Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

The boy just got smashed into a.... "Tch." Katherine complained, summoning her dolls to aim at the legs of the woman running but she was gone down the hall. "Boy." Katherine asked as she got closer. "Are you alive?" She asked, that mark on his leg making her think that he might not quite be fully human. "Hello?" She summoned her dolls to keep an eye out around and some to scout the hallway she dissapeared down.
"Wondering if we're even needed here, Elnith." Lunalel mentioned as she summoned a spear of light in her hand spinning it in her fingers for a few seconds before tossing it toward the center of the bandit's camp. "Don't look at it too closely." She warned Elnith and Fio who were still nearby before creating magical platforms of what seemed to be light to safely traverse to the bandit camp. Neither of which should be a real strain on her.

As the spear reached the ground in the bandit camp, the body flashed brightly suddenly and then dissipated. In close proximity it would be bright enough to temporarily blind anyone beholding it. It should give them time to reach the camp while everyone was still dazed. Luna would ready her blade for any unfortunate bandits to encounter her in melee, though she would of course accept a surrender if they demanded it. She was no monster.
Demons? How frustrating. Well, nothing ever goes smoothly does it? And the kids mom was possessed? There went the hope that this would be an easy assignment altogether. Still, they couldn't be too rash and throw out accusations while the kid was in her arms. The Firbolg took a breath in to play a naive maid. "Lady Havershel, are you alright... Is that blood? Are you injured?" Viatrix mentioned the idol, that maid had mentioned an idol. It was nice for the thing to practically fall into their laps at such a time. "Do you require medical aid?"

That said, if there was a possession of the demonic variety... Perhaps the demon would know that Eliz was one as well. In the worst case, perhaps she could send a singular doll off to collect the idol while they distracted "Lady Havershel". "I'm quite adept at first aid, My Lady." The cat mentioned, making sure to keep a respectable distance from the woman. If she found a good time, she would summon one of her dolls behind the maid and supposed Lady of the House to go find the idol if that's the way they were going. It was either that or fight her which could have rather dire consequences for everyone involved. Perhaps Eliz would come up with a better plan.
Luna felt bad as she watched Sucaria's ears droop as such... but she would do nothing but worry about the maid whilst they were fighting the dragon. The knightess would feel infinitely better with her remaining in town, safe with giant friends. When she returned, she would have to apologize and give her something nice to eat.

Regardless, they got on the move. First to the bandit camp to warm up. When Cecil asked how they wanted to do this, Luna thought on it some. "If we can rid ourselves of the men in watchtowers, it would be easy enough to simply storm the camp with those numbers." Looking over the camp again, she turned to her companions. Both Fio and Cecil had range options, as did she really. "Fio, Cecil, do either of you think you could remove the watchmen with precision?" Luna asked looking toward Elnith. "Or we could just go without regard for the watchtowers. I don't think ten or so bandits is really scary."
Akyasha watched on as Julene said her words, the end of her lips tilted ever so slightly down. So she has chosen. How shameful. So long spent trying to buy the service of such a woman only to have Giselle swipe her up in a frustrating manner. The cleric grabbed her flower from Julene and held it in her open hand just to have it wither away as quickly as it was grown not much earlier. Another vampire was realistically a possible threat but it could prove a boon. The woman supposed it was time to tell.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds as she took a breath, the petals of the Blood Lily scattered about. Akyasha made eye contact with Giselle for some seconds before her eyes narrowed in irritation and the vampire turned away from the scene now behind her. "If you so wish I shall teach you all you wish of our goddess. Just don't slack or I will give you an earful of it." With that, she started to walk away. "Enjoy yourselves. I shall return to the others in the meantime." Despite her efforts, it was obvious that was was somewhat displeased for whatever reason. Akyasha now returned to the others and considered that their next trip was likely to home as she recalled all of her nearby gorebats.

I'm game of course.
"My, did that maid's dress have blood on it? Or was it just a strawberry jam?" Katherine questioned, looking to Lyssa and Eliz before calmly heading toward where the kid ran after his mother. It would be hard to stop the kid from going to his mother at this point. Well, for Katherine at least. Eliz could probably manage it. Besides, the cat-eared maid was quite interested in what the kid's mother was doing with that timid maid. A secret tryst? How doubtful. More likely she was going to punish that maid for breaking or spilling something during an important party. "Beautiful mother, isn't she? Havershel did well for himself it would seem." Katherine mentioned before making her way over to see if she could listen in on the kid talking to his mother. Worst case, she just had to use one of her dolls to help. That is, unless someone stopped him before that.

Luna was pleased to see Cecil so magnanimously offer her services, free of charge of course. "Splendid. It'll be great to have a guide through the mountains here." The knightess smiled, looking over this Cecilia once more. "You won't be dying on my watch, you rest assured." With that, however, Gunnrun asked if she could stay behind. Understandable. She was a giant, sure, but she was just a blacksmith that had her hand removed from her by the beast in question.

Luna took the lead to say this much. "Of course. I was hoping you could keep Sucaria company whilst we were away." She didn't say it aloud, but she was concerned about their safety going into this fight. It would be difficult enough to keep herself safe and she knew she would feel better if Sucaria was somewhere safe with a bunch of friendly faces. "She's my favorite maid so I hope you two could keep each other company until we return."

"Bandits in the mountains however..." Luna dragged off, looking to Fio. "Well, I think it's your choice on that one. It might be a fine warm-up before a certain life or death situation. If they're not out of the way." The knightess mentioned with a sure look on her face.
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