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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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Drag Queen
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LeeRoy said
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What about Melon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

New CS coming soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Sorry about that Imp, I forgot that Melon had been reviewed. Everything checks out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

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Kanitah Noraha Ayna
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Second attempt)
Name: Magnixx Hannoxx

Age: 50

Gender: Male


Random descriptors:
Height: 6’4
Weight: 230 ibs

Character Tier: High.

Character Type: Non-Critical Character/Secondary Character or Background Character (supporting characters for story purposes..)

Physical Description: Despite his age he still looks like he's in his twenties. Muscular and fit all around he has a simple small yet squared jaw line with no visible hairs on his body despite his dark brown hair which is in a dreaded ponytail with a single lock coming down his right side reaching his shoulder. He has tattoos all over the left side of his body reaching to his face. Two large horns curve on the top sides of his head above the his pointed ears, both colored a dark reddish. His eyes are blood red with slit amber pupils. His skin hue is tan to brown his feet and fists being dark brown. His nails on his feet and hands are painted black and his clothing consists of clean white cloth tied around his waist and down to his knees. Dark Armor on his chest, back, shoulders, wrists, shins and ankles. Two fluid yet tall black wings on his back. He also has a 6 foot black tail.

Personality Description: Magnixx is the King of warriors within an entire nation. He is wise from many battles but his blood still runs hot with youth and wild passions. He is down to earth despite being wildly imaginative. His mind is complex array of voices and visions from his past, which he replays and learns from thoroughly. He finds his reason for living to be in the past, having a strong urge to supersede his father's accomplishments.

Skills, powers and abilities:
Breaker- A blood seal is placed on weapons by the warriors of old, then adopted by assassins. The blood of a Descendant resonates with a energy signature readable by a parallel realm. This realm transfers the weapon through their realm and time, to the source of the energy signature. Transporting the weapon through realms or dimensions in an instant to summon the weapon before the summoner. This can be done in reverse as well, sending the weapon back through realms to the set destination that is identical or similar to the caster. Effectively allowing the user to never be unarmed. The activation is done with a mere thought.

Finisher- Any bit of friction caused by the user can be used to create scorching heat. For example a connecting punch, kick, or a frictional rub. The level of heat invoked by the user depends on their skill level, how much they want, and the amount of friction. Some ignitions cause explosions. The hotter the flames, or more explosive the attack the more damage done to the user. The most explosive the attack can measure to is 50 tons, 10 being on the verge of significantly harming him, and heat up to 2000 degrees F. 500 being on the verge of significantly burning him.
General: (Intermediate)
Magnixx comes from a world of 2x higher gravity than that of earth. Making him feel significantly lighter on other worlds. Allowing him further speed and strength than before. His strength is able to allow him to lift maxing around 1300 ibs, run 30 mph top speed, jump max 12 feet up, and fly at 100 mph top speed. He has scales on the back of his body, cheek, wings and tail that are smooth, dense and light like marble. His wings are retractable and expandable like toughened rubber able to reach out 20 feet long and fold gently on his back resembling a cape. He has a arm length of 5'5. His nails are black and sharp both on his hands and feet. His tail is strong just as his legs and arms, being 6 feet long and black. His horns are as hard and smooth as refined copper and are sharp, reaching 7 inches past his head aiming forward. His body can handle intense heat up to 200 degrees F. He has a severe pain tolerance and for heat he can withstand 500 degrees F without pain. His skin is layered and the top layers are as tough as hardened keratin.

(High) Dimension cut- Imbuing his weapon with his soul's power he can cut through the fabric of reality opening harmful ripples that are thin gateways into certain "realms" atmosphere that remain for a short period of time. These slits emit dangerous and compressed streak of plasma around 250 kilowatts (around 4250 degrees F) in a continuous placement for precisely 3 minutes. He can form a circle with this and create a portal to the parallel world and visa versa, where time moves intensely faster than his current. Every second is a hour in the parallel world. This allows him to jump instantly in and out of portals. But he may only return to the world he entered the parallel world in.

(High) Ascension- Upon death Magnixx's soul will leave his body. Then it will manifest as fire reforming into his consciousness and allowing him to keep on living as his own literal soul. As a soul his body is made entirely of fire, within the center is the soul's heart which burns at a steady 2000 degrees F. A coating of protecting magic as durable as steel that is neither hot nor cold acts as the "flesh" of the body, meant to trap the heat of the heart inside and retain his living form's structure. It glows with a bright orange hue. He may take away the coating at will, or it may be broken off. If so his body will hold a far less refined look and be entirely made of fire. If broken it takes 20 minutes for him to reform the coating. He can propel himself with flames and is able to manipulate fire emitting from his body into projectiles of flames up to 2500 degrees F. If his body is placed in a mass of water and his coating is down, or broken, he will die within 2 minutes. If he is buried somewhere with below 16 percent oxygen and his coating is broken he will die instantly.

X End- He forms his hands and fingers into an X formation. Concentrating the flames into one fire blast of 2500 degrees F. that is 3 inches in diameter.

Character Equipment:(High) - 5 feet long, 1 in a half foot wide. A sword made from the teeth of a mountain eating Dragon. The weapon can absorb the energy of anything it comes into contact with as long as it generates significant heat and then imbues itself with that energy. The level of energy it comes into contact with or how long it comes into contact with alters the amount it absorbs. The capacity is virtually limitless however it does not entirely retain the energy rather than just holds it into place around it, allowing Magnixx to manipulate the energy in the forms of either a projectile, or a shockwave which max effectiveness is depending on how much the weapon has imbued into it from absorbing. Once used the energy leaves the weapon until absorbed again. The hilt is coated with the gums of Dragons, highly fire and electrical resistant. The effect of this weapon may absorb beings made of energy or other entities of that nature.

Armor- His armor as described is made from refined Dragon keratin and iron.

Character History: He was born in Fotia when his father was pronounced King after delivering the final blow to the leader of the Dragons. In time Fotia’s King had disagreements with the children of Mana and was assassinated soon after. Through battles against Dragons and enemy warriors Magnix proved his skill in rank and soon was able to become King once his father died. Magnix has ruled for 10 short years however since the Seraphin’s return he has been less involved with people affairs and more with political and military.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Alright, so Finisher and the sword are fine now. You did, however, manage make the dimension cut and ascension even worse.

  • Dimension Cut: Now not only does it cut through anything and everything but it now allows you to instantly teleport anywhere. Instead of nerfing it you made it stronger.

  • Ascension: This is still awful nondescript. You're saying that this is his actual soul, does this mean that it's wholly intangible? Doesn't that make him invulnerable to everything except the most specific attacks?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Brig. Gen. Garrett “Teflon” Johnson
Age: 37 years.
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Random Descriptors: 6’4”, 250 pounds, Blond hair, blue eyes

Tier: Intermediate as himself, high in his spaceship.

Type: Critical Character, participant.

Physical: He wears a blue United States Air Force dress uniform aboard his spaceship or when he is out in a non-combat context. As he is a bit of a martinet, he walks with impeccable posture, and carries a swagger stick.

A rigid disciplinarian with a sense of humor. He recognizes the gravity of his mission, so when anything threatens the success of it, he becomes calm, focused, and all-business.

Skills, Power, abilities:
Enhanced reflexes (low): In order to make him an extremely effective pilot, mechanical enhancements were made to his nervous system, among them replacing his spinal cord with insulated room temperature super conductors. Almost as soon as an electric signal reaches his brain, a response is sent out.
Computation implant (intermediate): In his mind, he has a quantum computer to handle numerical computations of any size in a fraction of a second.
Ocular implants (intermediate): His right eye can see in IR, and can use its own IR lidar (1550 nm) to detect things shielded from visible light.
Human intuition (low): The reason human pilots still exist, is for this reason alone. Humans are able to “feel” via some mysterious force that computers have not been able to replicate, possible danger or which decision is still correct.

Equipment: (Hoh boy, where to begin)
Assault MASER rifle (intermediate): Fires microwaves which fry electronics and can boil water.

The chief source of his power is his ASF-67 "Mirror", “ASF” standing for Air Superiority Fighter. State of the art in 2564 AD on his homeworld, the ASF-67 was created to escort the latest settler ship, the first to leave the galaxy and the first that may encounter hostile extraterrestrial forces. The ASF is 36 meters long, 26 meters in wingspan, and 10 meters tall.

Propulsion (High): Interestingly, the ASF never moves, at least, not when it is going at high speeds. The ASF creates a bubble around itself of stagnant space, but contracts space in front of it and expands space behind it, pulling itself along the fabric of space-time. It has ion thrusters when this level of speed is not needed.

Thrusters (High): Capable of accelerating the fighter to Mach 10 in under 40 seconds by energizing particles to high speed and ejecting them out the back. Smaller thrusters are located around the fighter for turning and the main thrusters are able to be angled to that end as well.

Power Suite (High): Deep in the core of the ship, also the most armored portion, is an enormous quantity of anti-protonium (antimatter protons) held under tremendous pressure by superconductors using the Meissner effect. When a quantity of this anti-protonium must be used, the superconductors are switched off for the shortest of shortest periods of time, allowing a few milligrams to escape their containment. These are then attracted by positive charged magnets into the conversion chamber, where they are either diverted to energy harvesting or converted to exotic matter to sustain an Alcubierre bubble. Scientists were very apprehensive of putting this quantity of antimatter in such a small area, as the annihilation of it all would raise the temperature of the spaceship (or the matter, as it is impossible the ship would survive) to far beyond the Planck temperature (in addition to releasing Yottajoules of energy), the consequence of which would be unknown as they have no theory of quantum gravity. To replenish stores (rarely necessary), the hydrogen scoop on the underside of the plane scoops hydrogen and uses cold fusion to create the needed energy to produce more antimatter, which is injected into the core.

Gamma Laser (Intermediate): A few grams of Antimatter is annihilated with a few grams of matter in a lasing chamber to produce an exceptionally powerful focused beam of gamma radiation. There are two main guns on the front of the ship, and several tiny point defense lasers found the surface.

Plasma Shield (High): Compressed helium and other gases, picked up while the ship scoops for hydrogen, or as a byproduct of anti-matter producing fusion, is ionized, superheated, and pumped onto the incredibly heat resistant surface of the ship, held there by strong electromagnets. This has the added effect of pulling any ferromagnetic materials into the superheated plasma.

Metamaterial surface (High): Electromagnets capable of bending light around the surface of the ship like water around a rock, it effectively makes the ship invisible to all frequencies of light but one frequency of infrared (1550 nm if you’re curious), which it uses like sonar to bounce off objects in space to determine their distance. If the ship fires, it will release heat, visible in infrared. If it uses its thrusters, the thrusters will give off visible light. To deflect all the light is incredibly taxing in terms of energy and only done shortly, often to give the ship safety while it repairs or for an ambush.

Railguns (intermediate): For long range shooting (as lasers degrade over distance and unfocus), the ship can propel a bullet, containing anti-matter or not, at ridiculous speeds. The ship has one railgun, centrally mounted and forward facing.
Nanobot repair (high): Nanobots scurry about the ship on orders of the ship’s computer, repairing it when damaged. When landed and with access to metal ores even grave damage, such as a missing wing, can be repaired in a matter of weeks. Moderate damage, such as a deep gash completely penetrating the hull takes about two days, light damage, like stripping away the heat shield and damaging the metamaterials, takes a few hours, and superficial damage can be repaired in seconds. In flight, moderate to light damage must be repaired through stopgap measures meant to promote hull integrity but losing function. Application of these "steel bandaids" takes anywhere from a few hours to minutes. Severe damage is irreparable but superficial damage is unaffected. These temporary means can be exhausted, and when flying at high speeds in the atmosphere, external repair is impossible.
Nanobot fabrication(High): Given time and material, Nanobots can replace parts of his armory.

Antimatter missile(Intermediate): Must be locked on before use, can use radio, infrared, or visible light to track its target. The smallest detonate with the force of 10 kilotons, the largest at 53 megatons. Can be remotely detonated. Launched from underwing hardpoints.

Hull (High): Exceptionally durable, meant to withstand high speed asteroid collisions and extreme temperatures. Able to fly within a thousand miles of the surface of the sun. The surface is highly reflective and loses heat in the form of blackbody radiation very quickly.

Autopilot (High): Not your typical autopilot, this fully intelligent computer was introduced as a dual redundancy. Should General Garrett be incapacitated or killed the ship can take over and either carry on the fight or escape. Should the ship's alcubierre drive fail irreparably, Garrett will give the order for himself to be cryogenically frozen and the ship can use thrusters to return to civilization, which could take centuries.

His planet, an alternate Earth where a Sino-American war resulted in a decisive Euro-American victory, resulted in global liberation for the oppressed and an effective UN. A thousand years since, technology has advanced to the point where they can solve all mental illness, prolong lives into the centuries, and people are settling planets even outside the galaxy. The portal to the Nexus (which they know nothing about), has the unique property of moving around, and a few nexus travelers have appeared, causing enormous damage. The first traveler was a wizard of incalculable power, who destroyed thousands of men. Teflon correctly supposed that the way to defeat him was to apply constant, irritating pressure, dodging the magical blast until the fatigue wore the wizard down and he could be slain. For this, Teflon was promoted to lead the newly created UN force charged with defeating these travelers. Teflon’s wing was staffed by the USAF under orders of UNSC (now composed of US, France, UK, Germany, Russia). Once, while gunning for a creature, he flew his ship into the portal, which transported him to the Nexus, which is where our story begins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Alright, here's my review.

  • You may want to make him physically superior than he currently is in every single way, or give him better tools.

  • First and Foremost: Ship to ship combat is not the focus of this roleplay, ships are a location in and of themselves. They are part of the setting, not the combat. As long as you know this you should be fine.

  • The MASER is fine. Just describe the projectile speed and temperature.

  • Judging him based solely on his skillset and equipment, as he is he's only a Low Tier.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I originally had him as Low, but all the crap I had in there made me reconsider. Guess I was wrong lol.

The ship itself is actually not terribly large, 36 meters long, 26 meters in wingspan, and 10 meters tall. It was made to be so small for an interstellar ship so it could duel the godlike person sized folks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Reading through this with the edits, I'd say he's acceptable. Although it's going to be difficult to line up fights I'd say he's accepted.

I'll add him to the list.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

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Drag Queen
Kanitah Noraha Ayna
Ragnara Kolbjorn
Brig. Gen. Garrett “Teflon” Johnson
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Name: Herman Gardner

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Random descriptors: 6 feet, 300 pounds, extremely muscular.

Character Tier: Low Tier

Character Type: Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: The basic is as follows... Caucasian, blonde-hair, blonde mustache, extremely muscular, extremely strong. Herman has the look of someone who can squat 800 pounds for five reps and bench press 600 pounds for four reps... And that is exactly what he can do. All muscles in his body are screaming POWER.

Herman has a countenance of a very stoic man. And thus, he is stoic and philosophical, preferring to activities such as reading books and listening to classical music. People who are not used to seeing muscular men can get repulsed by him since he is just a blob of mass. However, he isn't just a blob of mass. Every pound of muscle in his body is a very useful piece of meat. He can wield heavy weapons as if their wooden sticks and even at his heavy bodyweight (300 pounds), he can run faster than most linebackers!

He almost always wear white t-shirts and grey sweatpants.

Personality Description: Herman has a very warrior-like mentality. The things that drive him are honor and challenge. He loves to fight for the sake of fighting, and considers fighting as something that all men should do.

He is also charismatic and eloquent.

Skills, powers and abilities: Very physically strong (can deep-squat 800 pounds for 5 reps, bench press 600-pounds for 4 reps, and deadlift 1,000 pounds for one rep). He is also very good at wielding large, two-handed axes, swinging it as if it weighs nothing. He is also an excellent military leader as Napoleon Bonaparte is his role model. He knows how to strategize to make his men defeat his many opponents. So far, those are his only two notable abilities.

Character Equipment: What items does your character carry? You must describe how you obtained them, and if your explanation is deemed to be unrealistic, the equipment might be removed from you but may be “found” in the Multiverse. All equipment must be listed with their corresponding Power Level Low, Medium or High given.

Character History: Write a little bit about your characters past.
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bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

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Arena version

ArkaeisAvatar of the Living Abyss

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Khal, Demon of Makkar

Random Descriptors:
Race: Makkari
Gender: Male
Age: Old
Height: 9'10"
Weight: 2 tons
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Icy Blue

Tier: High

Character Type: Active Multiverse Participant.

Physical Description:
With his long black hair and a beard that reaches the center of his chest, Khal would very nearly appear human if not for his massive frame and tough grayish skin, stretched tight over thickly corded muscle. Nearly twice the height of the average human, and well over twice the width, he generally appears somewhat stout in spite of his height, due to the girth of his torso and limbs and the muscle mass encasing them. To say Khal appears strong is to say the sun looks bright, and would only be hinting at the full truth of the matter. He has the build of a warrior whose body has been dedicated to the arts of combat for millenia, and while strength is his mainstay, It is worth noting that his physique is fit and toned, appearing as a much larger, more muscular version of the physiques of human warriors known for their speed as well as strength.

Personality Description:
No data available (I'd prefer to let this play out in the writing).

Character History:
Summoned forth by the foulest of dark magic, Khal was a being created with a single purpose, to destroy all the enemies of the Makkari empire. At this, he was exceptionally skilled, laying waste to untold millions in his pursuit of an end to the millennial war, working tirelessly against the foes of Makkar until not one remained.

With his purpose fulfilled, he lost all sense of direction, wandering aimlessly across the vast expanse of the newly expanded Makkari empire, taking on any foe who would accept his challenge. It was not until he met a young Makkari woman, a great beauty and the pride of her city, that his mindless rampage came to an end. This young woman succeeded where all others had failed, taming the wild hearts of the demon and bringing him peace for the first time in his long life.

The sins of the past are not so easily forgotten, however, and the Emperor could not allow the demons rampage to be forgiven. One thousand of his most powerful sorcerers set out to find and kill the beast, and when they did they showed no mercy. An entire city was destroyed in their first attack, wiped clean from the face of the planet along with every soul that lived there, including the young beauty that had tamed the beast. The monster himself, however, would not be so easily gotten rid of.

With his love dead, Khal went mad with rage, destroying three fifths of the army the sorcerers brought with them before a defense could be mounted. In a last ditch effort to finally be rid of the beast, knowing they could not kill it, they sorcerers harnessed the power of every soul on the planet, living and dead, to forge unbreakable chains in which to bind him, then imprisoned him in the depths of the planet's core where he could never escape, before adding their own souls to the power of the spells to insure their eternal success.

Eleven thousand years passed before Khal once again felt the warmth of life, eleven thousand years alone in the pitch dark of his tomb. It was a testament to the sheer tenacity of his willpower that he retained any sanity at all, but when an explorer finally did discover him, it was to their very great surprise that he was even alive, much less lucid and capable of learning. It did not take long for him to gain a passable understanding of the explorer's language, and when he did he took the first chance he got to tell them how to set him free. The chains could only be removed by a being that is absolutely, completely, and utterly pure of spirit. The explorer, having never taken another life nor harboring any ill will against one, was one of the exceedingly few beings in the galaxy to fit such a profile, and thus it was that Khal was set free of his confines to travel the galaxy once more.

Enhanced Body - Simply put, Khal is one thousand times stronger and tougher than even the strongest and toughest of humans, and one hundred times more capable in every other way. He is capable of lifting 500 tons of weight above his head, and shrugging off blows from beings of equal strength. This level of strength is more than sufficient for Khal to throw punches that reach several times the speed of sound, clap his hands together with enough force to produce shockwaves that can easily destroy concrete buildings, leap several miles in a single bound, and run at speeds nearly reaching mach 1. This strength to mass ratio also affects the speed of his perceptions, allowing his eyes to track objects moving as fast as any conventional projectile with relative ease. With regards to durability, he is so tough that no conventional weapon can harm him, though those forged of powerful magic or created from the most potent technologies are still a genuine threat to him, capable of leaving him wounded, unconscious, or functionally dead should they inflict sufficient damage. Due to his nature as a being created and sustained by dark energy, he also requires no sleep, food, or water to function, and abilities relying on the manipulation of the energies of the seen universe have a reduced effectiveness on him. Telekinetics perceive him as "slippery" and difficult to grasp (though brute force attacks still maintain their full effect), psychics detect no mind to read or control, and those who attempt to manipulate his life-force will find nothing but an empty void. Other users of dark energy, however, will find their spells and manipulations to be just as effective as they otherwise should be, barring his extreme overall resistance to damage.

Matter Manipulation - His intrinsic connection to the energy of the dark universe also allows him to apply the force of his will to subtly affect the world around himself, allowing otherwise comparatively frail objects to be lifted by his immense strength without crumbling around his hands or breaking under their own weight, and preventing the ground from simply collapsing beneath him when he exercises the full power of his physique.

Sixth Sense - Another side effect of his creation at the hands of his empire's most powerful practitioners of the dark arts is his ability to sense the energies of the dark universe around himself, in a radius of roughly 300 kilometers. In the case of powerful focal points of dark energy, such as the portals between universes, the range of this sixth sense is increased a thousandfold (this is based on Skalla's description of the Galdhr sense, impression, and insight abilities).

Immortality - Due to the fact that he was never truly alive, Khal can never be completely killed. With a physical form modeled after that of the race that created him, his organs are all analogous to those possessed by humans and in the same relative locations (excepting his second heart, which is located on the right side of his chest opposite his first heart), and he can be incapacitated by rendering the necessary organs non-functional (while his lungs can adapt to any atmosphere, exceedingly toxic gases can render him unconscious until such time as the adaptation process is complete, up to several hours depending on toxicity). Despite this ability to render him inert, the dark energy that sustains his body will always regenerate and repair it, no matter the damage done. The one part of Khal's body that can never be destroyed is his skull, as this is the focal point of the magic that sustains him. If a part of his body is separated from the part containing his skull, that part will die and whither away, but any part that remains attached, however tentatively, will eventually recover and repair itself. This ability is strong enough to regrow an entire body from just the skull, but such a process would take weeks, if not months.

Sword - A broadsword sized for a man of Khal's stature, this sword was crafted using the same dark magic that brought the man himself into being, and as such is all but impervious to physical damage, being made to withstand combat against beings with incalculable physical strength. The weapon's edge has been honed to razor sharpness, and will maintain that edge no matter the force applied against it, thanks to the magic that imbues every atom of its length.

Shield - Forged in the same manner and to the same scale as his sword, this circular shield can defy the laws of physics itself, absorbing vast amounts of energy in order to keep Khal grounded even against blows that would normally send him flying for miles.

Chains - Two nine meter chains, both previously used to imprison him. Forged of soulsteel, these chains are impervious to any form of alteration, save by a being that is completely pure of spirit. In the case that such a being comes into contact with the chains, the immense amount of soul-bound magic infusing them recoils of its own accord, causing the chain to leap away and release whatever it may be binding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Character Review: Alex

I'm going to be reviewing these powers in order, these are not out of order and I will be missing none of them.

  • Age: I forget, but I'm older than 10. Off to a good start.

  • If we're going by Judeo-Christian hell, it's only 445-ish degreees Celsius. As it's descirbed as a lake of brimstone. Brimstone boils away at 446 degrees, so it would have to be below that. Which translates to 833 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, they have to be able to be extinguished otherwise they're too OP. Period. There is no such thing as a permanent, instant, or unavoidable attack in T1. Seriously, Beta had a shitfit because he had one that was accepted by the GM because he didn't actually clarify what the powers do. So no effects like that. Mind you, without the permanent effect, it simply an intermediate ability.

  • Explain more about how this works. You're awful nonspecific here.

  • Explain further on the Shadow puppet thing. That needs more explanatio overall. How strong are they, how fast do they form, are they material or do they work some other way?

  • As long as this is only on Zero tiers this is totally fine, but Zero tiers are totally useless in combat.

  • This is a low tier ability at best, that said. Like the previous flame based ability, it cannot be permanent. However, this falls under grapple rules. The longer that you are capable of holding an opponent in this, the longer it burns them.

  • As long as this remains in a 10x10 area, this is an acceptable power. Like all fog based abilities, they are hard but not impossible to dodge as long as you give it a reasonable area. Now, since not a single character in this roleplay with outright die from this. Why not change it to a irritant, causing burning in the eyes and mouth? Serving to distract from combat.

  • This is fine, but you might want to make it so it takes one turn to actually form the wings. The flight may want to be slowed down to about 150 - 200 mph.

  • That's gonna be a no. Because it's kind of obscure and it's also irresistable.

  • Regeneration is an iffy topic, it cannot be instant, and it cannot be done in combat. It has to be done outside of.

  • Nope. Period. Character control is againt the rules.

  • This is kind of cheap, so make it a move that needs to be prepped. If the bats are caught you're fucked.

  • The metamorphosis is something that I'm gonna have to decline, you have a remarkably long list of powers. Adding more forms that offset this list of powers even moreso would just make him OP. While each of the metamorphic forms is reasonable, his list of other abilities is so drastically long and unspecified how they are affected by these transformations that I can't accept this in good consciousness. Besides, overall these forms seem useless compared to his basic form.

  • Where is it stated that he can create illusions? Anyway. Illusions are pretty much bunk in any normal roleplay. They're usually ignored because most characters have the consitution of a saint. Nobody uses darkness based powers in this roleplay so that won't come up but alright.

  • Just how strong is a monster? How many tons? 150mph is a little high though, as he is he's not even able to scratch the surface of high tiers. I'm going to say nerf the speed significantly, or nerf everything else to make him exclusively speed based.

  • The shadow puppets are counted as faction members, et cetera. There can only be one general of equal tier, and four low tier characters.

  • Dimming the area is totally fine, but making the area totally black would take a few turns of either prep time or activation time. You either stand there and prep, or you stand there and actively make it incrementally darker. Your choice.

  • This is the scythe from the Dante's Inferno video game. An observation based on your description. Totally don't fault you on that, great game. Mind you, this weapon is seen in the game to not immediately cut through anything. This weapon is designed to kill normal mortals, not superbeings or immortals. It will not destroy other people's weapons, I'm just telling you this now. Everyone's weapon supposedly cuts through everyone else's weapon for one reason or another. So remember that.

  • Cerberus. Just make another Character sheet. This will be your matching tier general, have it be of reasonable strength. But it's a general, so it cannot kill critical characters.

  • After reading through this, he could literally not scrape by as a high tier. This is intermediate tier stuff, yo.

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