Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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LaXnyd said
I have added details of the command seal system and added Lancer's second Noble Phantasm, Legend of Dracula, to his application.

Okay, noted. You're all good.

And, my PM's have been answered. AreYouMyMummy will not be joining us, but someone else will. I'll be focusing on getting my characters up as well as the RP today.
So, I was thinking about making a Pokemon RP where you start off as a trainer and all that jazz. Some ideas I'm throwing around:

-You can start from all, and any CANON regions. From Johto, to Kanto, to Unova, to Kalos, etc.

-Our characters age up in semi-realish time, but Canon characters stay as is in the floating timeline (except Unova, but I don't have Black 2 yet).

-Canon character auditions, for professors, gym leaders, elite fours, crime syndicates, and just people who live in the region.

-Time skips, to show progression, and or if your trainer went back home after defeating the Elite Four.

-Battles with legendaries.

- RPGish elements, possibly?

Just some ideas. Is anybody interested? maybe we can trade ideas, or some such here.
Gummi Bunnies said
Alright, here's Penny and she's combat ready!Name: PennyAge: 17?Gender: FemaleRace: Human (er, not going with that android assumption until that's properly revealed to be)Personality: Penny can sometimes over-react to very trivial things, such as becoming someone's friend. Her mannerisms are almost like a robot's, like her tone of voice, her body movements, and her overall personality. This is the result of being a "sheltered" girl, as a mysterious man (not revealed in RWBY) told her to not wander off like that after the events at the port.Appearance:Country of Origin: ValePowers/Abilities: Penny appears to be very agile, and her jumping ability seems to be above average as seen in her fight in episode 16.Weapons/Items: Penny's weapon of choice is her swords, which seem to be controlled from very thin wires to the point where it seems like she is using telekinesis to control the swords's movements without holding the swords herself. The durability of her weapons isn't something to overlook, as Penny managed to embed her blades into a leaving airship, and was able to pull the ship down to the ground with the help of the blades' wires. The blades also have an energy capability, able to form a beam from all of her blades.Other:


TunaticTyler said
Yeayeayea it isn't the best of CS's but I'm tired and I'll fix it later :p


Dark Elsa said
Name: Natsuki KugaAge: 17Gender:femaleRace:humanPersonality: Natsuki appears cold and a loner along with a loner personality. That is until she met others and learned to be a better person and break out of her shell.Appearance(s): Country of Origin: JapanPowers/Abilities: Like Shizuru she can summon a Child called Duran. (limited Apperence as well )Weapons/Items: two small pistols she can material that shoot out ice like bulletsOther: She and Shizuru have been best friends forever. Thier friendship soon grew into something more..but for a time it was onesided on Shizuru s part.

Kael Taiyou said
"You're welcome, I'm Maeda Keiji, nice to meet you, and I don't think that gust of wind will be enough, they just blow things away, I prefer to get close and personal, so, let's take down this guy together?" Keiji asked in a friendly tone.

"Nice to meet you, Maeda Keiji." Jonathan smiled gently, nodding. Then his face grew serious. "IT'S TIME TO FINISH YOU OFF, you unholy abomination! Doooooooooooooooooooh......" Jonathan roared out at the metal giant, then started to concentrate his breathing. "METAL SILVER, OVERDRIVE!!!" Jonathan decided to go for it's head this time, and he started to run towards it. Jumping in the air, he slammed his fist into the metal giant's head.

BB said
The two Siesta Sisters threw off a salute towards Dio before starting to lead the way. It was clear that they needed to move quickly, and it seemed that Dio couldn't be in the sun. That didn't complicate things to much, but it was still interesting. One of the more famous fantasy creatures for "not allowing the sun to hit them" was the vampire of course, but in this place, could you really trust some old stories and use that to judge what something was? Regardless of that, the two of them were loyal guards, and had no time for wandering thoughts. They needed to focus on the task at hand and perform admirably.

Without a word, Dio followed the two Siesta Sisters. Dio wondered about the two of them. So, he decided to ask. Knowledge was power, after all. "So, what do you call yourselves exactly? you don't exactly seem to be human, with the ears of a hare. And you wear this clothing that indicates you have service in some type of military. Are you some type of..what was the pronunciation, "Yokai"? or was it "Youkai"? In any case of the correct spelling, I've read up on the Japanese and the folklore of the land. Quite fascinating. Come now, why don't you tell me about yourselves." Dio ushered for an answer, trying to figure out what it was they were exactly. He still couldn't believe he was being given that vessel. It was quite surprising, and he still couldn't wrap understand why. Did someone benefit in some way from this? if they did, he couldn't see how. Though, many things here he didn't understand, to be honest.
So, right now, not including myself, we have ten people! I'm grateful for all of the Interest. I'm just waiting on some replies for some PM's I sent out. Then after that, I'll get my characters up and we'll get started.
LaXnyd said
Name: Lancer (Vlad III, the Lord Impaler) Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Heroic Spirit Personality: Lancer of Black is a spirit with an imposing presence. However, despite his appearance Lancer does have a considerate and modest personality. Despite these modest traits, however, there are two things that should be noted about Lancer. First off, Lancer is quite stubborn, often refusing to change his opinions on any matter, and second off, Lancer, that is, Vlad the Impaler, absolutely despises any and all interpretations and representations of the monster "Dracula", seeing it a great insult that his name, as someone who had done everything for his nation, became synonymous with this bloodthirsty monster. If Lancer encounters any representations or discussion of "Dracula" Lancer will attempt to be mature about it, but he will most likely go back and destroy any of those representations. Appearance(s):Country of Origin: Romania, although as a Heroic Spirit Lancer can be summoned anywhere he is called. Powers/Abilities:Magic Resistance B Rank - Lancer is able to not die after being hit by a moderate magical spell. Demonic Defender of the State EX Rank - Demonic Defender of the State is the capacity of a Servant to mark a region as his personal dominion by securing the surrounding natural magical sources prior to an engagement. Vlad III's ability permits the reinforcement of his combat capabilities when fighting in defence, and Kazikli Bey is a Noble Phantasm that may be deployed only within the marked domain. Kazıklı Bei: The Lord of Execution - a B-rank Anti Army Noble Phantasm deployable only within the Servant's domain marked by the skill "Demonic Defender of the State). Within a range of one kilometer, there may be a maximum of twenty thousand pikes gradually manifested over time, bursting from the ground to impale opponents. Manifested pikes remain as a physical barrier that eliminates free ground, and evasion thus becomes less likely with passage of time. The sight of the pikes impose a curse-like psychological effect, destabilizing an opponent's mental condition with oppressive anxiety or fear.Weapons/Items:Kazikli Bey - Lancer's weapon of choice in melee combat. Other: Seeks to restore the honour of his name and wipe away the smear of the "Dracula" reputation.

Thank you. Unlike Arowne, this clearly defines things not detailed. Accepted.

CallaLily180 said
Name: The Doctor, John Smith, Theta Sigma, Doctor Who.Age: ???Gender: MaleRace: Time LordPersonality: Appearance(s): Planet of Origin: GallifreyPowers/Abilities: ~Regeneration~I propose INTELLECT!~Connections!Weapons/Items: ~The Tardis~A Sonic ScrewdriverOther:


Dark Elsa said
Name:Shizuru FujinoAge:17 Gender:female Race :humanPersonality: She is calm and collected even friendly. She enjoys looking at girls and drinking tea. If she loves someone she will act yanderish towards them. Serious at times and make logical decisions at times but sometimes goes to extremes to achieve her goals and is sometimes a bit of a unstable person. She is easy to misguide.Appearance(s): Country of Origin:JapanPowers/Abilities: Can Summon a being known as a Child..It can be destroyed but it is a weakness and protector of a HIME. . If it dies a HIME s beloved dies. Kiyohime is her Child.Weapons/Items: Naginata she can summon which doubles as a whiplike binding function.Other: Her Child wil rarely be seen.

CallaLily180 said
Name: The Doctor, John Smith, Theta Sigma, Doctor Who.Age: ???Gender: MaleRace: Time LordPersonality: Appearance(s): Planet of Origin: GallifreyPowers/Abilities: ~Regeneration~I propose INTELLECT!~Connections!Weapons/Items: ~The Tardis~A Sonic ScrewdriverOther:

Wonderful. While I know of Doctor Who, some people aren't familiar with it, so..your image is broken. That, or you could be using the tag wrong. Other than that, that was lovely.
Dark Elsa said
Name: MIYUAge: appears 18? Gender:femaleRace:humanoid androidPersonality: She acts human like and is knowledgeable on most matters. She is not a harmful android and has a soft side to her. She will follow orders if given by her creators due to her programming but has free will.Appearance(s):Country of Origin: EarthPowers/Abilities: She possesses inhumane aspects such as speed and strength but they are only used in combat.Weapons/Items: She can manifest a blade from her hand as well as having a powered up mode and some hidden weaponry tho she can still be harmed.Other: http://some-other.wikia.com/wiki/Miyu_Greer

If she lives on Earth you have to put a country, not the Planet. Your country of origin is your starting point.
CallaLily180 said
Great! I missed my chance to get accepted!

I..did, in fact accept your characters. There is a previous page button. And if you read all of the rules and everything on the first post, you would know there's an accepted characters list. All you have to do is "First" back to the first page and check and see if your characters are on it.
Mtntopview said
check back on my CS, I got a pic up


Kael Taiyou said
So uh...when are we starting?

Very soon, actually! I'm just gonna PM that guy who asked if he could join with a "character his very own", then disappeared after his next post. Someone else I've been in PM's with is gonna join, and my characters are going up soon. Sorry, I know it's been a bit of a wait, but everything is almost ready now.
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