Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Time for the guild tub time machine!
Agh, forgot to reply. Been doing redecorating. Oddly therapeutic lol.

Anything you particularly interested in? , i can say though if knights and samurai i know alot more about knights than i do there easter counter parts. Being ive seen more castles than i can remember its not difficult.
Hello old friend :)

Still open for adventures, chaos and entire plot lines spawned out of random comments that evolve into direction changing events?

Usally confident though usally magnet for some kindnof toruble... I swear i not evwn try lol

Some distinctive traits, there's always something thatbsyands out in some way from a strange hair colour, eyes or so. Female charceters have so far ended up short or tall.. No middle.

Generally some kind of alternative profession, medics pilot, ive had runes and a wide range that just a alittle bit different or not always used. Ij general theres always some defining feature or quirk.

Wardroom - Personal Quarters - Med bay

The meeting was thankfully short. The Captain was not one for small talk, posturing, or well anything. It kind of was a relief because her previous post the medical director loved to monologue. The only thing of real note outside the meeting was the Captain, blank... Silent... Something, somewhere did not add up.

Making her way to the ward room to get a meal, her quarters were by Starfleet standards spacious as a lieutenant Commander but change of scenery. They still were "Vegetable Calzonei, One glass, red wine. Ryzan." Replicated however much starfleet claimed to have updated the systems, models and even the latest generation of isoliner semi organic gelpack or whatever latest updates were not the real thing. Healthy, filling, it included multiple supplements and all but... Real. No.

"Lieutenant Commander? Rexa Avuam? Betazed Hospital? Just before the evacuation? You always had coffee in the courtyard each morning?" Contrary to crew rumours, Science Lt Natalie Chandler had met the "Bitch of Betazed" before the war had affected her and much as surprising... Was a friend of a strange sort. An tall and more developed brunette with an slight limp thanks to dominion but passed the physicals after her ship was hit by a Breen raider and shields reduced to nothing and put the USS Warspite into space dock for over 18 months with damage that should have scrapped her but somehow made it home. "Mind if i join you mam?"

"Lieutenant i'm... Chandler? Feel free. You took yours black with no sugar. They finally promoted you, well deserved they recognise you." Looking relaxed and surprising a few Officers present. "Can you keep, you know quiet. I never advertised it or openly declared it." Thankfully no explanation was needed switching to native language temporarily , the Human LT had ended up learning a passable understanding of during her sustained assignment to the planet and turning to lighter topics and also learning more about what was going on in science deck, a kinda part sibling almost to medical.


The door to her personal quarters opened with a swoosh and a beep, lights powering up automatically and leaving her work pad on the desk for morning. She already had sent out a meeting request for the following early morning to ready her department for the mission. Almost all of required crew would be available then, plus she had time to double check exactly what was required, what was dangerous and notable previous cases."Lights. Reduce power 10%. Playlist. Betazoid four." It only would take about an hour to cross check everything and confirm her facts and set the computer to run through them too. Just incase. "Lieutenant Valicos. Have all areas cleared and readied for potential action. Check all the emergency kits and get them on increased stand by... Just get it done. We do not have the luxury of perfect. Avuam out."

Work done, Quiet... The noise was minimal and mostly more fuzzy static than clear information. Shedding her uniform into flexible fitness clothes she reserved for private exercise mostly taking a chance to just go through her yoga and mediation routine that helped calm and make the Betazoid feel in control of her abilities while time allowed. She fell into an easier sleep that night.


Lieutenant Valicos was cursing heavily mentally. Orders were orders but he had just spent several hours getting that stuff into its neat storage bay. Now she wanted all the kits out and ready? They already checked them. Regulation sure but did they need checking twice in a day? . Assemble the team Medical Chief. New orders and make sure everything is stowed and secured. Looks like we might be seeing action quicker than expected. Several disgruntled crew members gave an annoying glance to the upper decks. "Long night sir. There's a bunch of Energy drinks stashed in Bay 9, left hand near the quick setting cement. No idea why we have it. Traditional i guess sir. If may Sir. We may hate her at times, but I'd rather have her skills to hand than not."


The medical bay was apprehensive, tired, grumpy. Lieutenant Commander Rexa Avuam could feel the noise growing mentally, emotions, thoughts at times particularly loudly and general discontent at an early morning briefing that came with any branch. "Everyone, Good to see you. I cut straight to the point. We are or will be entering what was Romulan space as part of a mission. The current situation is unknown, we may be in battle, so we will be prepared for one. We have an escort Destroyer, however Vigilance for all intents is on her own from the rest of our battlegroup.

This is real, I know for some of you this is your first real taste of enemy territory. Trust your Officers and NCOs. Follow orders and we will get through this. Lives depend on us. One thing at a time, and then work out what the next priority is.

Part of this Mission involves a VIP. They are a Romulan. On your work pads you will all have the treatment, drug protocols and what we know about their biology. Also you will find information on their weaponry, disruptor injuries are different, and extremely damaging. From prior experience i can say this is based on my experience and others. It is accurate so pay attention.

I expect everyone to study these. The VIP is valuable to Federation and the RPG. If she is wounded, her survival is a mission priority. There may or may not be an entourage. Our intelligence is unknown due to this being an urgent operation.

Any questions?"


Checking her seclude, Physical, some follow up appointments, Conor Lox at some point, he was easy to fit in as most cases seemed to be relatively minor so far. Good experience for the newer crew, under supervision of a more experienced member. Lt Agrippa was a headache. Commodore Agrippa was on some intel committee, his son was not a bad medic, just young and probably should have waited a year or two for promotion by her evaluation. The Andorian sub Lt was an excellent technical hand though and mostly lacked leadership skills. Hopefully a little team manipulation could round out both her Officers and make two good Lieutenants from the mix.

Much as she despised the Political aspect of the fleet and saw the Sons, Daughters and favoured few of upper ranks find self promoted above their ability. people probably died because of the nepotistic culture among a few. You had to deal with it as even she, blunt and tight to regulations, taking on a Commodore at HQ was never going to be winning the battle.


Wardroom - Personal Quarters - Marine Bay - Engineering

Of course his first mission aboard ship would be this, trying to cross enemy space, cloak equipped enemy warships, pirates, raiders, and whatever else lay on the other side of the border. "Science. Respond. I need all the sensors online yesterday, full power. I know Sulak is off duty and its his work, just being the systems online ASAP.

Run the Kirk test 1-14 while you're at it.

Glitches, I know. We going across the N Line into unknown territory. Lights and a few broken sonic showers are least of problems.``

Deciding to take advantage of privacy taking his meal in quarters, however it ended up less private as a rather large klingon clad in dark green marine uniform with an ramrod straight posture was at his door hearing the chime. "Lieutenant Commander O'Sullivan, we need to request your assistance tomorrow. You have a lot of experience working with Romulans. We need you to brief our landing team on what to expect on ground, cultural information, etiquette and anything else that may help us in battle.

We have a Romulan marine but she was an exile, so practical experience with the empire is minimal."
Checking the name badge, Captain, Marines. Poggok, the big Klingon, tended to have been too busy to have noticed much. Direct, straight to the point and no fluff. Klingons whatever you say about them, they got to the heart of a matter.

"Captain Poggok. Yes. I know you hate time being wasted or games. I'm free at 07:55. Have your team ready. I can spare an hour or two." One marine leaving he could head back to his meal, one quick message to Lt Chandler to take charge of the morning shift and prep work. Having competent officers to delegate too was a relief. Even Pike, he had his doubts about someone from a famous name but he proved solid so far.


He was exiting fleet country, by his Surprise at breakfast leaving ward room someone talking how Lt Chandler and rather prickly Doctor seemed to get on well. Admittedly they shared a hatred of political promotions and both climbed by hard work and late nights but still. The number of people she opened up to on any level could probably count as one right now. Mysteries later. Marines first.

Exchanging a crisp salute with the sentety on the marines bay and walking him without pause. Showing too much weakness would ruin his position for the entire tour, yet not get backs up either. It was a careful balance. "Major is in the aft sir. Right. Hand side. Go right in sir. "

The bay was busy, a senior Sgt was stood by a plan of ship, notes and a list calling out which squads was to stand watch, a few on a break chatting round a table and generally not noticed his arrival. Heading on though he was met by the Major, Captain and the top ranking NCO of the unit, they really where seriously planning and preparing for this mission, half the team where Corporal or above of some sort or other, and rest those with prior experience, scarred and steely eyed. "i'm not going to waste time, i'm busy and have a dozen other jobs to do. If you do not know, I am Lieutenant Commander O'Sullivan and head of Science aboard.

For a start. We expect the structures of the empire to operate for an undetermined time. The head is gone but its limbs remain and are still in possession of warships and troops. They will still be able to fight.

First. Take notes. Ive got alot to go over and not repeat myself...

If you do not know. There are two kinds of Romulan directly and many client species. on this image are the main groups and their status. your Target is one Indicated and composed of an upper caste. On the right is what we know including strengths and abilities.``
Science had over time strayed into intelligence in the new Starfleet system, plus his personal experience with the race in question made information useful. Even if it was explaining how not to offend the senator too badly and smaller cultural stuff that helps on the ground. Being able to tell what district you're in or avoid a busy area could be key between coming out successful or a dangerous failure.

Leaving quickly afterwards he had an appointment with the engineering, the power relays where... To be polite was a little creative and tended to have the occasional conflict or unplanned interference. Maybe the CHENG would be about, he was a master at creative solutions of not a little... Eccentric. Any engineer would do though, with such extensive modifications tracking what went where was an... Adventure. Adjusting the wrong power relay could turn off anything from life support to gravity plating to something as basic as a shower or the light that lit up the ship's name on the hull. Getting expert support was very much needed.


Marine main Bay mostly

The Marines had a simpler mission in some respects, though his part was potentially the most risky. Retrieval and pick up on a potential enemy planet? For a first mission this hardly was a soft start.

Comm badges. Usual. Being permanently on call did not always appeal though. "Captain Poggok. Asemble the First Sgt, gunnery Sgt and Engineering Gunnery SGT, Lieutenant as well as someone to pull together files.

Anyone who got diplomatic, prior experience under fire and considered steady under pressure. I'll brief you shortly, get a good pot of coffee going and some decent meals. Might be a late night but i want them able to simulate and test out the variables.

Check with the science chief, I sent a short brief to you over the pads also... I know Captain, it's a lot but we are on the clock. heading across N Line into Em. Former Empire."
Rushed, a long night but considering how they could be landing on an enemy planet, they needed time to prepare a response. This mission required a more delicate hand given a member of a potential allied government was involved.

Reaching there main bay they considered the central point of operations. The watch standing plans were being out into effect, that was just a bit of human resources stuff. He could trust the NCO cadre to manage the job. Reaching his officers and senior NCO team, the imposing marine returned the salutes and proud they answered it with question be it combat or a planning meeting. The Company was proud, motivated and ready for action, even if their views on the crisis varied somewhat and like all marines took a firm hand to lead, rough, ready but reliable and loyal to their own."We have a VIP retrieval Mission. Target is a female Romulan Senator, 30 approx. Probably having a small entourage, Starfleet wants her picked up and taken to the RPG. Our job is to get her off the planet and safely aboard ship. As you can understand this is not a mission for green recruits and anyone deployed needs to be steady and able to maintain cool under pressure. We are going to select a team."

The First Sgt had a long career of experience, everything from boarding to battles and ceremonial honour guards. This was an interesting operation but just another day of the week for the 20+ year veteran. Seasoned and tempered the slightly greying man was still able to outrun, out pace and match any of the newest recruits. "As long there's Coffee Sir, you can consider it done already. Some are less happy on your sentry duty Sir but cannot trust a Romulan."


"Marines You have been chosen for a mission, this one may not be an easy one and could get dangerous so I want to see you at your best. Every one of you is experienced and chosen because of your temperament and skill.

The Major will brief you shortly on the details. There will be another from Science with relevant information, this could save your life so I want open ears and quiet mouths. If you are chosen you are excused from Sentry duty.

Now. Should anyone have reason to back out now. Choose... you have 5 minutes, then the Major will Brief you on the operation and our objectives. you have 10 minutes before we brief so grab a coffee now or got a leak because we will not stop later. Dismissed."
The first Sgt was tired, had been up late but that was hardly a new situation for an old Marine. They had selected a few spare candidates more than optimal if anyone failed the simulations. Personally he thought Major was going a bit too far but this was their first operation, impressions counted and the Crew and Captain would not see them fail, nore would Starfleet command. Success and showing their metal would gain them respect from the crew so the Officers push on this Mission made sense even if the Senior Enlisted did best to avoid the Officers Political Makavelion moments and intrigues at ship and fleet levels.

@King Tai

Posted, ending a alittle sillier but it was fun to write.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Festival site - Corona Park- Sol City


Marinalia leaned back out waiting for the messages to feed the hungry hoards maybe a fraction out of place if she was 100% honest but it was food that her guest and girlfriend would love and something like Keyla enjoyed at home. Besides she could blame Carlo if wrong. He suggested the place.

Thr bit about Victoria might not be as understood but explained she was more volatile and impulsive than Marlin, and told her basics of predicament without breaking anything Victoria had meant for family only. She had wormed a fair bit out her over holiday anyway, must remember to show her the pic from England stop over if not seen, she looked like a princess in some loaned jewellery for a few minutes after getting all worried about breaking the heirloom items and needing a fair bit of encouragement it was fine to do it.

Musing interrupted by Carlo’s reply and in part chuckling to herself how he was right yet she was only like that to a very few people saw that side of her and he definitely would not make that very short list. She had placed a lot of trust in Xia but it had been returned with interest. "Sure. I'm off all week and into the start of next so no rush. I'm not as Vanilla as my skin colour ;) But only Xia gets to find out exactly how. Find a girlfriend, it's fun.

Keyla, maybe still watching Disney plus classics lol. same as over here, Xia is still sleepy but sleepy means peaceful and not hurting. She is well cared for, i'll keep you updated but there's not much to tell.

Ok, definitely safe to say Xia had slowly made her more extroverted and confident again, slowly but surely somehow it all worked. Teasing Carlo, well he was a strange egg, you had to show you could bite back or he never respected you.

Seeing the second message buzz in, Mulan, Keyla had taste, placing their orders and choosing a safe pick of a chicken based curry with some sides and rice for herself unsure exactly what everything was without Xia like in Jamaica who acted as a handy food guide. "Order... Olympus Romus... Sure. Got a credit card. I'll wait, only 20 minutes, plus my feet need a rest... Thanks." Order done and dropping onto a bench with a content sigh.

"Order... 132, Olympus Romus, Lara croft accent, blonde hair and the fancy Leather jacket in corner." over hearing talking and someone came over with the food already packed in boxes marked with what they contained. Thanking the person and giving them a tip, if she ended up here again, always be kind to those making your food.
"Got food, be 5-10 minutes walk. They only had spicy Oxtails available, but she had them in Jamaica. Nice to have someone miss you <3. Be home soon Keyla.

Marlin x"

Pressing send and heading home with a smile, even if was just someone asking after you, it was a nice feeling and one she had missed. Marlin really enjoyed the little stuff, ok she was a softy when it came to some stuff.

Heading in through the outer gate, grabbing a package left in the hall and going upstairs dropping her bags on the kitchen counter. "I'm home, i bring food and cute mugs among other things." Sitting next to Xia with a glass of wine, and food before kissing her cheek gently and holding her good hand without really thinking how far she changed since that fateful snow storm. "Hey my spicy egg. Missed you too. Phone, photos including those that survived, and a fun one in blue toothed over. Think Xena as a blonde... Your sim broke but new one is on order. Know how you like your curry.

Your foods on side Keyla, I got a bunch of sides and sauces as I do not know what you like, they're labeled."
Ok, she may have overdone a little and 4 kinds of rice etc, but it could be breakfast and however much they told her, Marlin was just trying to be kind. Heart right... Plan not always.

Waiting for Mulan to come on, Victoria and her Bodyguard.had gone somewhere for food and would be back soon, seeming to be enjoying a longer walk and some fresh air. She needed to clear her head so that was a good thing. Not wanting to make Keyla uncomfortable she just learnt into Xias side to be close and enjoyed her company. Marlin would much rather she be healthy and not be hurt like this but fate had played its hand and cemented something also.

"Ok... I may like singing along, it's Disney... I might have watched this a few times" smiling slightly awkwardly at how she had got into song having known words off by heart, not that she ever admitted that to many people. The fact she was relaxed, not overdoing things out of worry, happy and though little tired did not seem lost on others though. Looking over a little concerned and quietly asking, Xia was... Something. She knew enough to know something but not long enough to narrow it down. "Sure you ok? You know i sticking by you regardless what happens, if you let me?'' Seriously, you're not alone Xia. We get through this together." too tired to really mask her concerns, slate grey eyes telling a 1000 words and gently putting pressure on her non hurt hand. The rather large glass of wine also side effects of making her saying exactly how she felt.

Surprised her phone started buzzing singing a song, seeing mum, she answered and transferred the video call to the TV. "Sorry... Mums calling, plus she asked to check up on everything." Before she could even hey mum her 5 year cousin came on screen chased by a woman who looked like an older version of Marlin but with Gold eyes and a view of a lake behind in the windows. "Aunt Mali! And zi... Xia. When you get Married so i can have cake and stay up late?" While Marlin blushed and Maria finally got her phone back sitting Magnus on her lap, with a crisp English accent but warm. "Magnus, behave. Or I tell Mummy. Sorry Marlin, you must be Keyla. I got frantic calls about, Dr Maria Romus, nee Olympus, Maria really just fine and nice to meet you. Hope you're recovering Xia, I liked you at the art show not seen Marlin like this happy in a while, let me know if you need help getting my daughter to stop overdoing it." Marlin was abit pink, her cousin was laughing at finally getting one up on her, Magnus was growing so fast. "Magnus, it's more... It's not that simple, you cheeky monkey, i'll get you a cake when i'm home. And tickle monster you for that. Mummmm... I'm not that bad. I'll be off till mid next week, Magnus looks like he needs a nap."

Spotting Magnus was part napping on her lap, cute little cheeky monkey. Maria could not resist teasing her daughter abit first though. "Nice save Marlin, you used to fall asleep like that too you know. Magnus is my sister Marla and Milo's son. I was a younger mum. Let Victoria know me and Marla will call her later and work out a plan. Mikes Selene won her contest by the way. My brother is... Annoying proud dadding. Call you later and love you, Xia, Keyla, when you feel up to it, open invite to England some time, don’t be strangers. Feel free to call me." M Names, they could not explain why it just happened, it always was funny seeing how they reacted to the whole pattern.

Marlin waved , though still pink hiding a little into Xias shoulder and laughing happily that had Magnus and Maria teasing before waving goodbye. "Love you, even though your both cheeky monekys. Magnus, even you cheeky.

My family is crazy, but i love them and they always have my back when needed. "
did they evet do normal?

@King Tai
Planning. Good planning is very much a key stage to any success. It savws massive headaches and lets you get off the ground whilw you have sustained intrest.

Having your plans orgonized and knowing what you intend to do, plot wise, though you need to be able to adapt somewhat to the players who join you. Square pegs do not fit im round holes.

Briefings and Bridge


Setting up the department on the Vigilance was a bitch of a task and she could feel the discontent of her staff rather strongly. The ship was old, the systems new, Engineering was still ironing out the kinks, snags and outright just plain not working. They had been working long shifts, not much breaks and too many people who were in too few square metres of space. "Lt . I expect your department ready to regs by 20:00 tonight. It's entirely possible. I did it before."

She could feel the wave of discontent and annoyed response bitten back and kept in check by ranks, though she was doing this for their good. when the shit hit the fan they would thank her how she had busted them to be prepared and have the department ready and able to respond. "Yes Mam. We will be ready for inspection." Taking the cue to leave, slave driving bitch. They knew she knew what they thought about her, granted compared to his previous ship the Doctor had a solid medical reputation beyond reproach and not just friends in Starfleet HQ. Still he had not been worked to the bone like this since the first year as a academy cadet.

She had not spent too much time in the Wardroom and mostly been too busy to really get a good read on most officers and the crew as a whole. The captain time she had reported to him when presenting her credentials was a real surprise. silent. Sure and Ferengi and others were unreadable but he was so. a Blank wall of nothing. It had thrown the Betazed whom despite her indifference and reputation for such was capable and far from planets best but a little above the curve in regard to ability.

Heading out of the busy medical bay feeling the wall of mental noise reduce, being a telepath had its downsides regardless what others thought of it to her quarters to change into a more presentable one than her work detail one that was dusty, dirty and crumpled. The previous station had somewhat been behind the curve and an older skirt and below knee boot variation remained in regular use after others had swapped and somehow got forgotten about among the sheer scale of the fleet. Changing into her general uniform and previous postings boots. She had been too busy corralling the mess that the USS Vigilance Medical Section into shape to have fully got fitted for all the new gear, especially with the rush to outfit the USS Vigilance no one had time to issue her with everything. Rexa Avurem held tightly to regulations but with all going on has far higher priorities to see to first than footwear. Besides that she had to admit they were more comfortable and supported the ankle better. Why did they change them again?

Ensuring her Uniform was correctly neatened up and general appearance to her high standards. She was an Officer and looking like she just ran to duty 5 minutes after getting up would be rather unprofessional. Plus remind the Male dominated Command she was still a woman, and could rise to join them regardless of Gender. Busy as ever, passing a few crewmen whose minds were on their amorous attentions and not their work detail. Some things were nicer not to know. "Bridge deck." Commanding the Turbo lift as a few others got in headed on up.

Reaching the bridge, and following the normal pomp and ceremony of the bridge having only been up a few times too busy with her own decks and section, but this situation required a personal visit rather than checking the computer for new orders. She respected the others, friends maybe not, especially those who had faced the Dominion knowing full well their brutality and costing her an eye in the process. One thing did come to mind from the short briefing by Command, refugees meant a lot of work for Medical.


"Bridge wants me, make it quick SGT, what exactly went wrong with the training exercise?" The large muscular Major was not quite in the same stage as some of the ship's other departments. He had already packed and loaded and just was a matter of stowage from crates to racks and cargo bays. The time spent planet side preparing was paying off dividends. "Sir. Three Marines injured, one Corporal. Minor. few sprains and such stress injuries. Medical put them on light duty for 2 days and some pain killers, overdid it trying to best Captains time on the assault course Major." Marines, love em or hate em they never did anything by half, it was everything or nothing. "That explains the memo from the lt commander Avurem. Carry on SGT, Tell your men to ease up in future and not to repeat it. Dismissed." Returning the Salute and heading to the bridge to find out what was so important a Marine had to attend the bridge, It was Fleet country.

Compared to most problems on his plate that day, the issue was minor and ending up with Lt commander Rexa Avurem treating? That was a lesson enough not to be idiots. The Betazed was not exactly easy to get on with but scuttlebutt had only confirmed her solid medical reputation and confirmed she was half his size but not one to tangle with if it could be avoided. The Security officer he had met a few times and could not find a more solid Officer in that regard. He was a consummate professional and driven hard. Joint security drills would be tough but a good challenge for his men and women needed to maintain the sharp edge he had worked hard to form.

He knew a Marine Veteran was among his Fellow Seniors, however he had taken a respectful wait and see position for most parts unsure as to how they would react. They had left the Corps due to injury and some were glad to spend time among their old comrades, others preferred to avoid and not remember what they lost. Let them come to them if they so choose. A Marine even in blue Fleet uniform would always be welcome among their own.

Reaching the Bridge as a single tower of green in the mass of blue marked by various stripes and rank markings, Navel always had their traditions and held them older than Starfleet, even older than an united Earth. Captain was quiet, normal for a Vulcan but solid. Medal of Honour, battle awards, burns. He was a real deal frontline captain with the knocks to prove it. Mission briefing, this he gave his full attention and noticed the Medical Officer gave a similar expression. Refugee crisis meant it would not be a quiet tour for his unit if things really went bad. Almost all the senior members of Crew knew what a war was like, quite a few were decorated for valour. These officers at least he could respect.


Lieutenant Commander O'Sullivan had probably spent more time consulting with Engineering in a short time than an entire tour in his previous duties. The Sensors had taken a small miracle to get everything to state it was in. The whole ship was new In her systems but laid down before the war. New but untested and the bugs were taking time to iron out. The Chief Engineer had his every sympathy having to get this vessel into fighting condition though. He already had spent several hours with his body in a Jeffries tube with an engineer getting the long range senor array to his satisfaction. His work uniform might be fit for burning not washing after having to go into a old part of the ship to find the master relay junction.

Keeping his views quiet, and mostly observing. He had learned it was better to get lay of the land before you stood out too much, a wise approach when he intended to keep a clean record and retirement. Besides the USS Vigilance and her quirks had kept him busy without needing to worry about that. It was clear why he was chosen in part for this group, his treatise on the entire mystery of the Vulcan divide, flight, founding of the Empire, timeline and the linked timelines of devastation of so many worlds all around a similar time frame. Now that it had made friends in some areas, no one wanted to be proven wrong and have to admit their greatest scholars were incorrect, by an outsider no less.

"Any updates Sensor Chief? The targeting sensors are adjusted, tell Tactical they pass, not perfect but we do not have the time to bring everything to peak, and I'd rather get all systems working and stable first." The crew here where a real jumble, a mix of old veterans, recruits straight out academy and a few volunteers, old hands from the reserves whom had more years in space than the newbies had alive.

"No change on most sir. bit of chatter out in space, regular traffic, nothing of any real note. The new recruits need some seasoning, we got eye on a few, but no issues so far. May I ask Sir, Is the situation bad as the news casts are saying?" The Sensor Chief had a good few years in the service though his posting had kept him out of the worst of the war, an early warning station near Earth system which was established to provide warning of a Dominion invasion. Thankfully bar a few deep space raiders and so, it was a quiet posting.

"Good, expect assignments to be fully confirmed in a few days once got a measure of them. Chief, that's a difficult question. There's a lot of Unknowns, we have a lot of educated guesses and not so many hard facts. Now with loss of the Home worlds, the structures are beheaded but its limbs remain, so full repercussions may not be felt for months or years.

I'd advise the Treatise by Sulan, Empire of the Twin Wolves, its one of the more respected and also much quicker and easier overviews to understand than the Vulcan texts, also less dry by light years. Should put everything in better context."
Thinking back he remembered how bad some of the Vulcan texts could be, bad even for there academia on the whole, if someone asked it was no problem to suggest some texts to help understand and reduce wild theory's going round then it was worth a few minutes now than mouth more later on.

"Lieutenant Commander O'Sullivan please report to the bridge. Comms Out" That was his cue, receiving a respectful response from the Chief, Senior enlisted where the backbone of Starfleet, that was drummed hard into him by his first tour in deep space. getting their respect and a bit of goodwill made your job a lot easier in the long run.

Reaching the Bridge after a few minutes to make uniform presentable for the Captain, it paid to make a decent impression, plus there was an old yet ever present expectation that Officers had to set the standards for those under them, They did not trust you with life, if you could not be bothered to look after something as small as your uniform. Following the expected traditions of the captain on bridge on auto pilot, it was drilled hard into you in the academy so much so, it was a reflex.

it was the first time he had really seen the whole staff gathered in one place in past few weeks, The imposing Marine had inches and pounds on almost everyone else, the Security chief was tough, knowing his species they had body to back it up, quad heart system and a range of atmosphere tolerance exceeding most of the crew. Captain was an enigma, even for a Vulcan, a war hero, though there was something about him, yet no one could ever put their finger on it. Doctor he had met years before, and the grumbles. Tight ship, but given lives rested on her so directly, you could appreciate somewhat how she came to be so. Tactical, Engineering, Xo looked like he might be able to match Major in gym, even with a size disadvantage. Solid as a dreadnought.

Then came what he had been expecting in some respects for a while, confirmation of the crisis and reading between the lines, they were headed to the border.


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