Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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1 mo ago
Current when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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7 mos ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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7 mos ago
9 mos ago
are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
11 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"



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Zhao Jinhai

He noticed the phantoms reforming the same time Yakumo did. Well, wasn't that annoying? Enemies that didn't have the decency to stay dead when they were killed. Still, that put them in a pretty shit catch-22. Either try to push through and leave their backs exposed, or turtle up on both sidesand leave their everything else exposed.

Good thing that they had a teleporter with them. As soon as Yakumo gave the order, Jinhai dashed right on over, taking up a defensive position as he leveled his pistol and kept firing at any ashigaru that tried to push.

"On you, pinkie." A ninja got too close just as his pistol was running dry, but that was solved with a palm strike to the chest before he quickly reloaded. "Can't say I like cutting and running, but it'd be nice if I got through this with a few mags left. How're you doing on arrows back there, kid?"

@Raineh Daze @PKMNB0Y
Iraleth Kyrios

Professor Alto admitted his forfeit, and Iraleth lowered her knife from his throat in response, exhaling slowly as she sheathed her weapons, trying to catch her breath. Pizza certainly sounded good, given she'd not had some in quite a while. But a bribery of food wasn't going to go far in winning any esteem back, especially after her pointed ears caught the last bit he'd murmured. 'Later' was a rather vague term. It could be tomorrow. It could be the end of the term. How stingy. That, and it didn't quite make up for the nonsense he'd put them all through, especially Davil.

Iraleth turned her back on him, looking back in Ciara, Chloe, and Rio's direction. She afforded the witch, or Astra knew whatever she was, a brief nod, catching her eye and shifting her eyes in Chloe's direction for a bit. Despite their differences, they could at least agree in not letting the other half-elf get her way in this situation. Or at all, at this rate.

"Behave yourself." She said straight to Chloe. "Lest you want to be defeated in one move again." With that done, she turned back to glance at whatever the professor was doing to end the overcharge, only to be met with Chunji and Otis's words in short order. A frown.

"Are Otis's words true, professor? You've done enough to Davil as it is today. I'd think it would be best to at least make sure he's secured before we return."

@ERode @AThousandCurses @Estylwen
I'll shit my post up tomorrow after I get home from tabletop, need to head to bed early because of the aforementioned
Salvator Rasch

The voidhanger emerged from his last warp utterly exhausted and crumpled flat on the ground, albeit in cover. Salvator would have loved nothing more than to have a few breaths to even try to recover, but judging by the comms, that wasn't in the cards. Void Jesus, what an awful day this was. He groaned, forcing himself to reach into one of his pouches and pull out a combat stim, administering it through a port in his armor. Almost immediately, temporary adrenaline flowed through Salvator, and he scrambled up to a crouch, leveling his carbine at the walker from behind cover.

Right. Judging from what the cut-off comms had said, extraction wasn't an option until they'd at least cleared the air, both physically and electronically. Echo's warform was the best option they had against the damn thing, but its machine gun alone was staggering the warform. Damn. They still had wounded inside the warform too. The kid hadn't done much to endear herself to...well, anyone so far. But that didn't mean he was just gonna let her die. First things first.

"Rasch, squad." He tapped back into comms, boosting the signal as much as possible to try to cut through the jamming at close range. "Issuing orders: Echo, pull the warform back. Get that siege cannon of yours warmed up as soon as possible. I'm starting an active scan for weaknesses now." Salvator did as he said, frowning at what he saw. Or was able to, anyway.

"It's got poor visual confirmation. Looks like that camera pod up above it's the only eyes it has." A quick mental stock of the available roster: Kleo was out. Alice was tending to her. Ilshar was pinned down. Echo's warform was commanded to retreat and fire up the cannon. That left the endoform. Salvator scowled to himself as he loaded a fresh AP mag and coated it in ethereal jacketing before he lined up sights on the camera pod. EMP was tempting, but there wasn't a chance in hell the mech wasn't EMP-shielded, especially against bluescreen rounds from small-arms fire.

"Ilshar, I'm going to run interference. Might get lucky and blind it entirely. Soon as it stops firing on you, get to a more defensible position. Echo, send the endoform out here to run backup, we're dangerously low on manpower. Alice, the second Kleo's not in danger of bleeding out, we need you back in the fight. Opening fire!"

He opened up with his carbine, firing several repeated three-round bursts at the camera pod before starting to reposition while behind cover. Couldn't chance more ethereal strain at the moment, otherwise evasion would be far easier.
Zhao Jinhai

"Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen?" Jinhai asked casually as he rammed a knee up into an ashigaru's ribcage, the rest seeming to fall back. He would have said something further, but the flash bomb going off in his face just about nixed any further response for the moment.

"Agh! Prick!" The former Triad cried reflexively, wincing as he tried to clear his vision. When he managed to do so, the first thing he saw was a blade coming straight for his throat. Quick reflexes narrowly shaved Zhao Jinhai's life, the barest twist of body causing the sword to only graze his neck, drawing a slight bit of blood.

No time to think, the only thing that mattered to his continued survival was eliminating the threat in front of him. A rapid application of his fists to the new foe's face ended with Jinhai twisting the shade's head around in a neck snap, after which he picked up the ghostly body and hurled it at another of the new arrivals...huh. Well, that was something, at least.

"Look at that, ninjas! Really is like a movie now, huh, pinkie?"

@Raineh Daze @PKMNB0Y
Renar Hagen

"Gah!" Renar cried out in barely-contained agony as he wasn't quite fast enough to evade Parvan's lance blast all the way. The dripping stump where his left arm used to be could attest well to that. Fortunate that it'd come back with him whenever he died. He gasped for breath as he continued to frantically dodge, now having to account for a third method of attack in the barrage thrown at him.

Renar lasted for several more seconds, evading a good few sword waves, another blast from Parvan, and a lance charge before one more of Edwin's waves took his head clean off. The moment he opened his eyes once more, Renar hurriedly rolled out of the way of the sword wave he knew was coming. And just barely succeeded.

He scrambled up to his feet, hurriedly evading more strikes while formulating a tactic in his head. Renar was beginning to be able to compensate for the current level of attacks being thrown at him, better able to see and react to them even without the advantage of prediction. That meant he had an opportunity to strike back. Certainly, the brothers never said he'd had to. But he was still going to. It had to be Parvan. While Renar was getting faster, Edwin would know what he was up to the moment he tried to advance.

Wave, wave, lance blast, and...Parvan charged. Renar narrowly sidestepped the blow, his right hand still gripping his poleaxe and unable to respond, just as he wanted them to assume. His left drew a dagger from his belt and jammed it straight towards Parvan's neck.

@Raineh Daze
Iraleth Kyrios

The flames taxed Iraleth's barrier nearly to breaking point, but she endured. She had just enough to ensure that Alto wasn't leaving her grasp for the next several seconds, so whatever they were planning out there had better come soon.

Their prison fell apart. The instant she saw Rio and Chloe plummetting down, Iraleth hurriedly extricated herself from the situation. Or at least she would have if Professor Alto didn't do it for her. She skidded back from the kick with a wince, the professor hitting far harder than she would have assumed. The tip of the sword slammed into the ground to slow her down, allowing the paladin to observe just what was going on.

Unbeknowst to her, Iraleth drew the exact same conclusion as Ciara: letting Chloe loose on Professor Alto was unacceptable. Certainly, the effects were reversible, by all accounts. And he did have it coming. Just a little. But who knew how far the other half-elf would take it? They couldn't quite take that chance.

She dashed forward at the same time as Ciara, running past the witch and Chloe as the former teleported forward to clothesline the latter. Iraleth didn't stop as she swung her arm out, her free hand moving to trap the professor's wrist before her sword smashed against Alto's, aiming to disarm the man. The moment her blade made contact, Iraleth hurriedly released the wrist with her off hand and drew a dagger, bringing it up to the point where Alto's Personal Barrier was broken.

"Yield." Iraleth ground out with a wince, practically radiating light as her own barrier struggled to hold back the heat for much longer.

Shouldn't have to wait too long, I'll get something up tonight after raid
Renar Hagen

Ah. That did explain it. Perhaps Edwin and Parvan's examples weren't quite dragonfire, per se, but Renar didn't doubt that they wouldn't be just as difficult to dodge, if not more so. By all accounts, a dragon's flames didn't quite come out as quickly as Parvan's charge, or Edwin's sword waves.

And yet Renar could still follow them. Barely, just barely. But he still could. He allowed a savage grin to cross his face, nodding as he took a ready stance. Concrete improvement. Before they'd all come in here, Renar would have had no chance. Now there was one, no matter how slight.

"By all means, fire at will."

Fast. Even if his eyes and mind could comprehend what he was seeing, Renar's body still had to catch up. Admittedly, he was cheating somewhat in predicting their moves and acting accordingly, moving before he had a chance to react. But that wouldn't help him in the long run-

Edwin's next blade wave came at a horizontal angle and bisected Renar by its right edge, leaving his guts splayed out. He returned to life on a path just off to the side. After a moment to catch his bearings, the knight returned to where he'd stood. Right. He'd have to account for differing angles of attack. To say nothing of the fact that they were likely still holding back on the speed. More aspects to read and consider, even as his body grew accustomed to this sort of evasion.

"Don't tell me you're waiting for my go." Renar grunted, preparing to evade again. "By all means, try to snipe me the moment I come back to life. It's what I would do."

@Raineh Daze
Ranbu no Izayoi

Once more, blood and fire desecrated the village of Atsu. Team Kirin met the first wave of Valheimians head-on, and came out with the advantage. Their frontline fighters faltered before Eliane and Arton's swordplay, and Galahad's leap sent their riflemen into disarray. For her part, Izayoi was stuck in deep, her blade tearing through a trio of soldiers trying desperately to hold the enraged mystel back.

Before their lines could lose all cohesion, however, the black-clad soldiers rallied around the cry of their captain, doing as she'd commanded and regrouping on her order. Izayoi scowled as the gunners fired, dashing behind the wall of another intact house to wait out the shots before reemerging, her glower intensifying as she'd realized where the newfound captain had come out of.

"You desecrate the doorstep of my home with your touch." At this point, her anger had spiked to the point where she wasn't even screaming anymore, but speaking slowly with barely-contained rage. She didn't even register that the woman had gotten her title wrong.

"You know everything. How? Did you give the order six months ago?" One of the soldiers remaining from the initial wave tried to flank her from the side, but an offhand swing of Izayoi's blade tore through his chest, leaving him crumpled on the ground. The sword's wielder never took her gaze off of Reisa, veins bulging on her forehead.

All the while, the battle continued. Reisa's swordsmen raised shields and took up defensive positions in front of the reloading gunners as the lieutenant with the crested helmet narrowly sidestepped Galahad's lighting. He raised a hand in response, ice shards forming around him and firing...towards Eliane and Arton. However they dealt with the bullets, they would find ice crashing down on them almost immediately after.

As if to cover his immediate superior, the juggernaut with the mace charged forward, intent on crashing through the house that Galahad stood atop of in order to force him to move or fall.
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