Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I don't know how but I apparently forgot to sub to this. Was wondering what was going on.

IC day one has started. But new charceters or old returners welcome.

Any questions feel free to ask, Pm or send a owl, it might be a bait delayed if you send headwig though.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday Morning. Chapter 3 day one. Sol City, Hephaestus Manor, Sol Museum, Sushi Restaurant. Free skip

It definitely was a crazy few weeks for Victoria as she sat down at her desk overlooking the garden of the Manor. The large trees that made it so private where blowing gently and her return to Sol City had least gone with little fanfare. Wanting to be certain a medical letter with NHS paper for a test taken back in England confirmed what was found in Sol, Pregnant. Yep. No false reading or so, definitely got a passenger. That had made her rehab more complicated but long as she was careful, it would be fine for the next few months at least. She was really going to need any help it could give her.

Her time was fairly busy and forgot about some of her worries, the homes security system had been fully reset with a upgraded digital security system now making it a system of concentric rings and most important in there own keeps. A pain to code but worth it, hackers would least meet more barriers and defences this time round and hopefully they would hold.

"Miss Romus, ve need to be leaving soon for vour 12.30 at the Consulate" came a Russain accented man, Isofef had worked with the family before and she trusted him ever since she was a teanager. After the present drama, the fan girls with bottles and hacking her father and rest of the family decided to be safer than sorry in the short term and review things in a few weeks to a month if it was required or not. Though not the hulks that the posse employed the Russain veteran of the Naval Infantry, and a few other less known jobs where was a solid dark haired man in his 40's now but still physically capable and experience was always dangerous and has guarded her family in Africa, the Middle East and helped teach both sisters how to shoot. "vankyou, please get the car ready, il ve right down in about 2 minutes." Thanks to her lost job at blackshield, Victoria was now freelance but the new batch of maritime security codes for the software would not hurt her fiances once delivered. Leaning on the ornate royal blue cane, it's snowflake design glittering in the light, she had a small pang of... Something.. Shaking her head as now was not the time. "Told vou, I'm not quite as bad when vi was 13". Pregnant had a few odd quirks like her Russian accent, well it was harder to mask so she just gave up, her hybrid English and Russian accent did have a certain charm though.

several days later Victoria was laying out on the patio, well trying to get a tan anyway, it was mostly warm and though she was unhealthily thin, she had least gained a little muscle, and her complexion has not regressed back to fresh snow, that would not of worked very well against her Raven black hair or its purple to pink vertical highlights. Least she could deny some things for 1-2 months or so if she wanted. Autumn to winter would be easier, spring to summer was not going yo be easy to hide. Her sister was busy so she had house to self on a rare warm day, Isosef was off doing some job he needed to do. Lieing on her front with a book, given it was so lined with tall trees and high walls the bikini top was lying on the side table with a jug of iced lemonade. A habit from Marinaloa, that and a sweet tooth ag times. A small ache from her chest made her change position abit and curse slightly. Being pregnant was not as fun as the magazine "glow" claimed. Being confused for a team mum as 4'9 never helped, though her diamond ring, ornate cane and general more expensive or tailored clothing had made for an embarrassed receptionist when she joined the dots.

Work worries where gone for now but she still needed to talk to Ethan at some point. That would be a difficult conversation and had already sent him a picture of letter confirming. Well they had to come to some understanding. With her trip back to UK, travel and work they had not managed to talk things out properly.

At least Marlin was happy, Xia and her where plain cute, however much they denied it at times. Gossip was fun too, Shensaw the article about the Rally, Joel, wait same Joel... Skim reading mostly, the other article about the escaped Sea monster was funny though. Squid kraken? What next a loose cat becomes a lion?

Looking over and answering the phone without feeling the need to cover self, it was private and the sensors trip banshee like alarms if anyone did try to trespass. closing the call and going back to her book. More work, least no one contacted her direct. " just got comfy too" Complaining to no one Victoria just shuffled and got comfy again.

Victoria was wandering through the large corridors of the Sol Museum to the classics section, her Royal blue cane tapping on the hard floors and carefully navigating her way to Dino Sol. Not sure entirely why, Victoria needed time to think and some fresh air. Isosef least knew she needed space keeping an eye from further back, not that expected trouble here but this was Victoria but trouble seemed to have a special relationship with her.

Passing the towering form of dippys sibling after an hour or so wandering, and losing self in the place with its long neck stretching out over the passing visitors. It reminded her of London in a good way, and a bad one. Her experiences of the city held a mix of emotions. Russia held a few better memories but even they had their roots in London. "Isosef, I'm veady to leave. Lunch? VI do not have an appointment at ze hospital till later." Her temporary bodyguard falling in closer, the Russain was not a giant but had a look of a man who seen worst places and survived, at detriment to others. "Vi parked down nearby. Ve have time for food. And vour Dr might agree."

Now all Victoria had to find somewhere for lunch, Saturday or no Dr,s seemed to love appointments and check ups. Fish and chips? Pub meal or bar. She definitely was hungry regardless. Heck even take mc Donald's.

Reaching the restaurant Victoria kept her lighter wool coat hanging loose, Navy blue snugly tailored for her smaller 4'9 frame with a smartish yet comfrey top under and jeans paired with a well broken pair of darker boots that had been resoled more times than they probbly should. Letting Isosef lock the car she headed in giving the door a push and leaning slightly on her cane, slightly alarmed by a monkey in a restaurant. "vou sure this was ze place. Long as pokey iz not serving. Who even thinks ov naming a Rhino Horny?" Who knew getting knocked up messed with your accent as well as everything else? "Da, left at ze lights, past ze Sol Bucks. Zey have cooked too, It good, I already checked that von." Trusting her larger Russain compatirate who had a few orders to keep her out of trouble, less likely to be bothered in the smaller family run restaurants. "got a free table? Long as no one hurt Inky to make my lunch."

Glancing round, the place was a tad smaller but also had a good vibe about it really, there's was a woman stood about who definitely was pretty, maybe familiar? Somehow?, a few staff and customers but seems she managed to beat the worst of the lunch rush. Tidying her hair a little in the reflective surface of the glass, purple and pink highlights blending into the Raven black now a alittle more tidily, slate grey eyes displaying a small fraction of caution giving whoever had betrayed her private moments weeks ago. It still hurt, the suspect list was narrowing down though, but she did not quite want to belive whom the dots where adding up for.



Welcome back. Feel free to post it over and join in the fun.
Check PA??

Il give it a look and chexk with others before I decide. I'm not sure if the picture comes under our anime style bracket.

Scales there, so all present and correct.
@role model

Just edit on player interaction scale and list a number as a player, its explained in full just below the Cs sheet on the OOC. It's how comfortable and so you are interacting with other charceters and situations.

Check OOC for a indepath answer we are trying to Tailer the games to players, so helps to know how open the group are, or not to big social events etc.

1 is lowest, 5 is the social butterfly as it where.

@role model

Just add the player interaction scale and it should be ready for review.

*Your age: 23
*What part of the world are you from? USA - Indiana
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 13 years
*How often do you have time to post? At least twice a week

A solid 4

All present and correct. Feel free to post it over

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday., Hephaestus Manor. Atlas mountains. Old starboard pub

Sol City return and changed times

Marinalia,s return from Jamaica, a detour via the US coast and a few changes, especially in her mind set and the news Paige gave of the end of Bob, had freed a few weights. Xia had changed a few things though it seemed FBI grade interrogation was a family maternal trait there!

A few of those changes where a little different when she woke up at the Manor that morning became obvious when reached out half asleep finding an empty pillow having got used to a warm, curvy and spicy presence over the two ish weeks they spent in Jamaica. It was... Comforting? The descriptive word would not just fit and she had consulted a thesaurus! Though a short time together some things were easy to enjoy. Small intimacies, cuddles, a kiss good morning. It did not need to be big, crazy or fancy meals out.

The week or so was normal... Ish. Her 100J training was going well, and the tome like flight manual was sat finished on the side, least for her first reading. Getting back to her old self, a trip to the pool, 5km later helped work off of anything she put on thanks to the rich food on holiday. Her pilots uniform, tailored jacket and skirt making the most of her athletic yet curvy figure was not very forgiving when it came to overzealous indulgences.

A quick message to Xia made her thoughts clear how she felt about colder mornings, yes they by most people reckoning, well barely knew each other, a whim or Marlin flip flopping. But somehow it worked... Who knew how the heart worked. It was easier to follow it though. Her girlfriend made her happy, at this point those against could stick the heads in front of her propellers at take off power. Would it last? Who knew. Might as well just have fun, be happy and enjoy the good things in life while you had them.


Jumping clear of the stream and bringing her horse to a tight turn and avoiding a tree bringing the mount to a more gentle trot as she watched out from a clearing. The views of the city where impressive up in the Atlas mountains, glittering lakes and mountains towering above, forests and logging trails that wound their way up through the mountains towards the mountains proper where things got more wild and untamed. Light streamed into the clearing and the woods thinned offering a panoramic view of the city below, it definitely was not on the normal riding trail but worth the effort to get there, unhindered, and entirely hers for a short time among the older unlogged woods.

Horse riding was similar to flying in its own way, she was free, it had come easily back to her as she made a slight pull on the reigns turning back to follow the stream edge back. Once the route cleared Marinalia pulled a little harder picking up speed and jumping a fallen tree, hooves kicking up dirt and her tied back hair flying in the morning breeze, gleaming back riding boots polished to a shine and her flight jacket keeping her warm. Spring had started, but still was not what you would call warm.

Smiling as she passed a photographer out enjoying the morning too, if they caught jump it probably would have been a good shot. Still all good things reached an end as she rode into the stables, dismounted and began to clean off what left of there little morning adventure.


Swapping out her slightly muddy trousers into an above the knee skirt, shiny black riding boots after a quick wipe down and a cute T shirt with a sea gull design from Jamaica under her warm and rather comfortable flight jacket, brown leather a tad faded and aged in places but well cared for, gold wings glitterin, numerous patches and a UK flag proudly just below her shoulders. OK a tad showing off, but it looked good, a small tease of well toned knee and upper leg visible, and her closely fit boots emphasising her hard earned figure and legs. Undoing a hair tie and shaking her long blonde hair free back into some sort of an order with a quick brush and a small mirror in the stable changing rooms.

Feeling a pang from her stomach that was a sign breakfast was a while ago and she had a fairly active morning. Lunch definitely was high on the to do list. The Old Starboard always had a fairly decent meal. no real fuss or fancy bit then. Food was filling and tastes good. Just like a prior time, though her skirt and jacket where not a slightly girly pink this time and a fair bit more elegant and grown up. Thoughts of a passing aquitience, well he was a nice guy, hope he was going alright. Probably drowning in exams or so, Ren? Yeah Ren. Abit... Odd at times but nice in own way.

Finding her white Land Rover Discovery sat in the carpark, though a little more dirty thanks to her trip up to the Atlas mountains, a turn of the key, the engine started with a throaty roar as ever. Her bag with helmet and dirty clothes tossed casually into the passenger footwell next to her handbag. Next stop Lunch.

Arriving at the pub and parking up on the rough gravel car park behind the pub, finding a safeish corner spot to protect her 4x4. Traffic was not too bad for a Saturday. Well sol Traffic wise anyway. Finding a comfortable booth inside to relax slightly and rest her legs. Horse riding certainly was an exercise she was not fully used to. Placing an order for a light but filling lunch and a pot of lady grey, it brought back a few memories, though if they were good. Bad or in between was rather debatable.

Here it is, I lost this like 3 times so I'm sorry if it's late !

Looks like everythong present and correct.

Just need a second approval and post it up.

@role model

Potentially, just be aware, if your actions make waves or get too obvious there may be concquences and results in the RP.

Cannot guarantee youl not find a few road bumps.

Looks good. Get a second approval and post it over to the CS tab.
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