Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marilnalia Romus. Sol International

Wednesday, main airport.

The Chapter one Epilogue

Marinalia she spotted Joel as she was passing through the airport. She was busy a second and sorting out a security issue with one of the guards, checking a cargo would be cleared. She had grown used to the guards, even the heavily armed guys with rifles who managed to saunter by looking remote in sunglasses and armour. They where people, just with a extremely serious job, and had been quite thankfulnof there prescense calming situations by sheer menace and matter of fact danger.

He was heading through security, he be there a while, the flights where busy and gates where running slower than average at this time of day. She still had to slot in a flight and transmit there slot over. It was easy ernough but just took some time to get some sense out of tower as to what was clear or not, and which cargo bays where free. Her Job was to make things work out, she would be back in air soon but she still had a few days off flight duty till next week thanks to all her life. She did not feel safe to fly quite yet. Especially with Bob majorly hovering at back of her mind. She would need alot of time to get past that event in her life.

Feeling a buzz and seeing her phone as he texted her. He was at a fancy lounge on the Asian section of airport. She knew the airline, he was not exactly flying coach to Japan. Her thoughts about Joel where mixed, she had to face him and he had left door open, but she was almost... Scared to deal with her feelings, but her therapist did say, she should face her issues and not let them fester. Probbly should follow professional advice.

sure. Cannot stay too long as I'm at work.

Mali x

Walking over, she took a short cut waving her hand at a seeming wall and vanishing down a staff back route to the TSA point. Popping out and showing her I'd vmbefore being waved through the checkpoint. Staff with clearence could pass quite freely about the airports zones. The Cathy Pacific lounge staff waived her though with a slight dig at her airline. Always the same. Always.

yeah yeah... Groundies. My office has a nicer view.

Laughing, the airport staff from various airlines had a freindly rivalry, it was good nature's but rarely a little brash and louder. In her neat office uniform with fitted skirt, Jacket and wings, it was comfortable but she preferred a flight jacket. It was a a little older styled than some of the airlines but passengers seemed to enjoy the little extra touchs. Smart staff and neat well tailored uniforms.

Seeing Joel, she had finished her fruity tea drink and sat next to him, and nibbled on a complementary cookie she had acquired along the way. Patting down her skirt a a little nervous but also glad to hmbe able to talk, it was nicely tailored but she was not quite intending to be out and out like that blue dressed woman in micro dress practically flashing anyone if she ever tried to do anything but walk carefully.

Hey, good choice of airlines... There fleets are all good spec. Very modern and I hear the food is OK. Well for airline food. Good luck over there whatever your doing.

Umm.. I'm sorry about Sunday night... Things got out of hand, alot . Cannot say I had a easy week, and I well... Thought trying to explain all this over text was a a little bit of a cop out.

You probbly think I'm a right... Hydra perhaps?

Sighing, how much did she tell a Joel? Did she utterly trust him or reserve some of it not to overload his side of things. Things where a tad tricky and did not to scare him off but not lie either. It was strange...

Bob, I never got over that attack.. Therapist seemed to think honesty helps. I lied to myself somewhat. Kinda why I've been so... Eratic. I should have just ignored that woman, but I cannot change the past, much as I can predict the future.

Now I've rambled. How the week been now your Sols fastest and greatest son? I'm guessing things still all sinking in and a a little surreal going from old to this.

Feeling more relaxed, surprisingly warm in this small lounge, she shed her jacket, with a smaller silver necklace of a planet with 3 linked moons glittering round her neck.

This is a a tiny bit embarrassing, and a big ask given past week.. but can you get me one of those Japan only picachu... I've wanted one since I was a kid and there only sold in stores in Japan. I've never worked in Asia, mostly North America and Europe.

Il offer you that flight I promised a while ago in return... See things from my office. Propper plane, its a replica mosquito fighter from 1945... Not a washing Machjne with wings.

Talking abit. And feelings a alike less self conchous than. The start, though still a a little realising how he might perceive her. Good or bad. Sure she probbly verbally threw out about 1000 words in short time, well her nerves told her she did. If they where right was up for internal debate.

Her eyes grey as always, but not hurt however still turmoil regarding everything, her sisters treatment and events, obvious she still had alot of things to make sense of first before she could say she was back to any degree of normal..

Maybe there was hope to try and patch up the bridges, she had been entitely honest and had relised with hindsight how badly the Gala had gone. It still cringed a a little how she hand handled that particular social occasion. Though that unpleasant realisation had taken a few days to fully process.

Victoria, what would she do when her sister returned too, if all went well she could be a new person, if wrong, need alot more support to handle the changes to her life. Either way, things where not going to be boring for a while. Her own or her half sisters.

It *looks* like we're leaning towards Sol. I've got some ideas.

Some stuff we're going to save for a surprise though.

Many ideas, though it all depends how the cards fall.
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