S i m b e l m y n ë
Simbel looks from the Elvian with the red hair to the jittery woman with the dirtied robes with unblinking eyes, her face as if carved from ivory. She understands that they're experiencing fright, but cannot fathom why. Her actions, to her mind, have not been dangerous or otherwise threatening. But then again, civilized people were strange, and had strange customs. Perhaps it was right in their world to react with fear to questions from strangers. She could see the sense in that, in a way, although the idea seemed foreign to her. Just like the city dwellers often had trouble understanding the language and customs of the forest dwellers, she imagined the reverse could also be true. Perhaps they were intimidated by her gaze - yes, that could be it. Many animals were threatened by eye contact. She decided to avert her eyes, lest not to scare them further.
Looking in stead down, slightly relaxing her posture, she turned towards the woman who had not reacted in fear. She was different, in more ways than one. She could not smell it now, her nose not adequate to the task, but as a mouse she had picked up an... unusual scent from this one. She looked like the other women, or at least similar to them, but she was not human, or Elvian for that matter. She had the scent of a predator on her. Simbel could relate to that.
I do not know the words you speak, she said, But it is imperative that I find Mother. You had one of these, earlier, she continued, holding out her token to the strange woman with the almond skin. I think she left it for me to find, as a clue to her whereabouts. I do not know what it is. Do you?