Declan Farraday

Character Summary
Name:Declan Mitchell Farraday
Aliases:”Deck” -By all but everyone. “Tommy” -By one very confused hot dog stand owner. “The Devil’s Biggest Advocate” -By people who find his arguing more than a little annoying.
Birthday:October 30, 1984
Birth Place:Clinton, Iowa
Years With Dunder Mifflin Four
Major/Minor: Bachelor’s in Philosophy from UC Berkely
Occupation: Salesman
Languages:English -Fluent, German -Only swear words
Height:5’ 11”
Weight:146 lbs
Skin Tone:Pale
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:A tattoo of a straight razor with the words “property of Occam” written on it. On his left shoulder blade.
Personal Style:On the clock, the cheapest dress clothes he can find. Off the clock, the cheapest dress clothes he can find. Clothes are expensive.
Social * Restless * Knowledgeable * Argumentative
Relationship Status:Single
Personality:Declan, by nature, enjoys talking. He’s a social person. Small talk, arguments, discussion, or just shooting the shit, Declan loves it all. To him, nothing is more interesting than another person. The fact that everyone has independent thought, ideas, and beliefs is astounding. He’s genuinely confounded by the fact that not everyone enjoys debate and discussion. He enjoys it so much that he quite often finds himself playing Devil’s Advocate.
For all of his enjoyment of debate, Declan has a hard time accepting defeat. This makes it incredibly hard to sway his beliefs. While some might consider this a good trait, it makes him occasionally hard to work with. While he doesn’t consider himself very funny, he thoroughly enjoys jokes, pranks, and comedy, even if he’s on the receiving end of it.
Habits:Near-constant sighing, nail biting, swearing at people in german
Hobbies:Gaming, reading, debating
- Insects of all kinds
- Motorcycles
- Needles
- Video Games (“I like them, but I also suck at them. I’ve been trying to beat Dishonored for weeks.”)
- Books (“I read a lot of newer stuff too, but you have to stand in awe of Catch-22. I’ve read it five times.”)
- Ska, and all variations thereof (“I’m telling you, trumpets are all but necessary for a good song.”)
- Breakfast Food (“Pancakes are delicious. Do not tell me otherwise.”)
- Pop (“It occurs to me that a lot of people out here call it ‘soda.’ It also occurs to me that I don’t give a shit, Dr. Pepper by any other name is still delicious.”)
- Vodka and Pink Lemonade (“Don’t you dare judge me.”)
- Cream Soda (“Blech.”)
- Driving (“It’s stressful, alright?”)
- Bailing his brother out of jail (“Half of his charges are ‘Failure to Appear.’ All he has to do is show up. I’m tired of loaning his broke ass 400 bucks every six months.”)
- Sports (“I just don’t get the appeal. I cannot sit through a football game, or any game, for that matter.”)
- Yes-men (“You aren’t supposed to agree with everything everyone says.”)
- People who drive motorcycles. (“Are you trying to kill yourself?”)
Cards On The Table
- Book Knowledge (“I’ve read a lot of books. For example, I’ve all but memorized Catch-22.”)
- Philosophy Knowledge (“You know that I know a lot about philosophy. You also know that I went to college. The explanation that makes the fewest assumptions is that I must’ve studied philosophy in college, so that explanation must be the correct one. That’s Occam’s Razor. ‘But Declan, what about Hitchen’s Razor?’ You ask. Well, let me tell you....”)
- Debating Skills ("The one useful thing my degree gave me. I know how to argue a point. And, God, do I love it.")
- Driving ("Just because I hate doing it, doesn't mean I can't do it. I'm not about to walk to my apartment.")
- Sales ("I've been selling shit for four and a half years. I'd say that I'm pretty decent at selling shit.")
Combat Skills:
- Fencing (“I was in Berkley’s Fencing Club. We sucked, but I liked it enough to buy an actual rapier, which is somewhere under my bed, I think.”)
- Street Fighting (“South Clinton is no East St. Louis, but it’s a rough neighborhood. I may not have a belt in anything, but I’d like to think I can punch and kick and wrestle well enough. Granted, I haven’t done any of those in at least ten years.”)
What Is On Your Person:
- Wallet -Contains: ID, Driver's License, About Forty Dollars Cash
- Keyring -Contains: Apartment Key, Car Key, Afro Samurai Keychain
- Flip Phone
- Gas Station Rewards Card
- Cheap Faux-Silver Pocket Watch
- Dog-Eared Copy of Catch-22
- Several Cans of Lukewarm Dr. Pepper
- A PSP and several games
- An mp3 player
- Some cheap earbuds
- 2002 Toyota Corolla
What Brings You to Dunder Mifflin: “It started out as ‘this place will give me money, even with my useless degree.’ I must admit, however, that this damn place has grown on me. I like it here. It’s a fun place to work. With my four years here on my resume, I could probably get a higher paying job, but I don’t really want one. I can’t imagine life without coming here every morning, sitting my ass in this chair, and seeing just how little work I can get away with.”
Life Up To This Point:Declan was born in Clinton, Iowa. A town with 26,000 people and absolutely nothing of interest within its limits. Born to third-generation factory workers, Declan was, naturally, expected to go into the manufacturing industry. It only took one “Take your Child to Work Day” for Declan to realize that cutting aluminum in sweltering heat was not the career path he wanted to pursue. When he told this to his parents, they informed him that they would not be able to pay for any higher education of his. As a result, he threw himself into school, despite hating every moment of it.
His work payed off, and he earned a four year scholarship to the University of California at Berkeley. Woefully uninformed as to how the world works, Declan made the mistake of studying something that interested him. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy after four years. He was contemplating going for his masters, and then his doctorate, but that sweet, sweet, scholarship money ran out. He wandered about the California area for a bit, couch-surfing and taking odd-jobs.
One day, he received word from a cousin in Pennsylvania. Said cousin owned a temporary staffing firm and was offering a job as an office temp to Declan. Declan took the job, and showed a decent aptitude for office work. He was a temp in the Pennsylvania area for about six months. Unfortunately, the company folded, and Declan was again without work. However, through a stroke of luck, the New Castle Branch was looking for a receptionist right at that time. Declan applied and got the job. He’s been working there for the past four years.
Character Quote: “Occam’s Razor, bitch!”
Theme Song: The Impression That I get- Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Dirty Little Secret:Declan is actually super into anime, though he’d be damned if he told anyone.
Anything Else:
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