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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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No fire can harm the halls of the Kingdom of Fotia.

With the destruction of the castle in the sky the Kingdom of Fotia was at a eerie rest. When it came to matters of war and battle the Fotia army relies of quick decisive battles. Sneaking was the weapon of the Nero, the opposite of Fotia. With such ease in the surreal way Magnixx obliterated the home of the Seraphin many would feel the eerie calm as thick as fog. Something, a retaliation of some kind was bound to happen. Even some feral dragons would chase a man to the ends of the earth if there was no home for it to go to.

Magnixx sat within the hall of minds within Fotia. A barrier for clear thoughts and rational thinking was placed up within such a room. A large marble table with golden seats outlining it’s perimeter sat in the center of the room. In attendance were several of Fotia’s wisest and most respected minds, all with Magnixx sitting in the highest chair. “There’s no easy way to put this. But we are at odds with your decision dear King.” Spoke one, he was dazzled in jewels and spiritual symbols hanging from said jewels. This man was the lead Dragon Priest and was very influential, even more so than the King to an extent. However a part of the Sajukai religion involved their own King and his blood line, the true and only wielders of the sword of Tev-La-Nuik.

“Yes, while we may be at odds. We certainly know peace is not an option at this point.” Said a much older man, a long bearded Sajukai with a long and thin frame. A wise sorcerer. His horns were chipped and his scales were greying and his eyes seemed closed the entire time, the movement of his two long hairs coming out of his nose and his beard that flustered with every word he spoke. “Then we will prepare our weapons for battle!” Shouted a large one, mostly dragon looking. He was not known for his superior intellect but for his size, strength and the armies he commanded. His hairs fell down his face in wild locks and his crimson eyes showed a blood lust the room could not contain. “May I suggest the use of our energy readers to keep track of the levels outside the city walls. In case of y’know.” Said the smallest one. He resembled a small human with horns, tail and wings. Sitting on his face was a large pair of bifocals, he was known for his groundbreaking technology.

A feral Dragon soared high above Fotia, above the clouds. It’s size was quite massive as it seeked the lands of afar where water and less heat was a factor. A twinkle of blue light soars past it, causing the scales on its body to frost over with ice. The Dragon shook, scales scraping each other, as if drying from water. It snarled flames from it’s nostrils yet continued onward. The light soared at great speeds, resembling a shooting star throughout it’s decent.

Once reaching the volcanic rim of Fotia’s outer volcanoes, it soured close to the surface, layering frost on the ground beneath it. Soon a shopkeeper was met with a frosted cloak once the unknown object soared past him, as well as many others down the market path. The center fountain in the inner city was frozen solid by the landing of the light, it’s figure shifting in the mist caused by the constant cold and the warm heat beneath the city.

Stepping out from the warm mist and exuding a fresh cold air from his person was a yellow haired seraphin with piercing blue eyes. It’s clothes were refined with breast plated armor and and white feathers stuffed around the edges like fur. Around his shoulders was a flowing midnight blue hooded cloak, said hood laid to rest below his neck. He held a solemn look as he stepped into the center of the city square. His eyes, piercing the sun’s glare with a cyan blue. The people of the surrounding area looked on with mixed emotions. The Seraphin had no wings but walked as a normal man would. He looked mostly Seraphin but his neck and arms were visibly scaled with lapis lazuli. He was soon met with several guards after their footsteps were heard from out the crowds of people. “Stop right there! You’re wanted for questioning! You’re coming with us.” He eyed the guards with an amused smirk, edging to his cheek, as they pointed automated caliber kinetic rifles with explosive projectile attachment and red dot sights. “Your King is a murderer and you want to question me? The messenger? My apologies. My name is Mirror, the messenger of peace keeping.”

“We can tell you’re not from here meat skin!” The guards chuckled. A term used for the soft skin of some of the more Seraphin type.” Your King managed to slaughter one of us, but the rest survived. Only innocents were hurt after, and a new home for many ruined as well.” He scoffed with a deep sigh. “For such atrocities he is to be brought to the Lord high God for judgement. If he refuses he will be brought to judgement by force and will be given the gravest fate.” The guards looked at each other then back at Mirror. “We’ll relay your message to our king, and will hand him your head.” Replied one of the guards, aiming down his sights at Mirror. His badges were more in number than the others making him leader. “Open fire!” On his command the group of soldiers began opening fire with a great blurr of fire and flashing plasma energy. The combined attacks broke the ground beneath the seraphin to the point a cloud of dust erupted and enveloped him in. Ten seconds of firing and the commander roared a “Hold! Cease fire!” They watched as the dust cleared and their eyes opened wide underneath their Dragon shaped helmets. “H-He’s!” A guard exclaimed. “Alive?” Responded Mirror. His body was full of holes but all that escaped from him was a icy mist that rapidly reformed into his previous body. He smirked as his left eye which had a hole in it was reformed in the wake of spiraling snowflakes emitting from the hole.

“As a peace keeper I’m allowed to judge you based on your level of misconduct. For your attempts at murder and the affiliation with Magnixx I hereby sentence you to death.” On his left and right sides were two blades, thin and narrow. He drew one and it’s blade was made of solid ice. It gleamed a ray of multicolored light against the sun, and once it did so Mirror vanished in a stream of frosted mist. The temperature around the guards dropped dramatically until, in seconds, all were bitten with deep frost, and the mist grew until it surrounded them all. Blocking the view of what was happening to civilians. “N-no, no, noooo!” Cried a guard before all fell silent. Within an instant the mist was literally sucked into what seemed to be Mirror’s body. With no visible point of where the mist went it seemed as though the mist was a part of Mirror’s person. As he reappeared all the guards were in different positions, frozen solid as they died.

Mirror sheathed his blade. “That was fun. I honestly cannot wait to begin laying waste to all of you ingrates.” He looked at the civilians before pushing his hair back from over his face. “Still haven’t figured out how to keep my hair perfect when doing that…” He muttered to himself before turning to walk away. But before he could take a second step the ice on one of the guards began to give a loud shattering sound. A large piece of ice fell off the body of the frozen commander as he soon broke free of the ice, launching the debris meters away. He gripped his armor and tore it off. It shattered as it hit the ground. He tore all his armor off until he was in nothing but pants and boots. He was a Sajukai named Demetri, a general in command of a section of the guards, for good reason. He was a dark red with black horns, his left eye had a scar and was blind but his right eye was sharp and yellow. He looked at his fellow guards with disdain. “You will be avenged my brothers.” He looked at Mirror after saying these words and dropped his frozen gun onto the ground. He walked toward Mirror at a slow pace, but fearlessly, placing his right hand behind him and gripping onto something. Mirror glared at Demetri. “Oh, so this one is strong. Want to play some more?” Demetri pulled from behind him a device much like a rod. Mirror unsheathed his left blade with his right hand. Mirror dashed forward confidently and raised his blade to the air, a step away from his person Demetri’s device expanded and the end of it jolted a concentrated flame of white heat. He brought the spear down and it met Mirror’s oncoming blade with a loud shockwave of icy cold that flew throughout the corridors of the square. Mirror looked with a quizzical smile as he slid the blade down the side of the staff to get closer, however Demetri met Mirror’s face with a punch. On connection an explosion erupted from the point of contact. A fog of mist enveloped Demetri as Mirror’s body went flying from the cloud. His body disintegrated into a cloud of mist before reaching any object. The stream of mist he turned into took a life of its own and whirled in a concentrated form to the air and then back to the ground. The mist was sucked away as Mirror’s body reformed into him, but this time he was not visibly unharmed.

“Cah!.. I see, you have That technique.” His mouth dripped blood that fell on the ground and did not evaporate. He looked at Demetri who remained in his position as the mist around him cleared. His fist emitted smoke for a brief moment before it cleared. “I admire your talent, but you won’t be killing me now that I know what you’re capable of.” Mirror sheathed his blade and wiped the blood from his lip. “We’ll meet again on the battlefield.” After saying this Mirror’s body instantly was covered in a frosted mist that shot into the sky at great speed, forming quickly into the shape of a dragon soaring through the air.

Demetri looked up at the form of Mirror’s escape. Soon reinforcements arrived behind Demetri in great numbers. But it was too late. “We’re here! Where’s the intruder!?” Demetri looked down, his weapon returned to its small size and he placed it within a pouch on his back belt. “See to it that these bodies are defrosted, and then given a ceremony.” He turned and began to walk through the crowd of guards and soldiers to relay the message to the King.
The next morning the announcement of the opening of the yearly Colosseum was made, but this time it was early and had direct importance to the war. The contestants of the Colosseum would be entering with the chance to be accepted as a soldier without the brutal training. But one’s merit and skill would be tested. Many of the Sajukai bloodline were forced to enter the Colosseum. Where Dragons were pitted against Descendants, and the survivors would be met with glory and a soldier’s status for the upcoming war.
We're not dead just allot of planning.

Fun fact - I plan on illustrating this Roleplay as a series I'm working on.
It's all good. I'm waiting for the other active members to post. Nice post by the way.
The pace is good for me. I'm busy these days myself and this story is going to advance pretty quickly with each post.
Posted up my CS for peer review.
(Second attempt)
Name: Magnixx Hannoxx

Age: 50

Gender: Male


Random descriptors:
Height: 6’4
Weight: 230 ibs

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Non-Critical Character/Secondary Character or Background Character (supporting characters for story purposes..)

Physical Description: Despite his age he still looks like he's in his twenties. Muscular and fit all around he has a simple small yet squared jaw line with no visible hairs on his body despite his dark brown hair which is in a dreaded ponytail with a single lock coming down his right side reaching his shoulder. He has tattoos all over the left side of his body reaching to his face. Two large horns curve on the top sides of his head above the his pointed ears, both colored a dark reddish. His eyes are blood red with slit amber pupils. His skin hue is tan to brown his feet and fists being dark brown. His nails on his feet and hands are painted black and his clothing consists of clean white cloth tied around his waist and down to his knees. Dark Armor on his chest, back, shoulders, wrists, shins and ankles. Two fluid yet tall black wings on his back. He also has a 6 foot black tail.

Personality Description: Magnixx is the King of warriors within an entire nation. He is wise from many battles but his blood still runs hot with youth and wild passions. He is down to earth despite being wildly imaginative. His mind is complex array of voices and visions from his past, which he replays and learns from thoroughly. He finds his reason for living to be in the past, having a strong urge to supersede his father's accomplishments.

Skills, powers and abilities:
Breaker- A blood seal is placed on weapons by the warriors of old, then adopted by assassins. The blood of a Descendant resonates with a energy signature readable by a parallel realm. This realm transfers the weapon through their realm and time, to the source of the energy signature. Transporting the weapon through realms or dimensions in an instant to summon the weapon before the summoner. This can be done in reverse as well, sending the weapon back through realms to the set destination that is identical or similar to the caster. Effectively allowing the user to never be unarmed. The activation is done with a mere thought.

Finisher- Any bit of friction caused by the user can be used to create scorching heat. For example a connecting punch, kick, or a frictional rub. The level of heat invoked by the user depends on their skill level, how much they want, and the amount of friction. Some ignitions cause explosions. The hotter the flames, or more explosive the attack the more damage done to the user. The most explosive the attack can measure to is 50 tons, 10 being on the verge of significantly harming him, and heat up to 2000 degrees F. 500 being on the verge of significantly burning him.
General: (Intermediate)
Magnixx comes from a world of 2x higher gravity than that of earth. Making him feel significantly lighter on other worlds. Allowing him further speed and strength than before. His strength is able to allow him to lift maxing around 1300 ibs, run 30 mph top speed, jump max 12 feet up, and fly at 100 mph top speed. He has scales on the back of his body, cheek, wings and tail that are smooth, dense and light like marble. His wings are retractable and expandable like toughened rubber able to reach out 20 feet long and fold gently on his back resembling a cape. He has a arm length of 5'5. His nails are black and sharp both on his hands and feet. His tail is strong just as his legs and arms, being 6 feet long and black. His horns are as hard and smooth as refined copper and are sharp, reaching 7 inches past his head aiming forward. His body can handle intense heat up to 200 degrees F. He has a severe pain tolerance and for heat he can withstand 500 degrees F without pain. His skin is layered and the top layers are as tough as hardened keratin.

(High) Dimension cut- Imbuing his weapon with his soul's power he can cut through the fabric of reality opening harmful ripples that are thin gateways into certain "realms" atmosphere that remain for a short period of time. These slits emit dangerous and compressed streak of plasma around 250 kilowatts (around 4250 degrees F) in a continuous placement for precisely 3 minutes. He can form a circle with this and create a portal to the parallel world and visa versa, where time moves intensely faster than his current. Every second is a hour in the parallel world. This allows him to jump instantly in and out of portals. But he may only return to the world he entered the parallel world in.

(High) Ascension- Upon death Magnixx's soul will leave his body. Then it will manifest as fire reforming into his consciousness and allowing him to keep on living as his own literal soul. As a soul his body is made entirely of fire, within the center is the soul's heart which burns at a steady 2000 degrees F. A coating of protecting magic as durable as steel that is neither hot nor cold acts as the "flesh" of the body, meant to trap the heat of the heart inside and retain his living form's structure. It glows with a bright orange hue. He may take away the coating at will, or it may be broken off. If so his body will hold a far less refined look and be entirely made of fire. If broken it takes 20 minutes for him to reform the coating. He can propel himself with flames and is able to manipulate fire emitting from his body into projectiles of flames up to 2500 degrees F. If his body is placed in a mass of water and his coating is down, or broken, he will die within 2 minutes. If he is buried somewhere with below 16 percent oxygen and his coating is broken he will die instantly.

X End- He forms his hands and fingers into an X formation. Concentrating the flames into one fire blast of 2500 degrees F. that is 3 inches in diameter.

Character Equipment:(High) - 5 feet long, 1 in a half foot wide. A sword made from the teeth of a mountain eating Dragon. The weapon can absorb the energy of anything it comes into contact with as long as it generates significant heat and then imbues itself with that energy. The level of energy it comes into contact with or how long it comes into contact with alters the amount it absorbs. The capacity is virtually limitless however it does not entirely retain the energy rather than just holds it into place around it, allowing Magnixx to manipulate the energy in the forms of either a projectile, or a shockwave which max effectiveness is depending on how much the weapon has imbued into it from absorbing. Once used the energy leaves the weapon until absorbed again. The hilt is coated with the gums of Dragons, highly fire and electrical resistant. The effect of this weapon may absorb beings made of energy or other entities of that nature.

Armor- His armor as described is made from refined Dragon keratin and iron.

Character History: He was born in Fotia when his father was pronounced King after delivering the final blow to the leader of the Dragons. In time Fotia’s King had disagreements with the children of Mana and was assassinated soon after. Through battles against Dragons and enemy warriors Magnix proved his skill in rank and soon was able to become King once his father died. Magnix has ruled for 10 short years however since the Seraphin’s return he has been less involved with people affairs and more with political and military.
New CS coming soon.
Name: Magnixx Hannoxx

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Race: Sajukai

Random descriptors: Height: 6’4
Weight: 230 ibs

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Non-Critical Character/Secondary Character or Background Character (supporting characters for story purposes..)

Physical Description: Despite his age he still looks like he's in his twenties. Muscular and fit all around he has a simple small yet squared jaw line with no visible hairs on his body despite his dark brown hair which is in a dreaded ponytail with a single lock coming down his right side reaching his shoulder. He has tattoos all over the left side of his body reaching to his face. Two large horns curve on the top sides of his head above the his pointed ears, both colored a dark reddish. His eyes are blood red with slit amber pupils. His skin hue is tan to brown his feet and fists being dark brown. His nails on his feet and hands are painted black and his clothing consists of clean white cloth tied around his waist and down to his knees. Dark Armor on his chest, back, shoulders, wrists, shins and ankles. Two fluid yet tall black wings on his back. He also has a 6 foot black tail.

Personality Description: Magnixx is the King of warriors within an entire nation. He is wise from many battles but his blood still runs hot with youth and wild passions. He is down to earth despite being wildly imaginative. His mind is complex array of voices and visions from his past, which he replays and learns from thoroughly. He finds his reason for living to be in the past, having a strong urge to supersede his father's accomplishments.

Skills, powers and abilities:
Breaker- A blood seal is placed on weapons by the warriors of old, then adopted by assassins. The blood of a Descendant resonates with a energy signature readable by a parallel realm. This realm transfers the weapon through their realm and time, to the source of the energy signature. Transporting the weapon through realms or dimensions in an instant to summon the weapon before the summoner. This can be done in reverse as well, sending the weapon back through realms to the set destination that is identical or similar to the caster. The activation is done with a mere thought.

Finisher- Any bit of friction caused by the user can be used to create scorching heat. For example a connecting punch, kick, or a frictional rub. The level of heat invoked by the user depends on their skill level, how much they want, and the amount of friction. Some ignitions cause explosions. The hotter the flames, or more explosive the attack the more damage done to the user.

General: (Intermediate)
Magnixx comes from a world of 2x higher gravity than that of earth. Making him feel significantly lighter on other worlds. Allowing him further speed and strength than before. His strength is able to allow him to lift maxing around 2000ibs, run 35 mph top speed, jump max 12 feet up, and fly at 150 mph top speed. He has scales on the back of his body, cheek, wings and tail that are smooth, dense and light like marble. His wings are retractable and expandable like toughened rubber able to reach out 20 feet long and fold gently on his back resembling a cape. He has a arm length of 5'5. His nails are black and sharp both on his hands and feet. His tail is strong just as his legs and arms, being 6 feet long and black. His horns are as hard and smooth as refined copper and are sharp, reaching 7 inches past his head aiming forward. His body can handle intense heat up to 2000 degrees F for 10 minutes. He has a severe pain tolerance and for heat he can withstand 3000 degrees F for 2 minutes without pain. His skin is layered and the top layers are as tough as hardened keratin.

(High) Dimension cut- Imbuing his weapon with his soul's power he can cut through the fabric of reality opening harmful ripples that remain for a short period of time. These ripples hurt whatever touches it like a laser trip wire. He can also cut through any object or entity despite how immune to conventional attacks they might be.

(High) Ascension- Upon death Magnixx's soul will leave his body and he will be remade into a ghostly version of himself with exceeding abilities in magic than his normal self as well as other perks. He is able to form his body into flames and cannot be harmed through average means.

Character Equipment:(High) - 5 feet long, 1 in a half foot wide. A sword made from the teeth of a mountain eating Dragon. The weapon can absorb the energy of anything it comes into contact with as long as it generates significant heat and then imbues itself with that energy. The level of energy it comes into contact with or how long it comes into contact with alters the amount it absorbs. The capacity is virtually limitless however it does not entirely retain the energy rather than just holds it into place around it, allowing Magnixx to manipulate the energy in the forms of either a projectile, or a shockwave. Once used the energy leaves the weapon until absorbed again. The hilt is coated with the gums of Dragons, highly fire and electrical resistant.
The effect of this weapon may absorb beings made of energy or other entities of that nature.

Character History: He was born in Fotia when his father was pronounced King after delivering the final blow to the leader of the Dragons. In time Fotia’s King had disagreements with the children of Mana and was assassinated soon after. Through battles against Dragons and enemy warriors Magnix proved his skill in rank and soon was able to become King once his father died. Magnix has ruled for 10 short years however since the Seraphin’s return he has been less involved with people affairs and more with political and military.
May I join? I have a world. It's in my signature.
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