Avatar of Rilla


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7 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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@OdinYou sure you want it locked/close or whatever?
I haven't read buy like 3 replies back, because I've been told this has gone to hell and a bnadbasket.

But I agree on section moderators and talked about this on Discord. They would be virtually useless. People will either skip over them and go straight to someone with power, or the mods will have to come in anyway.
About time.
@Krot I just wanna say, man it was an honor doing that scene. And the cast was really supportive.
I didn't say anything because I didn't take it as spamming. By what others said, most were just wondering why he was doing it. I also said above that it could have been handled better . But as I also said, so far my methods have produced exactly one complaint to my knowledge about how I handled a situation, and if there are any others, I've not barred anyone from coming to me with criticisms about it.

As far as being a 'Real mod', I wasn't an arena mod long enough for people to even know I was that, but that hasn't stopped people from coming to me with issues. So they are finding out I'm a mod somehow. Oddly enough, none have been from the Arena, though even without mod abilities, those issues were taken care of as well. @Odin
@Nytem4re Who said I wasn't taking it as a joke? I literally use it to take the piss out of people. Being called a not real mod int enough to trigger me. More likely to make me chuckle than anything.
Had the same route to Ruby been taken with me, it would have been handled. Once it stays public, it's less a plea for moderation and turns into a shit slinging contest. As I said before, any issue brought to me in PM has been handled, including an appeal for a warning overturn. I could have handled it better, but it wasn't like it was handled fine by all parties involved anyway. Then again, Nyte says I'm not a 'Real' mod, so that's probably why he went to Ruby instead of sending me a message. Or whatever he reason was.

Despite my claims of laziness, people have had little issue coming to me with reports and all on Discord. My PM box here and there are eternally open, and so far aside from me not handling that issue, I don't think there has been any issue with how I handle reports, at all. Unless they are just not brought up in my presence.
@Odin Not really. Most people know I'm joking, judging by people coming to me for issue handling. In theory, I could cut it back, but since I'm also not a real mod - I'm not sure how effective that'll be.
Mostly what the said.

You got health stuff, man, go handle that. I won't hold it against you, especially since you let me know ahead of time.
I had little to no powers as an Arena mod, I'm just able to keep those fucks in check. As far as changing colors, that something I do on a fairly regular basis, when before it wasn't that I was too lazy - it was that I did not know how. Once I learned, to change... Fenrir's? color, I've been doing it every couple of days, depending on how often I'm asked(or how often I kick Blaze).

They don't RP is not an argument I'm familiar with using, because I don't follow them enough to know if they actually do. They very well could, but it's not something I go behind and check unless they were interested in one of my RPs, like Allaria.

You are not obligated to disclose whether or not you RP, public or private. So long as you, and whichever partners you have know, that's really all that matters. Just the same as any modding I do. Lazy mod is just a take off of my arena persona of being lazy, even when I'm actually doing stuff. Anyone whose come to me on both Discord and Guild, has had any issues they've had taken care of as best I can, when I can - usually immediately, unless I'm working or sleeping or killing Uruks or playing with my chap. Whether or not they wanna admit to that, is entirely on them. I've no interest in putting whose come to me with issues.
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