@Wade Wilson - Geeze. Just be safe and concentrate on getting better, I can provide summaries of plot movements and posts for when, and if, you need to catch up. Thus far we've just arrived into Mrihl after the battle with the Eagles. Nothing too significant, other than the introductory of the Baron and a new SOLDIER character: Luc.
To the rest: I'll be busy tomorrow, considering that me and my significant other are both scheduled to work Valentines' Day, we're going to see Deadpool tomorrow and spend the entire day ignoring everyone else. It'll be my break considering the hellacious week I've had with work and family matters. I'll return sometime Saturday, or sooner, depending on how the night pans out. Keep those posts in the works, I'm working on a brief collaboration with Luc and Evangeline, and will give a small nudge in the general direction the cast needs, so expect that Saturday or Monday, whichever it falls upon.
- β₯