Alex makes Vanessa uncomfortable. Not because he isn’t nice or anything like that. He’s just so animated that whenever the shy girl interacts with him, she feels a pressure to be more energetic which really takes her out of her comfort zone. Despite the one-sided inconvenience, Vanessa likes Alex’s kind and carefree personality. She always greets him when their paths cross, whether at the apartments or library, and attempts to hold a conversation with him no matter how nerve racking or awkward it might be for her.
However, she does genuinely feel uncertain on how to handle the situation during the rare occasions he flirts with her, even if he is just teasing. Vanessa’s never sure when he’s being cheeky or not.

Vanessa doesn’t know where she exactly stands with the other Clarke sibling. They don’t interact much do to the intimidation the older girl receives from Abby and the relations connecting the two only leaves things that much more ambiguous. Despite the fact he tutors her, Kim and Abby don’t seem to get along and Vanessa worries that the feeling will translate onto her since she’s close to the other assistant.
The brunette has seen the taller girl tending to the gardens at the apartment complex and admires how Abby can be both headstrong and gentle. At the same time, she’s also amazed at how similar yet contrasting the twins can be. Speaking of them together, Vanessa knows the bit of information from what the media has put out and the rumors that circle Hartford about their situation. Although she’s never voiced her opinion on the matter, she worries about how the two are affected. She knows they have each other and are inseparable but going through all of that can’t be easy.

The two women haven’t had much interaction most likely due to their differences in interests. Vanessa isn’t one to drink and therefore has no purpose to be at Vibe where the bartender can be found. Likewise, it doesn’t seem Cassandra has an interest in books and would rarely be found in the library. Really the only times they’ve met is when Vanessa comes to the bar to pick up Kim, and even then it was mostly attempted introductions over the loud atmosphere.

There are two boys at the complex that Vanessa greatly worries about health-wise. Jack would be one of them. He's a college student who has two jobs and she almost always sees him either really sleepy or asleep. Also, she's pretty sure he doesn't eat the most balanced meals either and misses some too. The librarian wishes she could help in some way but they aren't familiar enough to where she can intrude on his life rudely, even if it's coming from a good place.
As far as interaction goes, the two have been limited by their meek, overly considerate natures. However, Vanessa will generally ask Jack how he's doing when they get the chance to talk.

Vanessa has two mindsets to people: intimidating and approachable. The one exception comes in the form of Kimberly Seo. Their relationship and the feeling the girl receives from the other can be put into one word: comfortable. The Odd Couple is quite tight knit and the closest to a best friend either of them have. Vanessa can’t remember when they became so familiar but somewhere along the awkward small talks and just as equally awkward silences, they understood each other and enjoyed one another’s company.
Vanessa first met Kim through her job. Having just gotten the same position two weeks after the older male, she was assigned to be trained by him. The two are actually a funny looking pair with all the right likeness and variations to make them compatible. Even though the two are both quiet bookworms, one emits a friendly vibe while the other is very aloof and assured.
It seems like whenever Kim is around, Vanessa is always smiling. The fellow assistant is the only person she can be honest with and not be as afraid to be who she really is and say what she thinks. Although it's still suppressed, Vanessa still manages to get her fill of affection with their hugs and wearing Kim's jacket (which he offers when he sees she's cold) after many hours of sitting in the heavily air conditioned library, despite all the effort he makes in grumbling in a false show of distaste. (Somehow she manages to be just as efficient even if the sleeves engulf her hands and the jacket falls well below her waist.) However, Kim knows never to push his friend off when she clutches his arm. He's picked up that it's her subconscious response to when she's feeling particularly nervous or worried. They're each other's security blanket. Kim makes Vanessa feel more confident and serves as an anchor for when she's in a new place or surrounded by new people. On the other hand, Vanessa makes Kim's life a little brighter and helps him become more social, even if he mainly just sticks to her for now.
Despite how involved they are in each other’s lives with the frequent visits and hangouts and natural interaction, Vanessa believes she still hasn’t gotten to know Kim in all his entirety. Although he's met her family, Kim’s still secretive and defensive whenever his past is brushed upon and it worries the smaller girl. Of course she always worries about him.

In contrast, Quinn makes Vanessa feel extremely uneasy and intimidated. With the bartender being a whole foot taller than the librarian and possessing a very immediate presence, the younger will avoid the other by any means. She's quite sure that her heart will mimic the mouse's whose nature she also stole from. And that she'll unintentionally offend the stranger which could lead to something ugly and scary (at least for her).
She has always wanted to make the joke that if the two were sisters the older woman's name would be Quinn Quinn, completely unaware of her social awkwardness and the consequence of an uncomfortable conversation arising from the harmlessly intended comment. Fortunately, her crippling fear of the smoker has prevented the situation so far.

Vanessa doesn't know much about Doris aside from what she's observed. Although the DJ is in school, she doesn't attend the library often, limiting interaction between the two women. The few things the younger does know of her fellow resident is that she's passionate about her job, very loud, and many men leave her apartment in the morning. Vanessa doesn't hold any of this against the law student but keeps her distance out of uncertainty of how to approach Doris or even why she would need to.

There are so many relations that connect Vanessa to Max. He's the other resident whose health she worries about. The gamer probably lives in the same conditions as Jack: staying up way too late, eating unhealthy, probably not living in the most organized and hygienic condition. However, she also admires him for having made mistakes the first time he attended college and giving it another try despite the additional obstacles confronting him the second time around and with a more determined resolve. They met and began associating mainly from having jobs at the university and whenever they both have a shift, Max will come visit Vanessa at the library.
They also both know what it's like to be an older sibling, even if Max is more like a friend to his brother and Vanessa is a caretaker to hers. The boy is friendly with just about everyone, similar to his best friend, however the difference being that he actually has a decent batting average when it comes to holding a conversation with the socially reclusive girl.
Secretly, Vanessa thinks he's attractive.

As guilty as she feels about it, Vanessa mainly knows Lewis as Max's roommate. They have an interesting dynamic but she supposes it's similar to the bond she shares with Kim. The boys probably have something common that links them and the rest are differences that make each other their friend's perfect foil. She's never been able to tell him but she's thankful for Lewis. Although the living conditions might not be ideal -she can't expect perfection when it's two college student boys- she believes it could be a lot worse if it were Max living by himself. The shorter of the pair seems responsible and she can tell he really cares for their mutual friend, which she knows means he'll always look out for the other and she appreciates Lewis for that.
The two actually see each other quite often. However, Vanessa is never quite sure how to approach her fellow resident. He makes her anxious and she gets the vibe that he isn't too fond of her. When she first encountered him, he seemed quite cross and was squinting and rolling his eyes at her. From then on, Vanessa has made all attempts of avoiding confronting the grocer, out of fear.

Despite working at the same place and running into each other more often than others might assume, Rucks and Vanessa don't necessarily get along. Not that they have any problems or tension between them but the girl thinks the photographer has an issue with her. He always talks about authenticity and she suspects that he possibly thinks her meek nature to be a front and it rubs him the wrong way. The assistant also gets a little irked when Rucks will direct his attention to something else when they're talking. Not only is it rude but it brings back her concerns of being invisible and unworthy of regard.
He did make her laugh one time by telling her his snake's name was Flumpykins. She thought it was cute.