13 Mourningdove Lane - April 15th 00:10-ish
Mathias rolled his eyes at the Archivist's comment on their (barely) late arrival. Anyone who ever had to schedule meeting between multiple parties before knew you had to set the meeting at least 30 minutes before the actual planned starting time. People inevitably ended up late after all, and dealing with that fact was a skill he'd had to develop very early in his professional career.
He certainly wasn't a fan of the elf's attitude. He clearly was the kind of man who expected respect and authority without ever doing anything to earn it, who did not realize their success were all too often built on the back of other people's hard work. The kind of man he unfortunately had to constantly deal with in the corporate world.
But here, he wasn't at work. Here, he had no obligations, no fears of being fired. And he knew exactly what these types disliked and how to best strike at their overinflated egos.
Mathias leaned back against the closest wall, and waited for a bit, feeling his power, the power to change and mold, boil under his skin. An itch grew in his teeth and nails as he felt them slowly start to shift. They lengthened and strengthened, they were sharpened to a point, just as he had ordered them to be. Soon, his new fangs were too long to be fully contained by his still human jaw, his lips no longer fully able to cover them. His expression was forced into a kind of permanent half-snarl as he casually looked over his new claws, examining them for any defects. In the span of about 15 seconds, he'd gone from a tired office worker to a tired office worker who could rip out someone's throat.
Step 1. Do not show weakness or deference. Put yourself on the same level as them, by force if necessary. The fact that his transformation also doubles as a way to defend himself against this weird old Brit is a welcome bonus too.
He fished his pack of smokes and his cheap gas station lighter from his back pocket, delicately picking a cigarette between his claws, putting it between his teeth and lighting it up in only a few tries. First a deep inhale, and then a exhale which spreads a smoke cloud through the room. He casually, yet very deliberately, ashed his cigarette on the ground.
Step 2. Act disrespectful, but in a casual way, as if he did not even deserve you considering respecting him. Act low class, and dirty his stuff if possible.
And last, but not least, time to get some answers.
"So, how'd you know about my little hunting accident?" Mathias asked, tone irritated. "I got rid of all evidence, and it took place in Missouri, far from here. Got a crystal ball in this place of yours? Or some other kind of magical gizmo?"
"Because that's really the only reason I'm even here, you know. I already had my freak out about me turning into a monster, so your little speeches about magic and what-not don't interest me none." He blew out another cloud of smoke. "I just want to know how you found out, and who else might also know about this. And make it quick, I've got work tomorrow."
Step 3. Be disinterested. Have them realize that you don't believe they deserve your time, that they do not interest you. Show them that you would rather be anywhere else than here listening to them prattle on.
Mathias fought back a smile as he watched and waited for the Archivist's reaction, idly tapping his claws on the wall. Maybe vicariously getting revenge on his boss through annoying this old man wasn't the healthiest thing to do, but damn it, he'd wanted to do this for literal years, and he was going to enjoy every little bit of it.