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Fucking dragon bitch… Fucking dragon bitch… Fucking dragon bitch…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The weeks following the “fight” with Ashbringer saw Nyxia redouble her already manic efforts to cull as many Miseria as possible from Hibusa Town’s streets. She stayed out longer, ranged farther, and tried to seek out the most powerful of the nightmarish creatures to pit her strength against. Yet, for all that, the Neon Tempest’s admittedly vast power seemed to remain stagnant. No matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she wasn’t getting any stronger, and neither were her ostensible allies…

Could they be holding me back? Nyxia wondered as she leapt across the rooftops on her way to yet another pointless “strategy meeting”.

However, a moment’s thought was all it required for her to reject that possibility. The quartet’s training had largely been done without the stifling micromanagement that came with Rei’s direct supervision, or the annoying interference of the other club members. Indeed, on many nights, Nyxia had been free to stalk the shadowed streets and haunted alleyways alone, just as she had done before Rei had first crossed her path. That should have brought her joy, should have allowed her to slaughter her hated prey to her heart’s content, utterly unhindered by her so-called “comrades in arms”, but it had all felt so hollow, so meaningless, as if she had reached some invisible barrier to her progress that no amount of dead Miseria could be piled high enough to overcome.

And of course, her hatred for Ashbringer remained undiminished.

Just the thought of the woman was enough to nearly send the Neon Tempest into a violent rage. Even sleep provided no respite, the draconic cyborg’s contemptuous visage haunting her dreams night after night as she sought to smash it into a bloody pulp, only for that goal to remain ever-illusive, her every attempt met with mocking laughter.

I’m not weak… Nyxia seethed, her teeth grinding together. Not anymore. I’m not just pathetic little Norika. I’m Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow, and I’m gonna make that fucking bitch wish she had never been born…

Although she hadn’t been able to save the flower shop, Nyxia had gifted the shop’s owner with the contents of her parents’ safe, an obscenely large amount of money that would hopefully cover the shop’s reconstruction and whose loss, while rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, would still cause her hated parents no small measure of dismay. Strangely, it was the first act of kindness she had ever done for anyone other than her brother, and the Neon Tempest found that it actually felt rather nice. Indeed, it provided a small bright spot of peace in the midst of the dark sea of her churning fury.

A slight smile of contentment gracing her lips, Nyxia prepared to enter the club room through its open window, when she stopped at the sight of someone blocking her path, her hint of a smile swiftly morphing into an annoyed scowl in the process.

Oh great, it’s her…

“My name’s Nyxia,” the Neon Tempest growled, even as Oros continued to babble about some kabuki theater and how she wanted to see a show there. With her. “I don’t have time for that kinda crap!” Nyxia spat. “Did you miss the part where that fucking dragon bitch called us pathetic and weak?! How the fuck is watching some stupid fucking play gonna make us stronger?!”

I’m sure a selfless protector of the helpless like Finn will be glad to know that the safety of innocent civilian schoolgirls is still my top priority!
-Ashley Avenir

While MDP might have been too occupied with other things to provide direct assistance, The Pink Pounder was another matter, and, coupled with Ashley’s techno-wand shots, he managed to ensure that none of the bikers would be escaping through the burning diner’s front door. That just left the mage bikers, along with a couple of scattered cowboys and dryads tucked away in corners, leaving the Knight of Tomorrow to turn her attention towards what had started this debacle to begin with. Yes, Ashley was painfully aware that the whole fiasco had really kicked off when Finn transformed in the middle of the crowded diner and tried to play knight in shining armor to a group of possibly imperiled school girls. Those girls would certainly be imperiled now, but, thankfully, they had all escaped to safety. All, save one stubborn sleepwalker who was caught in the clutches of a mage biker currently crouched down right next to Ashley herself. Their eyes met in silent deadlock, neither willing to make a move. While the Knight of Tomorrow didn’t want to risk the possibility of this biker revealing her true identity to The Hand, her primary concern was for the unconscious girl in his clutches. Thus, after a few tense seconds, her first action was simply to speak.

“Thank you for shielding the girl,” the high-tech heroine told the mage. “Hand her over to me, and I promise I’ll grant you safe passage through that window,” she added, nodding in the direction of the broken window next to them.

That said, she still wasn’t taking any chances with her own safety, either, and even as she spoke, a glowing green energy field appeared around her body. Hopefully this would provide sufficient protection if the mage decided to take a shot at her with his pistol.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Self][Shield] = -48 mana

I guess you meant this Saturday.

This is fine… This is fine…
-Ashley Avenir

Redirect it where?!

It was honestly quite understandable that Ashley had a bit of a mental freak out upon hearing Finn’s request for Estelle to redirect the giant fireball into Dante, especially seeing as how the sandman was standing right over her. Thankfully, Estelle had a different idea, and, taking the initiative that all G.E.M.I.N.I. agents were known for, completely disregarded Finn and instead sent the fireball back towards the mages that had conjured it. Even as this transpired, Dante stopped in mid-swing to reposition himself, but not before Finn thrusted his melody-enhanced chainsaw into the sandman’s back. For all the good it did…

Can nothing hurt him? Ashley wondered as she watched Dante turn into a sand cloud and vanish behind the backroom door, just before the monstrous fireball detonated.

Thankfully, due to her position on the floor, her enhanced energy shield, and the additional barrier provided by a nearby table, the Knight of Tomorrow escaped the ensuing blast virtually unscathed. However, the same couldn’t be said of her fellow agents, who had both been thoroughly set ablaze. Fortunately, Finn seemed to be more than capable of dealing with that little problem, to the extent of trying to rush past the recently-reemerged Dante and into the mysterious back room, and Ashley was confident Estelle could also take care of herself. After all, why would the Witch Hunter make such a risky move if she couldn’t handle the likely results? Still, the diner had become an ironically appropriate hellscape, and there was precious little Ashely could do in such a situation.

Most of the surviving patrons were rushing for the exit, the only exceptions being the mages, whose arcane barriers the high-tech heroine doubted her own arcane attacks could viably penetrate. In addition, while the mass of fleeing patrons made an excellent target for an AoE attack (as per Dr. Moller’s instruction to eliminate all hostiles on the premises), the last remaining schoolgirl seemed to be sleepwalking right behind them, and Ashley refused to risk her possibly getting caught in the blast. Indeed, the very fact that one of the mages had apparently shielded the girl from the effects of his compatriots’ fireball was a minor unexpected miracle in and of itself, and one the Knight of Tomorrow wasn’t going to chance being repeated. The mass of flailing bodies also completely blocked her line of sight to Estelle, preventing the high-tech heroine from assisting her, even if she wanted to, and the same was true of Dante, although she doubted she’d be all that effective against him either. That said, there was someone else who might…

“MDP!” Ashley called over her earpiece. “Can you provide us with some additional assistance?”

Even as she said this, the Knight of Tomorrow crawled over to the counter and, still crouched down, began taking carefully-aimed shots with her techno-wand at each cowboy and dryad that was racing for the exit. It might not have been as effective as a more dramatic attack, but it was the best she could manage under the circumstances. She only hoped that whatever assistance their allies outside could provide would be enough to turn the tide of this chaotic combat in their favor…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



Why would I enjoy being pummeled repeatedly…?
-Ashley Avenir

While the cowboy to Ashley’s left was able to barely dodge her energy bolt, the quartet on her right weren’t so fortunate, and soon found themselves at the heart of a powerful detonation. Whether or not she had actually killed some of them was immaterial to the Knight of Tomorrow, at least for the moment. The only thing that really mattered right now was that the schoolgirls had a clear path to the exit and were making use of it. Thankfully, Finn was able to assist in ushering them out of the building, at least until Dante rushed him… As if that wasn’t bad enough, a quick glance to the far side of the diner revealed that the robed bikers were putting the finishing touches on what promised to be a truly devastating spell, at least if its appearance was anything to go by...

I thought I told Estelle to stop them!

Yet, Ashley would soon have more immediate concerns to deal with, as Dante sent Finn reeling, before turning his fury upon her. Before she knew what was happening, the Knight of Tomorrow’s feet were swept out from under her, causing the high-tech heroine to fall on her back. An instant later, Dante’s burly form was looming over her, his massive hammer pulled back in preparation for a mighty blow. There was no time, or room, to dodge out of the way, and so, reacting on instinct, Ashley raised her shield to block the impending strike. The semi-transparent disc of neon green energy began rapidly glowing brighter, and growing larger, as techno-arcane power was pumped into it, multi-layered barriers of hard light imposing themselves between the shield’s surface and the inevitable impact. The Knight of Tomorrow only hoped that this augmentation would allow it to withstand Dante’s attack, and that Finn would take advantage of the sandman’s brief moment of vulnerability to strike him from behind…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Self][Powerful][Shield] = -60 mana


N-No friendy wendies...?

Other magical girls arrived on the scene, but MDP’s attention was laser focused on the fiery magical girl as she eagerly awaited her response, innocent eyes opened wide in anticipation. However, to the whimsical girl’s considerable disappointment, no response would be forthcoming. Instead, her potential new friend completely ignored her and darted off after the rocky barbed wire flying hippo, while shouting out orders, orders MDP was much too distraught to pay any attention to.

“Y-You don’t wanna be friendy wendies with Magical Dream Princess…?” the childish girl whimpered as she watched Blazing Heart shoot away in a blast of flame. “Y-You don't likey wikey Magical Dream Princess?” she continued, tears welling up, before bursting forth with all the force of a torrential downpour… “WAAAAAH!!! Flamey wamey lady wady didn’t wanna be friendy wendies with Magical Dream Princess!” the whimsical girl bawled as she continued to cry her eyes out, before a new voice caught her attention.

Wiping her eyes, the still-sobbing Princess of Dreams saw that a smiling, angelic young woman was now hovering before her, asking if she wanted to help by leading people away from a ‘monster’. Of course, that last part didn’t fully make it through to the childish girl, as the very appearance of the new arrival was of far greater interest to her easily-distracted brain than what the young woman was saying.

“Pretty witty angel wangel…” MDP murmured as she stared at the woman through tear-filed eyes. “Like, will you be friendy wendies with Magical Dream Princess, pretty witty angel wangel person werson?” she inquired. “Like, pretty pretty witty witty pleasey weasey will you?” she pleaded, clasping her tiny hands together and bringing her tear-streaked face ever closer to Inquisitor. “Will you, will you, will you?”

All right, time to go on the offensive…
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley hissed in pain as the barrage of broken bottles, brass knuckles, and bar stools eventually breached her defensive screen. Shards of glass pierced her shoulder, while a blow to the stomach knocked the wind out of her, sending the Knight of Tomorrow doubling over, while gasping for breath. Thankfully, a minor reprieve in this relentless assault came a moment later, when a quartet of cowboys took an impromptu ride on the dreamland express, thanks to MDP’s whimsical magic, giving Ashley the breathing room she needed to deal with the rest. Even though the schoolgirls had yet to escape the diner, the Knight of Tomorrow realized with grim certainty that they would never do so unless she cleared them a path, a line of thought Estelle apparently agreed with.

“Rodger!” the high-tech heroine replied to the witch hunter's request, even as she began carrying it out.

Although Ashley was less than pleased about the idea of using potentially-lethal force on what was essentially a bunch of rowdy bar patrons, the urgency of the situation, coupled with the thought of any one of them reporting back to The Hand and possibly placing her parents and brother in deadly peril, left the Knight of Tomorrow with no other choice. Yanking her techno-wand away from the now-slumbering cowboy that had grabbed it, and taking careful aim to avoid friendly fire, Ashley snapped off a quick shot into the still very much awake cowboy on her left’s center of mass. An instant later, she brought the weapon around to fire a mighty blast of neon green energy at the cluster of five cowboys on her right, hopefully taking them all out of commission. Even as she did this, the high-tech heroine’s eyes darted around the diner, taking in the current state of the chaotic melee, her focus swiftly zeroing in on the almost-certainly-devastating spell in the process of being cast.

“Witch Hunter! Neutralize those spell casters!” Ashley instructed over her comlink. “Timekeeper, escort those girls out of here!” she added next. “MDP, thanks for the assist! I’ll try to get another window open once the girls are safe!”

If all went even remotely well, the majority of the schoolgirls would soon be out of harm’s way, allowing Ashley and her team to neutralize the remaining hostiles without restraint, before moving on to Dante himself…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Projectile][Powerful][Damage X][AoE] = -126 mana

(Heidi has never actually transformed before yet)

This is Violet's first time transforming, too!

She's in for quite a shock when she changes back...

*Wordless Screaming*
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia’s eyes narrowed and her teeth ground against one another as Ashbringer nimbly avoided the brunt of her initial barrage and actually began racing towards her. “Die, damn you,” the Neon Tempest snarled. “Just. Fucking. DIE!!! However, despite her best efforts to get a clean shot, the draconic cyborg continued to evade the storm of ravening beams, drawing ever nearer, that fucking smile remaining plastered across her face. However, Nyxia’s eyes widened a moment later, as Earthshaker made her appearance, leaping in front of the Neon Tempest’s cataclysmic barrage and blocking it with her shield. “What the fuck?! GET OUTTA THA FUCKIN’…!” the Neon Tempest’s enraged voice trailed off as she began to understand the purpose behind her partner’s actions. The tribal girl wasn’t just blocking Nyxia’s fire, she was absorbing it, using it as fuel for her own impending assault on their common foe.

The next instant, that assault came in the form of a hyper-charged greatshield being slammed down upon Ashbringer with truly titanic force. Predictably, Nyxia didn’t wait to see if the dragon girl would rise after receiving this mighty blow, instead opting to to send yet another torrent of neon-tinted devastation crashing down upon the crater Earthshaker’s strike had made mere moments after the tribal girl had stepped out of the way. Indeed, the Neon Tempest wouldn’t be content until the draconic cyborg was a smear on the pavement or a cloud of her namesake ash on the wind. So focused on achieving this objective was Nyxia, that she failed to notice the mole-like trail of bulging pavement making its way towards her with considerable speed. At least, not before Ashbringer erupted from the pavement and punched her in the stomach with the all the force of an atomic shaped charge.

The Neon Tempest barely had time to widen her eyes in shock, before she found herself combusting into flames and hurtling across the street to crash into a pile of smoldering rubble. As if that wasn’t humiliating enough, Ashbringer then proceeded to make a little “speech” that made Nyxia’s blood boil far more than the flames still crackling over her charred skin ever could. They were weak? They needed to hunt Miseria to become stronger? Perhaps the Detention Club’s other members didn’t place a high enough priority on such things, perhaps they were more concerned with playing queen, performing magic tricks, being a voyeur, getting fucked, acting mysterious and cool, being an anal-retentive control freak, or just being totally apathetic about everything, but Nyxia had only one goal- to kill as many Miseria as she possibly could, until she was strong enough to save her beloved brother. To mock all that effort, to just throw it all so contemptuously back in her fucking face…

“I’ll kill you, you fucking cunt….” Nyxia snarled as she slowly rose from the rubble on trembling legs, her charred body propped up by the Omega Obliterator’s oversized barrel. “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!” she screamed, pointing her giant death ray at Ashbringer just as the draconic cyborg concluded her monologue and blasted into the sky. The Omega Obliterator’s ruinous cylinder of annihilation swept across the heavens after her, but the writhing tube of destructive energy never found its target. “GET BACK HERE, YOU FUCKING SHIT-SUCKING PUSSY!!! the Neon Tempest roared, even as her weapon’s mighty beam shot into the zenith, vaporizing clouds and filling the evening sky with its baleful glow, before fizzling out as Nyxia’s exhausted body slumped to its knees.

“F-Fucking… P-Pussy…” the Neon Tempest muttered between pained gasps for breath. She desperately wanted to give chase, to find Ashbringer, blow off each of the dragon girl’s limbs and then force feed her her intestines, but it was taking all her remaining strength just to stay conscious, let alone stand. What the fuck did that bitch do to me? Nyxia wondered. Indeed, she had never been struck by an attack of such force, one strong enough to make her superhuman magical girl body feel almost as feeble as her hated mundane self. “This isn’t over…” she hissed through gritted teeth. “I’ll show you just how strong I can be…”

Play time~! Play time~! Magical Dream Princess wuvs play time~! (giggle!) And she also walso wuvs making waking new friendy wendies, too~! Tee-hee~!

Upon arriving at Central Park, MDP was greeted with a most unusual sight, one which caused her already bright smile to broaden further and her sparkling eyes to glitter with even greater intensity.

“Awww~! That hippopotawotmusy wussy thingie wingie looks soooo super duper cutesy wutsey~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl squealed in delight. “Oh~! And he’s playing taggy waggy~!” she added with innocent glee, her infantile thought processes unable to comprehend that this was a monster that was attacking people. “Magical Dream Princess wuvs that gamey wamey~! Tee-hee~!”

As MDP watched from her aerial vantage point, her eyes widened as she realized just how quickly the rocky, barbed wire hippo was capable of moving, even as it clipped a flying lady with striking red hair. “Golly wolly~! He’s, like, sooo super duper fasty wasty~! (giggle!)” she exclaimed, the sight of something so bulky darting around through the air with such swiftness being quite amusing to her childish mind. As she continued to watch the strange creature in wide-eyed fascination, the Princess of Dreams heard a voice call out to her.

“Helpy welpy~?” the whimsical girl wondered aloud as she tilted her head, her ADHD addled brain unable to comprehend the meaning behind those words. Was the owner of the voice also playing the game? From what little MDP remembered of how it worked, only one person did the tagging, but with how terribly fuzzy her memory was, it wasn’t all that unreasonable to assume she’d simply forgotten an important piece of information that would allow this confusing puzzle to make perfect sense. Predictably, however, MDP’s painfully limited attention span didn’t dwell on this for very long, as something new had gained her full, hyperactive attention…

“Wowie zowie~! You look super duper pretty witty~! (giggle!)” MDP told the voice’s owner as she and her rainicorn pegasus raced over, the woman’s vibrant tresses drawing the cheerful girl like a moth to a flame. “Like, Magical Dream Princess wuvs your flamey wamey hairsie wairsie~! Tee-hee~! And your flamey wamey handsy wandsies, and your flamey wamey jacket wacket, and your flamey wamey necklace weclace, and do you wanna be friendy wendies with her~?!” she asked at the end of her hyperactive ramblings, her cute, smiling face mere inches from the woman’s own. “Do you~?! Do you~?! Do you~?!”
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