Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

As Camila found herself stepping out of the forest, there was a town, Pine's End, an aptly named little place that had a cozy atmosphere. "Man, it's not been that long, but it feels like it's been all day." The assistant mentioned to herself. Her Pokemon were a good bit stronger now. Training was always a good thing to have, but honestly it didn't matter too much to Camila. It was better to have Pokemon that could handle a bad situation, but her biggest focus in this adventure was studying Pokemon. With that in mind however... "I think I'm going to go see that shrine that's suppose to be here."

For now, she started off towards where the Shrine was. It was quite pleasant how peaceful it was here. Behind her was the forest she just exited and past the town itself was a nice grassy plain. "I wonder what kind of Pokemon is suppose to be worshipped at this shrine. It's leaving me a bit giddy with excitement. I remember hearing about this but I've never heard much details on it." She mentioned to herself, thinking aloud.
Katherine frowned, the demon was quite the powerful one and the small demon on their side was right. Outlasting her was probably not an option here. And her dolls... Her mouth turned into a scowl. She cancelled her binding magic for a second, concentrating the magic through what remained of her link to her soldiers. Fine. If she could use the guns to cast her elemental magic, of course she'd be able to use the binding chains with them. The magical chains would fire from the dolls' guns, wrapping around the demon in a fashion much as Katherine had done not long before. "I was irritated before, but now I'm just mad at what you've done to my dolls, Demon."

The firbolg herself would raise her hand, controlling the very air itself. Her hand moved as if she were stirring the air as a small wind started to blow through the room, ruffling small bits of clothing. Then, around the vortex of fire, a weird sound could be heard as the the air surrounding the vortex began swirling itself not allowing more to enter it's confines in an attempt to suffocate the fire before it could manage to continue building. Fire needed oxygen to burn, much like a living being. So if there was none to burn, then it would itself die. She wouldn't be able to do this to most of the fires, but she could to this one. She was definitely dependent on Eliz to take care of most of the other things.
"Oh, it should be fine Clara. I already used a potion on her, I'm just letting her rest for the moment." Camila said with a smile. "But I'll head back to the main road with you all. And I'll take you up on that offer if I find myself in Greivor. Hopefully at that point I won't need anyone to defend me from gangsters." Camila said with a small giggle.

After they reached the road again, Clara and Sable mounted up on the bike and started to ride off. Camila was in awe of the second woman's odd and dangerous riding of the bike as she waved back at the woman. The assistant scratched her head after the faded into the distance. She wanted to say something, but her voice would be drowned out by the bike at this distance. "I hope they don't get into an accident or anything of the sort on their way home." She voiced to herself before shaking her head and heading in the direction of Pine's End.

"Let's just get safely to Pine's End for now Camila. Perhaps I'll find another cute Pokemon to catch along the way." She mentioned to herself as she walked down the road. This wouldn't be her first time to Pine's End, but it would be her first time there with no constraints in time getting in her way. No need to be in a rush to get there or when she got there. "I wonder what the rest of my journey will be like if the first day was this eventful..." She mentioned to herself, walking the path. "Guess I'll see."

The battle was over pretty quickly from that point. "Yea, that's right. Go tell her that you failed your job. I'm sure she'll be really happy with you!" Camila yelled after the retreating men. Hmph. She knew the Casino was all sorts of bad, but this was a step beyond. However irritated she was, her attention soon fell on Snow, having taken quite a beating. "Hey there, girl. Good work." She reached into her bag and retrieved one of the potions the Professor had provided her with. She applied the healing item to her Pokemon before pocketing the used up item and grabbing the Vulpix's Pokeball, returning the Pokemon to it's resting spot. "You just get a good rest for now." The woman mentioned with a smile. Vulpix, exhausted, didn't complain much.

With that done, the assistant turned to Clara. "Well, nice to meet you... I suppose. Clara, Sable and our little hero, Koko. Situation nonwithstanding." Camila said with a smile to the small Pokemon. "So, you couldn't have just come and got her in the first place?" She asked Clara, crossing her arms. The assistant supposed that the woman just wanted her as a distraction so she could sneak about and get the Pokemon to safety? Perhaps that's what she would try to convince herself to keep from thinking ill of the woman in front of her. "Well, regardless. All's well that ends well. Though, Snow's a little worse for wear. Nothing a little nap and a little treatment won't fix at least."

The assistant looked like something had just dawned on her. "Oh, but where are my manners. Camila Willow and my Vulpix Snow." The woman said, motioning to the Pokeball the fox Pokemon was resting in. "One of the assistants to Professor Camphor, currently on field work one might say." Camila mentioned, still almost wondering if she was being exiled from the lab for some undiscernible reason. "I just started out not too long ago and I run into such nonsense. Perhaps I'll have to reconsider having quite strong Pokemon." The woman mentioned, seeming disappointed that her journey that should be a bit relaxing ended up seeming like it would not be quite so easy.

Camila shook the thought from her head and turned to Clara and Sable with a smile. "So, what brings you two out here? Shutting down a Pokemon caging group or just here for a ride and you just so happen to run into one?" She asked, not sounding accusatory or anything but with genuine curiosity.
"Snow!" Camila would exclaim as the Pokemon would roll into a nearby puddle. "Are you alright?" She asked as the Vulpix defiantly stood, though visibly weak. She wouldn't be able to go on much longer with this fight, though her little fox had done quite well for itself in a one versus three fight. If only she could have hit them all at the same time, perhaps it wouldn't have mattered too much. For now, she would have to continue with the fight. The one thug mentioned something about her having another Pokemon which, she did technically have but it too was unable to fight at the moment. A frown appeared on her face before she almost calling a move for Snow when something unexpected happened. The very ground started to rumble and a reptile Pokemon burst from the ground, grabbing hold of the weakened Vullaby before using a critical Crunch on it before throwing it down. This... Was on her side, right?

Her thought was confirmed when the woman from much earlier had appeared, freeing those Pokemon from the cage. She called her cutie and asked her to finish up the fight with the Kokorok which.... She assumed were the woman's. "Cutie? Me?" Her frown changed to something akin to a puzzled confusion. "I'm going to just... Ignore that." She mentioned, focusing on the battle once again. "Alright, Snow, lets help out the Kokorok. Let's get that Starley out of the fight with Powder Snow! Kokorok, glad to have you here with us." Camila said, sounding relieved.
The woman she was trying to helps seemed... Nonchalant about all of this, really. Tossing her hands in her pockets before moving behind her and tossing her a thumbs up. Camila wasn't sure about the woman and she had to take a fight for her. She better get a big thank you for this later from her and her motorcycle riding friend.

Onto the battle, the Vullaby seemed to have something wrong with it. It didn't seem to be able to use leer for some reason. Though, gust was something that seemed to be usable. How odd. "Snow, try to dodge and attack with Powder snow. If we can knock out one, then we might have a chance. Focus on the birds!" Quick attack would not be something easy to dodge so Snow might have to take a bunch of hits by the end of this. Damn. They might have to head back to the city early. That would be fine but she was hoping to be getting to the next place she could.
This situation was interesting at this point. A Pokemon battle? Well, she wasn't sure what she should expect from a bunch of thugs. At least they didn't resort to trying to punch her or something. She cleared her throat and looked at the mute woman next to her. "Let's not provoke them any more if we can help it." She asked before looking over toward the thugs. "Anyhow, if this is how we're doing it. So be it." The Pidgey she had just caught was... Well, still probably not up for battle. "I hate to put you on the spot Snow, but looks like you're the only one that can fight."

Snow seemed a small bit hesitant knowing it was up against three Pokemon at once though. "It's okay, you have the type advantage for the most part here." And, if Powder Snow was aimed properly, it could hit all three opponents. Snow seemed to pump itself up a small bit. Luckily, it didn't have the fairy typing quite yet so the Shroodle didn't have a type advantage at this point. "Powder Snow!" She commanded. Those men sent out their Pokemon already so they were ready right? "Focus on the flying types first!" She called to her Pokemon. They were outnumbered as it were, she needed to preemptive attack.
After the Pidgey started to fall over, Camila threw the Pokeball she had waiting. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed as the ball flew through the air and smacked against the bird's shoulder. It then looked to ricochet off before turning back towards it and firing a light at the Pidgey before capturing it. The ball fell to the ground and started to wiggle a few times before clicking. "We did it, Snow~!" She happily exclaimed again, lifting the small fox Pokemon up. It happily yipped in reply as it allowed her trainer to carry it.

Walking over to the Pokeball, Camila picked it up and put it on her belt before walking over to the one she had missed earlier and pocketing it. "Well, this is a fairly common start for most Pokemon trainers I suppose. Not that I'm really one of course." She mentioned, setting Snow down again. "Well, we should be finding this mute woman."

With that, the continued. They saw a Deerling and a Bunneary but finding this woman was the first thing in her mind at the moment. The two just kept walking for now and soon, they came upon... Something. A bunch of guys with Pokemon in cages and... A woman? "Ah. Big. I fully understand now." The assistant mentioned looking at this woman. If the description wasn't enough, the lack of reply the woman gave the rest away. She walked up to the situation with a frown. "And what would a bunch of thugs from the Casino want with a bunch of caged Pokemon? Prizes for the people that can just pay up while you rob the rest of them?" She asked, disliking what she saw in front of her. "It's also not nice to gang up on a lady, you know?" She added.
"Keep at it, Eliz." Katherine mentioned, as she continued her work trying to restrain the demon with her chains. "I'll make you like this kind of play Mama Demon." The firbolg teased as she tried wrapping the creature up again. Her dolls moved in a bit closer and Katherine channeled a bit of magic through their weapons and they used the barrels of their guns as makeshift fire hoses to try and keep the fire out with Eliz, occasionally splashing the possessed woman with the water. "Maybe she'll run out of power if we keep this up." Katherine said, putting on her best show of not seeming tired. "How long do you think she can keep this up?" Katherine asked the small demon with them.
Camila thought she'd have that in one shot like that. Well, she was a bit rusty on catching Pokemon so perhaps that was a factor. "Snow! Dodge and use Powder Snow again!" The assistant commanded. Hopefully this would end quickly enough. She wanted to get on the road to finding that woman's friend. "Let's make this quick, Snow." She mentioned, grabbing another of the Pokeballs and ready to throw it when the Pidgey was hit.
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