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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light turned around, looking at the house. "You know, something is not right. The lights were completely out, and her parents weren't home. Why would a kid stay in the dark like that and not turn on the lights at all? second, It would not make sense for there to be an ad in the newspaper, for house, and for the girl to be standoffish. Surely she would know. So, she's lying, given her track record with being in a survival game, and being a stalker, I'd say her parent's are possibly dead." Light deduced. "I know one thing, I need to sit." Light said, going over to sit on a bench. Opening his newspaper, he laid it beside him, and opened his Death Note, clicking his pen. "Let's see what we can find.." he muttered, scanning the newspaper for anything noteworthy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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The newspaper only seemed to have the usual criminal reports: thieves, rapists, murderers, etc. However out of all of the "small fry," there was one report that seemed to stand out. Another school bombed by an unidentified terrorist on the run. It also mentions that this certain terrorist always happens to get away and escape everytime, as if he/she would never be caught. It is also notable that this terrorist only aimed for bombing schools.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"A terrorist on the loose? we could have our next diary holder. Just a possibility, of course. Either way, that's pretty major. I think this terrorists death will be my first major act as Kira. When all of the death's will be featured on the news, I will send a note and an apple to the first major news outlet that broadcasts the incident. You will be the one to deliver those things, Ryuk. Now, then.." Light said.

"Those who oppose justice, those are the ones who will be punished." Light said, starting to write down names,

Cue dramatic music.

"On one side of things, I'll attract attention to myself from the diary holders and the authorities, with my Kira persona." Light said, dramatically swiping his pen across the paper. "I write down a name, and they die. They all start dying, these people have obstructed justice long enough!" Light exclaimed. "No one escapes my grasp!"

In different parts of Japan, and perhaps in other countries, countless criminals suddenly started dropping dead from heart attacks, whether it be in houses, on the streets, or in jail.

"And on the other side of things, I'll be playing the role of a simple high school student, who lives with his rich parents somewhere in Kanto, having an "experimental vacation". I know how to forge documents, I've been alive long enough to know the tricks." Light said, slashing another name across the paper. "No one will suspect a thing."

Somewhere, another person had just dropped dead.

"Eleven, she said 11 diary holders now. Eleven Diary holders, and a God of Time and Space. Hah, I bet none of them hold a candle to L. He was my only real challenge." Light said with a chuckle.

Finishing, Light shut his notebook. He then stood up to finish his speech. "Now, it's not enough to just be the "God of the New World" anymore. I've accomplished that. I will become, the "God of a New Age!! the new age of Light!" Light said. Light took a breather, calming himself. "Now then. I think I remember, those two, Yuno and Yuki, they came from directly behind me, from a school. A middle school. If my suspicion about the terrorist being a diary holder is correct, one of the next targets will be at that school. It's only logical. So, we have to break in and stay over night. And during that time, I will forge documents and mess around on the school's databse, of which the principal should have access on his computer." Light gathered his things. "Let's head there, Ryuk. We'll swing by the cafeteria, swipe you an apple."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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It was like Light to return to this drive once again, it really didn't surprise Ryuk, but it was like a normal routine. Though, as expected of Ryuk, his attention was soon grabbed by the mentioning of apples. It did feel like awhile since he's had an apple from the human world. "Yeah, let's head there right now!" he said excitedly. Apples seemed like the easiest way to get his attention.

As school was over for the day, the building was locked up and empty inside until the next day tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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After awhile of backtracking from Yuno's place, which wasn't really much of a problem since he had a good memory, Light found himself standing in front the school's doors. Which were obviously locked. "Okay, so as a Shinigami I walk through walls and other objects. This will be useful in most situations, but abusing it might hurt me in the future." Light walked towards the doors, then right through them. "Interesting." Light said, looking at himself. "I'll let you go to the cafeteria, and have a few apples. But pace yourself, I don't want the school to start getting suspicious about food supply. I'll be heading to the principal's office. It's going to be a long night. And I have much work to do." Light said, wandering off to go find the principal's office.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Like an excited and eager child, Ryuk went for the cafeteria for the apples that would be there. As for the principal's office, it wasn't that far from the school's entrance, as it was just down the hallway that Light was standing in. Just like the front doors, these doors were locked too, but it wouldn't be much of a problem for Light.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Here we go." Light said, standing in front of what was presumably the principal's office, since there was a name plate with his name on him. He walked through the door, and looked around. Yeah this is it alright. And there's the computer. Light thought to himself. There was a printer with paper loaded, so that would be useful. It was very brown, having a few bookshelves and sofa. Quite unremarkable and generic. Light sat down at the desk, turning on the computer. Here was his first obstacle, the computer password. Light tried a few things, and after a few attempts manged to crack it, and made a note of the password for future use. Logging in, Light clicked the internet browser. Searching the Principal's history web history, he found a link to the online database. He clicked on it. "Here we go. Now, what should I search for first? hm, well, I should search for Yuno. Let's see what the school has to say about her.." Light said, and searched the database. Clicking on her name, he started to read her file.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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From the school files that were on Yuno, it appeared as if she were the perfect student. There was no flaws to be seen in her grades and there happened to be no signs of trouble caused by her within the school. Though, there were some records kept that her parents have not appeared for a usual parent-teacher conference, and that Yuno doesn't seem to talk to much of the other students. Apparently her home address wasn't listed as the broken down house she lived in was supposedly abandoned. In some of her more past records, there was notes from one of her counseling sessions, in which that Yuno claims that her parents were abusing her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"So she's a straight A student, much like myself. Perhaps she might present a challenge after all. And her address isn't the same as the house she's living in. And her parents haven't been seen by the teacher. Let's see, she's a bit antisocial, so that adds up with her stalker obsession to Yuki, and her parents were apparently abusing her. Well, that's pretty much the confirmation. Her parents are dead. And she might have been the cause of death. I guess there abuse might have caused Yuno to snap or something." Light deduced. "Now, her homeroom teacher is.." Light saw her homeroom teacher was named "Takao Hiyama". He clicked on his name. "Hm. Strange.." Light stared at Hiyama's mugshot. His mind clicked. "Yes, that's it! this man is the serial killer I saw earlier. I was only able to see his eyes and hair, but I can tell it's him, it definitely matches up. With Yuno and Yuki's homeroom teacher out of the picture, I can swoop in and take his place as a replacement." Light grinned. "Everything is falling into place. Now, before I do that, let me check the student records." Light said, and opened a new tab. Typing in the URL, he was sent to the records. He hit "show all" and then set it to order from who had been in the school the longest, to the shortest. Those who would be there the longest would be ruled out, while the shortest would be the prime suspects as the suspected bomber. He scrolled down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As the list continued on and on, there was one new name that happened to be added only a few days ago. Natsuko Ooshima, it read. It was clearly a girl's name, but it was rather strange that the name was registered some time after the recent bombings of another school. There could be chances that this could be the bombing terrorist in an attempt to infiltrate the school tomorrow. There was only the description of Natsuko was that she is some "transfer student." This could even be an alias if this really was the terrorist trying to sneak into the school with this information.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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(Time skip later in the post.)
"This is my best bet. She has no mugshot, or information. And where exactly did she transfer from? when I take attendance, I'll make the excuse tomorrow morning to call her name first because she's a new student. If she has a different name and no lifespan, she's the diary holder I've theorized about." Light said. "Now, to get to work on forging my credentials." Light said. Light had little trouble pulling resources from the web, as there was a Light Yagami that he decided to steal the life from, that lived a similar life as him. Perhaps it was his counterpart on this Earth, lucky for him. He had gone missing, lucky for him, and had all of Light's credentials as a superb student. After a few hours, Light was the new student teacher of the three diary holder's classroom. After that, he had no trouble hacking into the police and FBI databases, and spent most of the night writing down names. Exactly 400 of some of the world's worst criminals had been killed off alone during that night, which would be sure to spark international media and police attention. Hopefully, the kids in his class would talk about it. Light had wiped all trace of access from the computer, so no one would know. Light had also gotten a few hours sleep, so he wouldn't appear tired. Now morning, Ryuk and Light boredly waited at there new desk for the students to come in. They had exactly ten minutes left to themselves. "I killed 400 criminals last night while you were off. That's sure to get everyone's attention." Light told Ryuk. The Death Note was on his desk, but hidden by papers and books so no one would see it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Of course, who wouldn't notice that many people dying?" Ryuk said with a joking voice, expecting that Light would had done that much before this very moment now. Soon, some students began to come in early, just regular students that had nothing to do with the Survival Game or the supposed terrorist. "Did you hear about criminals dying in different places in the world? It was in the news this morning. How many exactly died?" a boy says to the group of students he came in with. "I think it was something like 400? I wonder if there's someone behind it..." a girl mumbles. "But they all died of heart attacks, it's not like a single person was able to do it," another girl adds in to the conversation of the numerous deaths of criminals.

Criminals dying?...the causes of death were all heart attacks...but all happened again and again that it's like someone caused it to happen...is there someone in the Survival Game that could do that?... Yuki thought to himself as he walked into the class, not saying a word to anyone. It was normal though, everyone seemed to know that Yuki didn't like talking to the other students, that he only observed what happens around him. Just like his Future Diary, that only present entries of the future in the perspective of a bystander. Once taking his seat near the back, he checks his phone to see there was no new entries but 13 more text messages from Yuno. Another 13 messages from Yuno...that makes that 40 messages ever since I left her yesterday...it's like I can't leave her attention...but this Survival Game, I'll be killed if I don't pair up with someone...should I really make an alliance with Yuno? he thought as he put the phone away after seeing all of the messages from Yuno, most being almost identical to each other. Nearing the last few minutes before the bell rings, Yuno walks into the room and takes her seat near the front, and strangely, she does not make a single sign of communication with Yuki. Maybe this was a way to keep her "reserved" attitude in class, but it was a huge contrast from her "stalker" behavior towards Yuki. Even if she was silent and waiting for class to start, she seemed to somewhat know of the criminal deaths, her eyes staring over at the group of students discussing about it before turning her attention away from them. It was only then she realized that the teacher was the same person that came up to her house in a request to stay. It's him, from yesterday. Yuno thought, but seemed like she never noticed him in the first place.

Soon, the bell rang, but there was no sign of the "new student" in the classroom. There was mumbles from the other students, as if they knew of the new student's arrival was supposed to be today. In the midst of all of the quiet murmurs, there was a brief mention from one of the students that the new student was in the bathroom, she wasn't really feeling well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Hm, it seems like Ooshima-san isn't feeling well, is that it? very well, before we start class and I formally introduce myself to you all, I shall go see if she is feeling up to going to class today. I may need to phone her parents or guardian. Please excuse me, everyone. Talk among yourselves while I am absent." Light said, standing up. He picked up his pen and Death Note, revealing the note had a black cover over the original of the exact size, to hide the Death Note logo so no one would be suspicious. He had "borrowed" it from Hiyama's things in his desk, which was now Light's. Walking out of the room, Light closed the door behind him. "This decides it.." he muttered to himself. He walked down to the girl's bathroom, and knocked on the door. "excuse me? Ms. Ooshima-san? are you quite alright in there? are you feeling up to going to school today?" Light asked, still knocking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As this was a chance to talk Yuno, Yuki was really considering to befriend her as an ally for the Survival Game. However, he felt too shy to do so, seeing as she was acting differently than she does outside of school. It was like Yuno was acting like this to mask her true feelings inside. Yuki only stayed in his seat, thinking that it would be better to talk with her privately, and that he was too shy himself to do it.
There was no response, as if there were no one there. However, after a few minutes, the door opened to show that the girl was there, her purple hair tied in two pigtails and her purple eyes were gentle. "Sorry if I delayed the class...I don't feel so well..." the girl says, though it was strange how she didn't respond right away as to how she came out a few minutes after Light came and started knocking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light saw it, just as she opened the door, stood there and spoke. Her name was "Minene Uryu" and her lifespan was unknown for the moment. Light was as giddy as a school girl, but restrained himself. "Oh, it's quite alright, Ooshima-san. I don't blame you at all. We all get sick, after all." Light said, with a smile a bit happier than Light should have been. I knew it. Just as I theorized. I win, Uryu. You fell right into my hands. Light thought to himself. "How are you feeling now? do you want me to take you to the nurse, call your parental guardian, or are you feeling well enough to go back to class? it's your choice." Light asked, giving her the options. Either way, I win, Uryu. I just have to figure out how to kill you off. I know Yuno and Yuki and the other holders are aware of the 400 deaths. So, if she dies by a simple heart attack, that links Kira, or whatever they will call me, to her murder, and may link the school to it, in turn putting me under suspicion, being a teacher, and in turn the diary holders will see an extent of this future play out. So, I can either create a second false Kira, and kill her off quickly under that proxy, to distance myself and Kira from the murder, or I simply kill her off by an accidental death when an opportune moment arises. I have to see how this plays out first. Light thought to himself as he waited for her response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I feel a bit better now...so I'll stay for the day," Minene says with a quiet voice, and adds,"Where is the classroom...guessing that you're my homeroom teacher." Though, she felt accomplished inside, as she took an easy time wiring the places with bombs, which were inactive for now. From some notes I found from Hiyama, First and Second should be here... she thought, knowing that First, or Yuki, had killed Third as there is a replacement teacher in his place, such as in this case Light. She only went for the shy girl persona, waiting for the perfect time to meet with First and kill him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Oh! yes, yes of course. I am Light Yagami. I am going to be your homeroom teacher starting now. Hopefully we'll be getting along together, us being both new at this school." Light said, walking back to the classroom with her. "Have you heard of all the strange things going on recently, Ooshima-san? I hear that the former teacher went missing, kind of like he simply disappeared off the face of the Earth. Nobody has been able to find the poor man, hopefully nothing happened to him. And then, topping that, a terrorist bomber seems to be on the run, blowing up schools of all things. Obviously, the bomber must be an unproductive individual, who hates the pursuit of knowledge. I can only think of such a person, as people like that always have some type of self-righteous cause that makes them think hurting innocents is justifiable. I think, instead, if you've been wronged, you should devote yourself to good, honest work against the very people who've wronged you. It's what helps saves the lives of people who actually can be helpful to society. One of the kids who've possibly died in one of those school bombings, could have been the next activist or senator, or perhaps president. But, whatever. don't ask me to understand the likes of selfish, self-centered criminal scum." Light said, subtly insulting Minene with her being able to do nothing about it. "And to top that, over 400 of some of the worst criminal's died in a time frame consistently close to each other. That's pretty scary, and I wonder if it's actually possible someone could have pulled it off, somehow. Maybe it was God. Maybe that's it, God has come to rid the world of it's vile rottenness...Nah!" Light chuckled, it being actual, real laughter because he was giddy over his win. "But seriously. Personally, I hope the people who did the first two things will be brought to justice. But, about the 400 people thing, you have to wonder..isn't the world a bit of a safer place, with them gone? I don't actively support murder, the death sentence is the court's job, but..heck, maybe it's..good? that it happened. If it was God, I'm glad he's made the world a better place, and I, in my humble opinion, would support him, over 200%." Light said with a smile. They stopped in front of the classroom. "Ladies first, Ooshima-san." Light said with a hint of deviousness, and let her go in first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As Minene listened, she seemed rather quiet but kept that guise of a shy innocent girl on her face. Her inner thoughts were full of hate and insult as he spoke about how "self-centered" the terrorist appears to be. She kept herself in control, she didn't want to blow her cover, there was no way this teacher would know who she was, even the investigators can't figure out her identity as a terrorist. God is an idea I'm working to crumble apart... she thought once the 400 criminals were mentioned, and she knew at least one person had to pull killing that many people. She couldn't help but think that the person responsible might be a diary holder too. By the time they got to the classroom door, Minene politely spoke,"Thank you."

The door to the classroom opened, the students turned to see their new "student," who basically stood out because of the dress she wore. Yuki noticed that Yuno seemed to know this new girl, her eyes narrowing down for a split second before returning to that bored gaze. Why did Yuno look at her that way?...does she know her? Yuki asked to himself within his thoughts, wondering if it was just Yuno's tendency to keep Yuki to herself or maybe, just maybe, this new girl had some involvement in the Survival Game.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Now then, I believe I promised an introduction, and I will keep it." Light said, and made his his way to the front of the class after shutting the door. "I am Light Yagami, your student teacher. I will be taking the place of Takao Hiyama, who seems to have disappeared without a trace. Now, I am unsure if any of you were fond of him, but he possibly, and I say this with uncertainty within me, might be trying to live a new life. Perhaps his personal life put too much pressure on him. But, he is gone, so twiddling our thumbs will do nothing. We must move on. Allow me to to you about myself. I am an honor student who is taking a special, long-term vacation of sorts. Teaching may sound unorthodox for a vacation, but I believe the hard working triumph over the lazy. I am a newcomer to the city, I have never been here before. I live around Tokyo in the Kanto region, so excuse my.."newbie" status, I believe is the term? and don't hesitate to correct me if I get something wrong. I hope we can all get along together." Light smiled. "Now, does anyone have any questions to ask about me? do not be shy, I do not bite."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"What kind of career are you going for?" out of all of the small chatter of the class, Yuno speaks up with a straightforward tone. She knew that Light came to her house yesterday, consulting with herself if it was just mere coincidence. It sounds like she's trying to say some question like that...that's kinda reflects on the future. I'm not sure, maybe I'm overthinking and it's a normal question. he thought, watching attentively like the bystander he was.
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