Avatar of pugbutter


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1 yr ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
3 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
3 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
3 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
3 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


Most Recent Posts

@Sanctus Spooki Gonna try to explain this verbally, but I'll make a visual guide if necessary:

Start with three layers in GIMP, layered in this order:

1 Typed text, saying "Psychology" or "Cards on the Table" or whatever section header you're currently working on
2 Solid-color background of your choice
3 Vaporwave album cover (I used this one)

You merge your text with the solid background (1 with 2), and then you use thresholds to convert all the anti-aliasing into black and white.

You then select by color, and highlight all the words/symbols.

Delete them.

Merge the two remaining layers and you now have vaporwave textures peeking through the areas where you deleted the top layer (in the shapes of the letters).

At that point you just crop the image, and then delete the background color. If you have an alpha channel enabled, the background will be transparent, so you can post it on this site and it'll look better against the grey background. Or you can use the color #2e2c2c to match the grey.

If this is confusing, give me your character name and I'll take screenshots.
@Sanctus Spooki No, I'm complaining about someone who is not the GM but who is pretending to be. Although whinging about realism in a genre totally fueled by Rule of Cool is still ludicrous, the reason of "it doesn't fit the tone of this RP" is good enough a reason for me to alter my app. The GM said it, another sensible player said it, it makes sense, done.

@Foster Let's just cut the shit; yeah? I'm not going through your app nitpicking at the parts of it which I dislike. I could if I wanted to (believe me!), but I also can actually recognize how incredibly rude that is, and refrain from acting upon my impulses. And I can try to get along despite my misgivings.

She's your character and you can play her however you want her. I have the same right, until the GM—who I remind you is not you—tells me something needs to be improved.
I'm not surprised that you don't see the real problem I have with your posts, lol.

I don't know how the GM feels about it, but my opinion on it is stated rather eloquently by another player in another thread:

Fuck you for trying to backseat mod and passive aggressively push out people who came into this RP to play out their fun little power fantasies, because it's not something you personally like.
@Foster In order to prove your point, you have had to cherrypick the mobility of robotics from the medical field, weapons testing from the USN, and sheer scale from a Japanese wheeled vehicle which just happens to have legs on it (but cannot actually use them to run, making them a purely aesthetic design). You pretend this proves mecha realism, except you've provided no examples of these things actually converging in a single field, or, hell, a single robot.

Just bite the bullets and face facts: trying to justify rejecting my ideas through "realism" is a joke, because that's like rejecting a character from a Little Mermaid RP for having the bottom half of her body be from a dolphin instead of a fish, which is too "unrealistic" for a serious and stylized RP about a kingdom of half-fish-people living in the ocean. @Krayzikk provided a better reason in fewer than 40 words than you have fabricated in several minutes of grasping for straws through furious Google-searching. You're allowed to say "I just don't like it in this RP" and leave it at that.
@Foster With fully articulated five-digit hands, responding in real-time to militaristic threats? And bipedal movement? Running on gasoline and internal combustion?

The GM has spoken: rule of cool applies to 15 foot tall metal humanoids (who in the last thread were also able to turn into jet planes, too, evidently) but not to blaster bolts. I'm accepting his decision and changing my app accordingly, but don't pretend it makes a single lick of sense to pick and choose what items we like from the Technological Realism Buffet.
So just to be clear: this quote, from the same thread, is obsolete now?

I was thinking it over long and hard; I've decided to follow the rule-of-cool and allow it. Macross is too iconic to pass up the inspiration! However, these will be rare, experimental frames, and require good explanation for possession.
I think it's rather silly to nitpick some pseudosciences, but not others, while the characters will be controlling fully articulated human-shaped bipeds with "sticks, throttles, and foot pedals1."

But that's me.

Anyway I'd rather you look at it like a very slow laser than a very fast bullet. That's the practical part coming out the end of the barrel. I just wanted to explain why one laser might be more armor-piercing than another laser, and also why it can only be used at longer distances, so I stole borrowed some technobabble from my favorite series of Japanese science fiction novels.
Good stuff! So how are the navy's tests on bipedal battle-mechas going?
I mean

I tried to think of something cooler and edgier to be the nickname for something with the acronym "NCPa," but

it's hard okay pls stop bullying me :'(
k, frame app is now up too. I know you said to be 6-9 tons heavy, but even after scaling the thing down to 18ft tall or so, I don't think I can justify it being so light. Its design looks pretty dense.

Other than that, everything should be in order.
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