Avatar of Rekkuza


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Current I'm freeeeee! No more obligations (for now)!
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23 days ago
Gonna be extremely busy this weekend (got 2 full days of conferences, from morning to late evening!), so I'll almost certainly won't be able to post until Monday.
23 days ago
Happy Cheap Chocolate Day's Eve!
24 days ago
humans are very social animals, and sharing pleasant experiences is good for bonding, so we enjoy doing that
26 days ago
been playing a lot of vampire survivors lately. good game 👍
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Hi! I'm a college student from Canada :)

French is my first language so forgive me if I sound a little odd sometimes: I mostly learned English through reading, and it shows in my way of speaking i.e. I can tend to sound a bit stilted and/or overly formal/literary.

I'm a long-time D&D player and DM, and I've dabbled in other TTRPG systems. Now, I'm interested in getting into play-by-post! Which means I'm still a newbie, although one with some experience, so please be patient with me. Still, don't hesitate to point out my mistakes, I'm willing to learn and get better.

My interests span most genres of fiction, except heavy horror (I'm more into the campy, Evil Dead 2 kind of horror. I loooove camp!) and heavy romance (though I am still 100% on-board with getting involved in a good old romantic subplot! It's just less my thing when it's the main focus of the story, y'know?).

I like group RPs best (once again, TTRPG player, and used to large groups at that) but I won't say no to an interesting 1-on-1 either. Basically, I like a bit of everything, and I'm willing to at least try most things!

I'm a pixel artist, so I might post some of my work, eventually :3

Most Recent Posts

Location: Ironclad (Joseph's apartment)

Joseph shone a light in his patient's eye, carefully observing how the pupil dilated. "Pupils abnormally large..." he muttered, frowning thoughtfully. The doctor clicked off his penlight and scrawled a few notes on his notepad. "Dizziness, confusion, nausea... and you threw up earlier, too," he said calmly. "Yep, that's a concussion alright. I'll have to..."

His head perked up as he picked up the sounds of the microwave beeping and cutlery being set down coming from beyond his office's door. "Dammit Jackie, are you eating my leftovers again?" he yelled, annoyed. "I was saving those!" He shook his head as a muffled "Sorry, Doc!" answered him. He could swear that girl had a bottomless stomach. Then again, Joseph had been the one to give her a key to his house and let her come and go as she wished. He really shouldn't be surprised at this sort of thing anymore.

He turned back towards the man still sitting dazedly on a cot. He was pretty sure that guy was a pickpocket, not that he ever asked his patients questions. What they did was none of his business, and he'd rather keep plausible deniability. "Anyway, as I was saying, you're concussed. I'll give you some painkillers for the headaches. No alcohol for the next few days, try to rest as much as possible, and for the love of God, try not to get kicked in the head again." He gestured to the open door leading to the rest of his home. "I'll be keeping you for observation tonight. I'll show you to the guest room."

Once his patient was settled for the evening, Joseph sat at the kitchen table, groaning tiredly. He took a good look at Jackie. She was still ravenously devouring his leftovers, not a hint of guilt on her face. He was glad to see her in good health, but still. He had really been looking forward to that fried rice. "So, heard anything good lately?" Jackie, the self-proclaimed "Gossip Queen of the Underground", had been acting as his informant for the going-ons of the local crime scene ever since he'd started acting as Ironclad's local back-alley doctor. While she herself was no one important, just a small-time car thief, she had ears everywhere, and many friends in low places. Her title might be self-proclaimed, but it was accurate more often than not.

"Well," she said between two bites, "for once I've got nothin'. It's dead out there, no supers plannin' anythin'. Looks like somethin' is drawing them outta Ironclad for a bit." She gave a lopsided grin. "Sounds like you're gonna have it easy for a bit, Doc."

Joseph huffed a laugh. "Don't jinx it." His expression got bit a bit sterner as Jackie's words really sunk in. "If something's really drawing the usual crowd away, then it has to be something big. We should expect waves."

Jackie put her fork down as she began to think. "Y'know, I usually only tell you info I'm pretty sure is reliable, and keep the subject around Ironclad supers. You don't need to hear every little bit of drama about the local burglary ring. Even though it's really juicy." She leaned back in her chair, almost putting her feet up on the table, before a glare from Joseph made her put her feet back down. "But if you really think somethin' that big is goin' on... well, I heard some weird stuff through the grapevine."

"Now, you know I try to keep away from all that mafia shebang, but I know a guy who's a bit less careful. Word is, there's a lot of movement back in Nova City." Jackie began to dig into her (stolen) meal anew. "Someone is tryin' to push all of the other groups out. Some foreign syndicate or other. I even heard the boss is supposed to be this really strong super."

Joseph sighed tiredly. Supervillains going quiet, power struggles back in Nova, a superpowered crime boss making moves... that was bad. Really bad. They seemed to stay away from Ironclad for the moment, but whether they'd start trouble around here wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when. The doctor had a feeling that this was just the calm before the storm...
@Estylwen Yeah, that could work, thanks! I'll cook up a little something, leave an opening for some grunts to approach :)

EDIT: just saw @Pumpkinlord's reply after posting, this could work too. Honestly, I might just do that, the bank's already pretty crowded as is. Thanks for the advice!
Mmmh, I'm having trouble thinking of an interesting way to introduce my character to the situation. I've got an excuse for why he'd be in Nova City locked in, I'm just struggling to think of how he could get involved... he's not really a crime fighter after all, more of a super-EMT. I suppose I could always wait. Any suggestions?
"A pleasure, Arthur. I am pleased you found our product to your liking. When we know it is for construction, we try to prioritize wood with straighter grain, and with fewer defects. With so few prospects out here, we have to be competitive against people trying to source the wood themselves. Did you have any issues using it, and was the customer fully satisfied?"

"Oh, no, no issues at all! At least, none that had to do with yer product. Like I said, mighty fine lumber ya make. Gettin' the bricks fer the walls was actually the bigger problem. Delivery kept gettin' delayed, was drivin' the boss-man crazy!" Arthur laughs, a loud, boisterous sound. For almost a full week, construction had to be paused, the workers unable to do anything without materials. His employer had been losing it, forced to pay the workers to keep them from leaving to find other work, yet not having any progress be made.

"Now, I wasn't exactly chummy with the boss, didn't really speak with him much outside of negotiatin' my pay, but he seemed happy 'nough with the result. Delivery was always on time, too, that had to be a good point in yer favor, after the bricks fiasco." Arthur claps a heavy hand on Robert's shoulder, still grinning, before turning towards the meeting hall. "Now, seein' ya in there, I suppose ye'll be searchin' for that Lady that's disappeared too, eh? Guess we'll be seein' more of each other then!"

With those last few words, he waved goodbye and started lumbering towards the meeting hall. From all the people he'd seen leaving, most had decided to sleep at the inn, which meant there would most definitively be a spot for him to squat in for the night. Why pay for accommodations, when he had four walls and a roof to sleep under, right in front of him, for free? This was already more comforts than he usually had, so used to camping he was, and a coin saved is a coin earned, as they say. And he did like to earn coin.
A large man, who had been standing near and contemplating the town, perks up as he hears Robert introduce himself.

"Oh, yer from Second Chance, heh?" He says with a grin. "I worked construction a few months back, we used yer lumber. Good quality lumber, that it was." He closes his eyes and scratches his beard pensively, as if remembering the feel of wood under his fingers.

He approaches, towering above most of the people gathered near. "Funny coincidence meetin' ya here, lad. Yer family does great work, ya can be proud of it." He offers one large calloused hand for a handshake with a warm chuckle, seemingly truly happy about meeting this stranger to which he had only the most strenuous connection.

"Agh, where are my manners? Name's Arthur, nice to meetcha." He bows his head politely towards Sonia, only briefly glancing at her horns. It would be rude to stare, and it's not like that's any of his business either. "And you as well, ma'am."
Arthur Mercier

A tall, heavyset man in his mid-to-late 30s. His hair is normally brown, although the Sun has lightened it to a dark auburn, and he keeps it cut short, but lets his beard grow out. His skin his tanned from long days spent outside walking or working under the sun, and his hands are large and heavily calloused from years of hard, manual labour. Arthur bears a variety of scars across his body, though none are serious or even especially grisly. His eyes, which are brown, look somewhat small on his face, but they still glow with warmth and good humor. His nose is a bit crooked, probably from a past break. He prefers to wear sturdy, undyed travel clothing in his day-to-day, and only puts on his armor when he needs it (it's rather heavy, you see).

Born to a farming family, Arthur quickly heard the call of adventure (and potential profit) and, at 16 years of age, set off on his own, taking up various mercenary work. Throughout the years, he has done almost every odd job you could think of, from construction work, guard duty, deer and wolf culling and monster hunting, to less... reputable work, like bounty hunting, debt collection, helping fix underground fights, participating in underground fights... the list goes on.

While Arthur is not an evil man, and would never stoop so low as to take on hits or participate in more serious criminal enterprises like smuggling or trafficking, his moral compass does still heavily revolve around his purse, and he does not mind skirting around or outright breaking the law if the job pays well enough.

Nevertheless, as the years went by, Arthur grew to yearn for a slower, kinder life. He had done his time on the road, and was ready to settle down, to finally meet Mr. or Ms. Right, maybe even start a family! Seeing the Duke's notice sealed the deal: one last job, enough to secure funds, and perhaps even land, and then he'll retire from this life, for good.

Adaptability: A life on the road of doing odd jobs has left Arthur a pro at adapting and improvising on the spot.
Weapon handling: He is skilled with the sword, and has a good aim with the crossbow, although ranged weapons aren't his usual go-to.
Physical strength: Arthur is tall, large, and very, very strong.
Amiable: Arthur is a very friendly, jovial man, who tends to get along with most people. This is both his default way of being, and a great boon when looking for work.
Sewing: Arthur knows how to sew, and can patch up clothing, or even make simple shirts and pants if given enough time and material.

- Brigandine (a type of inexpensive armour, made of cloth or leather -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigandine)
- Camping equipment, containing a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox and a few days of rations consisting of hard tack and salted pork, all neatly rolled together and carried on his back
- A rucksack
- A well sharpened hunting knife
- A buckler (small shield used for close-quarter combat)
- An arming sword (typical double-edged sword)
- A relatively well-stocked money pouch

- While far from being an intellectual, he has acquired a wide range of odd knowledge from the various jobs and he had and people he met over the years.
- Coming from a peasant family, he's never had a formal education, and can't read or write very well, or do complex math.
- He has 3 younger siblings, 2 sister and a brother, and 1 older brother. He hasn't seen them since he left home, almost 20 years ago.
- He has a weirdly good sense of direction since childhood, and he is almost always able to find the north, even when not outside.
I think I've got a fun character concept here, even whipped up a quick portrait for him! Lemme know what you think!

@spiral origin Awesome! I'll be sure to join the Discord :). I haven't found a good picture for him yet, but here's my current character sheet, lemme know what you think!

Arthur Mercier

A tall, heavyset man in his mid-to-late 30s. His hair is normally brown, although the Sun has lightened it to a dark auburn, and he keeps it cut short, but lets his beard grow out. His skin his tanned from long days spent outside walking or working under the sun, and his hands are large and heavily calloused from years of hard, manual labour. Arthur bears a variety of scars across his body, though none are serious or even especially grisly. His eyes, which are brown, look somewhat small on his face, but they still glow with warmth and good humor. His nose is a bit crooked, probably from a past break. He prefers to wear sturdy, undyed travel clothing in his day-to-day, and only puts on his armor when he needs it (it's rather heavy, you see).

Born to a farming family, Arthur quickly heard the call of adventure (and potential profit) and, at 16 years of age, set off on his own, taking up various mercenary work. Throughout the years, he has done almost every odd job you could think of, from construction work, guard duty, deer and wolf culling and monster hunting, to less... reputable work, like bounty hunting, debt collection, helping fix underground fights, participating in underground fights... the list goes on.

While Arthur is not an evil man, and would never stoop so low as to take on hits or participate in more serious criminal enterprises like smuggling or trafficking, his moral compass does still heavily revolve around his purse, and he does not mind skirting around or outright breaking the law if the job pays well enough.

Nevertheless, as the years went by, Arthur grew to yearn for a slower, kinder life. He had done his time on the road, and was ready to settle down, to finally meet Mr. or Ms. Right, maybe even start a family! Seeing the Duke's notice sealed the deal: one last job, enough to secure funds, and perhaps even land, and then he'll retire from this life, for good.

Adaptability: A life on the road of doing odd jobs has left Arthur a pro at adapting and improvising on the spot.
Weapon handling: He is skilled with the sword, and has a good aim with the crossbow, although ranged weapons aren't his usual go-to.
Physical strength: Arthur is tall, large, and very, very strong.
Amiable: Arthur is a very friendly, jovial man, who tends to get along with most people. This is both his default way of being, and a great boon when looking for work.
Sewing: Arthur knows how to sew, and can patch up clothing, or even make simple shirts and pants if given enough time and material.

- Brigandine (a type of inexpensive armour, made of cloth or leather -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigandine)
- Camping equipment, containing a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox and a few days of rations consisting of hard tack and salted pork, all neatly rolled together and carried on his back
- A rucksack
- A well sharpened hunting knife
- A buckler (small shield used for close-quarter combat)
- An arming sword (typical double-edged sword)
- A relatively well-stocked money pouch

- While far from being an intellectual, he has acquired a wide range of odd knowledge from the various jobs and he had and people he met over the years.
- Coming from a peasant family, he's never had a formal education, and can't read or write very well, or do complex math.
- He has 3 younger siblings, 2 sister and a brother, and 1 older brother. He hasn't seen them since he left home, almost 20 years ago.
- He has a weirdly good sense of direction since childhood, and he is almost always able to find the north, even when not outside.
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