Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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(You can do a time skip to after class, if you want.)
"Twelve more minutes, class." Light said lightly, engrossed in writing in the Death Note, not even having to look up at the clock to see what time it was. He had 65 more names to write. I have to keep a close eye on the diary holders, and make sure they don't kill Minene themselves otherwise I can't get her diary. Especially Minene, after class I should check to see if she planted any bombs around the school. Though, I haven't seen her diary yet. Well, obviously she had to have brought it with her otherwise she probably wouldn't get out alive, which she won't. Light thought to himself, continuing to write names.
Regular Bardock

Super Saiyan Bardock

Name: Bardock
Canon Information: Father of Kakarot(aka Son Goku), a widower and former husband of Gine, one of the last of the Saiyans, the second ever Super Saiyan.
Personality: Bardock is one of the few Saiyans who actually had some humanity in him from the very beginning, as most Saiyans are very cold-hearted and ruthless. When Bardock was sent back in time, he spared the village which would become the Planet Vegeta, from destruction and defeated Frieza's ancestor, Lord Chilled, jump starting the Super Saiyan legend. He also had great compassion for his former team, and mourned there deaths. He put on his friend Tora's armband, soaked in blood, and wore it over his head as a bandanna. However, this is greatly overshadowed by his cockiness, love of fighting, and willingness to kill if he has to. He's laid back, and does not fear anything or anyone, and will always stand and fight until his last breath. He is a very skilled tactician, being able to understand a situation and act accordingly on it.
Likes: Fighting, his Bandanna, eating, his son Kakarot
Dislikes: Tyrants and dictators, betrayal, oppression
Powers: Flight, Ki projection which allows him to use energy blasts and fly, limited Divination Bardock sometimes gets obscured visions of the future, ability to turn into a Super Saiyan to amplify his power, he can also turn into a giant ape using a real or artificial moon, but it has outlived it's usefulness as his Super Saiyan form is much stronger.
Weaknesses: His tail being hurt, Seeing a moon will turn him into giant ape which is he has very little control over, people who are stronger then him
Character Bio (link or copy paste): http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Bardock#Biography
"Very good. And in the future, I'm sure we'll get to know each other better." Light said, and went and sat down at his desk. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. It's not something a normal teacher would do, but I was young once too, so I know what it's like. We're not over schedule, quite a bit early, just under the mark. So, here's what I will give you. Fifteen minutes. Everyone in this class, has exactly fifteen minutes to do whatever they want, within reason. I will allow you to use your phones in class during that time, but please try to keep chatter to your inside voices. So, you can talk to a friend, go to the bathroom, finish homework you didn't do for some reason, call someone, take a quick nap, but it has to be something within reason, in the school. This is so you get all of that out of your system. And that starts right now. Do as you like, right now." Light said. And then, his attention shifted from the class to his Death Note. He opened it up, picked up and pushed his pen, and pulled out four sheets of regular paper, which had criminals names on the fronts and backs. He had managed to fit 130 names on the 4 sheets of paper. Light started to copy from the papers to the Death Note. And, just like yesterday, criminals suddenly started having heart attacks.
"Ah, a wonderful question, I hear you are a star student as well." Light said with a smile. "Well, teaching seems like a good job, but I've always felt like I could do so much more for myself, as well as society. I have very little trouble with school work, and have always strived for perfection in everything I do. Not to toot my own horn, but I have been told I am in the top five in the entire country. I suppose...a job that lets me punish crminals at my discretion, would be ideal for myself. I despise criminals with a passion. No man is perfect, but no man has a reason to turn to it. Rapists, terrorists, serial killers..I would love to have a job that allows me to catch and expose these people to the blinding light of justice. Then inherently rotten shall, and will be punished for there misdeeds to the innocent. Just like the sudden elimination of the 400 criminals. I suppose, when I get older and out of college, I could try to work towards a job as a rookie detective. And, that's about it. Anyone else?" Light asked.
"Now then, I believe I promised an introduction, and I will keep it." Light said, and made his his way to the front of the class after shutting the door. "I am Light Yagami, your student teacher. I will be taking the place of Takao Hiyama, who seems to have disappeared without a trace. Now, I am unsure if any of you were fond of him, but he possibly, and I say this with uncertainty within me, might be trying to live a new life. Perhaps his personal life put too much pressure on him. But, he is gone, so twiddling our thumbs will do nothing. We must move on. Allow me to to you about myself. I am an honor student who is taking a special, long-term vacation of sorts. Teaching may sound unorthodox for a vacation, but I believe the hard working triumph over the lazy. I am a newcomer to the city, I have never been here before. I live around Tokyo in the Kanto region, so excuse my.."newbie" status, I believe is the term? and don't hesitate to correct me if I get something wrong. I hope we can all get along together." Light smiled. "Now, does anyone have any questions to ask about me? do not be shy, I do not bite."
"Oh! yes, yes of course. I am Light Yagami. I am going to be your homeroom teacher starting now. Hopefully we'll be getting along together, us being both new at this school." Light said, walking back to the classroom with her. "Have you heard of all the strange things going on recently, Ooshima-san? I hear that the former teacher went missing, kind of like he simply disappeared off the face of the Earth. Nobody has been able to find the poor man, hopefully nothing happened to him. And then, topping that, a terrorist bomber seems to be on the run, blowing up schools of all things. Obviously, the bomber must be an unproductive individual, who hates the pursuit of knowledge. I can only think of such a person, as people like that always have some type of self-righteous cause that makes them think hurting innocents is justifiable. I think, instead, if you've been wronged, you should devote yourself to good, honest work against the very people who've wronged you. It's what helps saves the lives of people who actually can be helpful to society. One of the kids who've possibly died in one of those school bombings, could have been the next activist or senator, or perhaps president. But, whatever. don't ask me to understand the likes of selfish, self-centered criminal scum." Light said, subtly insulting Minene with her being able to do nothing about it. "And to top that, over 400 of some of the worst criminal's died in a time frame consistently close to each other. That's pretty scary, and I wonder if it's actually possible someone could have pulled it off, somehow. Maybe it was God. Maybe that's it, God has come to rid the world of it's vile rottenness...Nah!" Light chuckled, it being actual, real laughter because he was giddy over his win. "But seriously. Personally, I hope the people who did the first two things will be brought to justice. But, about the 400 people thing, you have to wonder..isn't the world a bit of a safer place, with them gone? I don't actively support murder, the death sentence is the court's job, but..heck, maybe it's..good? that it happened. If it was God, I'm glad he's made the world a better place, and I, in my humble opinion, would support him, over 200%." Light said with a smile. They stopped in front of the classroom. "Ladies first, Ooshima-san." Light said with a hint of deviousness, and let her go in first.
Light saw it, just as she opened the door, stood there and spoke. Her name was "Minene Uryu" and her lifespan was unknown for the moment. Light was as giddy as a school girl, but restrained himself. "Oh, it's quite alright, Ooshima-san. I don't blame you at all. We all get sick, after all." Light said, with a smile a bit happier than Light should have been. I knew it. Just as I theorized. I win, Uryu. You fell right into my hands. Light thought to himself. "How are you feeling now? do you want me to take you to the nurse, call your parental guardian, or are you feeling well enough to go back to class? it's your choice." Light asked, giving her the options. Either way, I win, Uryu. I just have to figure out how to kill you off. I know Yuno and Yuki and the other holders are aware of the 400 deaths. So, if she dies by a simple heart attack, that links Kira, or whatever they will call me, to her murder, and may link the school to it, in turn putting me under suspicion, being a teacher, and in turn the diary holders will see an extent of this future play out. So, I can either create a second false Kira, and kill her off quickly under that proxy, to distance myself and Kira from the murder, or I simply kill her off by an accidental death when an opportune moment arises. I have to see how this plays out first. Light thought to himself as he waited for her response.
"Hm, it seems like Ooshima-san isn't feeling well, is that it? very well, before we start class and I formally introduce myself to you all, I shall go see if she is feeling up to going to class today. I may need to phone her parents or guardian. Please excuse me, everyone. Talk among yourselves while I am absent." Light said, standing up. He picked up his pen and Death Note, revealing the note had a black cover over the original of the exact size, to hide the Death Note logo so no one would be suspicious. He had "borrowed" it from Hiyama's things in his desk, which was now Light's. Walking out of the room, Light closed the door behind him. "This decides it.." he muttered to himself. He walked down to the girl's bathroom, and knocked on the door. "excuse me? Ms. Ooshima-san? are you quite alright in there? are you feeling up to going to school today?" Light asked, still knocking.
(Time skip later in the post.)
"This is my best bet. She has no mugshot, or information. And where exactly did she transfer from? when I take attendance, I'll make the excuse tomorrow morning to call her name first because she's a new student. If she has a different name and no lifespan, she's the diary holder I've theorized about." Light said. "Now, to get to work on forging my credentials." Light said. Light had little trouble pulling resources from the web, as there was a Light Yagami that he decided to steal the life from, that lived a similar life as him. Perhaps it was his counterpart on this Earth, lucky for him. He had gone missing, lucky for him, and had all of Light's credentials as a superb student. After a few hours, Light was the new student teacher of the three diary holder's classroom. After that, he had no trouble hacking into the police and FBI databases, and spent most of the night writing down names. Exactly 400 of some of the world's worst criminals had been killed off alone during that night, which would be sure to spark international media and police attention. Hopefully, the kids in his class would talk about it. Light had wiped all trace of access from the computer, so no one would know. Light had also gotten a few hours sleep, so he wouldn't appear tired. Now morning, Ryuk and Light boredly waited at there new desk for the students to come in. They had exactly ten minutes left to themselves. "I killed 400 criminals last night while you were off. That's sure to get everyone's attention." Light told Ryuk. The Death Note was on his desk, but hidden by papers and books so no one would see it.
"So she's a straight A student, much like myself. Perhaps she might present a challenge after all. And her address isn't the same as the house she's living in. And her parents haven't been seen by the teacher. Let's see, she's a bit antisocial, so that adds up with her stalker obsession to Yuki, and her parents were apparently abusing her. Well, that's pretty much the confirmation. Her parents are dead. And she might have been the cause of death. I guess there abuse might have caused Yuno to snap or something." Light deduced. "Now, her homeroom teacher is.." Light saw her homeroom teacher was named "Takao Hiyama". He clicked on his name. "Hm. Strange.." Light stared at Hiyama's mugshot. His mind clicked. "Yes, that's it! this man is the serial killer I saw earlier. I was only able to see his eyes and hair, but I can tell it's him, it definitely matches up. With Yuno and Yuki's homeroom teacher out of the picture, I can swoop in and take his place as a replacement." Light grinned. "Everything is falling into place. Now, before I do that, let me check the student records." Light said, and opened a new tab. Typing in the URL, he was sent to the records. He hit "show all" and then set it to order from who had been in the school the longest, to the shortest. Those who would be there the longest would be ruled out, while the shortest would be the prime suspects as the suspected bomber. He scrolled down.
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