Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
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i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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fight existential dread with cake


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Okay, that one kind of misses the tone mark on the RP by a wide margin, sorry. The idea is that while there are all these old magical lineages and random mystical things dating back centuries, they're generally presented--especially with regards to characters--in a much more modern context, alongside urban legends and general internet horror stories. "Here's a vampire straight out of the dawn of colonial empires" is just too far to really fit in. Particularly when the entire bio treats everything that's happened since the turn of the millennium as bsaically a footnote. We really don't want someone with 400+ years of combat experience and supernatural abilities in a cast mostly in their 20's or early 30's.

Plus, on entirely practical levels, "I am preferably nocturnal and will burn to death if my clothes are damaged" is a terrible idea when every other character does this as their day job.


As might have been expected, Raya had no poker face whatsoever, or any attempt to conceal the backs of her cards--the girl was simply scowling down at her drawn hand as if expecting it to change anything. Of course, when it came to actually betting--the little pastries distributed out to the various players rather than pooling in front of Parvan--she was the first to drop out, nibbling away on part of her pool and looking over the newcomers with a bored expression.

Undoubtedly, the white rabbit knight would be the first of the little group to be out of the game. If not because she was so abjectly bad at it, but because she'd have eaten everything that she could possibly be playing with before long. At least she didn't take not being recognised by Gerard too harshly... even if it was for entirely the wrong reason. "Oh, I suppose it could be hard to tell my brother and me apart... I'm Raya, naturally."

Still, the other two of the old knights were a lot harder to read--Edwin looking bored with the entire thing, even as he pushed the bet up, and Parvan smiling away. And of course, both their hands were good. Not implausibly, but enough to pull a draw with Renar unless he wanted to push hard on the exact card values...

Although, from the slight quirk of Parvan's eyebrow, that hadn't been the hand Edwin was dealt. Not that it was clear when he could've swapped it.


"Oh, there's nothing wrong with your clothes, I was merely curious what sort of fighters Flori had faced. My sister and I weren't included in the exercise, after all," Randon said with a shake of his head... and hands that were all too willing to help Fionn inspect his tunic. Preferably by taking it off. Maybe there was something wrong? Who was he to complain, and this would get him a better look.

A nervous laugh followed by a sigh was all Florian's acknowledgement of the debacle being put on before the prince. He, at least, appeared to be taking it in stride. Or simply following Fleuri's lead and ignoring the sideshow entirely.

"Training? That would explain the request I was given..." the prince said slowly, nodding, "The Stormcaller asked that my retinue be prepared to stop any from heading eastwards. I thought perhaps that she simply wished to rearrange the landscape, although the lands around Talderia itself have been kept accurate since the city fell in truth, but this makes more sense. "Does the mirror knight speak truth, then? You have been brought entirely from the world?"

Yakumo Sakura

Sakura's response to being blasted with coffee was a surprised squeak... and then immediately stepping back out of the office, once again demonstrating a consistent and wilful disregard for the notion of doors, or proper entrances and exits. Where she had gone to wasn't entirely clear, as first one minute passed--presumably while Numako was cleaning up her own coffee-related mess--and then another, before a new portal opened and the pink-haired girl made her return.

On the plus side, her clothes were no longer saturated in coffee. On the downside, it looked like she needed to do laundry, or at the least didn't have a spare jacket and wanted to match, as her clothing was now about as unprofessional as it was possible to get. While the cartoon rabbit on the t-shirt was cute, and the long, star-spotted skirt definitely seemed appropriate for someone with a habit of opening portals like she did, the result with the slightly-too-large hoodie could be described as "someone's little sister had wandered into the office".

The large cup of coffee in her hand at least explained part of why she'd taken so long, it appeared Sakura had given up and just found a nearby shop to visit.

"Be more careful! What if that burnt someone?"

Yakumo Sakura

"It's this coffee machine!" the girl in question answered, neither reacting to the silent approach or turning around. Whether it was spending her whole lifetime around things like this, or just her constant horror movie watching, it seemed to have paid off in making her nearly unspookable. Instead, she just slid her phone into one pocket and gestured at the offending appliance. "Why is it always so complicated to use?"

... not that it actually was. Sure, it was a bit on the elaborate side--likely so that people at least slightly more adept than Sakura wouldn't have any reason to open it up and put anything in--but it wasn't like the touch screen to select things was actually a challenge to navigate. Aside from that, the big 'go' button was fairly obvious, and the worst that could happen was getting the wrong drink.

Except that this girl seemed to be a hazard to nearly everything kitchen related. The tentacles hovering ominously near the machine spoke to that.

  • U-433: Perfect and Elegant Maid
  • Grade: Avon
  • Description: Subject appears to be a young woman, although her appearance is known to change to conform to the desires of her current 'master', including slight variation from human norms. Subject's most recent appearance has feline characteristics and unusually pale hair.
  • Containment-Thwarting Measures: Upon separation from her designated 'master' of a period between six hours and twelve minutes and twelve hours fifteen minutes, Subject will spontaneously emerge from either a nearby doorway or, if no doorway is available, from behind an obstacle capable of hiding her person. If the 'master' is kept in a featureless area, Subject will either appear behind them or, ultimately, as soon as they blink. Observation of onlookers does not appear to make a difference.
    Attempts to sedate or otherwise incapacitate Subject will become progressively less effective over the same timespan, until she inevitably regains full functioning and consciousness. Both dismemberment and death have proved completely ineffective except at hastening this process, with no containment being effective other than containing whatever human has been designated as her 'master' until she decides to free them instead.
  • Mitigation Protocols: Subject is happy to enter negotiations and consider suggestions when searching for a new 'master'. Suitable candidates that will not grow to resent Subject's presence are to be screened and kept on file in case her current 'master' dies. While partnered with someone suitable, Subject is to be considered mostly harmless.
  • Anomalous Qualities: Aside from the Subject's apparent transformative and regenerative properties, subject displays mild magical abilities related to the rapid cleaning and maintenance of domestic environments using basic tools. Upon deciding that a human is her 'master', with or without agreement, subject will take measures to maintain both their place of residence and work at all times, using nothing more apparently magical than teleporting when not observed by her 'master'. Subject will also perform bodyguard duties if her 'master' is known to enter dangerous situations, but will not consider action beyond immediate protection of her 'master' and extraction.
    Upon the death of her old 'master', Subject will take up to a week to select a new one.
  • Notes: Subject does not appear to require sustenance or rest, yet will act human as long as her 'master' desires it and even accept a wage.
    Despite repeated efforts, Subject cannot be persuaded to use tools more complicated than an electric stove for her duties.
@The Otter detpecca
Yakumo Sakura

There was one employee that didn't come in through the entrance. This wasn't because of some exemption--at least, not originally--but because Sakura never seemed to really grasp the idea of using the door for some place she was meant to be more than the first time. It had long gotten to the point that the small girl had forgotten where she actually lived and whether that was technically part of some Sefirot base or not, as she'd both not used the front door in years and lost the key at some point. After several attempts to make her enter properly had come to nothing, they'd thrown their hands up and just gone for the easiest solution to tell whether the random intruder in their base was an employee or not and just put a tracker on her. Not that she minded.

All of which meant that it was an ordinary day for a portal to open into one of the office areas, already with a few agents waiting to find out if today was going to be a slow day or not, and reveal the interior of someone's living room for a few seconds before she came through. Ordinary for this branch, yet still quite an oddity in the general scheme of things.

More impressive was that the girl's phone didn't skip a beat, still talking away as she meandered towards the coffee machine.

"But they're different subgenres! One's a classic slasher film, one's a gothic--" she protested, waving her free arm aimlessly.

"Fiiiiine... just don't pick something in some long continuity this time! It's no good watching a movie that won't introduce any of the characters properly."

Face turning a shade to match her hair, Sakura had reached the coffee machine--and the nearby cupboards, her free arm digging around for a specific cup. It had to be here somewhere, she'd only used it yesterday. "I--you... that's not the point! There was nothing else for me to appreciate!"

"Muuuu..." Finally producing the desired mug--one slightly chipped on the edge, a white design stencilled on black, the girl stepped back to look at the coffee machine. How did this one work again...? Did she need to put something into it or was that already handled somehow? "Should I bring snacks?"

"I'll be over after work, then. It shouldn't take as long to set up, I've cleaned the cabling up since last time." Well, the cup went there, and... would it really be so bad if they labelled these buttons with words and not pictures? All she wanted was coffee, why was this machine so complicated!

"Really? If we just start the movies later, I could help!" Hm, this flap looked like it opened, and... was this where you put something in or took something out? It was empty, so maybe this was where you had to put coffee in. Which cupboard would have coffee... mugs, cleaning supplies...

"Oh, good point! I'll see you later, then."

"Misakiiiii, don't call me that," the pink-haired girl pouted, overall pink again. "Yes, yes, I love you too... take care, bye."

Maybe the coffee was in one of those overhead cabinets? A few exploratory tentacles started reaching out of the nearby air, opening them. If there was no coffee, she'd just have to push all the buttons until it worked.

With Sanae doing... something--exactly what, Saria couldn't say, except that this seemed far more like some esoteric arts than any medic's work, for all that it was helping--to keep people alive, that left more time for her to perform any necessary aid. Oh, they were still in triage conditions, which meant turning away some to follow after the green-haired girl and provide more lasting attention, but it was a bit less hectic.

It would have been useful to have an actual medic on hand. As much as she could conserve supplies using her own abilities, it would have been useful to have a larger supply of the bsaics, rather than conserving them and making do with whatever equivalents the locals could supply. As cold as it might have been, she had no idea how long they would be here or if she would ever be able to replace anything used up, and Saria didn't want to find herself needing to patch someone up during a fight and having nothing but a semi-clean bottle of medieval liquor to fall back on.

"No casualties to report." There was that enemy caster to bring up--more than the common soldiers, someone who could fly and repeatedly fire attacks of that magnitude needed to be considered as a major threat, although her apparent vulnerability to physical damage was something that they could take advantage of as a group. If she would even be back soon, given the injury already inflicted.

Unfortunately, it seemed that they were needed outside--which meant picking her shield once again and preparing to fight. It seemed unlikely it was the raven guard; after being driven off, surely they would need just as long to regroup before another attack as this village did simply to treat its wounded?

"Of course you can deal--"

"When it's your turn." Parvan finished, already shuffling and dealing out a hand. "Where would the fun be if only one person was able to deal?"

Rather, where was the ability to turn it into a game of who can cheat harder if you gave one person such an obvious advantage in the manipulation stakes. At least that meant there would be some chance for other people to influence how things were dealt out.


"I'm sure he does, and it can't hurt to ask," Florian acknowledged, leading the way straight to the castle... and right past its guards, who at least took the intrusion with impassive grace. Either they had permission to enter, or it simply wasn't worth the trouble to stop the knight from taking them through the outer gates and into what was probably a practical courtyard at some point, but now made Candaeln's gardens look like a patch of weeds. There were probably as many gardeners here as they had cooks.

"I'll go see if he's available."

It seemed that Florian was allowed in, then. Or maybe everyone was just allowed as far as these gardens? Nonetheless, the knight left, and it was another awkward few minutes where Randon had apparently decided that now Fionn needed careful inspection before he returned, leading someone that could only be Prince Erion. Not because his physical appearance was inherently distinctive or his portrait well known, although his looks had a boyish charm to them, but because it could hardly be anybody else wearing a cape of dragonscale, the red-gold scales having a shimmering, jewel-like quality to them.

The clasp bearing the Talderian crest itself was also a clue.

"Florian tells me that you're new to this place? More knights of his order?"
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