Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

I was considering that, but in a game with so many options leaving auto hit and auto fail success to a 2/12 chance is a little too simplistic.

Yes and no. A natural 1 will almost always be a fail. It's lower than any stat will be normally.

A 12 is highest roll and cannot be beaten.

They both fit. But more so, this allows you to modify your system to work on a D6 basis and lose one specialist dice. The 4 can be run a D12 with a divide 3 to simulate D4.

Simplify is good... Not the enemy.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

And that is why I went for someone who is financially stable and attempting to reach full media notoriety. Though I have a strong suspicion Oscar is gonna flop and fail in his field of profession.

Aye.. Mines kind of a heir to a large europeen industrial congolmate that builds warships among other things.

It allowed me room to have a a little fun extras and so.

Plus they both hold good day to day jobs, Pilot instructor and Digital security expert.


It's pretty much as @PrinceAlexus described. You just imagine your characters as every-day people, but as he said, you're also free to make them famous or poor. It's your preference. If you have time, read some of the old thread and you can get a feel for what we mean.

Last time we had everyone from a billionaire to a wanderer with little money.

The limit is your imagination and the setting, you can be a dolphin massager if you so wish!
I'm interested! But I've never really done a true slice-of-life RP. Is there any particular knowledge I should possess before jumping in?

Hey, I can give a few basic ones. , follow the story and it helps to read all posts and not your own related ones. Think ahead abit on your plots and ideas so you Don t get stuck in ruts and try just to roll with events as they happen. Youl be thrown off, random will happen, and just write with it.

Also there is room to be a little larger than life, you can be a pilot, you can be many jobs you might dream about. You Don, t have to be a super market worker unless you want to be.

Il be busy for a few hours but I will reply later if you got any further questions.


@PrinceAlexus Hey! Very interested, sorry if this has already been asked but what will the post requirements be like? I try my best to write quality posts, but every now and then I get stumped for length in all honesty.

Depends on situation and so. But min is Casual 3 paragraph ish but some people post alot longer, some post in the middle, it all depends on writers preference.

If your stumped, your stumped and post what you can.

We pretty sensible on things.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

How are they secrets if I know they exist? Checkmate wizard man thing.

If im a person disguised as a wizard, disguised a more?
Agh...idea. While full refurb to D6 better.

Add a a auto hit and success, and auto fail. 1 and 12

Now with that small potential add on.

You just swapped everything mostly to a simpler D6 system..

@PrinceAlexus Its more about the order in which ive done things. The Stats of the characters should have all been closer to 6 and multiples of 6 but I created them before I realised I wanted a dice system. And I'm too far gone now to change it.

Luckily its the internet and we all have access to whatever dice we need online.

True, there dice gens and all but just keep it in mind. And if you do rework it. Rework round a more generic basis. There's a reason alot of thr big table top games rely only on one or rarely two at most kinds of number dice for everything.

Even in digital age.

Dice apps and so are not always trusted as alot easier to rig or cheat than the ainciant and reliable solid dice.
@PrinceAlexus Hey yeah
I'm using loads of different variations so I can give as much variety to the attacks as possible.

Plus because I need to make sure that none of the stats are OP certain dice need to be different for different tests.

D4 true could be simplified to a D12 divide 3
1-3 4-6 7-9 9-12

I see your point but I would try to bring that down, and try and keep things as uniform as you can.

I play some tabletop.

And one manages a lovely human with a bayonet, to the equivalent of 2500 ton walking bipedal warmachines all on the lowly D6.

Just consider the whole multiple and divide the D 6 can give you. If you seriously want people to use it. You need to make a system with easily accessible parts.
Hey everyone, anyone here know much about dice systems?

Not much building em at all. But I know most table top games I've played stick to D6, D3 (1-2=2 etc)
D12,(D6x2) etc.

They stick with a D6, D10 or whatever system they choose across majority. Modifiers are used and set saves or attack requirements such a 3+ to hit +1 as a unwieldy weapon. But it does D3 damage, and a -4 armour save.

It only uses one kind of dice, from basic infriantry to a super heavy battle mech. Aka now D6 x 3 with 3 damage per successful attack at -4 save and going all way down to a 5+ to hit, and a 0 modifier.

You had a D4, 6, 10.

Most games only use one dice, and work systems round it for simplicity and ease of play. Your game right now requires 3 diffrent dice, 2 more for table top gamers than generic board games.

Most household board games will not have those dice in em. That's why D6 and varients like halves and multiples are popular, and easier on entry.

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