Name:Briar Rayne
Stands at around 5'8" and possesses an entirely monochrome wardrobe. Despite all the crosses Briar is not particularly religious, she just likes them for aesthetic reasons.
Personality:A rather quiet girl who speaks in a monotonous, deadpan fashion. Her style of speech can often cause people to miss the fact that she can be a bit sarcastic, or take some of the morbid things she says completely seriously. Briar will admit she's not the best with people, but she'll at least try to interact with others if she needs to. She harbours a lot of melancholy and ennui, although usually tries to play it off as her just being a weird morbid goth rather than anything serious. Briar possesses a fondness for fantasy and the occult, and as can be expected from a goth she is also a fan of gloomy sounding music.
Background:"Where do you see yourself in the next five years?" "Aren't you getting a bit old for the whole goth thing?" "You need to do something with your life alreaady!"
She's been hearing the same things for the past couple of years now, and to be honest she doesn't have a response to any of it. Ever since she was young Briar just found herself aimlessly drifting through life, not really making any significant connections with people and not really feeling like she had any real purpose. Her teenage years weren't particularly exciting, mostly spent reading fantasy novels and listening to gloomy music, and once she graduated highschool she just found herself moving from job to job with no real plans or goals to work towards. By this point she's starting to wonder if she should have done something more worthwhile with her life, but what would that even be? And even if she could figure that out, how is she even going to go about doing this? It's not like an opportunity to do something is going to land right in her lap or anything, so she may as well just get back to meandering directionlessly through life.
Partner:Sistermon Blanc
Digivice G appearance:Briar's glasses double as her Digivice G, but this also means her Digivice G doubles as her glasses; her eyesight is rather poor without them.