Welp, welcome all those who have shown interest an all those who want to join on the spot!
Lil bit of a heads up; I live in a UTC+8 time zone, so my waking hours are often vastly different from most people so my posts may be a little infrequent at least in your day.
Imagine having lived in darkness, living in a world full of unknown voices, plagued by monstrous creatures that only you can see, having your body stolen from you time and time again, having each day spent in a delirious drug filled haze, strapped down for your 'own good'. Abandoned by hope and any chance at redemption the moment you were born, left behind by those who were supposed to be the closest to you. By your own sanity. Until....the day you wake up in your room, not your hospital bed, not the padded walls of your cell nor the cold steel of your solitary confinement. An actual bedroom, with walls full of things that you might have collected as a child if you had a childhood.
The world seems clearer, brighter. It makes sense. Perhaps that horrible nightmare was really just a nightmare. Or perhaps not.
There exists many underground projects, some under the government and others not. One of them seemed to have made the breakthrough of the century, but test subjects are scarce. That's why they've taken you. Someone that no one will miss. They couldn't have insane delusional monsters running around though, so of course they had to do a few adjustments. The trade is simple. Your sanity for your humanity. The mind of a person for the body of a monster. Though as sane as you are now, it doesn't mean they're going to treat you any better than guinea pigs. Insanity isn't so easily stopped either and sometimes, it's more dangerous than you think. Would you turn back to it?
So it's another experiment trapped in a lab roleplay, check out the IC http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/61779/posts/ooc?page=1 for some of the explanation or questions that may have already been asked there.
Anyway, original characters are encouraged, but if you wanna take characters from movies or tv shows (e.g Harry potter waking up to find out he was hallucinating his whole wizard life) that's fine as well. Mutations can range from superpowers to animal based mutations, but the more powerful the power, the greater the weakness. Scientists can have different departments and will be assigned to certain mutants or groups of mutants. I'm not the best at explaining stuff but here's the character sheet :3
Appearance (anime pics are alright)
Personality (optional):
History a.k.a insanity; Basically what sort of medical illness was your character diagnosed with or what sort of fantasy world was he/she living within before being brought back to reality.
Random fact:
Appearance (anime pics accepted)
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: This can range from personal reasons to selfish reason e.g pay and possible fame.
Random fact:
Lil bit of a heads up; I live in a UTC+8 time zone, so my waking hours are often vastly different from most people so my posts may be a little infrequent at least in your day.
Imagine having lived in darkness, living in a world full of unknown voices, plagued by monstrous creatures that only you can see, having your body stolen from you time and time again, having each day spent in a delirious drug filled haze, strapped down for your 'own good'. Abandoned by hope and any chance at redemption the moment you were born, left behind by those who were supposed to be the closest to you. By your own sanity. Until....the day you wake up in your room, not your hospital bed, not the padded walls of your cell nor the cold steel of your solitary confinement. An actual bedroom, with walls full of things that you might have collected as a child if you had a childhood.
The world seems clearer, brighter. It makes sense. Perhaps that horrible nightmare was really just a nightmare. Or perhaps not.
There exists many underground projects, some under the government and others not. One of them seemed to have made the breakthrough of the century, but test subjects are scarce. That's why they've taken you. Someone that no one will miss. They couldn't have insane delusional monsters running around though, so of course they had to do a few adjustments. The trade is simple. Your sanity for your humanity. The mind of a person for the body of a monster. Though as sane as you are now, it doesn't mean they're going to treat you any better than guinea pigs. Insanity isn't so easily stopped either and sometimes, it's more dangerous than you think. Would you turn back to it?
So it's another experiment trapped in a lab roleplay, check out the IC http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/61779/posts/ooc?page=1 for some of the explanation or questions that may have already been asked there.
Anyway, original characters are encouraged, but if you wanna take characters from movies or tv shows (e.g Harry potter waking up to find out he was hallucinating his whole wizard life) that's fine as well. Mutations can range from superpowers to animal based mutations, but the more powerful the power, the greater the weakness. Scientists can have different departments and will be assigned to certain mutants or groups of mutants. I'm not the best at explaining stuff but here's the character sheet :3
Basically what it says on the Tin. This is to help a little with the random choice of which department does who belong to. Scientists will be shuffled around should there be too many experiments in one department, scientists caught loitering in departments without authorization will face termination.
The Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
These scientistists study human and animal diseases and are assigned to test subjects spliced with animal genes. They study how animal genes affect the human immune system and conduct experiments to push the limits on these subjects. To a further extent, they study behavioral patterns and possible mutations occurring after the splicing. Often scientists have to work very closely with the test subjects, a reminder that you must be calm and collected when handling these subjects as they are regarded as dangerous wild animals
Neuroscience Department
These scientists mainly monitor the brain functions an patterns of subjects who have shown abnormal patterns in the brain, enhanced motor skills or demonstrated telepathic or telekinetic abilities. Be warned that all researchers are to adhere to all safety protocol and NOT interact directly with the test subjects! All physical experiments should only be conducted once the subject is anesthetized.
This department studies the physical mutation of genes and their functions in test subjects. All research should be conducted with caution, experiments should be anesthetized when conducting physical research unless stated otherwise.
Bioengineering department
This department has applied advanced engineering technologies and concepts to biological problems and human diseases. Conducting research on biotechnology and to conduct maintainence on any and all necessary subjects. Subjects will undergo continuous 'upgrades' with experimental technologies.
The Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
These scientistists study human and animal diseases and are assigned to test subjects spliced with animal genes. They study how animal genes affect the human immune system and conduct experiments to push the limits on these subjects. To a further extent, they study behavioral patterns and possible mutations occurring after the splicing. Often scientists have to work very closely with the test subjects, a reminder that you must be calm and collected when handling these subjects as they are regarded as dangerous wild animals
Neuroscience Department
These scientists mainly monitor the brain functions an patterns of subjects who have shown abnormal patterns in the brain, enhanced motor skills or demonstrated telepathic or telekinetic abilities. Be warned that all researchers are to adhere to all safety protocol and NOT interact directly with the test subjects! All physical experiments should only be conducted once the subject is anesthetized.
This department studies the physical mutation of genes and their functions in test subjects. All research should be conducted with caution, experiments should be anesthetized when conducting physical research unless stated otherwise.
Bioengineering department
This department has applied advanced engineering technologies and concepts to biological problems and human diseases. Conducting research on biotechnology and to conduct maintainence on any and all necessary subjects. Subjects will undergo continuous 'upgrades' with experimental technologies.
Appearance (anime pics are alright)
Personality (optional):
History a.k.a insanity; Basically what sort of medical illness was your character diagnosed with or what sort of fantasy world was he/she living within before being brought back to reality.
Random fact:
Appearance (anime pics accepted)
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: This can range from personal reasons to selfish reason e.g pay and possible fame.
Random fact:
Name: Tam Caleb
Age: 26 or so
Appearance: Their long wiry hair--so neatly groomed--is reduced to a thin black fuzz on their brown scalp. Any plumpness in their face has vanished, scraped back to reveal sharp-edged bones and deep-set black eyes. Their beaky nose is bent twice at angles they don't recognize and their long fingers, hands and wrists bear unfamiliar scars. Though they live in a perpetual slouch, Tam can reach a lanky six foot when they want to.
Personality: Highly observant, Tam spends a lot of time thinking--or brooding, as some would call it. They love to think out-loud, expounding on ideas that range from remarkable to bizarre. However, for all their intelligence, Tam remains complacent, an eternal homebody, dedicated to maintaining their independence in spite of the large-scale conspiracies that target them. With this in mind, they tend to approach everything with patient pragmatism. (NSA spying on you? Well then, line your apartment in lead.) Since waking up, however, they feel much more sociable but unable to concentrate (or obsess) as they used to. The feeling is frighteningly like aimlessness, and Tam worries about how their intelligence has been changed.
History a.k.a insanity; Tam always walked the knife's edge between vocal brilliance and rowdy paranoia. It took losing their cab in a car accident to destroy the fragile balance, and they quickly slipped in the wrong direction. Barring themselves in their apartment, they refused to allow anyone inside and accepted food only through a clandestine arrangement with their mother. After threatening their landlord with bodily harm, Tam found themselves interred in a mental hospital. Things only deteriorated from thereon out, as all their conspiracy theories had apparently been confirmed and Tam began to fight tooth-and-nail for their freedom. Which is pretty much the last clear memory they have, up until now.
Power: Limited Omniscience (constantly aware of the locations of everything and everyone in time and space thanks to an exponentially-enhanced sense of magnetic fields)
Weakness: To cope with the extreme lengths of their knowledge, they force it into their subconscious mind most of the time. To find a particular object or person they need a "lead" or "focus"--something closely tied to the target. Without a focus, they can try to work off a description or memory, but it's much more difficult and can result in over-stimulation and loss of consciousness. It also seems that, in order to make room to process this expanded "sixth sense", Tam's other senses have been markedly reduced: they can barely see, can't smell or taste anything and have a severely dampened perception of heat/pain.
Random fact: Before their life went to hell, Tam lived alone with their cat, Asher. They don't know what happened to him, and worry about it a lot. Also, Tam identifies as agendered and prefers they-them pronouns.
Name: Tam Caleb
Age: 26 or so
Appearance: Their long wiry hair--so neatly groomed--is reduced to a thin black fuzz on their brown scalp. Any plumpness in their face has vanished, scraped back to reveal sharp-edged bones and deep-set black eyes. Their beaky nose is bent twice at angles they don't recognize and their long fingers, hands and wrists bear unfamiliar scars. Though they live in a perpetual slouch, Tam can reach a lanky six foot when they want to.
Personality: Highly observant, Tam spends a lot of time thinking--or brooding, as some would call it. They love to think out-loud, expounding on ideas that range from remarkable to bizarre. However, for all their intelligence, Tam remains complacent, an eternal homebody, dedicated to maintaining their independence in spite of the large-scale conspiracies that target them. With this in mind, they tend to approach everything with patient pragmatism. (NSA spying on you? Well then, line your apartment in lead.) Since waking up, however, they feel much more sociable but unable to concentrate (or obsess) as they used to. The feeling is frighteningly like aimlessness, and Tam worries about how their intelligence has been changed.
History a.k.a insanity; Tam always walked the knife's edge between vocal brilliance and rowdy paranoia. It took losing their cab in a car accident to destroy the fragile balance, and they quickly slipped in the wrong direction. Barring themselves in their apartment, they refused to allow anyone inside and accepted food only through a clandestine arrangement with their mother. After threatening their landlord with bodily harm, Tam found themselves interred in a mental hospital. Things only deteriorated from thereon out, as all their conspiracy theories had apparently been confirmed and Tam began to fight tooth-and-nail for their freedom. Which is pretty much the last clear memory they have, up until now.
Power: Limited Omniscience (constantly aware of the locations of everything and everyone in time and space thanks to an exponentially-enhanced sense of magnetic fields)
Weakness: To cope with the extreme lengths of their knowledge, they force it into their subconscious mind most of the time. To find a particular object or person they need a "lead" or "focus"--something closely tied to the target. Without a focus, they can try to work off a description or memory, but it's much more difficult and can result in over-stimulation and loss of consciousness. It also seems that, in order to make room to process this expanded "sixth sense", Tam's other senses have been markedly reduced: they can barely see, can't smell or taste anything and have a severely dampened perception of heat/pain.
Random fact: Before their life went to hell, Tam lived alone with their cat, Asher. They don't know what happened to him, and worry about it a lot. Also, Tam identifies as agendered and prefers they-them pronouns.
Name: Domenico Silva (Dom)
Age: 17
Appearance: (again, couldn't find the right picture, so I made this small little fellow)

Personality: Dom, even from a small age, has been incredibly stubborn. Once he decides to do something, he will sure as hell do it. This, along with disregard for his own safety or the safety of others, and his dare-devil attitude, led him into a whole world of trouble. He was never particularly outspoken, although not introverted, but kept pretty much to himself. At school, he was a perfectly normal kid: neither super popular, nor a bullied loner. His main problem was his inability to sit still or control his anger, and when he was angered, 'seeing red' was an understatement. He almost blacked out for a period of time, and would 'waken' to find himself restrained, or something broken, and when he grew older, more often than not someone would be lying around injured in some way. At first Dom would feel horribly guilty for his victims but as it happened more and more, and became more alienated as people were scared of him, he simply stopped caring.
History a.k.a insanity: At 12 Dom was diagnosed with anger management and ADHD. At 14, although not formally diagnosed, it was assumed that he was a sociopath, due to his disregard for the people he hurt, and his apparent willingness to do criminal acts. His criminal activity started when he was 9 or 10, just stealing chocolate from corner shops. At 11 he upgraded to proper shop lifting, stealing expensive perfumes, DVDs, CDs and other things. When he was 14 along with a gang of 5 other people he robbed his first store. At 16 he robbed a liquor store, armed with a knife. The store was successfully hit, except that the other accomplices refused to give Dom his cut. Going almost mad with rage and adrenaline, he had another episode, waking up to find his 3 accomplices all dead, along with the owner of the store who was meant to be spared.
He was apprehended and spent 8 months in a high security juvenile prison, where his sentence was lengthened because of the death of a fellow inmate. Before his 17th birthday, because of his prior mental illness diagnosis, he was moved to an high security asylum. Although his mental illnesses in themselves were not that serious, his rehabilitation proved to only exacerbate his illnesses, and after one particularly explosive episode, he was resigned to total confinement, in a padded cell.
Power: He gains almost animalistic strength and speed during his episodes. Although he experiences no physical changes, his anger becomes so intense that he could easily tear the heads off of his guards, or rip through their armour. His agility is also increased, enabling him to leap up the sides of buildings, flip off walls: in essence, giving him crazy parkour powers that he didn't know he had. His ADHD and psychopathy were cured by the new drug treatment, but for some reason they had an adverse affect on his anger management, lending him his 'powers'. As a result, during the rages he doesn't care about who or how many people he kills, but afterwards, seeing what he has done, his sense of guilt returns, and is often in anguish about the destruction he has wreaked over the place.
Weakness: He cannot control himself during these episodes. He can neither control how long they last, where to go or what to do. His biggest issue is that he cannot distinguish between friend or foe. Another problem is that during these episodes he can be very stealthy but he doesn't kill in an exactly clean way.For example, if he went against a group of guards, the end result would look something like as if 20 men had been blended in a giant juicer.He can be tranquilized, knocked out, or shot, (in other words even while raging he's vulnerable to getting injured or killed) and an overdose of pain or going unconscious puts an end to the episode. In terms of the time taken, the episodes can last from around 30 seconds to, at the most 10 minutes. At a certain point he simply wears himself out and stops raging.
Random fact: He can speak Italian, being half Italian, half Portuguese.
Age: 17
Appearance: (again, couldn't find the right picture, so I made this small little fellow)

Personality: Dom, even from a small age, has been incredibly stubborn. Once he decides to do something, he will sure as hell do it. This, along with disregard for his own safety or the safety of others, and his dare-devil attitude, led him into a whole world of trouble. He was never particularly outspoken, although not introverted, but kept pretty much to himself. At school, he was a perfectly normal kid: neither super popular, nor a bullied loner. His main problem was his inability to sit still or control his anger, and when he was angered, 'seeing red' was an understatement. He almost blacked out for a period of time, and would 'waken' to find himself restrained, or something broken, and when he grew older, more often than not someone would be lying around injured in some way. At first Dom would feel horribly guilty for his victims but as it happened more and more, and became more alienated as people were scared of him, he simply stopped caring.
History a.k.a insanity: At 12 Dom was diagnosed with anger management and ADHD. At 14, although not formally diagnosed, it was assumed that he was a sociopath, due to his disregard for the people he hurt, and his apparent willingness to do criminal acts. His criminal activity started when he was 9 or 10, just stealing chocolate from corner shops. At 11 he upgraded to proper shop lifting, stealing expensive perfumes, DVDs, CDs and other things. When he was 14 along with a gang of 5 other people he robbed his first store. At 16 he robbed a liquor store, armed with a knife. The store was successfully hit, except that the other accomplices refused to give Dom his cut. Going almost mad with rage and adrenaline, he had another episode, waking up to find his 3 accomplices all dead, along with the owner of the store who was meant to be spared.
He was apprehended and spent 8 months in a high security juvenile prison, where his sentence was lengthened because of the death of a fellow inmate. Before his 17th birthday, because of his prior mental illness diagnosis, he was moved to an high security asylum. Although his mental illnesses in themselves were not that serious, his rehabilitation proved to only exacerbate his illnesses, and after one particularly explosive episode, he was resigned to total confinement, in a padded cell.
Power: He gains almost animalistic strength and speed during his episodes. Although he experiences no physical changes, his anger becomes so intense that he could easily tear the heads off of his guards, or rip through their armour. His agility is also increased, enabling him to leap up the sides of buildings, flip off walls: in essence, giving him crazy parkour powers that he didn't know he had. His ADHD and psychopathy were cured by the new drug treatment, but for some reason they had an adverse affect on his anger management, lending him his 'powers'. As a result, during the rages he doesn't care about who or how many people he kills, but afterwards, seeing what he has done, his sense of guilt returns, and is often in anguish about the destruction he has wreaked over the place.
Weakness: He cannot control himself during these episodes. He can neither control how long they last, where to go or what to do. His biggest issue is that he cannot distinguish between friend or foe. Another problem is that during these episodes he can be very stealthy but he doesn't kill in an exactly clean way.For example, if he went against a group of guards, the end result would look something like as if 20 men had been blended in a giant juicer.He can be tranquilized, knocked out, or shot, (in other words even while raging he's vulnerable to getting injured or killed) and an overdose of pain or going unconscious puts an end to the episode. In terms of the time taken, the episodes can last from around 30 seconds to, at the most 10 minutes. At a certain point he simply wears himself out and stops raging.
Random fact: He can speak Italian, being half Italian, half Portuguese.
Name: Florence Jakobson
Age: 22
Personality A reclusive person by nature, Florence does his best to not piss anyone off or get annoyed with them, although he always thinks they are. He has a bad habit of apologizing excessively, sometimes even apologizing for apologizing. Because he avoids conversation and stays to himself, he's often mistaken as a pretentious snob. Though he does have a temper, one that started as a defense mechanism for his anxiety and just stuck with him.
History a.k.a insanity; The summer before entering high school, Florence was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety, having multiple panic attacks a week. This caused him to drop out of school and he began isolating himself, too afraid to open up to people. His conditions eventually resulted in him developing Major Depression, and he tried to commit suicide, ending up in a psychiatric hospital for a week. After a few months he was feeling better, before falling back down to the bottom and almost trying to kill himself once more. Since then he's willingly gone into a mental health hospital for his own safety. Then came an asylum that promised to cure his illnesses, and desperate for anything, he went with them.
Power: Telekinesis, up to an extent (while he can move and manipulate objects and cause them to combust if he really focuses, he's not going to be able to achieve immortality or warp space)
Weakness: Florence has a constant migraine due to his ability, and it gets worse if he doesn't use his powers for too long or uses them too much. He gets overwhelmed very easily and its easy to make him lose concentration. Still getting used to his power, he still has trouble with full control over it and often gets shaky and unpredictable results. More than once, he's hurt himself with it on accident.
Random fact: As a side effect from the operations on his brain, Florence speaks backwards. He can speak normally, but has to think about it.
Age: 22

Personality A reclusive person by nature, Florence does his best to not piss anyone off or get annoyed with them, although he always thinks they are. He has a bad habit of apologizing excessively, sometimes even apologizing for apologizing. Because he avoids conversation and stays to himself, he's often mistaken as a pretentious snob. Though he does have a temper, one that started as a defense mechanism for his anxiety and just stuck with him.
History a.k.a insanity; The summer before entering high school, Florence was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety, having multiple panic attacks a week. This caused him to drop out of school and he began isolating himself, too afraid to open up to people. His conditions eventually resulted in him developing Major Depression, and he tried to commit suicide, ending up in a psychiatric hospital for a week. After a few months he was feeling better, before falling back down to the bottom and almost trying to kill himself once more. Since then he's willingly gone into a mental health hospital for his own safety. Then came an asylum that promised to cure his illnesses, and desperate for anything, he went with them.
Power: Telekinesis, up to an extent (while he can move and manipulate objects and cause them to combust if he really focuses, he's not going to be able to achieve immortality or warp space)
Weakness: Florence has a constant migraine due to his ability, and it gets worse if he doesn't use his powers for too long or uses them too much. He gets overwhelmed very easily and its easy to make him lose concentration. Still getting used to his power, he still has trouble with full control over it and often gets shaky and unpredictable results. More than once, he's hurt himself with it on accident.
Random fact: As a side effect from the operations on his brain, Florence speaks backwards. He can speak normally, but has to think about it.
Name: Relin'Path' Derium
Age: 21
Personality: Paranoid.
History a.k.a insanity; Relin has been living in a fantasy world his whole life, a world where dragons existed with humans. A world where he could soar through the skies and command the very elements. It wasn't always fun and excitement though, when Relin became older, they tried to take away his fantasy world. Drugs, therapists, surgeries, brain-washing. He wouldn't let them take away his world, these humans. He was a dragon, a mighty creature! In the end, when they thought that it was best to just give up on him, only Relin knew they had won. His world had become desolate, destroyed by the 'humans' who lived in their mighty castles in the sky. The dragons dying out on the earth, until it was only him. Wandering around in the darkness, weaving twisted fantasy after fantasy, trying to make the best out of his nightmare. Creating versions of his own madness to be his friends, his family-even they betrayed him in the end.
Power: Sensory Illusion- After living so long in fantasy, its ironic that he now induces fantasy. Able to create illusions that actually trick one's senses such as touch, sound and even taste. Sometimes creating wonderful places where nothing hurts, other times capable of rampant nightmarish worlds or even ones of conplete and utter silence that eventually drives some one mad. Scientists speculate it is due to a bioluminescent disc in the iris capable of creating colours that physiologically affect a person and create these illusions.
Weakness: Eye contact must first be made in order for the illusion to take place, Relin is completely vulnerable physically and mentally whilst he induces an illusion and sometimes he experiences the same illusion he inflicts leaving him as equally lost as the person he 'traps'. Usually a good slap snaps him out of it.
Random fact: He can write with his foot if need be.
Age: 21
Personality: Paranoid.
History a.k.a insanity; Relin has been living in a fantasy world his whole life, a world where dragons existed with humans. A world where he could soar through the skies and command the very elements. It wasn't always fun and excitement though, when Relin became older, they tried to take away his fantasy world. Drugs, therapists, surgeries, brain-washing. He wouldn't let them take away his world, these humans. He was a dragon, a mighty creature! In the end, when they thought that it was best to just give up on him, only Relin knew they had won. His world had become desolate, destroyed by the 'humans' who lived in their mighty castles in the sky. The dragons dying out on the earth, until it was only him. Wandering around in the darkness, weaving twisted fantasy after fantasy, trying to make the best out of his nightmare. Creating versions of his own madness to be his friends, his family-even they betrayed him in the end.
Power: Sensory Illusion- After living so long in fantasy, its ironic that he now induces fantasy. Able to create illusions that actually trick one's senses such as touch, sound and even taste. Sometimes creating wonderful places where nothing hurts, other times capable of rampant nightmarish worlds or even ones of conplete and utter silence that eventually drives some one mad. Scientists speculate it is due to a bioluminescent disc in the iris capable of creating colours that physiologically affect a person and create these illusions.
Weakness: Eye contact must first be made in order for the illusion to take place, Relin is completely vulnerable physically and mentally whilst he induces an illusion and sometimes he experiences the same illusion he inflicts leaving him as equally lost as the person he 'traps'. Usually a good slap snaps him out of it.
Random fact: He can write with his foot if need be.
Name: Adam Long
Age: 17
Personality: Adam is a usually a quiet, serious boy who can be quite patient, but when pushed to the brink, he can snap. He has always been quite an angry youth, getting into fights in school, but because of his condition, he always forgets about them the next day. He is not very bright, but can be quite hard-working, as it distracted him from anything that can trigger his disorder. As such, he has been alone for most of his childhood, since nobody even wanted to be near the weird kid. Luckily, he is content in loneliness.
History a.k.a insanity: Ever since he was thirteen years old, Adam has suffered from Dissociative Personality Disorder. One day, he would be the silent, serious type; but the next, he would become a crazy, loud, inappropriate, violent monster. This all came from the death of his father, a police officer in small town Maine. It was all so sudden for him, and he broke down emotionally and mentally. The part of him that was usually more prevalent; the silent one, was there because of the emotional trauma that had befallen him. When he became the 'monster', he identified himself by the name of 'Bruce', and became a crazy Australian stereotype, possibly since a part of him felt like he needed to be a different person in order to relieve himself of the stress. Because of this, he had been moved from asylum to asylum, with few breaks to go home whenever it seemed like he became normal again. Of course, the normalcy would only last a few weeks before he would have to be admitted to asylums again. Eventually, Adam wound up here, and became part of a series of experiments that promised to cure his condition once and for all...
Power: ...Or so he thought, because although he himself has been reduced back to having one personality where he can remember everything he does instead of encountering out of body experiences periodically; 'Bruce' has been manifested into a half-corporeal being, attached directly onto Adam's back. The scientists have done this by somehow attaching Adam's 'Bruce' personality onto a Wraith; a soul of one who had been murdered violently. However, the scientists believed that the wraith they attached him to was merely an emotional manifestation, an image of how Adam perceives himself when he is the 'monster'. Of course, since Bruce is still a part of Adam, the wraith is a part of him now as well. Having the body of a wraith means having the ability to tear and rend most things with his claws, and the ability to regenerate wounds, since ghosts cannot be killed by physical means. The regeneration powers are shared by Adam as well, but not the ability to rip things apart violently, unfortunately.
Weakness: Bruce, being the loud and brash individual that he is, does not like to listen to anyone, especially Adam; the dude that he has to be stuck to for the rest of eternity. Because of this, Bruce cannot be controlled whatsoever, and does whatever he likes. He also tends to speak his mind, so in social situations, he is absolutely terrible. Additionally, Bruce is stronger than Adam, and will not hesitate to cause him bodily harm, to the point where he just mutilates him. Because of the regeneration factor, Adam always comes back, but it takes a while. And since Adam is also a part of the wraith, when the regeneration kicks in, Bruce is left weaker and more vulnerable as Adam's flesh is reconstructed. A lot of the time, especially after he goes on a rampage; Bruce chooses to rest, so even if he actually needs him, Bruce might not even wake up. When Bruce is inactive, the healing does not activate. When he rests, he retreats into Adam's back, but does not possess him or anything.
Random fact: His mother owns an Asian restaurant in a small town in Maine by the name of 'Long Noodle', and he has helped out quite a lot in the past. As such, he can make a damn fine bowl of noodle soup.
Age: 17

Personality: Adam is a usually a quiet, serious boy who can be quite patient, but when pushed to the brink, he can snap. He has always been quite an angry youth, getting into fights in school, but because of his condition, he always forgets about them the next day. He is not very bright, but can be quite hard-working, as it distracted him from anything that can trigger his disorder. As such, he has been alone for most of his childhood, since nobody even wanted to be near the weird kid. Luckily, he is content in loneliness.
History a.k.a insanity: Ever since he was thirteen years old, Adam has suffered from Dissociative Personality Disorder. One day, he would be the silent, serious type; but the next, he would become a crazy, loud, inappropriate, violent monster. This all came from the death of his father, a police officer in small town Maine. It was all so sudden for him, and he broke down emotionally and mentally. The part of him that was usually more prevalent; the silent one, was there because of the emotional trauma that had befallen him. When he became the 'monster', he identified himself by the name of 'Bruce', and became a crazy Australian stereotype, possibly since a part of him felt like he needed to be a different person in order to relieve himself of the stress. Because of this, he had been moved from asylum to asylum, with few breaks to go home whenever it seemed like he became normal again. Of course, the normalcy would only last a few weeks before he would have to be admitted to asylums again. Eventually, Adam wound up here, and became part of a series of experiments that promised to cure his condition once and for all...
Power: ...Or so he thought, because although he himself has been reduced back to having one personality where he can remember everything he does instead of encountering out of body experiences periodically; 'Bruce' has been manifested into a half-corporeal being, attached directly onto Adam's back. The scientists have done this by somehow attaching Adam's 'Bruce' personality onto a Wraith; a soul of one who had been murdered violently. However, the scientists believed that the wraith they attached him to was merely an emotional manifestation, an image of how Adam perceives himself when he is the 'monster'. Of course, since Bruce is still a part of Adam, the wraith is a part of him now as well. Having the body of a wraith means having the ability to tear and rend most things with his claws, and the ability to regenerate wounds, since ghosts cannot be killed by physical means. The regeneration powers are shared by Adam as well, but not the ability to rip things apart violently, unfortunately.
Weakness: Bruce, being the loud and brash individual that he is, does not like to listen to anyone, especially Adam; the dude that he has to be stuck to for the rest of eternity. Because of this, Bruce cannot be controlled whatsoever, and does whatever he likes. He also tends to speak his mind, so in social situations, he is absolutely terrible. Additionally, Bruce is stronger than Adam, and will not hesitate to cause him bodily harm, to the point where he just mutilates him. Because of the regeneration factor, Adam always comes back, but it takes a while. And since Adam is also a part of the wraith, when the regeneration kicks in, Bruce is left weaker and more vulnerable as Adam's flesh is reconstructed. A lot of the time, especially after he goes on a rampage; Bruce chooses to rest, so even if he actually needs him, Bruce might not even wake up. When Bruce is inactive, the healing does not activate. When he rests, he retreats into Adam's back, but does not possess him or anything.
Random fact: His mother owns an Asian restaurant in a small town in Maine by the name of 'Long Noodle', and he has helped out quite a lot in the past. As such, he can make a damn fine bowl of noodle soup.
Name: Jess Kirstein
From her time in the military, Jess is a rather forceful, "manly" woman in a way. Having lived with men for so many years turned her into a person who loves to get into drunk fights and have sex with people she barely knew, because she knew the good days could end tomorrow with someone getting shot. She's a very idealistic, usually cheerful woman as well, always trying her best to have a bright attitude and to always look at the positive side of things. Now, however... It's much harder to do that.
Jess was a rather normal young lady before she joined the military. The training itself made her into a different person, and her time with her comrades further molded her into the person she is now. She made many close friends in her squad, and even a crush. However, the enemy, one night, raided their base, leaving only a handful of survivors. One of said survivors was Jess, who had hid during all the fighting in a fit of cowardice. She never forgave herself, and it even led to The flashbacks kept getting worse and worse, even with the medication, so went with the only way out she thought she had.
Fleshcrafting: Jess, due to the mutated genes they spliced into her body, has limited control over her own muscle, fat and bone, allowing her to create spikes of hardened flesh and fat anywhere on her body. She prefers to do it on her hands.
Fleshcrafting is extremely painful to use, having to tear its way through her skin whenever she spawns the flesh weapons. Because of this, she tries to use it as infrequently as possible. In times of intense emotion, she loses much of her control over the power and the spikes are prone to randomly jutting through her skin. In addition to the pain and difficulty controlling her power, the use of Fleshcraft makes use of the muscles and bone that is already there, so for example, spawning a spike on her arms or hands would prevent her from doing any precise activity with their hands, such as writing or holding a weapon.
Jess is lactose intolerant.

From her time in the military, Jess is a rather forceful, "manly" woman in a way. Having lived with men for so many years turned her into a person who loves to get into drunk fights and have sex with people she barely knew, because she knew the good days could end tomorrow with someone getting shot. She's a very idealistic, usually cheerful woman as well, always trying her best to have a bright attitude and to always look at the positive side of things. Now, however... It's much harder to do that.
Jess was a rather normal young lady before she joined the military. The training itself made her into a different person, and her time with her comrades further molded her into the person she is now. She made many close friends in her squad, and even a crush. However, the enemy, one night, raided their base, leaving only a handful of survivors. One of said survivors was Jess, who had hid during all the fighting in a fit of cowardice. She never forgave herself, and it even led to The flashbacks kept getting worse and worse, even with the medication, so went with the only way out she thought she had.
Fleshcrafting: Jess, due to the mutated genes they spliced into her body, has limited control over her own muscle, fat and bone, allowing her to create spikes of hardened flesh and fat anywhere on her body. She prefers to do it on her hands.
Fleshcrafting is extremely painful to use, having to tear its way through her skin whenever she spawns the flesh weapons. Because of this, she tries to use it as infrequently as possible. In times of intense emotion, she loses much of her control over the power and the spikes are prone to randomly jutting through her skin. In addition to the pain and difficulty controlling her power, the use of Fleshcraft makes use of the muscles and bone that is already there, so for example, spawning a spike on her arms or hands would prevent her from doing any precise activity with their hands, such as writing or holding a weapon.
Jess is lactose intolerant.
Age: 65
Random fact: He is the boss.
Age: 65
Random fact: He is the boss.
Name: Jace Schwarzlicht
Age: 27
Personality (optional): A calm, collected attitude on the outside hide his destroyed, twisted inside. His superficial impression includes an intelligent, witty man. But not even that can hide his dark side, that give him the dark , impassive look he wears on his face. Usually the quiet observer rather than the engaged enthusiast, he speaks only when he needs to. He shows dedication to his work, making careful and calculated observations and studies. Rarely ever truly smiling, his grin usually depicts inner satisfaction of his work. Many would say he is an emotionless rogue, but his family knows that it’s just a bit harder to get to him.
History (optional): His personality was drastically different back then. A loving older brother, his little sister was the joy and light of his life. That is, until she was diagnosed with Cancer. Nobody could cure it. Chemotherapy destroyed her, inside and out. That final night with his hands shivering on her cold cheeks, her eyes looking into his, he changed. He promised her he would find a cure, that he wouldn’t let her die. He pursued medicine, and genetic science. His frustration and desperation never died. Since his early twenties, his studies grew…a slight bit…less human. Still believing his sister could be saved, even after she passed away. Almost giving up to insanity, his role did not finish. He was going to rid the world of its horrors, no matter what.
The reason he agreed to take part in this project would be getting access to better technology and more advanced facilities. Hiding his desperation, he pursues his own goals secretly… at the cost of the test subjects.
Department: Physiology
Random fact: He is claustrophobic.
Age: 27

Personality (optional): A calm, collected attitude on the outside hide his destroyed, twisted inside. His superficial impression includes an intelligent, witty man. But not even that can hide his dark side, that give him the dark , impassive look he wears on his face. Usually the quiet observer rather than the engaged enthusiast, he speaks only when he needs to. He shows dedication to his work, making careful and calculated observations and studies. Rarely ever truly smiling, his grin usually depicts inner satisfaction of his work. Many would say he is an emotionless rogue, but his family knows that it’s just a bit harder to get to him.
History (optional): His personality was drastically different back then. A loving older brother, his little sister was the joy and light of his life. That is, until she was diagnosed with Cancer. Nobody could cure it. Chemotherapy destroyed her, inside and out. That final night with his hands shivering on her cold cheeks, her eyes looking into his, he changed. He promised her he would find a cure, that he wouldn’t let her die. He pursued medicine, and genetic science. His frustration and desperation never died. Since his early twenties, his studies grew…a slight bit…less human. Still believing his sister could be saved, even after she passed away. Almost giving up to insanity, his role did not finish. He was going to rid the world of its horrors, no matter what.
The reason he agreed to take part in this project would be getting access to better technology and more advanced facilities. Hiding his desperation, he pursues his own goals secretly… at the cost of the test subjects.
Department: Physiology
Random fact: He is claustrophobic.
Name: Lucario De Note (Luka for short)
Age: 32
Personality(optional): He takes his job seriously and tries to act like a mysteries calm and collected head of department, unfortunately he tends not to be taken very seriously due to a few lapses in judgement on his part. He's not a bad guy, its just that he can be rather stern in trying to enforce his authorithy with people. To him, the test subjects are supposed to be nothing more than animals. He has never been good with animals either.
History: He's been climbing the ranks for his work, not his personality
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: The pay was good, the payout even better and he was hoping to get sone actual respect from his subordinates
Department: Head of The Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
Random fact: He depends on a morning sugar rush instead of coffee.
Name: Lucario De Note (Luka for short)
Age: 32
Personality(optional): He takes his job seriously and tries to act like a mysteries calm and collected head of department, unfortunately he tends not to be taken very seriously due to a few lapses in judgement on his part. He's not a bad guy, its just that he can be rather stern in trying to enforce his authorithy with people. To him, the test subjects are supposed to be nothing more than animals. He has never been good with animals either.
History: He's been climbing the ranks for his work, not his personality
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: The pay was good, the payout even better and he was hoping to get sone actual respect from his subordinates
Department: Head of The Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
Random fact: He depends on a morning sugar rush instead of coffee.
Name: Hans Noth
Age: 28
Personality: Energetic & passionate, Hans is quite unlike the stereotypical cold, nerdy scientist. He does love knowledge, but he also enjoys having a good time. He has a weakness for old 80s heavy metal and it would not be strange to see him start air-guitaring upon having just made a laboratory breakthrough. He has a love of languages and history as well as science. He even knows a bit about old psuedoscientific lore and superstitions like alchemy and shamanic "medicine".
History: Graduated top of his class in Harvard Biochemistry & Genetic Studies. Before that he had been trained in both science and medicine at far less prestigious schools in middle America. His life before that is somewhat shrouded in mystery. But appearently his family immigrated from Brazil to the U.S.A.
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Hans' is (secretly) the great grandson of the Nazi scientist Josef Mengele (known as the Angel of Death). This knowledge has troubled him since he learned of it as a teenager. He accepted this position as the latest in an endless series of futile attempts to reconcile his family's dark secret.
Department: Bioengineering
Random fact: Hans is afraid of heights, and to this day has never been on even a mild rollercoaster.
Age: 28

Personality: Energetic & passionate, Hans is quite unlike the stereotypical cold, nerdy scientist. He does love knowledge, but he also enjoys having a good time. He has a weakness for old 80s heavy metal and it would not be strange to see him start air-guitaring upon having just made a laboratory breakthrough. He has a love of languages and history as well as science. He even knows a bit about old psuedoscientific lore and superstitions like alchemy and shamanic "medicine".
History: Graduated top of his class in Harvard Biochemistry & Genetic Studies. Before that he had been trained in both science and medicine at far less prestigious schools in middle America. His life before that is somewhat shrouded in mystery. But appearently his family immigrated from Brazil to the U.S.A.
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Hans' is (secretly) the great grandson of the Nazi scientist Josef Mengele (known as the Angel of Death). This knowledge has troubled him since he learned of it as a teenager. He accepted this position as the latest in an endless series of futile attempts to reconcile his family's dark secret.
Department: Bioengineering
Random fact: Hans is afraid of heights, and to this day has never been on even a mild rollercoaster.
Name: Emma Winters
Age: 24
Personality: Emma's friendly smile and large eyes full of wonder often give people the misconception that she is naive and innocent. She is rather awkward among people. Social interactions make her nervous and she is quite clumsy around people. However, her intelligence shows in her work, where she is meticulous and thorough. She is very sincere and is quite favored among some scientists for her professional attitude.
History: There's nothing particularly interesting about Emma's life before joining the project. Raised in a middle-class family, she was the only child of her parents. She did average in high-school and graduated with a fairly high GPA from college. She had a thirst for knowledge, mostly keeping to herself, perusing scientific journals and learning about modern-day breakthroughs in the world of science during her free time. Instead of following in her father's footsteps to become a doctor, she decided to devote her life to research. However, Emma wasn't content with her life and always felt like something was missing. She wanted to do something great, to be someone.
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Curiosity, mostly. The idea behind the project intrigued her and it seemed the perfect opportunity to fulfill her wishes of achieving greatness.
Department: She has an interest in Neuroscience, but as she is an assistant, she is shuffled around departments every month wherever she is needed.
Random fact: She always carries a pepper spray in her pocket.
Age: 24

Personality: Emma's friendly smile and large eyes full of wonder often give people the misconception that she is naive and innocent. She is rather awkward among people. Social interactions make her nervous and she is quite clumsy around people. However, her intelligence shows in her work, where she is meticulous and thorough. She is very sincere and is quite favored among some scientists for her professional attitude.
History: There's nothing particularly interesting about Emma's life before joining the project. Raised in a middle-class family, she was the only child of her parents. She did average in high-school and graduated with a fairly high GPA from college. She had a thirst for knowledge, mostly keeping to herself, perusing scientific journals and learning about modern-day breakthroughs in the world of science during her free time. Instead of following in her father's footsteps to become a doctor, she decided to devote her life to research. However, Emma wasn't content with her life and always felt like something was missing. She wanted to do something great, to be someone.
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Curiosity, mostly. The idea behind the project intrigued her and it seemed the perfect opportunity to fulfill her wishes of achieving greatness.
Department: She has an interest in Neuroscience, but as she is an assistant, she is shuffled around departments every month wherever she is needed.
Random fact: She always carries a pepper spray in her pocket.
Name: Dr Iesha Watson
Age: 34
Appearance: Plump, short and youthful, people often mistake Iesha for a much younger woman despite the worry lines growing between her eyes and at the corners of her mouth. She typically keeps her kinky, chestnut hair in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, as professional as her neatly made-up face, freshly-pressed pants and finely manicured hands. A small gold ring hints at her failed engagement, but sits on her right hand rather than her left. She removes only when her work necessitates it.
Personality: Though equipped with a moral compass, it often takes backseat to Iesha's ambitions and desire for power. Unwilling or unable to endure the leadership of another, she prefers to take control of whatever situation she's in--a trait some people find enviable, some a godsend and others completely intolerable. With an innate sense of order and a bent for fast-paced problem-solving, she typically earns her place in the lead, even if she lacks the charisma to win her subordinates' hearts. Though she seems entirely uptight, Iesha has managed to neatly compartmentalize her professional life, leaving her free to unwind when the workday is done. Then she drinks and drunkenly debates science and faithless ex-lovers with anyone who can keep up.
History: Raised in a predominately-white school district, Iesha quickly learned to take initiative and became obsessed with defying the stereotypes thrust upon her. Supported by loving yet busy parents, she rose to the top of her class with relative ease, allowing no-one and nothing to stand in her way. University proved a more difficult challenge, yet she strode bravely onwards, grabbing opportunities as they arose and graduating with honors. Working hard to earn her PhD, she nevertheless allowed herself one small distraction in the form of a boyfriend, another graduate student, who after some years became her fiance. Having survived the rigors of post-graduate, Iesha found herself faced with a failing economy. Saddled with debts, she grew increasingly desperate to find a job, any job. A full year of unemployment took its toll on her pride and self-confidence, leaving her shattered, anxious and depressed. To make matters worse, it was at this time that her fiance left her, bored by her "languishing" and "indulgent self-pity". All her studying and sacrifice had come to nothing--at least until a former professor looked her up with news of a job offer. After several years working her way up the ladder, she has finally achieved a post in a study of interest and potential and she's not about to let anybody mess it up . . .
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Mostly ambition and partly because she loves a challenge.
Department: Physiology
Random fact: Iesha likes to insist that people call her "Dr. Watson" but offers the cold shoulder to anyone who dares make Sherlock Holmes jokes about it. She hates animals in general and is afraid of birds.
Age: 34
Appearance: Plump, short and youthful, people often mistake Iesha for a much younger woman despite the worry lines growing between her eyes and at the corners of her mouth. She typically keeps her kinky, chestnut hair in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, as professional as her neatly made-up face, freshly-pressed pants and finely manicured hands. A small gold ring hints at her failed engagement, but sits on her right hand rather than her left. She removes only when her work necessitates it.
Personality: Though equipped with a moral compass, it often takes backseat to Iesha's ambitions and desire for power. Unwilling or unable to endure the leadership of another, she prefers to take control of whatever situation she's in--a trait some people find enviable, some a godsend and others completely intolerable. With an innate sense of order and a bent for fast-paced problem-solving, she typically earns her place in the lead, even if she lacks the charisma to win her subordinates' hearts. Though she seems entirely uptight, Iesha has managed to neatly compartmentalize her professional life, leaving her free to unwind when the workday is done. Then she drinks and drunkenly debates science and faithless ex-lovers with anyone who can keep up.
History: Raised in a predominately-white school district, Iesha quickly learned to take initiative and became obsessed with defying the stereotypes thrust upon her. Supported by loving yet busy parents, she rose to the top of her class with relative ease, allowing no-one and nothing to stand in her way. University proved a more difficult challenge, yet she strode bravely onwards, grabbing opportunities as they arose and graduating with honors. Working hard to earn her PhD, she nevertheless allowed herself one small distraction in the form of a boyfriend, another graduate student, who after some years became her fiance. Having survived the rigors of post-graduate, Iesha found herself faced with a failing economy. Saddled with debts, she grew increasingly desperate to find a job, any job. A full year of unemployment took its toll on her pride and self-confidence, leaving her shattered, anxious and depressed. To make matters worse, it was at this time that her fiance left her, bored by her "languishing" and "indulgent self-pity". All her studying and sacrifice had come to nothing--at least until a former professor looked her up with news of a job offer. After several years working her way up the ladder, she has finally achieved a post in a study of interest and potential and she's not about to let anybody mess it up . . .
Reason for agreeing to take part in project: Mostly ambition and partly because she loves a challenge.
Department: Physiology
Random fact: Iesha likes to insist that people call her "Dr. Watson" but offers the cold shoulder to anyone who dares make Sherlock Holmes jokes about it. She hates animals in general and is afraid of birds.