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Do you like campy, over the top shenanigans? Are you into slightly messy romance? How about illegal activities played for gags? Are you familiar with the Lupin the Third series? If your answer is D, all of the above, I have a prompt for you!

See, I told you it was niche. If you didn't believe me before, I bet you do now. Okay, okay, enough with the aside. back to my prompt.

Specifically, I'm looking for someone to write Lupin against my spoiled, assassin-by-profession OC. I doubt this is much of a surprise.

Some background— These two have a bit of a history together; she was once appointed to kill him but flaked because of the baffling, ungodly amount of charisma this dude has. Directly related to that, they sort of have a thing going on, but not really outside of chance meetings. And hey, would you look at that! The almighty plot calls for a chance meeting right about now.

I haven't quite worked out the exact specifics of this plot quite yet, which is why I'm looking for RP and am not writing mediocre fic right now. Plus, I can never finish anything I start on my own, anyway. I'll get, like, twelve paragraphs in, get frustrated with myself, and shelve it for five years. Anyway, I'm thinking something along the lines of these two being "stuck" working towards a common goal together. Maybe someone she's got a hit on has information about something our protagonist and his colleagues are interested in stealing. Maybe they just happen to be in the same place at the same time, and she gets roped into the scheme. Maybe a third, way cooler and better thought out option that hasn't occurred to me yet. I'm not sure.

I'm no good at GMing, but I think I have most background characters/NPCs covered if that's any extra incentive. I'm not looking to completely control the story, though, because I think that would be boring for both of us.

Onto half of the reason this is tagged as 18+: smut content. Unlike most scenarios I've posted ads for in the past (and not on this site,) I don't feel like it's going to be a super huge focus in this story. Asterix, however: Monkey Punch was a horny bastard and I'm all for honoring his legacy in the ways that I can. I don't feel that I really *need* to bring my personal kinks into this, as I can't really imagine much more than vanilla to kind of edgy vanilla (?) encounters happening, but if you feel like making other things work then I'm totally all for humoring you. Anyway, I'll absolutely supply my list of kinks and limits if asked, it's just that I don't feel like half of them will apply (because my ego is fragile and I will be Embarrassed.)

I do have some mediocre art of my OC, and maybe by the time I get a bite on this post I'll hopefully have a more polished commissioned piece of her that serves as a ref. I'll also happily detail all of her lore I've left out in this post! This includes the reasons as to why the romance is slightly messy. I have her down pretty solidly, in my opinion, but she's still a relatively newish character that I'm finishing feeling out.

If by some small miracle you're interested, I will be jumping for joy and vibrating like a blender on its last legs when I receive your message request. I am soul-crushingly hyperfixating on this series right now and I have been absolutely *dying* to write out this scenario. I do respectfully require literate writers only, no one-liners, and I personally write in third person past tense.

Anyway, good timezone and take care! <3 if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to toss me a DM!
Hi all! I'm Faye, I'm nearly 21, and my pronouns are she/they. I'm trying out forums for the first time, as I'm tired of dealing with Reddit RP. If I get one more "hi lets rp" DM on a painstakingly crafted post, I think I'll explode. Also, I'm currently craving a super niche plot that I have no luck of finding partners for there unless I, like, spam post over the course of months or something. I'm trying out a few different sites, so don't be surprised if you see me and my cringe post pop up elsewhere lol.

Uhhh I think that's all of the important info I have for now! Take care and good timezone!!
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