good job today. I'm very proud of you.”

“T-Thanks…” Connie replied in a soft voice as the cheeks of her mask began to turn red. “Y-You and R-Ruby were r-really amazing, t-too,” she added with a smile. “I-It m-makes me r-really happy to k-know that w-we were able to h-help so many p-people today.”

The knowledge didn’t fully wipe away the feelings of pain and worthlessness brought about by her failure to save Sammy and Nuncio, of course, but at least it was a start.
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