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@Hexaflexagon - Ey, got my vote anyways. First impressions are critical. Hope you been well!
@FantasyChic - Oh, I misread your post! Even better. We'll work on it, no worries about not posting now.
And yes, I don't doubt I'll be running into you more and more through various games.
@icmasticc - Like I stated, I won't go down without a fight. β™₯
I appreciate your words though, I really do!
Such was in the beginning, but I know the attraction and pull of other games and personal lives. These things happen!
Literally just ninja'd in a character. I like it.
@FantasyChic - Again, that's perfectly acceptable, everyone drifted away in their own manners, and I don't blame anyone if they desire to leave. This is your decision to do so, and you have my best wishes with it!
I've been giving some serious thought to Requiem's current state of progression and activity. There is a profound sense of loyalty within you all, but I'm also a bit dejected when I witness certain things. Posts get promised and they sometimes do not happen, some call out that they are still around but nothing comes in results of that. But, despite all that, the current lapse falls onto my shoulders and the fact that some of us have been called away to tend to our own lives. And that's perfectly acceptable! I do not blame anyone. I'm just beyond thrilled and pleased Requiem reached the point it did and you guys helped bring life and reality to my idea and flesh it out into something I adore with everything I am. Maybe I need to construct a better story line and premise that isn't so linear. The curse falls heavily when people leave, or when people drift away. Maybe I need to establish a better method of progression so players don't lag behind and have nothing to post with. I thought I did an okay job at that, but I need better practice, I've seen that here. These things happen though, and I can continue to pump life and blood into this, but my hope is waning along with emotional stability to endure this continuation of seeing my world wither.

So, Requiem is not closed, but my thoughts are drifting to termination. We shall see how the week continues on, as I won't give up so easily just yet, not without trying something. There are a couple collaborations coming, I won't leave those who are trying out to dry.

Much love,
Rockette. β™₯
Ooh themes. Love 'em. I have playlists for my characters, heh.
Working on my codex information regarding Thurginia, Aster, BATW [Biological and Technical Weapons] and some trivia concerning Monika.
@DJAtomika - Just made my day.
Monika is rigid in her athleticism, you kind of have to be wielding a giant, two-handed sword - not to mention her self inflicted regiment. In my head canon, she's a eternal opponent in a spar, going up against her Caladbolg is a form of training and equipment to swordsmanship and her own requirement to constantly improve herself. So, this "Aesthetic Squad" would be familiar with Monika without a doubt, if not already considered apart of it - unwillingly, of course. She'd consider the label childish at best with her strict ideals.

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