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    1. RegularHaloPeep 9 yrs ago


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@MrMinerGuy142 I can wait as long as you need me to, so just give me the sign and I'll hop back in whenever you need me
I'm back, by the way, and now that I have a more settled schedule, I can give it to you if you'd like. (I'm in EST time, so any time measurements I give OOC will be based off of those.) I am still in school, and I wont be around from around 600 to 1445 on week days. Thursdays will be a bit of a tight squeaze for me, but I'll find time to post during the day.

Other than that, I've been studying up and found something others may aprishiate. lefande.com/hands.html
It is until next Monday, but I will be around. I apologies, there's a lot going on in my personal life, but once this Monday rolls around, I'll be much freer in my activities.

I forgot about you guys, and that's simply my fault~

Is there anything I need to do in the mean time?
@RegularHaloPeep Yes, the scout rifle is a long range gun. However if your going for sniper I would ask the Gm and Co gm if they mind you haveing a more powerful gun.

I would agree but I'd prefer the conformation of a DM, lol~
I actually wanted to know what class of skill the scout rifle is in. is it a long rage weapon?
Aren't the stats out of fifty? if so why dose @Inkdrop have three stats at 65?
Out of curiosity, will there eventually be an expanded list of guns and weapons?
Name:Sierra Mason

Desired Role: Squad Leader

Equipment: -Standard Helmet: Every S.W.A.T. member wears this unless suited in T.I.A., has flash resistant visor and scalp coverage.
-Kevlar Vest: Standard issue to S.W.A.T. officers. Average weight, like a heavy backpack. Stops ALL small ballistics and some low caliber rifles.
-"Colt M1911" Handgun(7): A light gun, Good armor penetration, high damage, accurate, good for mid range engagements and firing on the move, could be used to suppress.
-"M14" Battle Rifle (14): A heavy gun, good armor penetration, accurate, powerful damage at mid to long range.
-2 flash bangs
- 2 Decoys (Generate sounds similar to gunshots.)
-Zip-ties (For securing people who surrender.)
-Wedge (To be placed under a closed door to shut it from one side securely.)

Handguns: 25

Shotguns: 0

Automatics: 25

Long-Range: 25

Grenades: 25

Perception: 50

Response Time: 50

Wiring: 0

Charisma: 50
@Zetsuko ah, hi Zets, and everyone else for that matter. I'm Reggy (pronounced Reg-ie) or just Reg.

Ah. Yes my mistake on that part. I'm just used to most forms I've been on separating the rules and the actual chatter.

Alrighty then I'll get right on making my charicter.
And @kanoro is really someone you wanna thank~! He's spreading the word s bit, and got me to drop in!

I do have a few things though. 1: you might want to make a place for general OOC chatter or questions; helps clear up the rules space, hmm?
2: this RP is nearing the 1970s, and I was wondering what the restrictions baced on gender are? Women only got access to serve properly in the military in World War II, and even after that it was still a great deal a man's world. Now I don't know the sexism at the time, but as someone who is currently self indulging and disiding to be, yes, that person, and considering signing up for a squad leader, I find myself wondering if a woman would even be allowed into the LAPD at that time, let alone being the head of an exparamental SWAT team.
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