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Places everybody. Places.

‘ So this is how it begins? ‘

The thought crossed his mind at the oncoming of opponents, having been shrouded in the ever-clutching darkness and the worlds mysteries, he sunk deeper. There would be no relief for the eyes or anything comparative, the former shinobi and black operative knew how to maneuver or rather out-maneuver those with supernal gaze. It wasn't a hard task, whatever they did take notice of wasn't true. He'd naturally taken to the ebb and flow of this reality's energies and matter, making himself and his existence with them. His sclera turned a murky color, the color in his pools sputtering out of life and the childish wonder fled with haste. There was nothing, there never had been anything to sense from him. No killer intent. No bloodlust. No desire. No energy. No life.

There was just an absence of a fifth person entirely, the only ones who knew he was present could have only been his allies. As if he was bleeding into the backdrop, having his all immediately drained and broadcasted by the leylines as soon as the opponents arrived. His words were unheard as there was nothing really to hear — they hadn't arrived yet when he spoke, especially as the first immediate person to reply to the commander. Heat signatures, energy and other varying forms emitted by the normal person wouldn't register — there was no difference between that abyss and himself. The environment and himself. Shadow and himself. That much would remain as true as he sank deeper and deeper, hidden by the fervent bustle and march of his allies' perpetual buff. It was a shame. It was far too late too soon.

He was used to the cold, he felt it's kiss — finding that it was always pleasing to the eyes when watching The Ryuusei work. Their flawless coordination in the presence of one another could seldom be outmatched, especially when coupled with the dominating presence of Senko II. Even so he'd use that, all of them, to enact his swift execution of opponent after opponent. Poaching is what Senko would've called it, but his role called for it. Why appear if he didn't have to? Anyone who didn't tread lightly would unfortunately be killed. This wasn't war, he was bound to no whimsical code of honor these mongrels had. So, he moved, shifting via shadow, dancing within light and ambience. With no meta imprint to be found to subtle shift within the uproar caused by Senko.

His movements as swift as a dragon, domineering like Zeus' bolts - each leftward, backward, right and forward in simultaneity as he anchored himself spatially to each of his allies; one was real and the others would all be supplementary actions for rapid transfer to each of his allies. If anyone could truly track him, it would be like watching him split into multiple dense forms - each no different from the other as they traveled like that of light through chosen mediums. The leylines didn't react yet, they surged with Quintessence and mixed with his own; the backdrop of the forefront - actions masked by each of the Ryuusei's activated abilities.

Gaea was theirs and theirs alone on all aspects — yet what they didn't use, he had taken over immediately. A deep, rooting — deep seeded series of pulse would expand, meta-blades caught in spiral, and their form galvanized as they manifested with nearby fauna. These would form as dense coils that unraveled themselves as frenzied omnidirectional wavelengths that expanded outwards in chase following The Swallow in its race. Wood cracked, emerald leaves raced under his enchantment — sound chasing the current, expanding outwards in vicious booms that would be beneficial to his allies as they were caught in his slipstream, harmful to the opponents who were unused to the vibratory functions of his pending assault, lodging bits of tracking meta-shrapnel between bonds before detonation. All happening on mirroring planes, the hulking target was being scanned — dense armor structure would be used against him as the clash would be focused into a fine point. Bombarding integral structures, forcing them to vibrate, using each one to sink _deep_ — he was too close to Akane.

Akane would see him, if she looked. He doubted his opponents would notice the ripples and reflection changes on the surface of freezing pond whose depth knew no limit. He held his breath, feeling his energies augment his strength and resistances as a superfluous amount of energy surged through him. Tightened and surging with a likeness to lightning, each one of them would feel it. Above them and directly ahead of them — the tip of his blade aimed for the nip of their neck and heart. The entirety of the forest would feel it, all of it would express it. The demon was on the hunt, aiming to slip that blade into all of his opponent's throats and chests. His blade, its flow would allow the sharpness to split the structure through overbearing stimulation, forcing opposing structures away from them through chaotic charge as the gravina lance was imposed around it conjured via a shift between internal energy of the weapon and its user.

Kiai Technique: Thousand Catty Step + Origin Shadow Chasing Strike.

Darkness consumed the pathway he sat in, the humid hallways damp with the drip of water from flora that threatened to consume the building. This much he could tell, it wasn't hard for the master of deception to play his innate role. Masking himself, feeling the way the element around him ebbed and flowed - genuflecting to bless him as he masked himself entirely. Swallowed seemingly under shadow and the ambiance, enough to make even the best scouts have the hardest locating him. He hardly came to think that his partners could properly tell his exact location. He was somewhere near Akane, which was enough for them, though he was only a few meters to her right.

Totsuka was an enigmatic man, estranged from the entirety of the forefront of this world's understanding. This wasn't to say that anything he had couldn't be understood; it was hard to predict what the male could do because he was purely instinctual. He sat perfectly still within his perch, hidden within flora and stone walls. Fox-like gaze kept a unique level of watch for opportunity and chance. He was the most exploitative person on the battlefield, which would play into how he played his little lane.

The man wore simple black harem pants, bandages under a stylish turtleneck, and knee-length black and purple haori. Totsuka wore black tabi on his feet while bandages lined his features, clearly from his torso upwards and around his mouth. Ivory hair was held into two buns, messily strewn about as if hastily done. At the same time, he rotated stones between his right hand, one that carried the mirrored form of han kote on his forearm and knuckles. Lastly, the thing that could visibly be seen was his katana, which housed the chaos sprite within on his left hip.

He honestly didn't mind being here aside from the humidity and heat. It was an excellent time to be here with companions he hadn't seen in a long time. He was lost in thought of what they would do after this mission, as he had no doubt that their victory over whoever popped up would be swift. That's when he heard Senko speak, offering a playful, "Aye, Aye, Oyabun." Now, he was focused. Entirely so, as he kept his k.i hidden. A problem with his specific race of beings but absolved by their training.

Man, oh man, he was hungry.
[center]〔 “You wish to deal with a man who thinks with his heart and swings without it? They say his blades represent his anguish and are stained with his sister's blood. He is a demon yet he is seen as a god of swordsmen.” 〕
Kanashī tabibito - 悲しい旅人[/center

Name: Komaeda “Azashiro” Seishi
True name: Inabikari Muigetsu Totsuka.
Moniker: Keiji Maeda
Age: 500 years old.
Height: 5 Foot 11 Inches.
Weight: 190 Pounds.
Skin: Pale.
Eyes: Glossy Silverish-black, kanji sigils within them.
Hair: Black.
Alias(es): The Silver Flash.
Race: Demon - Oni
Gender: Male
Lineage: Inabikari
Status: Alive.
Theme: Genamusic - Sad samurai
Energy Color: Transparent edged with an inside of emerald.
Keiji Maeda.
The Dragon of the South. [ Minami no doragon. ]
The Drifter of the south [ Minami no hyōryū-sha ]
The Swallow Who Crumbles Mountains. [ Yama o kudaku tsubame. ]
The Southern God Of Lightning. [ Minami no inazuma no kami. ]
He who rides Light. [ Hikari ni noru kare. ]


Chiai ( aka chakra , ki. Energy) - is a form of energy that is produced by the universe and by Seishiro in large quantities. The esoteric energy passes through circuits that run throughout his soul and what are found in the body are just physical representations of them that stretch throughout his body in a fashion akin to that of a nervous-system. This energy runs rampant in moderate quantities throughout the circuits and is produced from his existence constantly.
Shinteki-ki Manipulation: Through various breathing techniques an Inabikari are known for utilizing Qi to manipulate and manifest elements, they can shape Ki, harden Ki, and augment themselves as well to perform a plethora of ‘effects’ in terms of offensive and defensive capabilities. It’s also known that they are fundamentally different from those that use Reiki as they are more physically oriented, heal faster, react faster, and produce this naturally as well as use the Ki of their surroundings to be as lethal and overpowering as possible. The limitations. . .are endless so long as the body of the user can handle it.

Reiki Manipulation ‘Rei’ Being ‘Universal Life’ and ‘Ki’ being Energy: The practitioners of this specific branch utilize a more esoteric and ethereal energy system. It allows them to sacrifice their energy to do different things. Aka jutsu. Fire, water, wind etc.

Superhuman Physiology - As noted, Seishiro isn’t stupendously strong, at max he is faster, stronger, agile, and conditioned for quick movements. Boasting a reaction time faster than any of the best Olympic human athletes and enough to contend with gods. He has mastered the martial art of Asian Sword styles, Fencing, and a few styles taught to him by his late wife’s mother, and has combined these disciplines with his own unique close-quarter styles of combat. He engages in a daily regimen of vigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in constantly ascending condition.

An Inabikari’s eyes are expressly unique and it should be stated the abilities granted to them will fade once the eyes are removed. There are only two sets of colors that appear, they are like murky storm clouds within their center along with small glyphs that look like natural light which surround and orbit it. Their blessed eyes allow them to see and translate the certain kinds of magic that are cast within range of perception. As well as see and color assign energies on the most minute scales and on different planes without mental overload due to magical dampening of energy emerging, because useless information is filtered into systems or ‘files’. This doesn’t mean they automatically understand the energy that is perceived immediately, but they become more aware of it and their brain will begin transferring that information to cross reference it with the energies in which they or another clan member and even their Hokori-Rei has been exposed to. Their eyes have magical ley lines that allow them to perceive them as well as the magical ley lines of the planet that are sown throughout the world to him. Gifting them knowledge of natural and supernatural happenings almost ‘before’ they even happen. Even if it's the most subtle thing such as sleight of hand tricks, as long as the one being watched is tampering with these ley-lines that exist in all things; they can see through the tricks. This isn't only limited to magic and energy perception, it accelerates and enhances their ability of perception which works alongside their superhuman nervous system naturally. This allows them to mimic and learn anything they have seen instantly. Plus, their eyes are much like a serpent in terms of having a film over his eyelids which prevents light from bothering them when shined as well as dismissing visual based illusions.

Magic/Jutsu ( universe dependent )- He has a magical prowess and affinity for spontaneous and quick spells whilst engaging in close quarters or hand-2-hand because every action is a means in which to cast a spell without him performing wasted movements. Being highly proficient in three kinds of magic: Transmutation, Abjuration, and Evocation. It’s known is highly capable in ANY of those fields, making him rather lethal if allowed to simply move. Which doesn’t help that he has INSANE casting speeds that can come off as immediate if allowed. This is primarily because he can implement spells through his actions due to his spells being based on the circuits.

Pyrics and Lightning Spectrum Manipulation: He boasts in knowing how to manipulate the pathways of these two abilities, meaning he has an uncanny control over fire and lightning in their regular, mystical and magical forms. The affinity for fire and lightning alone is astonishing and it’s noted he is immune to his elements. Having been struck by lightning and walked out of a burning house, though there is a threshold. That being said he is immune to elemental changes like the cold or even subzero changes because he can produce his own heat entirely and is supercharged by them.

Combat Empowerment: because of this affinity he possesses, in the midst of combat he gains substantial buffs to strength, speed, durability, healing factor, fire and energy manipulation in stupendous amounts. These buffs stack the longer the fight goes on and amplify x2.5 each turn, making him more and more powerful the longer the battle rages on. However, it goes beyond simple augmentation. The essence of combat and competition empower him twice for each person he is in competition with. They intertwine with him on a quantum level. Down to the last meta-quanta. It is what he was born from, therefore they empower him.

Damage Empowerment: The damage he takes is immediately converted into physical might. Drastically increasing, ripping him apart and putting him back together to increase his strength to exponential levels. The celestial muscles hyper-fed by the ethereal conversion of the harm received. Though, it does not make him immune to the pain or infliction. He has to be able to withstand the damage in order to receive the prestigious boost from it.

Sword Maiden’s Curse: Much like his mentor, he carries an ability that is native to him that can activate in accordance to what's happening around him; an active ability versus a passive one. This being due to the celestial energy that runs through the semi-divine channels that stretch throughout his body. That ability being: A whirlwind of ethereal blades can emerge to defend his weak points and even go as far as attack an opponent's weak spot as the opponent is submerged within his own temporal flow which allows him to completely banish attacks within 5 to 10 meters of himself.

Absolute Blade (絶刀, Zettō?) Due to rigorous training of the blade, his aura has created a passive in conjunction with his swords in order to better suit him. His sword was elevated to a status to where his cuts always ring true, dealing true damage on all fronts. This is because the seraphic-like entity within the blade, the blade itself and his aura resonate on a ten-dimensional level and cuts on all levels accessible to mortal and even divine constructs. Making the blade a result of God magic, made from the empyrean clouds that sit next to the throne, a chunk of the All’s throne and seraphic bodies. Forged under sub planar and multiplanar divides and kissed by the ineffable abyss that sits between worlds. His weapon has been stated to be the brush of the grand artist, and when its glorious head strokes the canvas it will render all in its path.

Onkei “Favour”: This is more of an extended ability, something one gains through undergoing their second stage of enlightenment. Near-death situations tend to manifest this mutation. But his ability tends to do with mystical gates he can draw Qi from and summon varying supernatural — and release devastating attacks at a moments notice. It attuned him specifically to the bounties of Mars and Jupiter, allowing him a secondary ability of black lightning and to use magic on a scale simply from thought.

he has been noted to use varying weapons; celestial in nature such as gauntlets, made from Holy grails he has won which are not only extremely durable but offer him divine wave manipulation and resonance manipulation when introduced to stimulus, but also grant him kinetic manipulation control ( amplification and recycling ). He also has a war fan, which comes with extendable blades at their ends, along it are the patterns for his sacred beast one being an Okuchi No Makami and the other being Genbu, The Black Tortoise of the North. The last is a seemingly regular katana, which houses a chaos-inflicted rain. These weapons are infused with their associated divine beasts abilities. While the fan can only use one beast at a time, it is fine for what similarities they share.

Fate is in Heaven (Rank A): Totsuka, who has faith in, who he believes is, — divine protection, can receive an advantageous check for every action he performs on the battlefield. Making his stats increase across the board to also increase. This ability is also known as The Perennial Stream of Life which is submerged into his chi, a key component that can never be taken away as he is heaven's anointed one. It is a akin to a bathysphere bonded with his aura and can be expressed without his aura and energies. It is what allows him to absorb and convert quintessence into the two classifications of Aura his people use. It is swathed within an infinitely expanding system of souls, as it connects him to all other counterparts of his family and makes him the epitome of his people's belief system. Meaning, the souls of all they have saved, could save, and would save across many timelines are brought within here.

Heart of Clear Waters: He cannot be emotionally overwhelmed in battle due to his Vitrification skill, a mental state called a “heart of clear water” that was acquired after reaching the pinnacle of arduous training. He is able to maintain a cool and collected heart, regardless of the situation. Facing his own death will not cause him to waver, so it is a very useful ability for protecting. Mental interference from charms and magecraft activated by the opponent are completely negated through inversion, prevent illusions and trickery.

The perception of his eyes is the best among those in his class, allowing him to see through the weapon and style of his opponent after crossing blades only a few times. He initially has trouble with Susanoo's wind based attacks because its distance cannot be gauged, making it too dangerous to close in and not allow him to follow through with his strikes. He eventually becomes able to judge its exact measurements without using magecraft or even exchanging actual blows with the sword and even copies it. He is an unorthodox sword-user who is only able to improve on such techniques, so he mentions that figuring out the shape is "just a street performance." It stems from his Eye of the Mind , a sixth sense that is very different from simple danger avoidance that originates from “predictions and eventually knowledge augmented by experience and instinct”. His ability can be called a natural talent to sense danger.

His heart and mind are free of impure thoughts, in the sense that his thoughts are always goal oriented and he acts as he would. He can react to things without much thought, he simply does the best outcome to preserve his own life. It seems he is understanding of things all around him based on minor information entirely.

He also has learned the styles of the Inabikari Clan, under Reishi.

-| EYE OF THE UNSEEN On either of the palms and sometimes on clothing is something that appears at first glance like that of a tribal tattoo, an eye with black sclera, perfectly white sphere with illuminated crimson and neon yellow pupils. It doesn't produce enough light to be noticeable and to any other being it would just look like a tattoo, with marks above and below the eye that appeared like lashes also like the bleeding eye itself, transcending above the norm. Through it, he can cast an assortment of abilities for natural, offensive, and defensive measures. It peers and filters above the mundane for the user, granting them knowledge of everything around him in a full 360 degree angle without overloading his mind via discarding useless information like illusions and the like. It has intuition and can peer unto a being's internal organs to read their nervous system via pulsewaves of mystical vibrations produced constantly. It is known for playing tricks on the mind of whoever sees it, it can read spells and copy them, see energy, sense dimensional tampering, allows him to see his opponent’s body in extreme detail - helping to identify weak points, rhythm, muscle movements, and more thus allowing him to predict their movements.

Takame - Hawk Eye - A 12 round revolver with 14 inch barrel and kinetic reactor, celestial technological replicator to fire and effectively reload itself as well as synthesize new rounds to self upgrade itself. When the hammer hits the center fire, it marks the bullet with an elemental affinity or amplificatory effect due to the weapon being forged from a forge master's celestial hammer. With a second barrel being on the bottom half it eliminates the pressure, recoil, and need for two hands due to its size, allowing him to produce shots rapidly without hurting himself and perfect shots each time. The weapon fires a round the size of a .38 Winchester and all rounds consists of armor penetrative affinities due to how the actual bullet exerts a stupendous amount of kinetic energy to separate the molecular structure of what it's hitting via destroying the molecular structure through drilling into the target with the spiraling wind currents that surround the bullet. Utilizing a bullet that can actually withstand hitting incredibly dense targets. This gun fires rounds with the pressure equal to that of a GAU-19/B Gatling Gun at the cost of a slower fire rate, which allows for 4 bullets in 15 seconds, averaging out the entire clip in about 45 seconds.

| Elements
| Void
| Modern Rounds
| Light
| Fire
| Plasma / Lightning
| Gravija
| Ice
| Anti-Mana via Transference / Transmutation via an Ethereal base.
| Anti-Aether via Transference / Transmutation Via an Ethereal base into a Netheric base for damage.
| Blood

Passive: his mere abilities that come into contact with enemies apply a Debuff to the enemy called Frostbite, which constantly causes them to freeze and rapidly at that to slow their capabilities and freeze over their energy pathways. All of his Basic Attacks against a target afflicted by Frostbite do 100% more damage due to fragility factors. Enemies affected by Frostbite slow down rapidly as kinetics are siphoned from them.

This is your second ability, known as All-Sight. They are a series of markings along his body that lead for instant divination to warn the user of impending attacks and even go as far as forcing them to move and react to certain attacks and they also grant enhanced intuition. The markings seem to be sentient and boast a voice that offers guidance on what and how he should do something and even what not to do.
THE LOCUSTS: Visually and metaphysically he is at all times surrounded by ethereal locust like creatures, they are used for a variety of things. They are tied to the users very existence which swathe his soul form in their might, granting the ability lash out in his name carrying out curses and other magic based abilities when seen or sensed. He can use them to attack the target, or they’ll naturally defend through Thaumaturgical craft. Their constant yipping, laughter, fluttering and presence can be felt but rarely ever seen at least until it's too late, especially as they feed and grow for their masters will.


Shisui - A weapon crafted from a fallen meteorite and meshed with the infamous rainbow omnibane metal of the Inabikari clan, further tempered by Vehemente’s Red Room Division. The weapons are a set, an enchanted Odachi with an extensive length of 277 cm and a Tachi of 177 cm. Their enchants simply allow their recreation after destruction through magi-retracing, the increase of their durability, change length and width, weightlessness, and can synthesize with an element of the user's knowledge. The weapons however are imbued with shards of the Shards of The Talisman Death, brimming with the hateful emotions of their master in his youth which is said to transcend even his death. The blades themselves continually sharpen themselves with their hatred, lessening the limits of their worldly restrictions, making every strike more and more lethal.

The materials themselves exist on all planes and dimensions that are accessible to nearly everything and do not just interact with the physical realm. Blades are made of heavenly materia stronger than known worldly materials. It is overly saturated by the aug’r sun, the light of the ky’tr moon, and grows only on several serpent backs that fly in and out of the grand master's personal world. So that they are saturated by these supernatural suns, moons, and earthen astral/planar variations. This process is what makes the blades so lethal to everything as their materials exist or have existed within the ‘radiation’ and ‘glory’ of creation and then are forged to stand against it. The color and appearance is often based on the personalities of the one wielding it alongside their Hokori-Rei, his being black. The raw materials once touched by one Inabikari is forever formatted to that specific person, and depending on the type of Dragon they got it from will lead to an overload to anyone else's bodies, ripping apart their bonds and scattering their consciousness as well as itself. Meaning, their blades cannot be used by another.

*Yakusoku Suru; 約束する; Promise, Oath.* is the accumulation and representation of the polymerization and the connection of spiritual, will-based, mental, and physical might shared between one’s Hokori-Rei ‘誇り霊’ ( Proud-Spirit(s). ) and The spirit’s Kyoshō '巨匠.' ( Master, Maestro. ). When activated the blade and master produce a passive response to the reforming unity of the two again. 初回リリース, Shokai Rirīsu. Tr. Initial Release is the technical term for it, how it manifests is different for each Inabikiri, though some classifications and branch families can have a repeating Shokai Rirīsu or augmented variations of them depending on the classification of Spirit they have. Then there is Ninotsugi Sōgi ‘二の次 争議 Tr. Subordinate Dispute. which appears as the polymerized formation of both Hokori-Rei and Kyosho’s souls, it’s affects vary and its classification is always two-fold due to it being an expression of the Master and Spirits ‘hearts’ granting them something grandiose to be brought forth.

Pan-dimensional Grenades are covered with sigils to contain Aetheral energy which resonates in and on all dimensions to effect even beings that like to ghost or gnosis out of things for the hell of it. It can also be used to destroy weapons in pocket dimensions that rival the third. (20ft radius)

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