Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"Right. We're always together, even if we aren't together physically. We may not be sharing the same world, but we'll always share the same sky." Riku said, crossing his arms.

"Well spoken. You will meet many old and new faces on this journey, but do not forget. Darkness take many forms, and it preys on uncertainty.

Have strength, young Kairi." Yen Sid said. "Now then..Riku, you will go with Kairi. Sora, Lea travels with you. Kairi will use this journey as firsthand experience, and then we will conclude from this if she is ready for her own mastery test." Yen Sid explains.

"Sora will be re-taking his test alongside Lea. As for your transportation, Sora's Gumi Ship is a fairly obvious choice. Riku, however has his own special mode of transportation that the King should be back with any second now." Yen Sid explained.

"Now then, any questions before you are dismissed to your mission?" Yen Sid asked.
Yen Sid sat quietly as he waited for Sora, Lea, Riku and Kairi to arrive. He thought about the disturbance to the worlds, wondering who might be causing it, since it couldn't have been Xehanort. Xehanort had a specific plan set.

This was different. It felt different to him. Not like Xehanort at all.


"Darkness has invaded worlds familiar and unfamiliar to us. Seek out the Keyblade Wielders, a slight change in plan has occurred." Yen Sid told Mickey.

"As if Xehanort and his Thirteen Selves weren't enough.." Mickey sighed, heading for the big wooden door. "Indeed. It's quite troublesome." Yen Sid nodded in agreement. "We must deal with this swiftly and immediately. I have a bad feeling about this, my friend." Yen Sid said. Mickey left seconds after.


Yen Sid crossed his hands, waiting. Where were they? just then, the door flung open. "Man I tell you, you guys have been running me ragged with this advanced training. I honestly wish I was a nobody at this point." Lea said to Yen Sid as they all entered.

"Well, it's about to get worse for you. Several worlds have been invaded by darkness. You four will take on a set of world's each in a pair, as partners." Yen Sid explained.

"I realize this is going very fast and is much to ask of you, especially after the visit to the dream worlds, but we hardly have a bunch of keyblade wielders in excess. I'm afraid I must ask you all to go forth and protect the worlds." Yen Sid concluded.
"....I, no..we have have embraced the darkness inside ourselves. Do you want to know why? well then, listen well. It's quite simple, actually.

It is because NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Nothing WILL change. Our war changed SO LITTLE, I get FURIOUS THINKING ABOUT IT.

All sides and fought so hard, for every goal. For every angle there was. Each had it's own brand of morality and own flavor of light or darkness.

And yet, it meant nothing. It only serves as a part of a senile old man's plans. Nobody knows or remembers OUR NAMES, OR WHAT ANY OF US DID AS INDIVIDUALS!

We are entrapped to a cycle. We are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Once more, light and darkness clash.

And once more a battle is on the horizon. Do you think you can win? a foolish thought, and a meaningless effort. Come, then.

If you so desire your own demise, I will bring it about personally. We will battle at the place Keyblade wielders are destined to fall..if you can survive that long. In the end it does not matter.

All will succumb to anger and hatred..all will drown in a sea of darkness. I will end the conflict in that wave of darkness, THAT WHICH YOU WILL NEVER HAVE SEEN BEFORE! AND THEN..silence will be a lullaby to the universe. You will not be heard, you will only suffocate in your own despair.

Well it's been fun. I'll see you soon. I highly doubt you will survive, but that possibility is there.

Oh, and remember just one thing for me, will you? good. Whatever you do, even in the darkness..don't be afraid."

I don't think we need character sheets this time, we know the characters we're playing. If you need to know anything, I can link you to Disney, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts wikis.
Eventually they arrived at the hospital. Light walked inside and up to the front desk. "I'm here to visit the terrorist that was admitted here. I'm apart of an investigation force, so don't ask questions." Light stated to the desk secretary.

All he had to do was sign the desk registry, after he got clearance.
You're not sure how it happened, but you're trapped in one location by a big energy dome that prevents you from seeing or going outside. It has been one year since this event. You and everyone else have made the best of it, but food and water will run out eventually.

Just when it seems you'll be trapped forever, the protective dome lifts and disappears. It's a blue sky, but the land is desolate. Suddenly, you hear a voice and see many panels appear, like a viewing monitor or window to the other places and people trapped, like you.

"Welcome to my game. I have taken pieces of what I consider to be the most exemplary places and people from each of your worlds. Unfortunately, you won't be in peace for much longer.

If you wish to live, you will fight the warriors of the other territories. Only one may remain. Triumph, and I will restore your territory and grant three wishes.

Good Luck."


1. No Godmodding.
2. Keep it PG-16 on adult stuff.
3. Don't do anything that goes against the Guild Rules.
4. When all the Heroes/Villians die you've registered, your territory/territories and world is forfeit and out of the game.
5. Acceptable spelling and grammar please. dat mean n0t tyipng liek dis.
6. All characters will be on the same power level. If your character has power ups that make them crazy stronger in their own series, it will only make them a bit stronger here. So, this RP is more about your character's powers and skills then strength.
7. As the tag states, this is Anime/Manga focused. So please only register those types of characters.
8. Have fun!

In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Perhaps this belongs in the help section, but with all the changes I needed to ask. My Legacy signature is not showing, can anyone fathom why?

I had Lilian Thorne make it, and I've been using it for about a year or two now. I'm pretty sure it isn't a matter of size because it was showing on this Guild until a little while ago.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News

Guild homepage looks so much like it's old self, hnnnngh nostalgia
You still should have checked first. This is my RP, I run it. So my way goes. Everyone else has done it that way. You should have seen that no one else was posting character sheets in the OOC topic.

No, actually it isn't your roleplay. This roleplay is Cynder's entirely and you just took it from him because he let you. I've been browsing his thread since yesterday.

And uh, what should I have checked exactly? everyone who's posted was everyone who already joined the last roleplay. I did nothing wrong, you just failed to explain how new character applications should be ran by you.
You're wrong. "Apply first" to me, always means posting in the CS section first, like everyone else has visibly done. I thought that was common sense.

Common sense for you sure, but I haven't role played in a month. I've been quite busy with important matters in my personal life so I haven't really had time to notice major site changes.

And uh, people used the OOC or a seperate thread for character sheets before the character section was introduced and still do. So, not everyone sees it that way.
Gohan, you've submitted them to the wrong place...

I don't believe I did. Your tag says to apply first. I submitted them here for approval.

I don't think I'd be given permission to post a character in the character section, unless they were approved first, yes?
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