Ah yes, intent. The true way to understand someone when you can't understand what the actually fresh fuck they are saying.
Also, RIP manwich, we hardly knew ye.
The Wingull retaliated with water gun to collide against the ice projectiles rocketing towards the bird, taking one of them out in and pulverizing it into chunks though it was not so lucky with the other two. It missed its water gun and was smashed against the two icicles. This bird was already beginning to look like it was getting a bit tired from the beat down though despite the punishment it was enduring, it was still raring to go. This time it was able blast the Ice Shards out of the air with its Water Gun and watched as the Sneasel was trying to pull of his pretty risky maneuver.
The Wingull watched as the bipedal weasel jump off the wall and propel itself towards the Wingull in the air with an Ice Shard, readying its claws for a Scratch attack. In response, the Wingull used Water Gun again on the midair Sneasel. Now, the issue is that at this point it would be safe to say that the Sneasel was already committed to the attack so any chance of dodging would be impossible. The only way it would get out of this is if the Wingull missed.
Jack was met with the full force of a blast of water colliding against him and blasted towards the ground. It was a critical hit! Lucky for the Sneasel though, it wouldn't be enough to knock it down, but was it going to hurt.
The Wingull followed up with Quick Attack.
How does Steph respond?
"You're a bit too late. I don't have any of the goods on me. They've already been handed off to the goons and probably sold off somewhere. This though?" Robbie said, holding up a manilla folder and waving it around before tossing it down to the ground for Princess to pick up. "Totally useless to you. There is not a chance in hell that you or most of the region would be able to understand what this contains, but if it gets your Riolu off my back."
Indeed, he made no effort to stop the Riolu from retrieving what he had just dropped. As soon as Tristan had it in his hands, he knew that whatever was in that folder was not money. The mob was not paying Robbie monetarily; they were paying him with the privilege of living. It was a stack of paper, but whatever was actually on that paper remained to be seen. Despite this, one would be a fool to think that there was no importance placed upon these papers. Robbie risked getting caught and rushed his way to that rundown shack of a cabin to retrieve these papers for some reason. Tristan better hold onto that folder tightly.
Since Robbie did not put up a fight just like Tristan asked, he was led out of the tunnel. He had to squint as his eyes recalibrated to the now evening sun setting over them and took a deep breath of the fresh air after breathing in that damp, musty tunnel air. He chuckled bitterly and looked at Tristan with a sarcastic smile on his face.
"You know, I really did like this place. They gave me a chance that no one else ever did and treated me like family. I had a real sense of belonging and then I ballsed it all up. Shame that I'll never see it again... Not in the way that you think though."
The Pokeball flashed and out came the Ditto from earlier.
Ditto, the Transform Pokemon. It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes. When it encounters another Ditto, it will move faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly.
That Ditto then begin to physically reconstitute itself into the Pokemon that was in front of it, Princess the Riolu. Tristan and Princess would watch as this thing shifted and twisted until it was the spitting image of the Riolu standing in front of it.
"Sorry kid, but you really shouldn't trust others that easily. Not when it's a matter of life and death. Now, give me back that folder or, well, I don't think either of us are gonna like what will happen next."
If Tristan refuses, well, we all know what will happen and let's be honest, Tristan is gonna get that damn Torchic even if it kills him..
Again, the Hawlucha's eyes glowed again as it used Detect and leaped out of the way of the invisible force though the follow attack was quite literally impossible to dodge. The sound waves imbued with mystical energy reverberated throughout the battlefield. The Hawlucha grabbed its head as it tried to block out the sound to no avail though in a rush to end this fight, it charged towards one of the Ralts doppelgangers and swung at it with all its might, putting so much of its weight forward to increase the impact as much as possible.
So, the Hawlucha rolled a 1.
The Ralts doppelganger phased through its attack and because the Hawlucha threw so much of its weight forward, it could not stop its momentum and tumbled through after image so spectacularly that it somersaulted straight into the crowd and actually smacked into someone, knocking that person over in the process. It received recoil damage from this massive failure and was trying to stand up and get its bearings only to receive a direct Confusion. The psychic attacked forced the luchador bird to stumble back and then glared a frightening glare at the Ralts.
It charged straight towards one of the Ralts' doppelgangers and this time, it's aim was true. It swung down its wing swathed with red energy to strike down at the tiny green creature who was also now leaping up at the Hawlucha for a Draining Kiss. It all came down to who reacted the fastest!
There was a momentary pause and... the Hawlucha glowed with magenta energy before it fell flat on its back. Slayer sealed the deal with a kiss on the cheek and a 20 dice roll.
The street clothed wearing young man that was acting as the referee ran onto the battlefield and declared, "We have a winner folks! The blue haired guy with the Ralts wins!"
The crowd just stared in awed silence before they erupted into roaring cheer for the little menace had been defeated!
While the audience was cheering, the Hawlucha's eyes shot wide open, and it jumped back on its feet looking around to try and figure out what it was going on until it realized that it... lost? It lost. There was something out there stronger than itself? Did that mean that there was something even stronger than his opponent?
The bird's fist clenched and stomped over to Jason and Slayer in a huff.
"Haw, hawlucha! Lucha haw!" It seemed to be demanding something from Jason. Slayer though would be able to understand clearly; it was demanding that Jason would take it on his journey to grow stronger and prove its strength against the world.
Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.
The Move Tutor smiled and said, "Right away miss. I will need to borrow your Blipbug for a little bit."
Stella would hand over the little Occul to the Move Tutor who then went to a backroom where she could hear them give encouragement to the Blipbug as it tried to learn a new move. Eventually after a period of time, the Move Tutor returned with her Blipbug and handed it back to her. "Here you go miss! Have a nice day!" Stella would hand over 500P.
After doing her shopping, she would head to the supposedly abandoned manor. Compared to how beautiful it was in its photos, it had seen better days. The red and white paint had faded to almost a gray and was chipping away, the windows were covered in a thick layer of dirt and dust, the wrought iron fencing was rusted, bits of wood looked like they were about to break off the house, and the grass was wild and unkempt. However, strangely enough the garden remained intact and was maintained with an obvious great affection.
When Stella knocked on the door, she heard an elderly voice ring out, "I'll be right there! Please give me a second!"
She would wait around for a few minutes until the door was slowly pulled open back to reveal a thin, elderly man with thick glasses and full head of gray hair. He smiled at him though there was a bit of confusion due to a stranger was standing at his doorway.
"Can I help you, miss?" He asked politely, his voice kind, yet frail.
@Sanguine Rose
"Eh, if you're coming over anyway then you can just use dad's printer." Rosa said as she kept an eye on the kids.
"If you're heading to the ranch then me and my sis better come back with you. If you're staying for dinner, then I'll have to tell mom or else she'll have my head. It is getting late anyway." It was becoming the late afternoon, the sky was becoming a blend of blue, orange, and purple hues as the sun started to set. While Faye's on a journey free of responsibility towards her parents, Rosa had to make sure that her preschool aged sister was back at home in time for dinner and bedtime lest she get a verbal lashing from her mother.
So, Faye was led to Frida's Ranch by Rosa and her little sister, Lisa, the girl that she fought earlier today with the Nickit. They would walk down the dirt path past other properties where people grew other things such as berry orchards and other crops. When they arrived at Frida's Ranch Eventually, they would arrive at what looked like a stereotypical ranch; a series of massive red wooden buildings with Pokemon contained in these enclosures. They were most definitely not wild Pokemon so they could not be captured, but that does not mean they can't be obtained.
In one partition, there were two kinds of Pokemon that looked very similar; they were both wooly things though one species had a white coat and another with a yellow coat.

There two pens where pink, round bovines were separated from these fierce bulls with three tails. For some reason, looking at the pink cows would instill a primal fear that would be hard to explain as if a collective consciousness has experienced their wrath.

Then there were these little orange chickens walking around by a coop pecking ground.

However, there was something completely off. The entire farm was in a state of panic. People seemed to be running all over the place as if they were looking for something as if their lives depended on it. From what Faye could pick up, they were looking for some Pokemon that could transform and that was marked with magenta feathers by a trainer's Pokemon. Judging by the looks of confusion on both Rosa and Lisa, her little sister's face, this was not the norm.
"The fresh hell is this?" Rosa asked herself.
"Rosa said a bad word!"
"Shut it."
Among those running around was this massive bear of man in a red plaid shirt, denim overalls, and black boots. his man had arms like steel girders, barrel chested, and had a lush, full brown beard and bushy eyebrows that obscured his face. He saw the girls and sprinted over to them; the ground shook a bit with each step and then easily towered over them. It would be more accurate to say that he was more bear than man.
"Rosa, Lisa! You're back!" He exclaimed before glancing at the new girl for a brief moment. "Who's your friend?"
"Um, this is Faye and uh... Okay, what's going on?", asked Rosa.
"We finally have a clue on the thief. We hired this trainer to help, and it seems like he figured something out... I have no idea where he is though"
"Can we help? Can we, can we?", said Lisa, the little preschooler.
Her father just grimaced at the very thought of having her help, knowing that it would be extra work to just keep an eye on her while they were looking for the thief."Uh, please just take your sister inside and keep an eye on her."
"Got it." Rosa would drag along the little girl complaining a storm to the audible relief of their father.
He turned to Faye and said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, but this is really a bad time right now. We can't really entertain guests until we sort this out. You can go inside with the girls or come back later."
What does Faye want to do?
Ah yes, intent. The true way to understand someone when you can't understand what the actually fresh fuck they are saying.
Also, RIP manwich, we hardly knew ye.
The Wingull retaliated with water gun to collide against the ice projectiles rocketing towards the bird, taking one of them out in and pulverizing it into chunks though it was not so lucky with the other two. It missed its water gun and was smashed against the two icicles. This bird was already beginning to look like it was getting a bit tired from the beat down though despite the punishment it was enduring, it was still raring to go. This time it was able blast the Ice Shards out of the air with its Water Gun and watched as the Sneasel was trying to pull of his pretty risky maneuver.
The Wingull watched as the bipedal weasel jump off the wall and propel itself towards the Wingull in the air with an Ice Shard, readying its claws for a Scratch attack. In response, the Wingull used Water Gun again on the midair Sneasel. Now, the issue is that at this point it would be safe to say that the Sneasel was already committed to the attack so any chance of dodging would be impossible. The only way it would get out of this is if the Wingull missed.
Jack was met with the full force of a blast of water colliding against him and blasted towards the ground. It was a critical hit! Lucky for the Sneasel though, it wouldn't be enough to knock it down, but was it going to hurt.
The Wingull followed up with Quick Attack.
How does Steph respond?
"You're a bit too late. I don't have any of the goods on me. They've already been handed off to the goons and probably sold off somewhere. This though?" Robbie said, holding up a manilla folder and waving it around before tossing it down to the ground for Princess to pick up. "Totally useless to you. There is not a chance in hell that you or most of the region would be able to understand what this contains, but if it gets your Riolu off my back."
Indeed, he made no effort to stop the Riolu from retrieving what he had just dropped. As soon as Tristan had it in his hands, he knew that whatever was in that folder was not money. The mob was not paying Robbie monetarily; they were paying him with the privilege of living. It was a stack of paper, but whatever was actually on that paper remained to be seen. Despite this, one would be a fool to think that there was no importance placed upon these papers. Robbie risked getting caught and rushed his way to that rundown shack of a cabin to retrieve these papers for some reason. Tristan better hold onto that folder tightly.
Tristan received Manilla Folder
Since Robbie did not put up a fight just like Tristan asked, he was led out of the tunnel. He had to squint as his eyes recalibrated to the now evening sun setting over them and took a deep breath of the fresh air after breathing in that damp, musty tunnel air. He chuckled bitterly and looked at Tristan with a sarcastic smile on his face.
"You know, I really did like this place. They gave me a chance that no one else ever did and treated me like family. I had a real sense of belonging and then I ballsed it all up. Shame that I'll never see it again... Not in the way that you think though."
The Pokeball flashed and out came the Ditto from earlier.

Ditto, the Transform Pokemon. It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes. When it encounters another Ditto, it will move faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly.
That Ditto then begin to physically reconstitute itself into the Pokemon that was in front of it, Princess the Riolu. Tristan and Princess would watch as this thing shifted and twisted until it was the spitting image of the Riolu standing in front of it.
"Sorry kid, but you really shouldn't trust others that easily. Not when it's a matter of life and death. Now, give me back that folder or, well, I don't think either of us are gonna like what will happen next."
If Tristan refuses, well, we all know what will happen and let's be honest, Tristan is gonna get that damn Torchic even if it kills him..
Farmhand Robbie challenges you!
Again, the Hawlucha's eyes glowed again as it used Detect and leaped out of the way of the invisible force though the follow attack was quite literally impossible to dodge. The sound waves imbued with mystical energy reverberated throughout the battlefield. The Hawlucha grabbed its head as it tried to block out the sound to no avail though in a rush to end this fight, it charged towards one of the Ralts doppelgangers and swung at it with all its might, putting so much of its weight forward to increase the impact as much as possible.
So, the Hawlucha rolled a 1.
The Ralts doppelganger phased through its attack and because the Hawlucha threw so much of its weight forward, it could not stop its momentum and tumbled through after image so spectacularly that it somersaulted straight into the crowd and actually smacked into someone, knocking that person over in the process. It received recoil damage from this massive failure and was trying to stand up and get its bearings only to receive a direct Confusion. The psychic attacked forced the luchador bird to stumble back and then glared a frightening glare at the Ralts.
It charged straight towards one of the Ralts' doppelgangers and this time, it's aim was true. It swung down its wing swathed with red energy to strike down at the tiny green creature who was also now leaping up at the Hawlucha for a Draining Kiss. It all came down to who reacted the fastest!
There was a momentary pause and... the Hawlucha glowed with magenta energy before it fell flat on its back. Slayer sealed the deal with a kiss on the cheek and a 20 dice roll.
The street clothed wearing young man that was acting as the referee ran onto the battlefield and declared, "We have a winner folks! The blue haired guy with the Ralts wins!"
The crowd just stared in awed silence before they erupted into roaring cheer for the little menace had been defeated!
Ralts grew to level 14!
While the audience was cheering, the Hawlucha's eyes shot wide open, and it jumped back on its feet looking around to try and figure out what it was going on until it realized that it... lost? It lost. There was something out there stronger than itself? Did that mean that there was something even stronger than his opponent?
The bird's fist clenched and stomped over to Jason and Slayer in a huff.
"Haw, hawlucha! Lucha haw!" It seemed to be demanding something from Jason. Slayer though would be able to understand clearly; it was demanding that Jason would take it on his journey to grow stronger and prove its strength against the world.
Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.
The Move Tutor smiled and said, "Right away miss. I will need to borrow your Blipbug for a little bit."
Stella would hand over the little Occul to the Move Tutor who then went to a backroom where she could hear them give encouragement to the Blipbug as it tried to learn a new move. Eventually after a period of time, the Move Tutor returned with her Blipbug and handed it back to her. "Here you go miss! Have a nice day!" Stella would hand over 500P.
After doing her shopping, she would head to the supposedly abandoned manor. Compared to how beautiful it was in its photos, it had seen better days. The red and white paint had faded to almost a gray and was chipping away, the windows were covered in a thick layer of dirt and dust, the wrought iron fencing was rusted, bits of wood looked like they were about to break off the house, and the grass was wild and unkempt. However, strangely enough the garden remained intact and was maintained with an obvious great affection.
When Stella knocked on the door, she heard an elderly voice ring out, "I'll be right there! Please give me a second!"
She would wait around for a few minutes until the door was slowly pulled open back to reveal a thin, elderly man with thick glasses and full head of gray hair. He smiled at him though there was a bit of confusion due to a stranger was standing at his doorway.
"Can I help you, miss?" He asked politely, his voice kind, yet frail.
@Sanguine Rose
"Eh, if you're coming over anyway then you can just use dad's printer." Rosa said as she kept an eye on the kids.
"If you're heading to the ranch then me and my sis better come back with you. If you're staying for dinner, then I'll have to tell mom or else she'll have my head. It is getting late anyway." It was becoming the late afternoon, the sky was becoming a blend of blue, orange, and purple hues as the sun started to set. While Faye's on a journey free of responsibility towards her parents, Rosa had to make sure that her preschool aged sister was back at home in time for dinner and bedtime lest she get a verbal lashing from her mother.
So, Faye was led to Frida's Ranch by Rosa and her little sister, Lisa, the girl that she fought earlier today with the Nickit. They would walk down the dirt path past other properties where people grew other things such as berry orchards and other crops. When they arrived at Frida's Ranch Eventually, they would arrive at what looked like a stereotypical ranch; a series of massive red wooden buildings with Pokemon contained in these enclosures. They were most definitely not wild Pokemon so they could not be captured, but that does not mean they can't be obtained.
In one partition, there were two kinds of Pokemon that looked very similar; they were both wooly things though one species had a white coat and another with a yellow coat.

Pokédex Entry #179 – Mareep, the Wool Pokemon. Clothing made from Mareep's fleece is easily charged with static electricity, so a special process is used on it. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.

Pokédex Entry #831 – Wooloo, the Sheep Pokemon. Its curly fleece is such an effective cushion that this Pokémon could fall off a cliff and stand right back up at the bottom, unharmed. If its fleece grows too long, Wooloo won't be able to move. Cloth made with the wool of this Pokémon is surprisingly strong.
There two pens where pink, round bovines were separated from these fierce bulls with three tails. For some reason, looking at the pink cows would instill a primal fear that would be hard to explain as if a collective consciousness has experienced their wrath.

Pokédex Entry #241 – Miltank, the Milk Cow Pokemon. Miltank produces highly nutritious milk, so it's been supporting the lives of people and other Pokémon since ancient times. This Pokémon needs to be milked every day, or else it will fall ill. The flavor of Miltank milk changes with the seasons.

Pokédex Entry #128 – Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokemon. When Tauros begins whipping itself with its tails, it's a warning that the Pokémon is about to charge with astounding speed. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature.
Then there were these little orange chickens walking around by a coop pecking ground.

Pokédex Entry #255 – Torchic, the Chick Pokemon. Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black. It has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug—it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokémon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down.
However, there was something completely off. The entire farm was in a state of panic. People seemed to be running all over the place as if they were looking for something as if their lives depended on it. From what Faye could pick up, they were looking for some Pokemon that could transform and that was marked with magenta feathers by a trainer's Pokemon. Judging by the looks of confusion on both Rosa and Lisa, her little sister's face, this was not the norm.
"The fresh hell is this?" Rosa asked herself.
"Rosa said a bad word!"
"Shut it."
Among those running around was this massive bear of man in a red plaid shirt, denim overalls, and black boots. his man had arms like steel girders, barrel chested, and had a lush, full brown beard and bushy eyebrows that obscured his face. He saw the girls and sprinted over to them; the ground shook a bit with each step and then easily towered over them. It would be more accurate to say that he was more bear than man.
"Rosa, Lisa! You're back!" He exclaimed before glancing at the new girl for a brief moment. "Who's your friend?"
"Um, this is Faye and uh... Okay, what's going on?", asked Rosa.
"We finally have a clue on the thief. We hired this trainer to help, and it seems like he figured something out... I have no idea where he is though"
"Can we help? Can we, can we?", said Lisa, the little preschooler.
Her father just grimaced at the very thought of having her help, knowing that it would be extra work to just keep an eye on her while they were looking for the thief."Uh, please just take your sister inside and keep an eye on her."
"Got it." Rosa would drag along the little girl complaining a storm to the audible relief of their father.
He turned to Faye and said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, but this is really a bad time right now. We can't really entertain guests until we sort this out. You can go inside with the girls or come back later."
What does Faye want to do?