Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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2 mos ago
Current Happy Christmas Humans and aliens :)
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4 mos ago
As an Imperial saint I fully approve the use of the Inquisiton in this matter
2 yrs ago
Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.


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Banned for lack of explanation, for this is banned by thy saint of the impirum and sent to uncle gurgles farting contest judge planel.
Banned for banning me.

I self return from the dead :)
Banned for eating the last mince pie.
@The Muse
Oops missed you

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Onions are cute, Sya has a Crush?

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya was sat… well sat as best able in her new form it had not missed her she might have to ask a craftsman to make a new low bench of some kind for her to use in her rooms, she was not sure what a Lamia would use, chairs where not that. A Lunarian merchant was someone to get to know, though she was clever enough to not want to be making all her negotiations drunk as a skunk…snake now she giggled internally and her mind drifted randomly in directions.

She had to start the connection though. Sya wanted to build the least sign saying there was a bridge planned. “You did choossse a challenging time to travel, that's for sure. We can talk another time, I have a few good i'm interested in importing if you agree. Before Winter Bitesss again. I have gold, if you work with me.” Sya said politely and cheerfully as she offered the bridge and her small pale hand to the man.

She nodded to the large barbarian as he sat down glad the seating was pretty rugged here as well.. damn the men Were tall, well fed and had six packs for her to enjoy least in the form of Orion. she could not help that little side of her from putting its own little side in. She would not begrudge another bath, it was warm, soothing and she felt all her weight drop away in the water, her tail was effortless in the hot springs. Hot springs aside she nodded along and excused herself as they had got to business before her and Sya was going to negotiate drunk. “Have a profitable day Gentleman, Clansssdmen. Il be at the Bar most likely.” She said politely and slid off the chair in a cautious action as she was unused to using such things in this form.

She was slower to move away as the action to uncoil took longer and she did not want to knock the table or chair over. Her control was slow and deliberate as she adjusted her dress before turning to see one of the staff catch her attention and gesture her to the front desk. She seemed insisting so Sya pushed off and began to slither with great care to not harm anyone. She could barely see given her smaller size but Sya had got the message and that was what mattered.

She probably could stand taller but her balance seemed to be her problem, her coordination was happy at her former height so Sya was unwilling to fight that. She passed the pair who seemed to be talking, they were not causing issues and honestly if someone regretted their choice of partner in the morning that was not her issue as long as they paid the tab and room costs. People were free to make their own success and mistakes. Sya had too many things in her life right now to get Involved in everything.

She gave them a polite wave as she passed through a gap, her tail flicking in tune to the music as she went, it was…. something She just felt. The vibrations, and those vibrations she “danced” to in a kinda way. With a slight sway the Lamia Innkeeper made her way behind the bar and rested her tail partly up against the counter back for support flashing blue slender shaped fine scales as she saw a tanned woman. Pretty, dark haired drinking wine as she waited. She must be the lady after a room.

“Hello, I'm Ssssya Leela Miss.” She said with a slip of a hiss and pulled out a leather bound book and a quill from below her, checking what rooms she had left, only singles now. Best taken, double taken and Galdiz has booked a room too it seemed. They had been busy when she was away.

Her tail danced and her body swayed slightly to the music. He was really good though it was kinda strange how he seemed to Influence her a little… As a Blightborn Sya was semi immune to her own kind as it was so must relate to her new instincts. “Only got ssssingles left, last double got booked. I Have a few rooms on the first floor, if there is an emergency I live on the 2nd.

Breakfasssst is included, but other meals are on you, or you can pay extra.”
Sya said smoothly, this was practiced and alcohol was affecting her less on something she had as a habit. “I'll just need a name for the book miss. If you end up sharing for a night, that's per room anywaysss.” Sya said with a cheeky quiet tone for the attractive woman. They paid for a room, if they wanted to make do with a smaller room, she was sure people would find a way to bash shells together and scramble their yolks abit. Maybe even merge yolks and make a little egg and make a little box of their own.

Sya pulled out a paper map and pointed out which rooms were free and had the choice of, they were about half full so no real problem at this stage to let her choose. Plus some people proffered the quieter rooms out back, others like the stairs, and … well it caused less problem to just give them the choice. “Your choice. Theirs some Parlours for guesssts upstairs of you do not wanna eat at the main bar. Sssatairs, up, just inside Inn. Locknup late.” Sya Said as she waited with a curious glance. The woman was…complicated and harder to read than others. Sya would have to work out this woman's layers as she turned to check the door and gave a thumbs up to another Blightborn with lime green eyes and short hair who was reading into the back. "Bring out another, we sssshort on the cookies Vala" She called out to a confirmation gesture to one of the staff she relied on and considered greatly her responsibilities.

Sya swayed a little to the music, moving to the suble beat the bard was playing and tapped the tip of her tail softly as she paid attention to the woman and the bar about her.


@BlackRoseSiren@Theyra@Qia@Dark Light

Lord and lady Coswain

Dawn Haven stand off

“Fuck” was all lord Adonis Coswain could say as the Prince ran off, he had arrived and barely been able to explain he was switching for the Princess before he was in flow to another, got a message, said he had a wolf turned man to help him track and had to potentially baby ait Lord Ayel of the sun shines out my arse lands.

He was noticeably annoyed as he uttered the word with almost a physical force, the man who was leader had ran off alone… in an unknown environment. Hell he had somehow lost his wife, caused them to all be out in a double pronged fucking problem, and to top it all he was worried about Persephone while he had been trying to help a man who seemed like he had no idea how to be a husband. Sure they stood together but anyone who had a functioning marriage could tell they were less sure in their bond…well at least his very perceptive Throne agent of a wife had read the body language as. There was a reason she was part of the King's Eyes.

Persephone just knew things and he killed them, they had made a good pair when they met. Between them they were a rather dangerous team.

“Fucking idiots with crowns for brains….” He said with a grunt as he returned with a wary but curious glance at the man…wolf turned man, and Ayel…the Lord.. who was such a pain they probably exiled him here from the capital.

“Seeing as our esteemed Noble Prince has forgotten, probably what every tutor and guard tried to tell him.” He said with a grunt, would they have to rescue him too, sure he was worried but running off alone was not the best way to tackle such things. Jeez if he had to add another solo blight kill it would be one too many, it was far too dangerous for a man who wanted to live to see his grandson grow up.

“I do not want to fucking die, so we are going to be careful, and no heroics. Lord Ayel if you wish to leave, I believe the safest location will be town square, we can escort you part of the way.” He said with even more calm than he possessed inside, and was working hard to control his emotions at this whole freaking nightmare and stupidity.

“You can do it? Let's go” He said grimly to the wolf, the duty was clear. They had to protect the town, try to do something. he couldn't go back so he might as well keep moving forward.

@The Muse@Fetzen@Dezuel
Banned for illegal bird migration.
Banned because your now my plushy.


Crime scene

Amazon Action time.

Daphne wanted to protest, she was a guard and was the Prince going to rest Ayel? Of all the silver spoon spineless nobles to his defense? He was going to use a man who turned into a cat as a form of tracking? He was leaving the Auralia sage to …handle a sensitive Lunarian matter?

She glared at Idea of taking the body back to the sage's tower for study, it would be an outrage, and an insult to their every custom. She relaxed when the command was given to take it to the temple, there was not much to learn, his head was taken off and whatever it was had some kind of highly effective claws? Maybe…who knew. It had at least 1 powerful offensive weapon naturally.

That thought kept her sword tight in her hand, she had the short blade resting at her side but could bring it up in a fraction of a second if she needed to, Lord Coswain had trained her well and she was partly so wanting to follow for that exact reason. He needed backup and Ayel was more hazzed and just another liability.

“Of course, we will be safe with me M Lord, I shall do as you command. Take caution and good luck finding your wife.” Daphne said with a deliberate parade ground flat tone, she was not happy entirely but there was nothing she could do about it.

The fact they turned and left was a double edge aspect, she was standing alone with Nathanial and Katherine, the poor beheaded Sir Abel below then. The snow still fell gently in rare flakes but much of its force was replaced down to a minor dusting that was even that dying down for now the blizzard had used all its energy. Like the attack and the hunt, the energy had run down for them too.

“Priestess.”Daphne moved quickly when she saw the woman begin to stumble and fall, quicker than she should be she dropped her sword and looked about with concern and worry etched into her featured and bright purple eyes. “Only a little more to go, Nathaniel. Can you move the body while I support the priestess? It's rune locked… we need her help to even open the door.” Daphne had pulled her so she was not quite so much face lifting into the snow and supported her.

Her eyes saw the token that had falled and partly unsheathed bearing the name Coswain in golden script and it's finely lacquered scabbard. She reached over and stowed it at her belt, locking the blade back in and sighing. This job had gone… badly to say the least. Oddly it felt right.. that was something for another mind's thoughts as she wore the pair of honour blades.

For a guard Daphne showed a softer side as she gently cleaned the slow and muck off the Priestess face as best she could and pushed her hair out the way. Adjusting her robe to help keep her warmer, she did best to help the woman. “Nathanial, Can you respect our customs and help us? She is too cold, we need to get to the Moon Temple. I do not know why, but i feel that is way we need to go.” Daphne voice had a sense of her thoughts, how serious she was thinking thr matter was and her concerns for Selene's representative in the Dawn Haven.

She was far from a priestess, Daphne was deeply respectful and felt a debt to the temples from her upbringing but she was not trained I'm the secret arts and the skills of the religion. She just had her gut feelings and had to trust them. “Call it a feeling, but they kept me alive so far," Daphne said as she did her best to look after the woman.

Interactions: Ayel @Dezuel, Daphne @PrinceAlexus, Valthyr @Fetzen, Nathaniel @Echotech71, Katherine @SpicyMeatball
@The Muse
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