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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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@Usernice. Bump again
Thats up to you everything transpires at the same time.
@rechonq To clarify ferals are often the mindless beasts that roam the world freely if not for thier master/ handler. Dragons like Tamara or Eve being under ones control is rare, but happens more often around royals and typically younger dragons. Because she is Dragon and under a royal guard. Dragons are like Seraphim except only wanted as pets and for thier power. Also only those with 100% Dragon can be this.

@The Grey Dust The humans entered after Garooda left. Ill edit that in. Humans are not often talked about and the only stories or recollections are of a few Descendants who came across them with varrying views. Last humans to enter were around 100 years ago.
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=9uIZmrCjHLI&ebc=AN..

The humans were looked at with curiosity. Less for their features than their actual attire. This gave Descendants a idea that they were outsiders of Vrondi but more so a minority of all of the Edafos. However many decided that they were likely from Nero or some far off branch of a village or town. As they walked onward into the massive tree the lack of darkness would surprise them. Lights were on very brightly. It gave the illusion of being outside. As they moved onward Sygma was bumped by a Seraphim. Thinking nothing of it Sygma shrugs it off until he sees a jeweled red ring dropped by the Seraphim. He picks it up and turns to see where the presence of this angel was. He looked with wide eyes as the blue tinted hands of the being beckoned him to follow. Sygma only now notices that the Seraphim is wearing a mask. "Come on." He mentions to his group to follow him, as he followed the mysterious character. His team cut through the crowds and entered a bar. Sygma opened the doors right before the first sway of the door closing behind his target. He looked to see that there were many Seraphim in this bar, but the masked one vanished. Not wanting to bring attention to himself he walked to a table, the place was obviously a bar though it seemed a bit old world. He raises a hand after sitting for a waitress. The members of his group questioning the motives behind this.

"Hello what can I do for you?" Asks a waitress that brought awe with her glowing hair, giving off vibrancy that like the sun. Sygma gulped at the sheer unabashed fantasy before them. However he found his nerves of steel tested, it did not show in his speech. "Water please." The waitress smiled and nodded but before she could turn to walk away Sygma called her attention once more. This time speaking lowly. "What exactly is a Descendant and a Seraphim?" She looks at him like he's joking or crazy. But she entertains his question, not losing her pleasant tone. "We all are Descendants, I mean some are considered a Seraphim but we all are the same. Even if we look different." She gave her speech thinking that she was on the spot for advocating equality. But her answer indirectly gave Sygma a good clue of what they were dealing with. Much like humans of altering ethnic groups Descendant was a word for the sum total of all their kind. Though how a demon, a angel, or a dragonic man can be considered of the same species baffled him. He speaks with his team asking what they think they should do with their new found information.


The Fotian soldier is stiff when Cara leans onto him. He does not react much but upon noticing her and her fair features he flirted in return. Most Fotian people are hardy but tempted by lust easily. "We are here for a couple of thieves, 20,000 worth of pieces for both. The King has sent out an order himself to catch these two. We are proud Guards of the royal city, some of his army has been sent out beyond even here to find them. A sacred artifact from the Fotian kingdom was taken." He whispered the last part due to his secrecy oath. He then attempted to grab her by the side, being forceful and awkward. "Perhaps you can come with us, I'm sure my captain and others would love to meet you." He let out a deep chuckle that was altered under the vibration of his helmet.

Garooda lets out a deep howl in agony as his bones snap under the pressure of Eden's manipulations of his weaker joints. "I'll never.." He groaned to Eden's request for an apology. His good eye turning a blistering red from the anger and pain from the humiliation. His heaving breath blows the dust from the floor with each snorting exhale. He groans when Eden releases him and begins to crawl to his feet. His broken arm going limp as he did this. His good arm holding onto it. He roared in anger, widening his jaws and spits fire in anger similar to a Bunsen burner. He closed his jaws after and steam escaped from his gritted teeth, evaporating as they danced in the air. He had suffered worse than broken limbs in the past so the fight was far from out of him. But he knew when over extending his already risky behavior was not due. "And well you're no Dragon, but I wonder if I can drag your sorry ass to the guild and they'll let me in? So... How about that drink?" Said Eden. Stoking the rage inside Garooda even more. His good hand began to light up like a fire and steam escaped his palm as a gentle light was seen underneath his hand. After a few seconds of hearing bones being snapped back into place he stopped, removing his hand from his arm and then began stretching his broken arm out. Revealing it was healed. He chuckled a bit at Eden's words now. Replying with a cocky grin. "I'd be a hell of a lot harder to kill than a mere Dragon." He then gestured for his subordinates to throw him a bag from a satchel on his armor. It was a leather bag filled with jewels and other rare stone pieces all viable as currency in this world. "Here.. Take your money, you've won for now." He went and tossed the bag on the ground before Eden, a few stones spilling out. One of his fellow guardsmen opened the door for Garooda while another walked out with his armor in his arms. Garooda turned to leave but gave Eden one final look. "Try not to disgrace our people further.." He pulled a blade from underneath his clothing and pierced a table with it, before strolling toward the door and out.

The Sol bar owner is approached by Krutik and spoken to. Without paying him much mind, as his focus was on the bag of jewels tossed down by the guard. "I haven't the slightest idea what you mean." He looks at Krutik quizzically wondering if he saw something he did not. Everyone was looking at the fight, including him most intently. He looked up the stairs and saw nothing but the few royal guest rooms. One belonged to the one known as Mirror, who was well respected among the people of the Vrondi lands and even owned this bar covertly. The other was Eden, a elite Fotian soldier with royal blood in two kingdoms. "Oooh, perhaps that is Mirror, our honored guest. He does love his privacy." He mentioned to Krutik with a wave of his hand as if to shoo away the issue. Clearly if they had the key to open the door it must belong to Mirror He thought.

He looked Krutik up and down with a hand placed to his chin. "You're a strong looking one, how much do you cost? I mostly hire Seraphim female waitresses but males are good for variety."

The hooded girl removed her hood and looked at Tamara. She stood a few feet away from her and looked deep into her eyes. Rai did not pay much attention and instead observed the room, obviously this being his first time in here.

"I know you're wondering why we brought you here. Well just try to keep calm, like don't scream or anything. My name is Sai by the way." Before allowing Tamara a chance to react there was a white light emitted from the eyes of Sai, then, like a jolt of lightning from the heavens, Tamara was thrown into a vision that felt more than real. She was where she felt most happy doing something she dreamed of. In this she would forget of her past life, as if it were a dream itself. After a moment of this Tamara was brought back, standing where she was and no passage of time seemed to have taken place. Sai had delved into Tamara's mind and memories. She saw how the guards were looking for them and some of the patrons that were there. Eden included. "What a poser.." She chuckled.

Rai walked over to the bed and grabbed the paper by Mirror and began reading it. "I think we have all that we need from you.. uhm" "Tamara.." "Right. So now you can go." Said Rai with Sai chiming in for the name, having read Tamara's mind and all.

as they talked the seraphim from before began to form from the mist coming through the wooden cracks of the floors. Forming into the masked seraphim it stood before the three grounded by gravity much unlike its appearance. Everything looking seraphim almost to a cosmic level, having no hair and the flesh being of a blue hue. Its mask was white and the eyes were perpetually glowing with a yellow and orange scattered mixture. Rai and Sai reacted in surprise, however they refrained from drawing in weaponry. As the Seraphim turned to look at the two Rai shouted with a excited tone. "Makhaira! What are you doing here?" He looked in awe of the appearance of one of the highest ranking in the Aion. The voice echoed within their minds as a hand was raised. No time for pleasant hellos.. There are a few guests entering this bar. You are to go to them, speak with the one known as Sygma and aid them on their journey home in exchange for protection in delivering the blood seal. Farewell. The Seraphim then began to deteriorate into a cloudy mist once more, slowing seeping into the cracks. As he did this a book was thrown at his intangible form by Sai. "What the FUCK!" She shouted hitting a wall with the 200 paged paper back.

As this happened Tamara was left to be there. "Well we know we got some people we can trust now.. Tamara was it? Apologies for all this weirdness. We are the ones with bounties on our heads. We are not thieves I swear.." Said Sai to Tamara. "Listen I read your memories I know I can trust that you're not in allegiance with Fotia or the Therosi. But is your master trust worthy too? You should be free, I think owning any Dragons beyond the ferals is sadistic." She sat on the bed as she spoke and hummed out the last part while her eyes were looking up at the ceiling. Rai headed for the door, replacing his hood so it shadowed his face. "I'll go speak to the guests.." Rai walked down the stairs and found the area clearing some, except for the humans who walked in refilling the place. They were indeed a odd bunch, and so Rai approached them calmly. "Hello, Sygma?" He spoke low to not gain too much attention. But loud enough for the humans in his vicinity to hear. He drew the attention of all of the humans however and their tensions with it.


The darkness looked at the personifications of the books dark powers with a unchanging expression. As if what was visible of his person was akin to a mask, only hiding the ugly truth underneath. "I seek a expanse of my power. Two things for certain will guarantee I bestow to you my limitless power. The Scythe of the lord of the Nero Kingdom. Only his weapon will satiate my desires, yet one as him cannot be easily met or tricked.. I only require you seek him out, then I will aid you." The mass began to recede into the ground leaving just the head of the figure. "Come I will give you a path in which to guide you with ease.." His head vanished within the pool of darkness formed onto the earth. The serpent of massive size made its way down the tree and into the dark portal.

Upon entering the pool of darkness R'lyeh would feel a cold like mist engulf his body. He then would rise from the very pit he entered out into a new location. He would be near the entrance of the town of Twilight. The cold would guide him as before and would lead him to the guide posts. There descendants spoke with a freelance guider whom vowed to reveal the safest route to the Kingdom of Nero.

Time : 9:35
@Vicierjust waiting for the angel now. Great posts so far by the way everyone.
@InfernoBlazeits cool man by my next post things should catch up.
I've posted. Descendants can post up till the time frame combines with the humans in my next post.
With a lavish smile the Sol man retreated behind the bar counter and watched as he poured the cup out into everyone's glass. One of his most expensive gifts being uncorked over decades. I'm sure to make a huge profit regardless of how this turns out! Enough to fix any damages.. He gleefully proclaimed in his mind. Almost a little too loud for other Sol mind readers nearby who could hear him. He stared at the guard, big and intimidating, and Eden. Eden expressed a slender yet honed body that didn't proclaim as much strength in brawn as in sexual and charismatic fortitude. Perhaps his Oro blood made him appear capable in combat, many assumed the Oro's hide were impenetrable. But all hoped he would win.

The Fotian guard turned his head so his left eye could meet the gaze of his subordinates behind him. "Clear a area.." He did this as Eden was speaking, almost in a disrespectful manner. The guards began to clear people from their seats and clear the vicinity directly behind the head guard. Lifting the tables and stacking them to the side to form a circle with a 12 foot radius, the patrons on those tables choosing to stand and watch or leave in resentment. As they executed this Eden prattled onward forcing the attention of the man back on him. By the moment Eden was through with the wine bottle, and his speech, anger exuded from the Tyro's very pores. His exhales were vehemently expressing his anger. He began to unclasp the dragon shaped helmet over his head. Only to reveal underneath was a dragon's head. He was a Tyro with deep Dragon blood. But instead of focusing on the ways of the ancients he has used his gifts of ferocity for battle. His right eye was visibly damaged from a large scar a time ago. "My name is Garooda. I am highest ranking of these behind me. You could have listened to your little friend and waved me away with your legacy.." Speaking with a surprisingly calm voice he unbuckled his shoulder and chest armor, dropping them with a loud thud on the ground. This gave tangible evidence of his strength to onlookers, that coupled with his looks was rather intimidating. He rotated his scaled shoulders. As Fotian tradition he did not wear much underneath his armor and had on nothing but a robe and tunic. It was also evident he stood at least 6'8.

"But now you'll likely not get to make it back to your whore before being taught a good lesson." Garooda stepped into the circle of the flat stone floors. It became evident this bar took in a tourist crowd and many different types from all over the Edafos were there. Chanting to egg on the battle. "My money is on the big one!""Put on a show lover boy!" Accompanied by a whistle. "Blood! Blood! Blood!" and many other colorful one liners were squealed by the onlookers. He made his way to the opposite end of the circle and awaited Eden to enter, he turned to face his opponent. His large clawed hands were formed into a fist revealing his thick scaled knuckles. "I don't think drinks will help you win me over!" He gave a toothy grin. He stepped forward lunging with a right hook to Eden's face. "Prepare for pain!" He roared with a beastly howl.


"Rai.. I think she's looking at ya.."

The hood raised revealing the tender golden eyes and gentle grey hairs falling haphazardly onto protruding white horns of a young Descendant male. He seemed to be no older than his early twenties and something about him seemed oddly Seraphim. His companion had yet to raise her hood upon seeing his mistake. If it were not for the uproar caused by the center of attention then one may have noticed his face. Matching Tamara's humored gaze he returned with a worried one. Incapable of hiding the sheer depth of his inner turmoil that resides within his pupils.

"So if you're really trying to hide you need to seem a little more natural. Those dumb Fotians love to harass the suspicious ones. Fortunately they're preoccupied right now, and we are here if you need any help too."

The one known as Rai attempted to ignore Tamara by sipping his drink slowly and without attention to her words. However the one still well concealed beneath the hood couldn't help but quiver and raise her head up slightly. Revealing a piercing golden eye beneath the darkness of her black hair and shadow oozing cowl. It dripped from her lips into the ear of her companion. "I don't like them.. any of them." She mentioned as if frozen from the grasp of attention. Though they were here to seek refuge trouble seemed to follow them all the way to the safe zone. "I only want to rest for a night.." She whimpered as if pleading to no one in particular. This gave way to a sigh from Rai who looked to her and whispered in return. "We made it though.. Vrondi's kingdom is so close." He exclaimed with a breezy tone, aiming to calm her tension. She looked to Tamara after this and with revealing her face with tears welled in her sockets she silently compressed a. "Yes.."

"We are on our way to the Kingdom of Vrondi... May we talk with you somewhere more private?" Rai asked, tilting his head some as he did so. He rose to his feet and tugged his hood over in all one motion. His companion followed. He walked to a room up a short flight of stairs Eden had descended. Next to Eden's room was another. Fully furnished with trays of food. A blue feather sat on the king sized bed. There laid a blue note written elegantly in a poem.

Tie the blood and bring forth the new era. I await our first meeting my friends. Keep well...
Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:20 am

Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=JDePkbgwYFU


A delighted voice cried in pleasure at the sound of voices among R'lyeh. The voice echoed from the blackened body of the figure before him. The serpent dragon slithered its tongue onto the air and tasting the well of emotions inside R'lyeh. The eyes of the dark being looked at the manipulators with open arms. Upon their revelation of each other being able to see.. no. Feel each other. For only beings of other worlds could possibly comprehend the magnitude of their sight.

"I offer only guidance for the blind.. A way to get to your destination without harm..." The darkness subsided some as the lights rays were allowed to break through the leaves of the jungle. The figure stepped forward toward him. The serpent returning up the tree in a slothful fashion. He reached a cold hand across his face and caressed it tenderly. His form was like a skeleton, bones covered in cold mist in the hue of pure black. "Only to protect your power... from those.. Who will lock it away.. uselessly.." The caressing ended but his words were whispered to the ear of the Lassa. "Make a pact with me.." His hand reached out behind him and a apple was handed to him by the jaws of the serpent. The apple was crimson as any other. He handed it to R'lyeh. "The seal to my endless abilities.. This will grant your wish.." He then vanished from his close presence and hunched in front of the tree awaiting the answer.
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