Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Female equivalent

Character name: Trajqra Imperia
Gender: Female
District number:3
Age: 15
Appearance: smaller but lithe and faster than the older tributes, what she lacks I'm strengh she makes up for in speed and vicious tactics. Short blonde hair, she has a couple of electro tattoo that glow when pressed right, a normal thing in district 3. But hers line her face and upper body, giving her a slightly calculated phycopathic look.

Muscular but lithe, district 3 has good food and training.

Biography: Born in district 3, she had to fight for her place. To be a tribute, or even potential was to benefit your family.

Hers worked hard in the factories, but they worked hard, too hard and the drive from captial meant 60 hours, 72 hour weeks as per the norm. If she won, her family would prosper. They could escape the factory. Eif she fell, they may still earn somthong, placing well would ensure her sister and others would have to put in less tesarae, less meant less chance to enter the games. It was a honour to fight and all volunteered. Well most years it was not a given and sometimes the captial chose randomly be force.

The less chances the better.

She had to win. Or die trying.

Personality: Vicious to point of phycopathic when fighting, though a weakness too as can lose her sense of reason and logic.

Contracted heavily as she became so dark in order to feed her family away from factory and reduce chances of sister being selected. A dangerous balence that might have concquences.

Does she regret what she became yes.. Would she do anything to win though. Yes.
Marilnalia Romus. Sol International

Wednesday, main airport.

The Chapter one Epilogue

marinalia was restless, she was working the office at the International hub, so busy and so many idiots not looking where they where going. She had been given lighter duties for a few days as due to everything. no one minded, if your mind was distracted or you where in turmoil you where not safe to fly and a plane crash was alot worse than finding someone to cover for another. The only bad part was she loved flying... paper work less so.

but why asign her? it seemed to be on bigger airlines she found full rated flight crews supporting ground roles as they knew what was going on up there, and the pilots appreciated someone with a alittle more understanding guiding them in and sorting out things while they dealt with there jobs.

Terminal 3 is by concorse East mam, just take a right and follow the blue pathway. right to the end, youl be at your Terminal. everything is marked on the floors, and we have a handy app for free too. uses our wifi was a internal GPS.

it was... nth lost person, sure it was a a little confusing but all the main paths at SOl where colour coded, just follow your colour, was it that hard? they even had signs and maps with various codes for what each route was. just sick to the colour road till it stopped, you where there. Neat, simple and easy right? ok, she was definitely not customer service. even a map app, it was like easiest airport she had ever been in.

Sipping a Sol bucks, the past week had been... crazy. just plain crazy, parts of her guilty, hurt, parts lost and others still not over jazz night. She was a mess at times but held it together somehow. it would clam down eventually right? her mind longered, she had been offered a Deadalus extension.. few weeks to decide but did she want to stay in this city or move on?

so many questions... too little answers.

rembering Joel, he was Headed to Japan, would he be lost too?
he was flying out today was he not? or was it later in the week?

Oh... take Orange path. any of them, they lead to the Asia Pacific bays. Have a safe flight.


no X, she was usure if it was too much, her nickname was enough to show she was friendly right? waving one the Cargo load managers headed off for his break, she had the office alone for abit, unless she was called away. it was safer than Old sol though as security here being a International Hub was crazy high. TSA, armed guys, tactical teams and lock down gates, barriers and hydrolic bollards that could stop a full size semi truck at speed. even the planters that seemed decrotive where multi ton anti ram baricades sank many metres into ground. she had spent too long at airports to not notice the subtle but extreme security they had.

Hopefully Vika was ok.. she would be in Texas now. whatever happened was her choice, they had infact Hugged when she dropped her off at airport. well, it seemed that the whole risk of treatment had forced them to face things sooner than later. it was good and bad... still issues but some things ran deeper than arguments over men.

Staring into her sweetish tea a second.. ok Joel and co seemed to have diffrent opinion. Mango and Passion Fruit Frapachino this time, would you have a answer oh tiny lady of caffine lake... thought not.


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