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"Oh yeah, I agree. Though, it doesn't seem like things will be letting up any time soon. We still have no idea what happened to Mr. Takao, and it seems that, strangely, criminals all over the world are dying of heat attacks. What was it, 400 reported deaths? that's pretty scary to think about. What could have caused something like that, in your professional opinion, Inspector Keigo? my mind just keeps drawing up blanks for a logical explanation. It couldn't have been just some one person, it had to be some type of organized effort or...something. it's just..almost ludicrous to even believe, and yet it happened." Light said, almost in disbelief about the 400 deaths. Now, let's see what he thinks about the whole thing. Would this man think the same as L would? or is he just some average cop? Light thought to himself, deciding to try and understand Keigo's mindset.
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"So you've heard of that. It's something I haven't seen occur before, and I know how serious the case is when it's happening all around the world. 400 criminals, that's a big number to happen in the course of a single day, and the most mysterious part is that they all die of heart attacks regardless of good health. There has to be a cause for it, an organized operation to achieve that many deaths with the same cause of death. Clearly if it were an organized operation, they all have the same goal in mind, judging what they consider evil, and who's to say if this would occur again in greater numbers. There are chances that these deaths will gain supporters and also gain opposers," Keigo spoke his opinion of the numerous amounts of deaths of criminals. Indeed, it felt impossible for that many people to die in under 24 hours, so in logical sense, it would be most likely a largely organized group that had planned ahead of time to pull this off. "It is scary to think about it, so many people dying, but seeing how it all happened," Yuno speaks up, being quite unpredictable that she sorta just jumped into this conversation,"...what if it was only one person behind it all?" Is Yuno trying to put this whole criminal's dying everywhere incident in connection with the Survival Game?...or is she trying to... Yuki thought, a little lost on what Yuno was saying. Sometimes Yuno did seem a little off, but this time she wasn't really talking about Yuki this time. In all of that hidden obsession and possible insanity, did Yuno really have some intelligence in her? "That sounds far-fetched Yuno, I mean...it seems more logical if a group of people are responsible for the deaths," Yuki said to see what Yuno had to say to support her "claim" that there was only one person. Yuno only smiled at Yuki, and explained,"If it was only one person Yuki, then the motives are really clear. Someone could have the desire to kill off every criminal, but with the help of others, those others could have different variations of that desire and split off. If it really was an organized group effort, then it would be difficult to work together from different places in the world and kill them in such short time with the same method of death, which is heart attacks. Someone could screw up and kill them in a different way instead of a heart attack. When working alone for all of those deaths, that single person is only focused on the method of death and their goal, which is killing criminals when the chance comes. That's just my theory~."
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"That's pretty solid thinking, Yuno. It's no wonder that you get straight A's in class. Still, we'd have to figure out who would want to do something such as this, and what exactly he or she's motives would be. It seems like whoever's done this has yet to introduce there self, so maybe the person is trying to keep he or she's identity hidden. When you think about it, nobody pretty much comes to mind for this sort of thing, so you have to wonder, who is it, and why do it?" Light questioned. "And, why suddenly come out of the blue and do something like this? it's strange this hasn't ever happened before if someone has the power to do something like this." Light said, scratching his head. "And not even covering it up, either."
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"Maybe by how the deaths are arranged, this person is like...demonstrating to the world that he or she could kill off this many people, or like a huge warning that he or she will kill more people for the sake of justice. It's the most obvious mindset I could think of for this person killing off criminals like flies," Yuno said, having some concrete opinions on the deaths of criminals. Yuki didn't know what to say, so he just stayed quiet. though, he did feel like Yuno was doing the majority of the talking, making him feel like he hasn't done much on his own. "It's impressive that you could think of these thoughts without a problem. Maybe you would be a great addition as an investigator in the future," Keigo acknowledged Yuno's intelligence, pulling the car over to the parking lot near the police station. "Oh, I would like to, but then I wont have enough time to spend with Yuki," Yuno smiled, thus bringing up her huge liking towards Yuki.
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"Well, that went by quite quick," Light noted as he stepped out of the vehicle and shut the door. Light quietly stretched. Going on ahead, Light went inside the police station and sat down at a chair. It was quite busy, as he could hear in the background. It reminded him of when he was just starting out as Kira. Back then, he was still gaining L's trust. It was strange, how similar this world was to his, with the whole Future Diary's. Was this world supposed to be a similar parallel to his, or was it simply a coincidence? that was probably it. Light sat back, patiently waiting. Yuki and Yuno would probably go first, or maybe they would each go separately, one at a time. He wasn't sure.
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As soon as everyone got inside the building, Keigo said,"Yukiteru, you'll be first for questioning." I guess...maybe because I was the only one that Minene wanted to kill...but...if he goes with that...doesn't that make him someone participating in the Survival Game? Yuki thought to himself, thinking that it would be fine to go first, but before he could respond, Yuno grabbed tightly on his arm. "Can we both go together?" Yuno asked, she wasn't going to let him go with this on his own, and Yuki could tell that Yuno was thinking the same thing about Keigo. "It's fine Yuno...it's nothing too serious..." Yuki tried to reassure her, but those words weren't enough to convince her. "But Yuki~!!! I-" Yuno protested, but was cut short as Yuki gave her a kiss straight on the lips. After a few seconds, he drew away from her, and then sighed,"It's going to be fine Yuno, just hang in there." Great...now I just kissed my stalker... Yuki thought in displeasure, seeing that Yuno was blushing a lot. "O-oh...okay Yuki," Yuno nodded, and then took a seat while Yuki followed Keigo into one of the interrogation rooms. He kissed me! Yuki kissed me~!! That means I'm getting closer to finally getting him to love me back! Yuno thought with a smile, the light blush still on her face. She wasn't that far from seating near Light, and she took out her cell phone. Considering that her Future Diary tells her everything that happens to Yuki, it was like she was actually watching over the interrogation as she kept a good look over her entries to see what Yuki was being questioned for.
"I can tell you and Yuno happen to know each other very well," Keigo spoke as both of them took a seat in the room, remarking the kiss shared between Yuki and Yuno. It's not like I had any choice... Yuki thought to himself, knowing that Yuno was just a stalker he had to make an alliance with. "Yeah, she's a handful," Yuki tried his best to muster up a fake smile. It was then Keigo took a file folder but didn't open it just yet. "When the terrorist, Minene Uryu, infiltrated and took the school hostage, I could hear from the other students that she was asking for your life in exchange for everyone being set free. Is that correct?" Keigo asked. Sure, that was what happened, but to anyone unaware of the Survival Game, it was strange how Yuki was the one that Minene wanted. "Yeah...when two of my classmates were trying to hand me over, I could hear them say there was this condition for me to be brought over to her..." Yuki nodded, having a feeling that he would be questioned about either why Minene wanted to get a hold of him...or if it related to the Survival Game. "Hm...then there is no doubt about it. Don't worry Yukiteru, I've made sure that this interrogation session is not recorded or taped...because we both happen to be in the Survival Game," Keigo says to reassure Yuki that he wasn't planning to kill him, opening the file folders to show pictures of Yuki, Yuno, Takao, and also Minene,"I know you must feel very uncomfortable about this, that I could betray, but I have no intention about it. All I have as high aims for this game is to take out the more dangerous participants before they cause real harm. From this interrogation session, I am planning for an alliance amongst myself, you, and Yuno Gasai. But seeing that I have to question your homeroom teacher as well, I had to talk to you individually so it wouldn't appear strange." I knew it!...whew, this guy doesn't seem to have any bad intentions or any sign that he would kill anyone off in order to win...it would be really useful to have an investigator on our side for the game to survive! Yuki thought, relieved mentally that this would become an alliance. "I don't really see a problem with this...hopefully Yuno doesn't seem to object this idea, I did make an alliance with her already," Yuki nodded, agreeing with this idea. Putting away the file folder that had all of the pictures of the known Diary Holders that Keigo knew about, Keigo then replied back,"Then I would like to tell you of a plan I had in mind, or just a way to lure out the other Diary Holders that could be dangerous. For tomorrow, you and Yuno would have to spend the majority of the day at a local amusement park, just act as it were a date or something normal. Since you've managed to dodge your Dead End flag with your encounter with Minene, it could lure out some of the Diary Holders so we could identify them later on." Sounds risky...and that I have to spend an entire day with Yuno.. Yuki thought about this.
Yuno only sat there, staring at the diary entries. So that guy is actually a Diary Holder too...he's lucky that he doesn't want to kill off my Yuki...I think I'm fine with this alliance...but only one person wins...so it's possible that he'll betray me and my Yuki.... she thought as she was basically reading the entries on Yuki's interrogation. At the same time she noticed a new entry that was due to happen on July 28th. Yuki comes together with Yuno!...A...a happy end!?!! Yuno thought to herself in excitement, being able to contain her happiness inside with a calm and collected smile. She knew this wasn't the place to exclaim her happiness..not yet. Though, for a split second, she glanced at Light, the man that she saw knock at her door yesterday, the man who was her homeroom teacher for today, the man who knows about their connection to the Survival Game. As if it never happened, Yuno returned her attention to her Future Diary, absolutely excited for her "Happy End" to come true.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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After they had all settled in, Light was silently writing down names in his Death Note, trying not to draw unwanted attention to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yuno cast a gaze towards him, just for a moment. She had her phone out, so it was obvious she was looking at her Diary. He never really knew what type of futures you could get from them, so he could only guess. Why did she look at me like that? I wonder if she saw something.. Light thought to himself. "So, Yuno. Have you ever thought what type of job you want?" Light asked suddenly, not looking up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh...I'm not sure," Yuno said as she exited out of the Diary entries as Light had asked her something. "It's a hard choice...but when I do set out for something, I'll know," she said, describing how she didn't have any plans for the future for herself specifically. If she had a future planned out for herself, Yuno wouldn't do it unless it were with Yuki. With the addition of being in the Survival Game, Yuno didn't really worry about her future...she only wanted it to be secure with Yuki, which is why her Future Diary only shows entries regarding on Yuki all of the time. As if a new entry would appear, Yuno went to check the entries on her Diary again to see that Yuki figured out about Keigo's Future Diary. A Future Diary that predicts future crimes in Sakurami...maybe it can be best to ally with him, and then make him go away if he tries to harm Yuki, Yuno thought to herself, looking over that entry immediately one more time before putting her phone away. A few moments after Yuno had put away the Diary, Yuki walked out with Keigo from the interrogation room. "Yuno Gasai, please head this way," Keigo said, with Yuno getting up from her seat and walking into the interrogation room.

By the time the door to the room closed, Yuki calmly sat down, a little reassured about their alliance with Keigo. Even if Yuno happened to know because of her Future Diary, he knew that she will agree with it because of the plan to lure out the other Holders was like a date for her. He also noticed Light wasn't that far from where he was sitting. I'm not sure how much Yuno thinks of this...but I kinda have curiosity on how he knows... Yuki thought, hoping he would get some hint. They were basically at a police station where some could hear them. "About what you said when...it all happened," Yuki began, referencing to when Minene's bombings happened,"How much do you know?" Yuki made sure to use a lower voice for the last part, the question on whether or not how Light knew about the Survival Game.
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"About as much as you do, Yuki." Light said casually. "I'm glad we finally have time to talk like this, just you and me." Light said, and then shut his Death Note. "You know, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I notice how strange Yuno is. Her stalker tendencies, and strange affection to you. I happened to be around the same area, when you were running away from her, or something. I followed Yuno because I thought something bad had happened. I watched the whole thing between you guys and Takao." Light said. "I saw the whole thing, sorry I didn't help but I really couldn't do much when I knew nothing about what was going on. I heard Yuno's speech about it, so I don't know anymore then you do. Only she knows the whole story if she talked about it with that..Deus God or whatever. Then, I happened to run into her again when i was looking for a place to stay, and I picked a house off a newspaper. I found Yuno's house. It's rundown, the power has clearly been shut off or lights have all been turned off, and not kept up on. She was alone, by herself. I told her to reference her parents to me, but she hasn't brought it up to me since yesterday evening. When I was reading about Takao and his homeroom, I learned that her parents never showed up to a parent teacher conference, ever. And then, there is the fact that she told me if I had some sort of secret agenda with a diary holder, she would kill me. That's really all I know about the whole Diary Holder survival game thing. I'm not a player, but I sure as hell am not letting Yuno run around and kill people just because she wants to protect you. She'll hurt anyone if they present the slightest threat to you in any way, Yuki. If I were you, I'd keep her away from anyone you consider a friend or very close. But that's just all my person thoughts and advice, of course." Light said, and kept his voice low through the whole thing.
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"Her behavior is really unsettling, I'm not sure why she's so obsessed over me, I never really talked to her until the day before I learned of the Game. I'm not even sure if she knows I'm talking to you right now, her Future Diary allows her to know everything about me that happens in the future," Yuki whispered, obviously not sure on Yuno's character. Heck, he still felt hestitant to ally with her, but he also didn't want to be killed himself. he had no intention on winning the survival game. From Light's input on his encounter at Yuno's house, it was adding to the creepy factor that Yuno's parents aren't around. Yuki just hoped she didnt so anything to her parents that caused them to be gone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Yes, it's really quite troubling. It's kind of like a "Big Brother is watching you" type of deal, if you know what I mean." Light whispered to Yuki, getting the fact that a certain someone could be listening in on the conversation. "You know, we could do something. Remember Minene's diary? well, I never saw it get damaged, did you? and she's only in a coma right now, probably. If we can figure out where it is and get her diary, I could have your back if something goes wrong. It'd be worth a shot, at least. And if she doesn't recover, I could take her place." Light suggested, still whispering.
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It was a little risky, since Yuki was unsure if they searched through Minene's things before bringing her in, but it was certainly a chance not to waste if it were really possible. Though, seeing how Yuno's Diary was specifically focused on him, Yuki knew that Minene's Diary would have some gimmick to it. "I guess...maybe it would be helpful, I don't remember hearing Yuno say anything about an ownership of a Diary, so only way to find out..." Yuki finally responded quietly after thinking about it. He knew Yuno probably knew at this point, if she checks her entries while being interrogated by Keigo. Yuki knew that Minene's Diary couldn't had been damaged, or else she would had disappeared, so there was a chance her Diary was somewhere around still.
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"If they haven't taken it from her already, that means it's still on her person at the hospital they took her too. Her diary wouldn't be displaying any new entries, so even if they did they'll think it's just an ordinary cellphone she had with her. I've heard pretty much everyone in this city has a cellphone so it's not uncommon or anything. But, what I should be really focusing on is what I should tell Keigo when it's my turn. Do I tell him I know, or do I not? after all he is a cop, so he's the most law-abiding diary holder I think we've met yet. I'm not sure if this is the right time to tell him I know." Light said, unsure.
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"I think it's better if you don't say anything about it, you're not a part of the Survival Game, so he wouldn't put mind towards you when it comes to the Game," Yuki suggested, thinking that Keigo wouldn't know as Light wasn't a Diary Holder, and that if he knew, there would be chances that he would keep Minene's Diary kept safe until either she recovers or dies. "So, if you manage to actually get a hold of her Diary..." Yuki said, but was uncertain because that would mean that Light would become a participant in the Survival Game. All that Yuki wanted in this whole mess was to live normally and survive, and that also meant getting people that didn't need to be in the mix to be involved.
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"Hey, don't worry about it. You're just a kid, If I know something like this there's no way I would let you guys go it alone. Even if it means putting myself in harms way, as your teacher, I will make sure you guys are safe without fail. Don't put yourself on the spot like that always." Light said, reassuring Yuki that it wasn't his concern. "If someone puts there life on the line to help you, it means they know what they are getting into. And, whether we like it or not I think in some strange and bizarre way, I think Yuno is in that same camp with us." Light said, sitting back, satisfied with his explanation.
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Maybe I am over thinking it through...I know I can't do everything on my own...so I'm startin to understand what Light's trying to point out here... Yuki thought, realizing that he's been extra cautious and paranoid ever since his phone became a Future Diary. If Light was willing to get himself in this situation, Yuki now wouldn't prevent him from doing so. "Yeah, I haven't been thinking well ever since I found out," Yuki said, situating himself from all of the fears and worries he had for this Survival Game.

At that moment, the door opened as Yuno walked out. She kept that "innocence" on her face, immediately sitting next to Yuki. "Yuki! It's finally some time together!" Yuno said happily as she hugged his arm. It seemed as if she hasn't checked her phone, but at some point, she would see what Yuki's been up to while she was in the interrogation. "Light, last but not least," Keigo said, seeing that Light was the last one from this group. He's just a normal student teacher, so I know it's logical to think that he has nothing to do with this Survival Game, with the exception that Minene happened to get him in the crossfire. There is some other possibilities, but those are with very low chances... Keigo thought as he waited for Light to walk in.
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"Right, sir. Coming," Light nodded to Yuki, and stood up from his seat. He kept his Death Note with him. Luckily the fake cover had still been working so nobody would take notice. Hopefully, no one would ask WHY he had carried it with him all this way. But, he didn't think Yuki or Yuno noticed, or even anyone for that matter, so it wasn't that big of a deal for now. Light walked inside and Keigo shut the door beside him as he did. Light sat down. It would pretty much be a standard "what exactly happened, what did you see" sort of deal, so there wouldn't be any hard hitting questions he'd have to lie about. What really was on his mind was Minene's phone. He decided he would indirectly ask about her, so he could know the situation. Light waited patiently, having his plan all laid out for him.
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As soon as the door was closed and that Light was seated, Keigo took his seat, he knew that this would be somewhat of a normal interrogation. He knew already that he wouldn't get much from this as his Future Diary had already filled him in with the majority of the events of Minene's infiltration at the school before it happened, and that Minene wouldn't be much of a problem in the Survival Game from this point onwards. The only reason to bring Lght in so it wouldn't seem strange by bringing only Yuki and Yuno. "I've heard that the terrorist happened to pose a student in your homeroom, was there any strange behavior from her before it all happened?" Keigo asked, seeing that Light was a homeroom teacher that Minene happened to a fake student within. He already knew the answer to this thanks to his Future Diary, but it was the necessary question for an average interrogation.
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"Well, it was only matter of confirming that, as I had happened to catch that schools were being attacked recently. I happened to have joined the staff at the time of Takao-san's disappearance, so it sort of just clicked that she would've tried to sneak in, in order to get a good look at the school. So, I found out that in my class, that she was the newest student that joined. She had pretty much nothing on her record, nothing even that would be average or unremarkable. So, I listed her as a prime suspect. It all fit together, but it would've been just conjecture if it wasn't for what she did this morning. She claimed she was sick, but she didn't look like she was pale, or really had anything wrong with her, never any specified any ailment either. She took awhile in the bathroom, which made me even more suspicious. Then, after awhile when my class was done, she pretty much confirmed my suspicions, and that's when the situation began." Light said.
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"So she happened to hack into the school's database in order to infiltrate as a student. It's clear that she's also responsible for those three other school bombings recently, with the fact that she's also bombed churches in her past criminal history. From what we have so far in this investigation, it seems as if she had a certain intent to kill a specific student within the school, and that both she and this student was in your class before it happened. Did you see any interaction between the two?" Keigo asked. It was clear that he was regarding towards Yuki, Minene's target during the entire bombing.
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