I'm freeeeee! No more obligations (for now)!
23 days ago
Gonna be extremely busy this weekend (got 2 full days of conferences, from morning to late evening!), so I'll almost certainly won't be able to post until Monday.
23 days ago
Happy Cheap Chocolate Day's Eve!
24 days ago
humans are very social animals, and sharing pleasant experiences is good for bonding, so we enjoy doing that
26 days ago
been playing a lot of vampire survivors lately. good game 👍
Hi! I'm a college student from Canada :)
French is my first language so forgive me if I sound a little odd sometimes: I mostly learned English through reading, and it shows in my way of speaking i.e. I can tend to sound a bit stilted and/or overly formal/literary.
I'm a long-time D&D player and DM, and I've dabbled in other TTRPG systems. Now, I'm interested in getting into play-by-post! Which means I'm still a newbie, although one with some experience, so please be patient with me. Still, don't hesitate to point out my mistakes, I'm willing to learn and get better.
My interests span most genres of fiction, except heavy horror (I'm more into the campy, Evil Dead 2 kind of horror. I loooove camp!) and heavy romance (though I am still 100% on-board with getting involved in a good old romantic subplot! It's just less my thing when it's the main focus of the story, y'know?).
I like group RPs best (once again, TTRPG player, and used to large groups at that) but I won't say no to an interesting 1-on-1 either. Basically, I like a bit of everything, and I'm willing to at least try most things!
I'm a pixel artist, so I might post some of my work, eventually :3
Human | He/Him | 36 years old | French-Canadian | 5'9'' (69 inches) | 146 lbs _______________________________________________ Hunger. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Above all, hunting requires patience." ___________________________________
Hunting ⫻ Experienced at tracking, baiting, stalking, trapping, and calling prey, big and small game alike. Basic stealth and camouflage ⫻ Experience with stalk hunting has left Mathias skilled at moving stealthily through and blending in natural, heavily obscured environments. Those skills are much less effective in urban environments. Basic foraging ⫻ Can identify some edible (or otherwise useful) plants and fungus. Rarer or more difficult to identify species are outside the range he is confident in identifying. Firearm handling ⫻ Experienced at handling hunting rifles, hunting shotguns, and hunting crossbows. Bilingualism ⫻ Speaks fluent French and English. English is his second language. Technological literacy ⫻ Used to working with computers at his workplace. Knows basic IT skills, can type up to 70 words per minute, and is excellent at using Microsoft Excel. Shapeshifting (Emerging) ⫻ Can change parts of himself to gain bestial skills or attributes
Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I know I dress like a teenager, but I just can't bear to dress like a corporate baboon during my off time too."
Mathias is a 5'9'' tall man with short, light brown hair. His complexion is naturally very pale, no matter how much time he spends in the sun. He's on the scrawny side, but his love for the great outdoors has left him in deceptively good shape, his clothes hiding his lean, yet surprisingly muscular build. He has an oval-shaped face, with a soft jawline, and he keeps his face close-shaven, as every time he tried to grow a beard, it ended up looking patchy at best. His nose is well-defined, and he has wide grey eyes. His skin is relatively fair, with only a few faint acne scars marring his forehead. One of his front tooth is slightly chipped due to an unlucky fall on concrete from when he was a teenager. "Pretty" rather than "handsome" comes to mind when looking at him, although the effect is somewhat ruined by the deep eye bags perpetually circling his eyes.
His dress style is a clash of 2 extremes: at work, he is always impeccably dressed in professional business wear, his hair neatly combed and parted, his posture flawless. Outside of work, however, Mathias favours low effort, casual clothing, such as hoodies, band t-shirts, flannel, camo vests, and old jeans. His hair is messy at the best of times, and he seems to constantly be slouching.
Psychology ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "There's nothing quite like the great outdoors. No one around for miles, just you, nature, and your next prey..."
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Mathias only wishes to find some measure of contentment in life. Ideally by climbing the corporate ladder, amassing enough savings so that he can afford to retire, and then promptly fucking off into the woods, away from other people, permanently. Yeah, that would be the good life...
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ For Mathias, the daily grind is an unbearable drag and the crowded urban life is a prison. He has trouble seeing people in general as anything other than cruel and selfish, finding them aggravating at best, and downright insufferable at worst. He feels that moving to the city for work, despite being a financially sound choice, was the worst decision he has ever made in his life. Mathias is a nature-lover at heart, and being kept away from this love, while being forced to surround himself with people he doesn't know and barely tolerates, has made him miserable. Unsurprisingly, his outlook on life and future prospects is rather bleak.
Mathias hides his sexuality at work, afraid of retaliations should he be outed.
Mathias' greatest fear and anxiety is ending up stuck in his current urban lifestyle, which he absolutely loathes, for the rest of his life.
Mathias fell and almost drowned in a lake when he was very young. This caused him to develop thalassophobia, the phobia of deep bodies of water. He'll do almost anything to avoid having to swim or go near or on lakes and pools. He hides this fear, since he finds it deeply embarrassing.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Homosexual. Semi-openly gay in his private life, but fully in the closet at work. Has a thing for bears, older men, and leather. He's not looking for anything other than casual flings.
WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ Mathias' magic awakened while he was on vacation. After close to a full year of saving up vacation and sick days, he finally could afford to take a full week off, right in the middle of deer hunting season. And so he was off for seven beautiful days of camping, hunting, and solitude. And thank god for that solitude: because how the hell would he have explained to any witness why he woke up one night next to a mauled, partially eaten deer carcass, his body covered in blood, with long, wicked claws and fangs sprouting from his fingers and maw? How would he have explained the deep, gnawing hunger now churning within him, clamouring for flesh, for prey?
FLAWS ⫻ Mathias is very emotionally closed off, with many misanthropic tendencies. Almost all of his (few) relationships are surface-level only, with no true bond or attachments formed, out of fear of getting hurt. His attitude, when not at work or cruising, is also rather abrasive, which doesn't help matters. This distance he keeps between himself and others is keeping him from finding any fulfillment in his current life.
Backstory ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Secondary school fucking sucked. I'm glad I never have to see any of those assholes ever again."
Mathias was born in and grew up in the rural parts of northern Québec, in Canada. He was close to his maternal grandfather, who taught him how to hunt and trap, a love that's still strong to this day. He never really got into fishing however: when he was 7, he almost drowned in a lake while on a family trip, and has stayed as far away as possible from large bodies of water ever since.
Secondary school was rough: he'd realized he was gay at 15, and tried shooting his shot with another boy in his class. He was promptly rejected and outed by that boy, and, as was typical of rural regions in the early 2000s, became the victim of mockery, bullying and even homophobic violence by his peers, until graduation, when he finally moved out of his hometown for post-secondary education. Luckily his family was generally supportive, but these events still instilled a distrust in others in Mathias, and are the prime motivators behind his aloofness and being in the closet at work.
He got a business degree in administration, and began working as a secretary. He eventually found a job under his current employer, and rose through the ranks through hard work, going from a simple administration assistant to a high-placed executive's personnal secretary. This new position, and the raise in salary that came with it, had him transfer to the U.S. corporate offices in New York. He's now been living in the States for the last 2 and a half years. Mathias hates his job and is deeply unsatisfied with his life, but can't really afford to quit.
More recently, business has brought his boss, and thus him, to Twin Pines. The smaller, much less dense town is a... welcome reprieve from the city.
Magic ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I've never felt so alive. So hungry."
MAGIC ⫻ Therianthropy A.K.A. human-animal shapeshifting. Mathias can morph his body adopt animal characteristics and boost his physical abilities.
MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻ Mathias can modify his physiology to gain animal-like characteristics. The changes range from boosted senses and abilities, to new or modified body parts. Though vastly reversible, some changes appear to be permanent: ever since his first accidental shift, his instincts are sharper (though not always right) and he has developed a strong prey drive, as well as a hunger for raw bloody living fearful fresh meat. He's also discovered that raw meat is not only much more palatable to him now, but that he can also digest it without problems.
Improved senses and abilities ⫻ Through subtle changes in his eyes, joints, and olfactory system, Mathias can improve his night vision, speed and sense of smell, though to nowhere near the level of an actual wild animal. Other (or further) improvements should be possible, but he hasn't figured out how to make it work yet.
Beastly transformation ⫻ Mathias can currently grow large wolf-like claws and fangs. His ears, arms and legs grow patches of soft brown fur whenever he transforms in these more obvious ways.
Mathias' magic can only affect himself, and not others.
Shifting isn't instantaneous, it takes a moment to complete.
The range of his transformations is very limited (for now).
When faced with a life threatening situation, or hunger, his new instincts might act up and make him behave in a more aggressive way than usual.
WEAKNESSES ⫻ It was once said that monsters were once men who toyed with magic and were cursed for their folly. While this is mostly untrue, there is a shred of possibility to it. Mathias will notice the more he uses the magic the more it takes to put it away. He could find himself in a situation where his magic could take hours, or even days, to undue. This is brought about by repeated shifting in a short amount of time and the more he shifts the higher the chance may be stuck in that form for a prolonged period of time, or possibly even forever.
Other ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "What's real funny is that I've always been more of a cat person."
Used to have a dog allergy, before seemingly being cured after his magic manifested.
Suffers from mild chronic eczema.
Is a decent cook, but sticks to simple, easy recipes. Anything too complex is both not worth it in his eyes, and at risk of ending up less than appetizing.
@KITCHEN GUN Arthur cracks open an eye, glancing at the newcomer. He raises from his bedroll to a sitting position, a jaw-cracking yawn making its way out of him. His hand reflexively finds his sword's scabbard, but the mercenary doesn't grab for it, only laying his hand over it. "Whawasit...?" he slurs, still half-asleep.
He snatches the poster from Ludwig's fingers, squinting down at it for a minute, before handing it back. "Oh, that. Yer pretty late to the party, lad. The others all left for the inn, as far as I'm aware. Pretty sure I'm the only one sleepin' here tonight." Another yawn shakes Arthur's large frame. "Sleep I'm lookin' forward to goin' back to, if ya don't mind. Go look fer the Captain if ya wanna know more, he's the one in charge of this whole thing. Should be somewhere in the building..."
With those words, Arthur lays back down, wrapping himself tightly in his travel blanket, his soft snoring quickly filling the room again.
I'm new to the forum (and to play-by-post in general) so I'm kind of curious, how many RPs do y'all participate in at the same time in general? It can be any format or any type, I'm just really really curious about it (if I had the time and statistical know-how I would love to make an in-depth survey... this thread will have to do haha)
Personally, I can only handle about 2 weekly TTRPG campaigns at the same time, but since PbP doesn't need you to fit a 4 hours time slot in your schedule, and you can kinda do it whenever you have free time, my guess is that people tend to have more going on at once. Or am I wrong? Enlighten me!
Hi! I'm a college student from Canada :)
French is my first language so forgive me if I sound a little odd sometimes: I mostly learned English through reading, and it shows in my way of speaking i.e. I can tend to sound a bit stilted and/or overly formal/literary.
I'm a long-time D&D player and DM, and I've dabbled in other TTRPG systems. Now, I'm interested in getting into play-by-post! Which means I'm still a newbie, although one with [i]some[/i] experience, so please be patient with me. Still, don't hesitate to point out my mistakes, I'm willing to learn and get better.
My interests span most genres of fiction, except heavy horror (I'm more into the campy, Evil Dead 2 kind of horror. I loooove camp!) and heavy romance (though I am still 100% on-board with getting involved in a good old romantic subplot! It's just less my thing when it's the [i]main[/i] focus of the story, y'know?).
I like group RPs best (once again, TTRPG player, and used to large groups at that) but I won't say no to an interesting 1-on-1 either. Basically, I like a bit of everything, and I'm willing to at least try most things!
I'm a pixel artist, so I might post some of my work, eventually :3
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi! I'm a college student from Canada :)<br><br>French is my first language so forgive me if I sound a little odd sometimes: I mostly learned English through reading, and it shows in my way of speaking i.e. I can tend to sound a bit stilted and/or overly formal/literary.<br><br>I'm a long-time D&D player and DM, and I've dabbled in other TTRPG systems. Now, I'm interested in getting into play-by-post! Which means I'm still a newbie, although one with <span class="bb-i">some</span> experience, so please be patient with me. Still, don't hesitate to point out my mistakes, I'm willing to learn and get better.<br><br>My interests span most genres of fiction, except heavy horror (I'm more into the campy, Evil Dead 2 kind of horror. I loooove camp!) and heavy romance (though I am still 100% on-board with getting involved in a good old romantic subplot! It's just less my thing when it's the <span class="bb-i">main</span> focus of the story, y'know?).<br><br>I like group RPs best (once again, TTRPG player, and used to large groups at that) but I won't say no to an interesting 1-on-1 either. Basically, I like a bit of everything, and I'm willing to at least try most things!<br><br>I'm a pixel artist, so I might post some of my work, eventually :3</div>