Avatar of Preacher
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    1. Preacher 11 yrs ago


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I'm interested, both for the rather generic-sounding fantasy setting you seem to desire, and the world-building aspect. I'm a big fan of D&D and the like, so I'd be down to participate in this if it ends up taking off. I'm already tossing ideas around in my head.
I have a few questions about this RP, if that's alright...

What's the level of technology in this world? Is stuff like cloning and genetic engineering in humans a thing? And how powerful are corporations in the world compared to the big factions?

Thank you!
I'm very interested. I've been looking for a TES roleplay for a while now.
You don't need people to have friends. Make your own. Think of God as a friend. It'll never leave your side.

Name: Jess Kirstein

Age: 22


Personality (optional): From her time in the military, Jess is a rather forceful, "manly" woman in a way. Having lived with men for so many years turned her into a person who loves to get into drunk fights and have sex with people she barely knew, because she knew the good days could end tomorrow with someone getting shot. She's a very idealistic, usually cheerful woman as well, always trying her best to have a bright attitude and to always look at the positive side of things. Now, however... It's much harder to do that.

History a.k.a insanity: Jess was a rather normal young lady before she joined the military. The training itself made her into a different person, and her time with her comrades further molded her into the person she is now. She made many close friends in her squad, and even a crush. However, the enemy, one night, raided their base, leaving only a handful of survivors. One of said survivors was Jess, who had hid during all the fighting in a fit of cowardice. She never forgave herself, and it even led to severe cases of both depression and PTSD. The flashbacks kept getting worse and worse, even with the medication, so went with the only way out she thought she had.

Power: Fleshcrafting: Jess, due to the mutated genes they spliced into her body, has limited control over her own muscle, fat and bone, allowing her to create spikes of hardened flesh and fat anywhere on her body. She prefers to do it on her hands.

Weakness: Fleshcrafting is extremely painful to use, having to tear its way through her skin whenever she spawns the flesh weapons. Because of this, she tries to use it as infrequently as possible. In times of intense emotion, she loses much of her control over the power and the spikes are prone to randomly jutting through her skin. In addition to the pain and difficulty controlling her power, the use of Fleshcraft makes use of the muscles and bone that is already there, so for example, spawning a spike on her arms or hands would prevent her from doing any precise activity with their hands, such as writing or holding a weapon.

Random fact: Jess is lactose intolerant.

This may be prone to cleaning up and changing slightly, but I'd like to think it's mostly finished. Please tell me if there's anything wrong with it.
Definitely interested in this as well, if you'll have me.
I should be able to get a post out today. Sorry for the delay from me. I've been a tad bit busy lately up until now.
As Gaul seemed to, for some reason, show off the fact that he seemed to be completely undead, Sariel stared at him, slightly curious of him and how he came to be. Of course, she was much too shy to simply ask, Gaul's rather intimidating appearance not helping. Still, as he shook his own skull above the fire, she couldn't help but tilt her head slightly as her curiosity grew. She was even a tad bit jealous; Having detachable body parts seemed like it could be convenient in some situations. However, her silent observation as she suddenly heard a woman shouting, her voice reverberating through the room and causing Sariel to jolt slightly.

Turning to face the yelling woman, Ekho, Sariel waited for her to finish her tirade. She found her rather annoying and whiny, seeing her almost as an impatient child who was shouting about not getting what she wanted. Sighing slightly, Sariel shakes her head in disapproval before finally speaking. "You shouldn't speak of the mayor in such ways. It's not very polite, and your whining isn't going to make him arrive any sooner."

With a small huff under her hood, the shadowy-faced girl returns to facing the fire, somewhat exhilarated of what she just said. It wasn't often that she expressed her annoyance with people, especially so other champions. However, it would seem as though her voice would continue as she heard the third fellow champion in the room speak up and ask a question directed at everyone else. Turning to face him, Sariel shakes her head at his inquiry, having never been to Helsann before today.

"It's my first time here, actually." She answered, finding herself slightly intimidated by his appearance, and his reputation. Even for her, who didn't often go out of her way to find out about fellow champions, Theow was a familiar and famous face... Or rather, helm. "How about you? Have you been to Helsann before today?"
Name: Julia
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual with female preference

Mutation(s): None
Weapon(s): A simple lead pipe salvaged from an abandoned home, and a Colt M1911 Pistol
Gear: (The usual, try not to overload, you'll find enough on your travels).
- A custom-made respirator, made back when she was a looter.
- A long, torn cloak made of thick, rough cloth
- Hiking boots
- Fingerless gloves
- Metal flask she uses as a canteen
- A typical hiking backpack
- Swiss army knife
- Survival Manual
- 2 cans of beans

Faction: (Leave blank for now)
Currency: 10$
Short History: Being born into a family who ran with a gang of looters wasn't easy. Julia was always on the move, from the day she was born to the time she left. But, despite the difficulty of being a opportunistic nomad, she was grateful for being given the chance to be taught how to survive, instead of learning on her own with the possibility of failure, and subsequently, death. As she grew up, she became more and more skilled with surviving, both in a group and on her own. Due to her age, she wasn't allowed to keep anything she found, with the exception of a bit of food and any books she found. Books were her favorite thing to find, in fact, with how they taught about how the world was before the bombs dropped. Although, she was also a bit of a reckless child, and was unfortunate enough to suffer severe radiation burns on the left side of her face, scarring her severely. At age 22, she finally decided to leave her family behind and pursue her own life in the wastelands, finally coming across the settlement of Aurora's End, where she attempted to make a life. Until today, she had worked in the trenches as a guard, armed with only a pistol and her own lead pipe, defending town from whatever - if anything - wanted to harm it.

If it's not acceptable, I'll be glad to change anything that needs to be.
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