Sigurd Lukotta
Waitwaitwait, she's going to pet me?! Sigurd was happy that she was going to be his friend, but he absolutely did not have the mental resistance for a headpat. However, it was impossible for him to find to words to refuse the headpat because, at that very moment, he took a decisive blow from the sight of her laughing smile. Her… smile is so cute how can she be so cute
you're such a beautifulandnicepersonyoumustbeanangelpleasepetmeIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouyourhandissoclosetomyfaceIcanfeelthewarmthyou’resoclose pleasepleasepleasePLEASEYOURHANDISSOSOFTANDWARMANDIWANTTOFEELMOREILOVEYOUILOVEEVERYONEISSOBEAUTIFUL THERE'SAGUYINFRONTOFMEHE’SREALLYHOTIWANTTOFEELHISARMSAROUNDMEAND----Then he snapped out of it. Sigurd managed to restrain himself this time around; his expression barely changed, his fervor instead being shown through a deep blush nearly as intense as his leering stare. Still, Sigurd strove to do much better. Slightly red-faced, he took another look at the teenager in front of them.
I might’ve attacked him if I didn't calm down there…Despite the enthusiasm he had asking for a headpat, Sigurd decided on a quiet introduction this time. Following Meredith’s introduction, he gave a quiet
"... Sigurd."