@Joshua Tamashii
Amelia would feel Professor Kapoc lay his hand on top of her head and gently ruffled her hair. There wasn't a smile on his face, and yet one could tell that he was trying to make an effort to show some kindness towards the girl."That's all I needed to know." He would walk away towards what looked like a rather secure, yet small safe where he appeared to be punching in a long string of code before they heard a beep and then a deep 'cha-chunk' sound. The professor pulled the door open and then retrieved a briefcase that he laid out on the table. He motioned for Amelia to walk over to the table with his hand.
The latches were flicked down and he lifted the lid to reveal the contents to her. Inside was a smartphone-like device that had a card slot in the back, five empty Pokeballs in a satchel, and a single Pokeball in the middle of the case. With her curious gifts, she would sense a ghostly presence contained within the Pokeball.
Kapoc held the items out to her. "Here, take them. It's yours."
She also received the Pokeball that contained her starter, but she would feel the object shake in her palm as if it was trying to force its way out followed by a beam of white light erupting from the ball. Said light would begin to form into a floating, spectral being with a black body and a head made of petrified wood. It looked up at Amelia curiously. Her Pokedex suddenly sprung to life and recited the creature's entry with its robotic, yet friendly voice.

"Phantump, the Stump Pokemon. An unknown spirit came to lodge in a tree stump, creating this Pokémon. A cure-all can be made from an infusion of its green leaves. With a voice like a human child's, it cries out to lure adults deep into the forest, getting them lost among the trees."
"Look up?" Both Connor and the Bug Maniac look above them and saw through the haze the silhouettes of three very large bugs above them. "Fuck." The figures soon turned into blurs. The Bug-Maniac was completely frozen in fear and in just the last second, the cowboy pulled him away from the overhead blade that nearly bisected. Connor sent out his Scraggy and the Bug Maniac sent out his own Beedrill to combat against these assailants.
Due to expecting the ambush, Jason and Slayer were able to dodge out of the way of a fucking glaive nearly cleaving the man in half. Jason was standing on solid rock and when the blade clashed with the rock, sparks flew from the collision. This nearly five-foot tall bipedal insect with blades for hands was glaring at Jason and Slayer for evading its attack. It growled at him and swiped its massive claw to shake off the dust.

Connor and the Maniac were too focused on their own fights to be of any help to Jason. He was completely on his own for this fight and compared to when he caught Murus, it was obviously going to be a much more difficult to subdue this creature.
What does Jason do?
Yeah, it actually wasn't hard to see where the Joltic was due to the bloody sparks of electricity that crackled in the spot it was located. Unlucky for Ocul, it could not dodge the attack and is just barely holding on after being electrocuted. This poor bug would just be knocked over if a gentle breeze just blew over him.
Kaebe charged where to the electricity had crackled and swiped its tail across the grass. The Joltik jumped up to avoid the Tail Whip, thinking that it was quick to avoid the attack only see its face was inches away from a Pokeball flying towards it. It collided with the Pokeball and was absorbed in a beam of red light.
It rolled once... it rolled twice... it rolled thrice!
What does Stella do now?
Connected Areas:
Grand Glory City
Florasong City
Unmarked Woods
"Oh, um, that is correct. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Steph." Basil gave her a smile, albeit a bit of a sheepish one though there was also... relief? Also, he did feel a bit silly explaining how Revives worked since she already seemed to have an idea how they actually worked. All he was trying to do was be a bit helpful to a new trainer and now he just made himself like a know it all. Mentally, he was cursing himself even though he was smiling on the outside trying to hide his embarrassment. So much for being helpful.
Freya had for just the briefest moment of confusion in regard to Basil understanding Steph's thick as oatmeal accent without a single trace of confusion though it was turned back to Steph who made quite the interesting comment. "Well, you're not the first to say that." She said with a smile, but her attention too was turned to the Sneasel that just woke up with pupils the size of dinner plates.
The Sneasel tried to stand up with the intention to just bolt mainly out of fear of any retribution that Steph and Freya may have sought against it though it grabbed the back of its throbbing head where it had been kicked.
Basil gently said, "Easy there, easy there. You're safe. Nothing is going to happen." He made sure to keep his body low to keep it from scaring the poor thing even more than it already was.
It looked at the white-haired youth and then to Steph and... it could not understand a word she was saying. Freya, who quickly caught in, said, "Your previous partner was arrested earlier." It looked like the Sneasel was going to attempt to bolt again hearing that, but she quickly followed up with, "But you aren't in trouble! I noticed it when you and Steph, but you didn't want to follow his orders, did you? "
The Sneasel paused and looked away from Steph guiltily.
"Well, there are three others who have access to the shed, counting the boss as well." said the large man, rubbing his chin in thought as he pondered on the next question. "Well, there was a robbery last night. For once, someone saw them and we gave chase, but somehow, they were able to get away from us. It was too dark to actually get a good look at them, but I did hear someone yell out in pain last night. I assume that it was the thief, but I have no idea why that would be the case. No one came up with anything."
The farmhand shot Tristan a look after what Hurley just said.
Amelia would feel Professor Kapoc lay his hand on top of her head and gently ruffled her hair. There wasn't a smile on his face, and yet one could tell that he was trying to make an effort to show some kindness towards the girl."That's all I needed to know." He would walk away towards what looked like a rather secure, yet small safe where he appeared to be punching in a long string of code before they heard a beep and then a deep 'cha-chunk' sound. The professor pulled the door open and then retrieved a briefcase that he laid out on the table. He motioned for Amelia to walk over to the table with his hand.
The latches were flicked down and he lifted the lid to reveal the contents to her. Inside was a smartphone-like device that had a card slot in the back, five empty Pokeballs in a satchel, and a single Pokeball in the middle of the case. With her curious gifts, she would sense a ghostly presence contained within the Pokeball.
Kapoc held the items out to her. "Here, take them. It's yours."
Amelia received a Pokedex!
Amelia received 5x Pokeballs!
Amelia received 5x Pokeballs!
She also received the Pokeball that contained her starter, but she would feel the object shake in her palm as if it was trying to force its way out followed by a beam of white light erupting from the ball. Said light would begin to form into a floating, spectral being with a black body and a head made of petrified wood. It looked up at Amelia curiously. Her Pokedex suddenly sprung to life and recited the creature's entry with its robotic, yet friendly voice.

"Phantump, the Stump Pokemon. An unknown spirit came to lodge in a tree stump, creating this Pokémon. A cure-all can be made from an infusion of its green leaves. With a voice like a human child's, it cries out to lure adults deep into the forest, getting them lost among the trees."
"Look up?" Both Connor and the Bug Maniac look above them and saw through the haze the silhouettes of three very large bugs above them. "Fuck." The figures soon turned into blurs. The Bug-Maniac was completely frozen in fear and in just the last second, the cowboy pulled him away from the overhead blade that nearly bisected. Connor sent out his Scraggy and the Bug Maniac sent out his own Beedrill to combat against these assailants.
Due to expecting the ambush, Jason and Slayer were able to dodge out of the way of a fucking glaive nearly cleaving the man in half. Jason was standing on solid rock and when the blade clashed with the rock, sparks flew from the collision. This nearly five-foot tall bipedal insect with blades for hands was glaring at Jason and Slayer for evading its attack. It growled at him and swiped its massive claw to shake off the dust.

Scyther, the Mantis Pokemon. As Scyther fights more and more battles, its scythes become sharper and sharper. With a single slice, Scyther can fell a massive tree. If you come across an area in a forest where a lot of the trees have been cut down, what you've found is a Scyther's territory.
Connor and the Maniac were too focused on their own fights to be of any help to Jason. He was completely on his own for this fight and compared to when he caught Murus, it was obviously going to be a much more difficult to subdue this creature.
What does Jason do?
Yeah, it actually wasn't hard to see where the Joltic was due to the bloody sparks of electricity that crackled in the spot it was located. Unlucky for Ocul, it could not dodge the attack and is just barely holding on after being electrocuted. This poor bug would just be knocked over if a gentle breeze just blew over him.
Kaebe charged where to the electricity had crackled and swiped its tail across the grass. The Joltik jumped up to avoid the Tail Whip, thinking that it was quick to avoid the attack only see its face was inches away from a Pokeball flying towards it. It collided with the Pokeball and was absorbed in a beam of red light.
It rolled once... it rolled twice... it rolled thrice!
What does Stella do now?
Connected Areas:
Grand Glory City
Florasong City
Unmarked Woods
"Oh, um, that is correct. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Steph." Basil gave her a smile, albeit a bit of a sheepish one though there was also... relief? Also, he did feel a bit silly explaining how Revives worked since she already seemed to have an idea how they actually worked. All he was trying to do was be a bit helpful to a new trainer and now he just made himself like a know it all. Mentally, he was cursing himself even though he was smiling on the outside trying to hide his embarrassment. So much for being helpful.
Freya had for just the briefest moment of confusion in regard to Basil understanding Steph's thick as oatmeal accent without a single trace of confusion though it was turned back to Steph who made quite the interesting comment. "Well, you're not the first to say that." She said with a smile, but her attention too was turned to the Sneasel that just woke up with pupils the size of dinner plates.
The Sneasel tried to stand up with the intention to just bolt mainly out of fear of any retribution that Steph and Freya may have sought against it though it grabbed the back of its throbbing head where it had been kicked.
Basil gently said, "Easy there, easy there. You're safe. Nothing is going to happen." He made sure to keep his body low to keep it from scaring the poor thing even more than it already was.
It looked at the white-haired youth and then to Steph and... it could not understand a word she was saying. Freya, who quickly caught in, said, "Your previous partner was arrested earlier." It looked like the Sneasel was going to attempt to bolt again hearing that, but she quickly followed up with, "But you aren't in trouble! I noticed it when you and Steph, but you didn't want to follow his orders, did you? "
The Sneasel paused and looked away from Steph guiltily.
"Well, there are three others who have access to the shed, counting the boss as well." said the large man, rubbing his chin in thought as he pondered on the next question. "Well, there was a robbery last night. For once, someone saw them and we gave chase, but somehow, they were able to get away from us. It was too dark to actually get a good look at them, but I did hear someone yell out in pain last night. I assume that it was the thief, but I have no idea why that would be the case. No one came up with anything."
The farmhand shot Tristan a look after what Hurley just said.