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"Ah, a wonderful question, I hear you are a star student as well." Light said with a smile. "Well, teaching seems like a good job, but I've always felt like I could do so much more for myself, as well as society. I have very little trouble with school work, and have always strived for perfection in everything I do. Not to toot my own horn, but I have been told I am in the top five in the entire country. I suppose...a job that lets me punish crminals at my discretion, would be ideal for myself. I despise criminals with a passion. No man is perfect, but no man has a reason to turn to it. Rapists, terrorists, serial killers..I would love to have a job that allows me to catch and expose these people to the blinding light of justice. Then inherently rotten shall, and will be punished for there misdeeds to the innocent. Just like the sudden elimination of the 400 criminals. I suppose, when I get older and out of college, I could try to work towards a job as a rookie detective. And, that's about it. Anyone else?" Light asked.
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It seemed like no one else had any more questions. Just like how she was in the beginning of the class, Yuno appeared to be calm and collected, but Yuki knew it was some kind of mask since he's seen a bit of her true side yesterday. Yuki glances at the clock, he was that anxious to get a chance to talk to Yuno.
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"Very good. And in the future, I'm sure we'll get to know each other better." Light said, and went and sat down at his desk. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. It's not something a normal teacher would do, but I was young once too, so I know what it's like. We're not over schedule, quite a bit early, just under the mark. So, here's what I will give you. Fifteen minutes. Everyone in this class, has exactly fifteen minutes to do whatever they want, within reason. I will allow you to use your phones in class during that time, but please try to keep chatter to your inside voices. So, you can talk to a friend, go to the bathroom, finish homework you didn't do for some reason, call someone, take a quick nap, but it has to be something within reason, in the school. This is so you get all of that out of your system. And that starts right now. Do as you like, right now." Light said. And then, his attention shifted from the class to his Death Note. He opened it up, picked up and pushed his pen, and pulled out four sheets of regular paper, which had criminals names on the fronts and backs. He had managed to fit 130 names on the 4 sheets of paper. Light started to copy from the papers to the Death Note. And, just like yesterday, criminals suddenly started having heart attacks.
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Maybe I could talk to Yuno now! I need to make sure she's on my side...I'll die if I don't make an alliance in this Survival Game...but can I really go and kill someone for the sake of surviving?... Yuki thought to himself, not wanting to wait any longer. However, he looked up and noticed that Yuno had got up from her seat and walked over to his desk, holding her binder full of her school work. "Yuki, can I help you something? I heard that you had some trouble with math," Yuno says with a slight smile, a hidden way of her saying "Need help with the Survival Game?" could be easily noticed by Yuki. That smile was definitely out of Yuno's calm and reserved character. "Oh, yeah. Er, the homework was confusing," he nodded, feeling like he rushed his speech but he knew that Yuno could tell it was an agreement for an alliance. Yuno took out her phone, as she usually puts her school notes in there. In that slight split-second, Yuno skimmed a bit through the Future Diary entries, and sees something a bit out of place. Though, she went straight to the note section of her phone, beginning to explain to Yuki how the math problems should be done. After class...Yuki will run into that new girl in the hallway, and question him...that's what the new entry says...I don't want Yuki to talk to this girl, he's mine...Yuki's mine...but, why would she suddenly ask him questions? Yuno thought as she continued tutoring Yuki, keeping that innocent expression on her face.
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(You can do a time skip to after class, if you want.)
"Twelve more minutes, class." Light said lightly, engrossed in writing in the Death Note, not even having to look up at the clock to see what time it was. He had 65 more names to write. I have to keep a close eye on the diary holders, and make sure they don't kill Minene themselves otherwise I can't get her diary. Especially Minene, after class I should check to see if she planted any bombs around the school. Though, I haven't seen her diary yet. Well, obviously she had to have brought it with her otherwise she probably wouldn't get out alive, which she won't. Light thought to himself, continuing to write names.
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Soon the bell rang once time had passed. "Oh, we could continue this later Yuki~. Like...at lunch, I have to go to PE," Yuno smiled to him as she got her thing gathered, and then left towards the gym at the other side of the school. Yuki only gave her a slight wave before leaving the classroom himself, into a hallway. "...you're Yukiteru Amano...right?" Minene comes out of the classroom and catches up to him,"Can you help me find my next class? Here's my schedule." Yuki didn't see this as abnormal, glancing at the schedule. "Hey, that's actually my next class too. We could walk there together," he said casually, not realizing that it was odd that Minene had came up to him out of all of the students. "Oh, alright....have you heard about the past homeroom teacher's disapperance?...it's weird how he disappeared out of the blue, he had special interests in you as a student the day before he disappeared...well, that was what the school had told me before attending today," Minene nodded, and then her voice became low as she continued,"It's weird too that a certain serial killer out hunting down school girls disappeared too, witness reports claim that the serial killer always wore a gas mask." the way she said it, her quiet voice with a hint of malice, it started to unsettle Yuki's thoughts. Wait...that serial killer was Third, the person I killed yesterday...is she trying to put a connection towards Hiyama and the killer...no, the reason she would be asking this is... Yuki thought as he began to unnerved by this girl, a sting of panic was growing in his thoughts. "Is there something wrong?...you're all nervous," Minene asked, she stopped walking as Yuki had froze in place. Gotcha... she thought with a slight smirk on her face as she reached for her pocket. "Is it because...you're the First?" Minene grinned as she pulled out a knife and sprinted towards him, but heard someone behind her and she ducked out of the way, leaning herself to a wall full of windows. Yuki had stepped back once Minene went for the kill, but felt somewhat relieved when Yuno had interrupted the kill, having a fire extinguisher in her hands as she attempted to knock Minene out cold with it. "...lucky you First, but wait until you get eliminated from this game by a blast!" Minene wasn't frustrated at all, and jumped out of a window and made her way quickly to the center of the school's outdoor quad. She immediately got out of her backpack an advanced bomb detonator and attached a wire to her chest while activating the detonator. Right away, she activated three of the implanted bombs, one to explode where Yuno and Yuki were and the two other set in two different classrooms.

"Listen up! This entire school is taken hostage! Try to escape and the bombs will kill you in the spot! Don't even try anything stupid to kill me, I die and this entire school blows up completely!" Minene exclaimed through a megaphone. She had put a wire on her chest, so if she were killed in this situation, the detonator will be notified of her heart stopping, and thus detonating all of the bombs on the school grounds. All of the bombs were motion-sensor, but she could detonate it manually if she needed to. Just to keep track of Yuki's location, unaware that Yuno is also a Diary Holder, she had her phone out to see if he would go anywhere.

When the first bomb went off, Yuno had pushed Yuki out of the hallway and into a random classroom to save themselves from the blast. "So she's a Diary Holder too," Yuno said, confirming her suspicions once the diary entry that said Yuki and Minene would talk occured.
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That classroom had just happened to be there homeroom, and Light was sitting at the desk, and had heard Minene talk over the microphone. "Well, this certainly has turned for the worst. Are you kids quite alright? I heard the explosion. You're damn lucky you made it out of that. That girl, she's the terrorist school bomber on the run they talked about on the news." Light stood up, and shut the door behind them. "There's not a lot of time, so I'll just tell you both straight up. I know about the Future Diary's and the survival game. But I am not a participant, I don't own one. So don't worry about having to kill me or anything like that. I've also known that Minene was the terrorist since yesterday night, that's when I figured it out. And she's also a diary holder. And I also know that Takao was the serial killer, that's why he disappeared. Because his diary broke, right? you've got a pretty good aim, Yukiteru." Light said, crossing his arms. "We have to outwit her, all three of us. And defuse the bombs. If you want to get out of this alive, and take that terrorist down, you have to follow everything I say. Gasai, you're on bomb location duty. As long as we stay in the school and quietly defuse the bombs, she won't suspect a thing. Use your cellphone to call and ask for the FBI bomb squad. If you explain the situation, leaving out the "important" details, they'll give an expert on the line, to tell you what to use to neutralize a bomb. Start with the girls bathroom, and be careful. Remember how she was sick earlier? that was probably a front for bomb planting. Also, tell any students that you see hiding, to go to this classroom, or the Principal's office. I was here since early this morning, so I know certain spots that are safe that she hasn't touched. Yukiteru, you will be at the window distracting Minene, and keeping her calm so she doesn't do anything hasty. Ask for things like her demands, motives, and if any hostages can be released over a reasonable agreement. I have a cellphone, so if I call you, and the caller id shows up as me, answer it when you can." Light sat down. "Now, both of you, get to work. I'll relay instructions from here."
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"Yuki and I can do all of that," Yuno smiled, but then added,"But if you're at least accompanied with another Diary Holder we don't know about, and you betray me and Yuki for that reason, I will kill you." It was definitely creepy on how she said this with that smile. "Go on Yuki~, I know you could do this," she then turns her attention to Yuki, encouraging him to do this. "...Sure," Yuki nodded after a moment of thinking about it, having no doubt that Light was lying, he wasn't a part of this game anyways. If Light kept to his word on helping them out, then they'll outsmart Minene in this hostage situation. By now, Yuno used her phone to call 911 to get a hold of a FBI bomb squad as she silently snuck her way towards the stairs slowly, having checked her Future Diary entries beforehand to know where the closest bombs were at. Yuki took a deep breath and got himself close to the window, crouching down to give him some moments to recollect his calmness.

Minene was confident in this situation that she will get Yuki, the First, dead. She has also knowledge on the 400 criminals dying all over the place, so she took the precaution of making all of the bombs exploding if she died in this attempt to kill Yuki.
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Now, after Yuno disables the bombs that could potentially hurt anyone, that'd be a good time to kill her off. A freak accident could be good. Though, I'm not sure what exactly I could pull off. If I make it an electric shock from her terminal, her phone could short circuit. Hm, if only there was a police officer that could somehow get here. I wonder if there are any police officers in the survival game. If there was, I could use him to my advantage to shoot her when the moment is right. She would let him or her be there because he would be a diary holder too, like Yuki and Yuno. I guess I just have to wait for an opportunity to arise. When I get her phone, I'll use it in a way so that I can still have it, but to help them out. That way, I gain there trust. Light thought to himself, figuring out a way to keep the phone. I think, I might not be able to kill her right now, now that I told those two so much. She might get away, depending on how this plays out. Can't let those two know about the Death Note, after all. Light thought, seeing little options in the situation right now.
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Alright, all I have to do is distract and keep her attention towards me...she wants to kill me anyways... Yuki thought as he took another deep breath before standing up, the broken window had him in plain sight. "Hey! If you get what you want, what are you going to do with the rest of your bombs? Huh?" Yuki called out, hoping this would keep her occupied for Yuno to defuse the bombs. "Does it look like I care if others are killed in the crossfire?...I'm not letting you get away now that I've figured out who you are," Minene only responded with this, seeming like she wanted to get rid of Yuki already from the Survival Game.

Looks like he's somewhere that my bombs aren't implanted...heh, I can get him to move, and I know how to... Minene thought, knowing he wasn't going to move from his spot, and that he might be a distraction since that girl with him was not present. Though, she didn't put much thought towards Yuno due to the lack of knowledge that she was also a Diary Holder and that Yuno wasn't her main target anyways. Minene had her phone out, but seemed to be making a call for some reason. Even so, she kept her attention to the detonator in case she had to manually activate a bomb.
"Alright..." Yuno mumbled as she held her phone to her ear as she was carefully disabling a bomb with the help of a bomb specialist on the other end of her phone. I know Yuki will be fine, my Yukiteru Diary said that he's somewhere that there's no bombs to hurt him... she thought, and once she successfully disabled what is the 4th bomb on the site, she let out another sigh of relief. Though, her phone vibrated as it received a new entry, and she spoke to the person on the other end,"Sorry, hold on for a second." She put the call on hold as she went to see the list of Diary entries, and froze when she saw this. "No..." she mumbled and that was all she was able to say. But...but...I thought they were Yuki's friends. He told me that a few days ago... Yuno thought in terror of the entry's content, in fear for Yuki's sake. She wasn't sure on what to do, since she knew there was some bombs that weren't disabled yet, but...she was beginning to think that she shouldn't do so. No...I shouldn't let them live...anyone that tries to hurt Yuki...they don't deserve to live... Yuno thought as she began to head up back on the second floor to see if she could prevent Yuki from being hurt.
Before Yuki could have anything else to say, three of his other classmates ran up to him and pinned him down. "Hey!...Get off me!" Yuki shouted in shock, wondering what's gotten to them. "Can't do that. That lady managed to get call our classroom's phone and told us that if we were to get out of here alive, we're supposed to bring you over to her," a boy says as they began to drag Yuki towards the stairs that would lead them to the quad, where Minene was waiting.

Minene could see this happen from the window above, and she smirked to herself. I knew they would go for it, it's every man for himself. Once he's down here, I'll kill him on the spot, and as promised, I'll let them go...or not she thought, thinking she's won this battle of the Survival Game. Though, she could hear the police sirens rushing to the gates of the school, she anticipated the police to arrive right away. They wouldn't kill me, they wouldn't risk the other deaths of the hostages... Minene thought to herself in reassurance, and checked her Future Diary just in case she needed to make an escape at any time.
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Yuno should have disabled some of the bombs by now. Hm, strangely I don't hear any talk between Yuki and Minene. Maybe something's happened. I should go check it out. Light thought, and gently stood up, carefully sneaking out of the room. He looked around a bit, and then peaking around a corner he saw, far away, two kids dragging away Yuki. What selfish little bastards, foolishly thinking the can bargain with a serial killer. What did I sacrifice time for, having Yuno go and learn how to disable a bomb of all things. Light thought angrily to himself. Suddenly, he heard police sirens. Light thought about it, what did he care about more? the normal students, Yuno and Yuki, or Minene's death? he knew that at that moment when she saw would first see him, he would be dead. If he used the Death Note, at the school, it could draw suspicion to it. Wait, he had an idea. He knew how to make it look like it was natural, but some of the students could be injured He opened the Death Note, slowly writing down her name. Her cause of Death was accidental. He wrote down the description. "Tired of waiting, to speed it up a bit, she sets off a few bombs, bombs close enough to them to get the students to hurry, and possibly injure a few students, but just enough so who she wants to live to be fine, this includes the diary holders. However, in her haste to do so she fails to notice large piece of rubble collapse and fly towards her and her terminal which she uses to control everything remotely. Smashing into her, the machine is rendered unusable and she is knocked into a coma by severe blunt force trauma to the head, the detonator is unharmed. The police then rush in, and in an attempt to save her rush her to a hospital but the doctors can do little for her and she dies a week later in bed from the injuries." Light finished writing, then shut his book. He started to count down the seconds patiently, and watched Minene from a window where he would not be seen.
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Yuno was about to run down a hallway to catch up to where Yuki would be, which would result with the bombs being set off and blowing up several classrooms full of students in the process, but stopped as her Diary entries changed as something had interfered with the future. Huh?...now it says that Yuki won't be brought to that girl...why did it change? Is there another Diary Holder nearby? she thought as she stopped to think about it, and quickly crouched next to a window to peep at what was happening outside with Minene.
Whatever those kids were doing, it was slightly pissing Minene off. What happens if the police decide to apprehend her right away? Then what happens to her goal towards the chance of becoming god. Well...this better tell them to hurry the fuck up.. she thought as she went to detonate some of the bombs in the said area Yuki is in from what her Diary entries tell her of. Two bombs go off in the hallway behind the two boys and Yuki, but it wasn't really to kill them...it was more like a warning.

"C'mon, I have a feeling she's gonna change her mind soon," one boy says as they pick up their pace down the stairs. Am I really going to die? I can't check my Diary for more entries, because if I live after all of this, they would know of the Future Diary. I don't want to involve anyone else into the Survival Game... Yuki thought in despair, not sure on what would happen to him.

Minene only waits outside, having her knife ready for the kill. Though, she did notice that the students that were kept inside the classrooms and watching outside had a change of expression on their faces. It confused her at first, but then she looked up to see what they were watching exactly. Shit...shit shit shit... she thought in a sudden panic, there was some stone rubble from the "warning" explosions flying towards her. Unable to get out of the way in time, Minene collapsed as soon as the stone rubble had fell blunt on her head, and the terrorist went out cold as blood began to bleed out of the head injury. The detonator, luckily, was unharmed by the "accident." Seeing this as a chance to get the detonator disabled, free the hostages, and take the terrorist in and see if they could interrogate her, the police forced the gates opened and rushed into the scene.

Wait...she...did she just die? Yuki thought as the boys that were going to take him to her let go once they heard the commotion happen. Wanting to make sure, Yuki moved towards the outside quad to see that Minene was on the ground bleeding out, though he couldn't see where her Future Diary was but it didn't matter. By that "accident," Yuki was sure that she wouldn't live, but was this some mistake on Minene's part when she set up the bombs? He couldn't tell why exactly there was some stray rubble to strike her down right on the head.

"Yukii~!! You're alright!" Yuno cries out in happiness as she hugs him from behind, she was relieved that he wasn't harmed at all from this whole situation. Though...it was strange how things played out, Yuno had a feeling that it wasn't some accident as it appeared, but for now she didn't care. It only matters to her that Yuki is safe and sound. That rubble that killed Ninth isn't an accident...another Diary Holder must be here and caused that when that last explosion occurred so it would look like the bombs did it..it has to be... Yuno thought about it for a bit though.
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Light quickly went down the hallway and tried to find the two of them, and then did. "Jesus, that was close. I thought the situation was going to escalate for sure, with her setting those bombs off. Did you see that? that was insane, talk about a freak..accident." Light suddenly put his hands to his face, and sobbed a bit. He wiped away a tear, calming himself. "I'm sorry, it's just..only I can even handle so much. We were so close to her detonating all of those bombs, and blowing us to shreds. It seems like the only thing that saved us, was a misfortune for her, and a lucky break for us." Light concluded. "I'll go talk to the police, you guys should go outside where it's the safest." Light said, and then headed down the stairs and out of the building, towards a couple police officers.
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"Yeah, we'll go somewhere safe. The building might fall on us, the bombs did damage some parts of the school. C'mon Yuki," Yuno says in agreement, bringing Yuki along with her without his response. I still have my doubts on him, Light Yagami. If he knows that we're Diary Holders and about the Survival Game...was he around when we killed Third? Yuno thought as she dragged Yuki towards where the students were be evacuated outside, outside the school. "Yuki, you said you wanted to talk to me about something," she brought this up, remembering Yuki say that when they were working on the math problems during homeroom. "Huh?...oh yeah," Yuki looked confused at first and then remembered what she was talking about.
Several police officers went to disable the detonator from Minene safely, and some distance away, the chief inspector of the police department, Keigo Kurusu, observed what was happening not too far away from the knocked out terrorist. "Since the bombs didn't blow up after she was hit by the rubble, she's not exactly dead, or else countless student could had been seriously injured or even killed. Though, it's safe to say that Minene is also the same person responsible for destroying churches in the past, so the change of pace on targeting schools is abnormal," Keigo explained his thoughts to the other investigators near him. And it's clear that this change of pace was to find First, Yukiteru Amano, shortly after Takao, third, was killed.. he thought as he was also a participant to the Survival Game, the Fourth.
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Light went up and approached the investigators as well as Keigo. Just then, he saw something that made him a bit shocked. Keigo Kurusu. A..diary holder as well, in the police? huh. How very interesting. That's a good change of pace, balancing out the terrorist and stalkers. Light thought to himself. "Um, hi. I'm a new teacher here. Her name was Minene Uryu. I thought it was strange, the first thing I noticed about her, was that for the homeroom, formerly Mr. Takao's, she was the newest in the past couple of days. But she had little to no information on her file, which I found out of the ordinary. Oh, sorry. I didn't name myself. Honor student Light Yagami, now currently holding the spot of teacher, well, student teacher, in Mr. Takao's place. I'm among one of the top five smartest in Japan. I'll cooperate however possible. I suppose as a first hand witness to her, I'll be taken in for questioning, correct?" Light said.
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Keigo turned his attention to Light, listening to what he had to say. From just that alone, he didn't see anything suspicious about Light. "That's correct. In the case that Minene does not speak once we can interrogate her," he nodded, knowing for sure that Minene was not dead,"I'm Keigo Kurusu, the chief Investigator of the Sakurami Police Force." As their conversation continues, an ambulance takes the unconscious Minene away, who would eventually die in a week. "Before we head for the police station, I just need to take in a few more witnesses to see if we could gather some information regarding Minene," he adds, having the thought of finding Yuki and Yuno to make an alliance with them, since he already knew their positions as Diary Holders since Minene had targeted this place.
"Of course we'll be an alliance Yuki, I'll never betray you and I'll protect you," Yuno cheers happily with a low voice since there was students near them, but they were occupied by the incident to not hear Yuno and Yuki. "Yeah, this alliance will keep us alive," Yuki nods, though he didnt want to kill anyone himself. Killing his original homeroom teacher was still haunting him in the inside. Both then hear one of the police officers calling for both of them. Yuki wondered why they needed to be seen, but Yuno only drags him with her towards where Keigo and Light were. "Don't worry Yuki, we're probably just witnesses for questioning, i know it," Yuno silently whispered to Yuki in reassurance.
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"Oh, of course Mr. Keigo sir. I admire the work of law enforcement agents such as yourself immensely, and since I'm around 18 at this time, I'm hoping to focus my studies and life experience around building my mental abilities up, and eventually I would like to work my up to become a great Detective, or "Investigator" in the police and be known to the world one day. Either way, I hope we can work together in the very near future." Light said with a smile. "I'll be waiting patiently, so please when you're ready come and get me." Light added, and then walked off and away from the investigators. Hm, maybe I should consider submitting a resume to the police while I'm at the station. With my type of records, they'd be sure to hire me, and that would be very useful to finding other holders and making a debut of Kira. Light thought to himself. And while he was at it, he could get in good spirits with Keigo.
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Soon, Yuki and Yuno then arrived to where the group of investigators were, and specifically Keigo. Is it me...or did Yuno look at him as if she knows something?... Yuki thought as he noticed that small change in Yuno's expression before she went back to her innocent cheery self. Keigo noticed that the two had come up to him, the two other Diary Holders that he had the thought of making an alliance with for this Survival Game. "Correct me if I am wrong. You're Yukiteru Amano and Yuno Gasai, students in the homeroom of Student Teacher Light Yagami, formerly Takao Hiyama," Keigo decided to greet the two of themlike this. "Oh, that's right. I'm guessing we're being taken in for questioning too?" Yuno nods, doing all of the talking since she knew that Yuki wouldn't really speak up due to his anti-social personality. "Yes, you two happened to make contact with the terrorist before and during the incident," Keigo said, checking his phone, or Future Diary, to see that there wasn't any new entries for him to consider. As he gathered all of the witnesses he needed, Keigo called over to Light,"We're going to head towards the station now."
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"Okay! I'm coming right now," Light waved, quickly running over to the group of three. I wonder what we should tell him..let's see, if he's a diary holder, he should be able to see the future of the other holders around him just as much as those two do. Would there be a reason to let him know that I know he is one, or let him know I know they're also diary holders? that would really just draw suspicion on me, as he probably has none for me right now. I guess if he or those two bring it up, it wouldn't really be much of a choice for me to say it. Light thought to himself as they all walked to Keigo's police vehicle together.
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The car they were going to use unlocked itself as Keigo had pressed the "unlock" button that was with his car keys, and let everyone take a seat in the car's passenger seats. Keigo then got into the driver's seat and started up the car, and closed the door. "It must be sudden for this happen for you," Keigo decided to start a conversation so it wouldn't be so silent during their drive. "Well, it's great to know that the terrorist is caught and no longer running around. If she harmed Yuki, I wouldn't know what to do without him," Yuno said with an innocent voice, acting as if Yuki was everything for her when she was actually his stalker. Is she really in love with me?...or is that her way of ensuring her victory for the Survival Game... Yuki thought, knowing that Yuno was just hiding her "true" personality, especially after seeing her actions before Third's death.
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