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@FantasyChic - Thank you for keeping us updated! The story will move on, but I'm not one for leaving people behind if I can help it. Any characters that are lagging behind will be moved along with the plot, I want you all apart of the mission!
I'm home and she is finally stable - fever tamed - and is living true to her stubborn nature. She'll be recovering very soon, it was just a sudden scare due to a sudden fever spike and the inconsolable wailing. I'm exhausted, but glad that I have the next couple days off.
I'm home now, and gradually working through my hacker, just been a stressful night and day, haha. Some writing time will provide a wonderful distraction.
He is, no worries. He actually just went to bed, I believe he has been giving some courtesy time to Doom so he can catch up the current events. I just came home myself from the hospital with my niece. Just give him tomorrow at least. c:
Fantastic; figured I'd post in the ooc to announce my official status whilst I compose my character.
Going to be providing a hacker - yay.
@Hellis - Looking forward to it!
The Sentbros need to come back. - ^-

Getting out to go shopping for lovey-dovey shit. Be back later. Cheers lovelies. β™₯
@FantasyChic - All is well, no worries. Though I'm in the process of a collaboration, I won't be moving the story along until Monday or Tuesday at least, I have those days off, so I'll have the time available.

I'm not wanting to terribly rush the story along, considering a sizable chunk of players are presumably preoccupied. Ah well. I'm getting on that today.

Is three a good chunk? I don't know, I gain new SOLDIERS and then I lose some. What a literary world!

Kind of want to wait for the first battle : kind of want to post for Ytone again. Wonder who else she can piss off.
Ah well. I'll be away for tomorrow, so anything from the sadomasochist won't be until later in the weekend.

Cheers! β™₯
No worries on my end, just a busy work week. As it stands, I'm off tomorrow but this will become my rest day where I ignore anyone and everyone else, besides from going out to see Deadpool with my significant other. Being scheduled Sunday for work hampers our other intentions. Anywho, Thdris will reappear on Saturday at the earliest, considering I'll be off on that day as well.

Cheers! β™₯
@Wade Wilson - Geeze. Just be safe and concentrate on getting better, I can provide summaries of plot movements and posts for when, and if, you need to catch up. Thus far we've just arrived into Mrihl after the battle with the Eagles. Nothing too significant, other than the introductory of the Baron and a new SOLDIER character: Luc.

To the rest: I'll be busy tomorrow, considering that me and my significant other are both scheduled to work Valentines' Day, we're going to see Deadpool tomorrow and spend the entire day ignoring everyone else. It'll be my break considering the hellacious week I've had with work and family matters. I'll return sometime Saturday, or sooner, depending on how the night pans out. Keep those posts in the works, I'm working on a brief collaboration with Luc and Evangeline, and will give a small nudge in the general direction the cast needs, so expect that Saturday or Monday, whichever it falls upon.

- β™₯
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