Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"...Well, the letter doesn't mention to bring anyone along. So I'll honor that. Thank you for your concern." Sora said with a nod. He took off towards that location.

"But how much did you have to struggle for such a title? do you remember? you do recall your old life, right? think hard now. What about your life has changed? couldn't you have been a detective as a normal person?" Sephiroth pointed out, continuing right along, unfettered.

"But no, you couldn't settle for just normal. So you just hoped for something greater. And so you were granted the utterly superfluous title of "Witch of Truth", and were told you're special now, that you didn't waste your life, and you've ascended to a higher level. I think you're lying to yourself. And I think all the utterly superfluous, nonsensical changes you make will not make you any different then the person you were before." Sephiroth kept his same calm demeanor, but took pleasure in getting a rise out of Erika.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Latest Update

To wrap my head back around my own notifications system, I hacked together a Visitor Message system and added a "Visitor Messages" tab to your profile.

A Visitor Message (VM) is simple a message that you can post directly on someone's profile. It's less "intimate" than a private message and anyone can comment on a VM.

Here's a link to my VMs: roleplayerguild.com/users/mahz/vms#tabs


- Lacks a lot of polish, it's quite fugly.
- You only receive notifications for new VMs on your wall and replies to VMs on your wall.
- Eventually it will be the default profile tab.
- I can can eventually unify the status-message and visitor-message system. For instance, when you post a VM on your own wall, that should be a status-message. This would let me clean up some redundant UI.
- TODO: The system should notify you when someone replies to a VM you posted on someone else's wall.
- TODO: The system should notify you when someone replies to a VM that you've replied to on someone else's wall.

Lemme know about bugs.

And thus, on this day our lord and savior Mahz came down from the heavens and spoke: thou shall have visitor messages! and it was so.
Sounds interesting.
"Well, this is a witch related event. And if this one has some way to help me achieve my goals, I've got no choice, really. Even if it is a trap I could get something out of it." Sora explained.

"This is all just a gamble at this point. I've learned people can be sneaky, and liars. But to get what you need you have to swallow a raw deal sometimes, because I'll triumph over my struggles in the end."

Sephiroth merely chuckled in a semi-creepy manner. "How pathetic. To place so much pride in an utterly futile position. You humans have such pitifully short lifespans, why should anyone care whether or not you die anyway?" Sephiroth paused for effect.

"You're just another sad little human, hanging onto the last threads of relevance her empty and meaningless life holds. You cannot hope to claim that such a position is needed. The detective can be questioned because the detective is not needed." Sephiroth concluded.
(Kay, sounds cool. Lol.)
"Well, okay then." Sora opened it up and began to read it, though thinking this was a bit odd.

Sephiroth smirked and walked up to Erika, standing in her way. "Tell me something. If there was one thing in this world that you couldn't live without, what would that be?"

"..Riku, try to go join up with Sora. I'll stay back here with Sota and Kaika until he wakes up." Mickey said.
(You know, the reason I made that part with the letter was that I kinda hoped you'd bring in some Witch OCs or something. The Witches have an entire Council so who knows how many more of them their really are, probably thousands.)

"Well, whoever sent it to me is on our side, at least." Sora said with a smile. "More information is helpful. If I could make one wish though, just for one person..it'd be someone powerful to help us out. Doesn't have to necessarily be an enemy, but not an ally either."

In the lifestream was one resistant element. It was Sephiroth. He sensed something strange, something reaching to his will.

"A way..to regain corporeal form? how interesting." Sephiroth said to himself. Disappearing from the lifestream, in a flurry of black feathers he appeared in the Meta-World. How had he gained access to this dimension? simple.

Sephiroth had a will unlike any other. He simply willed himself into the meta-world, a place perfect for one such as him who had no human shape any longer. It at least gave him a form in a higher dimension.

(Now, I suppose I should go about acquiring a way to gain a human form again. I'll simply use whatever life form lives here and then dispose of it.) Sephiroth thought to himself. Looking around, he wasn't near anyone but found himself in a tea parlor.

Gripping his nodachi, he left the room and tried to find someone to ruin.

"Well, let's just say probably better than before. But there was..some thing in her, some lifeform in her dream. It took something and we couldn't stop it, I hope it wasn't important." Mickey said with an uncertain face.
In roleplaying, whatever site you use, you'll come across that one roleplayer who uses a character who's constantly commenting on the nature of the plot, pointing out the cliches or "tropes" used in the roleplay in a sarcastic and deadpan manner. When in fact they've become a tired cliche, and are very often just a poorly disguised, underdeveloped Player Avatar. I have recently discovered I might hate this character, despite probably doing this myself when I was younger and forgetting.

Analysis of works is important, but does that analysis always have to extend to In-Character? can you please just STOP poking and prodding the plot and commenting constantly on everything and just enjoy the ride? it just irks me to the point I believe the amount of snarkers in an RP one day will outnumber the actually interesting characters who don't rely on this one note "That's so Meta" BS as their sole purpose and function to the story.

I think these characters have the potential to ruin the mood of a roleplay entirely and drain the fun out of everything with the whole "X is this cliche" or "X is this trope, hardee-har-har look at Meta and insightful I am guize looool XDDDD" thing.

Is this pissing anyone else off? does it make you want to drop a roleplay or pass on one when you see it?
"That's right." Riku nodded in affirmation. "There's a likely suspect.." Riku said, seeing a world in the distance. Riku sped up the keyblade glider, flying in towards the world. They eventually made it, and landed on a large landmass surrounded by water.

The glider turned back into his keyblade. "First we look for civilization." Riku turned around, seeing some type of society off in the distance. "This should be interesting." Riku said as they started walking.


After awhile of flying they made it. "Alright, we should head towards the old castle. That's where they are right now." Lea explained as he started walking.
Lea and Riku laughed along with Kairi at this. "Alright. See you guys later." Riku got onto the keyblade glider, Kairi behind him. Picking up the controls naturally, it reminded him of when he piloted that vehicle when they fought Xemnas. Riku and Kairi took off into the sky, and then into space.

"Alright. Now, we'll find a world. If it's one that needs to be taken care of, it'll resonate with the darkness trapped inside of me." Riku explained to Kairi as they traveled through space.

"Sooo..you think we could make a quick stop to Radiant Garden? Ansem the Wise's apprentices that were apart of the organization are there recovering from being made whole again, so I wanna go check on their condition really quick." Lea asked.
"Very well. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lea. You are dismissed!" Yen Sid said. When they went outside, they'd all see King Mickey land in a strange vehicle that looked and awful like his own keyblade. It disappeared in a form of light.

"Heya fellas. I got something special for Riku here." Mickey took out an orb. "Take the orb, Riku." Riku took the orb, absorbing into his body. "Now, throw your keyblade into the air."

Riku threw his keyblade into the air, and it got bigger. It became an giant vehicle. "Your keyblade can now become it's own vehicle, a keyblade glider."

"Well, that's interesting. I never would've expected that." Riku commented. "Thanks, King." Mickey smiled and nodded. "Good luck you guys." Mickey said, and left towards Yen Sid's tower.

Riku walked up to Sora. "Well, guess this is where we part ways for now. Lea, take care of this goof for me, make sure he doesn't do anything overly reckless." Lea grinned at that. "Yeah, well it's kind of hard not to act goofy yourself when you're around him."
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